- Do I need to repair the seal?
- Repairs with hand tools
- We glue the seal
- We change the elastic of the fridge
- Professional repair
- Care for the rubber seals
Even in the most reliable refrigerator with time, everything can break down. Among the various breakdowns of this device, you can especially highlight the breakage of the rubber in the refrigerator. And you can quite deal with it yourself. From this article you will learn what to do in such a situation, and in particular, than to stick an elastic band in the refrigerator.
to the contents ↑Do I need to repair the seal?
It would seem that an elastic band is such a rubbish thing, but it was not there. It is on the way it adjoins the door that the very operation of the device as a whole depends. If the elastic band has suddenly peeled off or moved off, hot air starts to fall into the refrigerator or freezer. The result is the final breakdown of the refrigerator or freezer. But do not despair so early, repairing the condenser of the refrigerator with your own hands can be easily carried out.
to the contents ↑Repair of tools
This method does not require the replacement of worn parts. This is his plus. It is also worth noting that since you will solve the problem yourself and with the help of improvised materials, the percentage of successful repairs is much lower than if you contact professionals. But material costs are also much lower, which is important.
There are several methods that have become popular even in the Soviet Union, when due to the shortage of some things and materials, it was still not accepted to throw them out. What let's understand the methods of repairing the condenser of the refrigerator with their own hands.
Using boiling water
First remove the elastic from the refrigerator door. This process can be quite difficult. More precisely - there can be 2 ways:
- Modern manufacturers of refrigerators attach this part to the foam, in which case it will be easy to remove it.
- In Soviet units, the elastic band is screwed with nails, it is quite difficult to remove it. Therefore, it is very cautious to remove it, so as not to deform. Otherwise, you will have to buy a new one.
So, let's move on to the processing of the material itself. Everything is extremely simple. It is only necessary to scald with boiling water and leave in hot water until it completely cools. So you can restore the elastic on the refrigerator.
Important! After applying this method, the rubber swells and becomes more suitable for use.
Dry it well and hang it back. After such processing, the part will begin to fit snugly against the door and its tightness will not be disturbed.
Using paper or other tools
This method will only work if the distance from the door does not exceed 2 mm. Therefore, to begin with, it is worthwhile to measure these deviations( this is important).
After this, you can take a piece of paper, cardboard or other similar materials and put it under the place where the elastic band is moving.
Important! Naturally, this method will not solve the problem forever, but it will allow you not to forget about the decoiling rubber for a long time, which means you will gain time.
Change the location of the door
You can try to outweigh the door to the other side. This will help you to hide the damaged rubber band, and use it. Only necessarily prematurely pay attention to the location of furniture in the kitchen. Is it convenient for you to open the door if you change its direction? After all, it may happen that you have outweighed the door, but now you realize that it is inconvenient to open it and you need to change the location of all kitchen furniture.
Important! Still it is worth noting that from this method the result is not 100%, but 50 to 50. So before you do the rearrangement in the kitchen and remove the refrigerator door, keep in mind that everything can fail. In most cases, the result depends on the age of the unit and the degree of deterioration of its components.
to the contents ↑We glue the seal
If the sealer is just a little bit away, then you can simply glue the elastic in the refrigerator at the points of its retreat. The result can be both temporary and durable - it all depends on the glue that you will use.
If it's all right with the elastic, but the door is still loosely snug and in the refrigerator it's unfrozen, then you should pay attention to the door fastener. Perhaps some screws and loops need to be twisted.
Important! If you just need to glue the elastic in the fridge, take any solution for this. For example, glue "88" or the familiar "Moment" is suitable. But silicone for this purpose is better not to take, since it is considered toxic, and food is stored inside the refrigerator.
to the contents ↑Changing the eraser of the refrigerator
But if the cracks appeared on the elastic, it broke or even started to rot, then do not even hesitate to throw it away. In this way, we will understand how to change the elastic on your own in the refrigerator.
The first thing you should pay attention to is the brand of the refrigerator and its manufacturer. After all, each company makes its own individual fastening and each of them has a different rubber band, which is attached differently.
The elastic band can be glued along the door contour and fastened on the screws and can be inserted into a special groove. In such cases, you can change it yourself.
It's worth simply removing the old one and attaching it with the same method that it was fixed before. But you need to be extremely careful not to spoil and deform the new rubber band.
Important! Rubber seals for modern refrigerators can easily be found and purchased in stores and service centers. The problem will arise with old samples of rubber bands for Soviet refrigerators. Such gum in the stores, and even on the Internet can not buy. But there is a way out! Buy a rubber sealer larger than yours and gently trim all excess parts and excess rubber. When the new elastic became similar in shape to your old one, paste it in the same way as it was.
There is an option that the elastic band will be pasted into the refrigerator door. In this case, purely by own strength can not cope, it is worth contacting the service.
to the contents ↑Professional repair
This option is the easiest and the result from it will be 100%.Perhaps you already guessed that it would be about how to repair the elastic on the refrigerator door with the help of a master. He is frightened by many, because you might think that you will have to take the refrigerator out to the workshop, and after the repair, take it from there. It's a delusion. The master from the service will come to you at the appointed time and at home, in a matter of minutes, change the rubber seal on the refrigerator.
Pros of this option:
- You do not need a few hours to understand the model and method of attachment, and then try to remove the rubber seal yourself. The master will come and do it all much faster.
- Also do not have to once again defrost the refrigerator, it will be enough just to pick up some open products from it. Because the work of the master will take a little time and the refrigerator will not have time to defrost yourself.
- Almost all services replace the sealant on the day of treatment. So you do not have to wait a few days and watch the refrigerator gradually defrost due to the passage of air.
- This procedure is absolutely not expensive and is available to anyone.
Important! Before you call the service and order a master, specify the model of your refrigerator and the nature of the breakdown. When you call, you have to specify this data, as well as your address and the time convenient for you to come to the wizard. Be sure, the expert will help to solve your problem.
to the contents ↑Care of rubber seals
In order not to think how to restore the elastic on the refrigerator, you can simply not allow this problem. Prevention is very important, because it is better not to allow damage, rather than then fix it. For this:
- One of the most important causes of breakage of gum is a large number of bacteria on it. Rubber sealers are difficult to wash, but you need to do this at least once a month. You can do this with any detergent or soap solution.
- Also the rubber band should be lubricated, otherwise - a greater threat of drying and cracking. You can do this with the usual vegetable oil, naturally the minus of this option is a very fatty gum. But modern scientists have already invented another method - a special lubricant for rubber seals, which is sold in balonchikah.
- Open the door only by the handle. Some grab for an elastic band, thereby shifting and deforming it. In addition, the rubber remains dirt and additional bacteria from the hands. So take for yourself the rule - to open the refrigerator only with a handle, and then the refrigerator will remain usable for longer.
Now you know all the ways with which you can repair the elastic in the fridge. We hope that we have helped to solve the problem and your home appliances are working properly, without creating unnecessary troubles and inconveniences.