Many people see stress only in a negative way, because it is an emotional overstrain that can only bring negative emotions. In fact, stress also happens in a positive way. For example, being overly excited before the concert of your favorite race is also stressful, but by no means bad. Thanks to stress in the human body, the hormone adrenaline is produced, which gives strength, removes drowsiness and allows you to work productively. Thus, stress is beneficial and necessary for every person in the world.
Stress develops against a background of internal and external sources. For example, stress can cause a move, a flight to another country, or a loss of self-esteem. Also, stress can be the cause of emotions that a person ignores for a long time and keeps inside himself. Stress can be caused both by another person and by personal thoughts or events.
To deal with stress, the first step is to shift your focus to something else.
This can be a positive event, a trip to a cafe or movie theater, a walk with friends, or an evening with family. At home with friends, you can relax, remember old jokes or watch new ones here on the site. It is important to completely disconnect from the stressful situation, and pay attention to yourself.
It is worth stopping to dwell on the situation, and in most cases, convince that it is not so important. It is worth remembering the old stress, how it worried and frightened, and after a few years it became funny and completely unimportant.

It seems that most of today's problems in a few years will seem like a trifle or a funny joke.
It's important not to hold back your emotions. If the body requires tears, it is worth crying or, on the contrary, laughing uncontrollably. It is important to give yourself a release of your own emotions, even if they are not always positive. So, it will be easier to get through the stressful situation and return to normal life.
The ability to relax is necessary not only in times of stress, but also for its prevention. That is necessary for those who do not know how to relax and always find something to do. It is better to spend the evening in silence with reading or a movie, that later suffer from a stressful situation or inability to control oneself.
It is also worth being more active in everything. You don't need to run cross-country or prove something to the world at the Olympics, just simple walks in the evening park, a trip to a picnic or other interesting activity are enough. It is important that it evokes pleasant emotions and feelings.
People who are stressed should create a schedule for themselves. Healthy sleep, adequate distribution of responsibilities and rest is an excellent prevention of stress. Work is always necessary, but this does not mean that you need to neglect yourself and your health. The body will not say thanks for this
Stress can be unpleasant and it can be beneficial. It is within the power of everyone to do everything so that it is only positively caused stress, in order to please and relax, and it is better to avoid an overabundance of work and negative events. In this case, the body will receive the necessary impetus in its own actions, and stay afloat even in the most nervous situations.