The largest breed of domestic cats

Probably, there are few indifferent people to cats. Someone does not like the soul in these furry creatures, and someone has an allergy to the tailed beggars. Nature endowed cats with good flexibility, reaction and plasticity, and deprived them of their large body size. But in the world there are breeds that exceed even a few dogs by weight several times. Let's carefully study the largest breed of domestic cats.


Kurilian Bobtail Weight up to 7 kg

A short-tailed cat, the home of which is the Kuril Islands of Iturup and Kunashir. He was brought to the "big land" in the 80s of the last century. A feature of the Kurilian Bobtail is the absence of fear of water. But, despite this, the cat does not want to swim. It is a good angler and well tolerates low temperatures. This breed, included in the list of the largest, will be a good choice for the future owner. After all, the Bobtail will become a true friend for him. He is friendly, active and in some aspects of behavior similar to a dog( brings a toy).The weight of the male reaches 6.5-7 kg, females 3-5 kg.


Chartreuse Weight up to 7 kg

This breed was recognized worldwide, except for Great Britain. The islanders believe that Chartreuse is only a short-haired species of the British cat. For the first time the animal was planted in the French city of Chartres, where, in fact, the name of the breed came from. In Germany, Chartreuz was called the Cartesian cat, in honor of the Order of the Monks of the same name. This kind is similar to dogs: cats are strong, muscular, respond to their name, if desired, can learn to bring things. The weight of the male Chartreuse, which occupies 9th place in the top of the largest breeds of domestic cats, is 6-7 kg, females - 4-6 kg.


Pixie Bob Weight up to 7.7 kg

Artificially bred cat breed. The breeders' task was to create a breed that looked like a trot. After several unsuccessful experiments, they succeeded. We crossed domestic cats with wild short-tailed cats. The resulting individual was named Pixie-Bob, which in English means a short-tailed fairy.

The breed, included in the top of the largest cats, was officially registered in 1995.Most felinological systems recognized the Pixie-bean. But there are clubs of cat lovers who refuse to confirm the existence of this breed. In their opinion, it was created in spite of nature. The weight of males reaches 5.5-7.7 kg, females 3-5.5 kg.


Ragdoll Weight up to 9 kg

The name of the breed means "rag doll", as the cat does not resist at all and somehow reacts to any actions with it. It can be ironed, squeezed, laid in any pose.

Was bred by Anne Baker in the 60s of the last century in California. Outwardly resembles a Burmese cat, but Ragdoll has a wider chest, thicker legs, and a massive back of the trunk. This breed, included in the list of the largest in the world, is very much attached to the owner. A cat can not endure long loneliness and can understand human speech, perform elementary commands. The weight of the male reaches 6-9 kg, and the female - 4-6 kg.


Norwegian Forest Cat Weight up to 9.5 kg

Widely distributed in Scandinavian countries. Versions about the origin of the cat are different. But many agree that in the 16th century, Angora cats were brought to Europe, later adapted to the wild conditions of nature. They had tenacious claws to climb trees, they learned to fish. The Norwegian forest cat, considered to be one of the largest breeds in the world, has a sociable character, curiosity, freedom-loving. The size of males reaches 5-9.5 kg, females - from 3.5 to 7 kg.


Turkish van Weight up to 9 kg

This breed of semi-longhaired cats appeared in Turkey, near Lake Van in the Armenian Highlands. It is considered one of the most ancient breeds of domestic cats. Has a muscular and elongated torso. The chest is wide, like a swimmer. A cat, considered a large breed, is very energetic and sociable. He likes to jump and run. Has a nice voice. Wang is not afraid of water, enjoys bathing. It is attached only to one master. Even if there are several people in the house, Van will only give one of them. Weight of males: 6-9 kg. Weight of females: 4-6 kg.


Siberian cat Weight up to 9 kg

For the first time about the Siberian cat, one of the largest house breeds, it is mentioned in the records of the 16th century. Then they were called Bukhara. It is not known exactly who and when he brought the Bukhara cats to Siberia. It is assumed that Russian merchants brought cats to the cold region from the Asian countries, where at that time active trade was conducted.

The Siberian cat has muscular legs and a medium-length body, a voluminous neck, rounded paws and a wide tail. It is characterized by a long growing-up to 5 years. The long and thick coat of the cat protects it from cold, snow and bad weather conditions. Weight of males from 6 to 9 kg, and females from 4 to 7 kg.


British cat Weight up to 10 kg

A breed that receives the bronze rating of the largest domestic cats. Are distinguished by independence. They are also called "a cat for a businessman".Easily suffer prolonged loneliness. Unobtrusive: cats of this breed will never ask for you in your arms or climb. To strangers are treated with caution, usually keep a safe distance of 1-2 meters. Despite their large size, they are flexible and flexible. Good mousetraps."British" unpretentious in food: they need 150-200 grams of meat a day and clean water. They have a squat body with a broad chest and a straight back. The body weight of males is 6-10 kg, and females - 5-7 kg.


Maine Coon Weight up to 15 kg

Maine Coon originated from cats that lived on farms in the northern US state of Maine. Externally similar to raccoons( a powerful tail, a specific color), which is why the second part of the name of the breed is translated as "raccoon".Literally - the Manx raccoon. Cats who took silver in the list of the largest breeds have a friendly and peace-loving disposition. Differ accuracy and high intelligence. They are easy to train and train. The males of this breed can reach impressive sizes. Body weight of the cat is 6-15 kg, females - 5-6 kg.


Savannah Weight up to 20 kg

It is considered not only the largest, but also the most expensive cat in the world. This breed was first brought out in the early 80s of the last century. We crossed the domestic cat and the African serval. The first offspring of Savannah appeared in 1986.Two kittens were born.

Cats of this breed have long legs and body, ears in the form of "bowls" and spotted coat color. They have a high feline IQ , an easygoing character, curiosity and great vitality. Find a common language with other pets. The weight of the largest breed of domestic cats reaches 20 kg.