- Where do the white spots on the skin come from?
- How to remove white spots on the skin?
- How to get rid of white spots folk remedies?
- Prevention of "white spots"
White spots on the skin - a fairly common phenomenon in people of different ages. They can testify both to serious illnesses, and not to be the cause of greater fears for one's health. With any malaise, it is best to consult a doctor for detailed diagnosis and treatment. But if you decide to try yourself to understand the cause of light spots on the skin, we offer you this review.
to the contents ↑Where do the white spots on the skin come from?
It is not so difficult to find out why there are white spots on the hands or under the arms on the skin. For example, it might just be a wrongly selected, too tight or cheap lingerie that you're used to wearing all the time. In this case, light spots develop on the skin due to the death of the cells that produce melanin.
More serious reasons are:
- Lishay. In particular, such a variety of it, as a colored or porubic fungus. In itself, this disease is not contagious and does not even exist in the case of a diagnosis of restrictions on staying in public places. But, when exposed to sunlight on the affected areas of the skin, they do not sunbathe, but lighten.
- Vitiligo. This is a more serious problem, the treatment of which should be carried out only by a qualified specialist. It is characterized by disorders in the work of the endocrine and nervous systems. It appears in the form of small white spots on the hands that can gradually grow and change the location - appearing on the hips, abdomen, genitals, and also in such cases, white patches appear in the armpits on the skin. Hair in this case on the affected areas completely lose their color.
- Poikilodermia. Another disease, but directly the skin, which is more cosmetic in nature. In this case, you can observe for yourself how the white spots appear on the skin immediately after exposure to the sun.
Important! The cause of the appearance of light areas on the skin may also be incorrectly selected therapeutic therapy, especially when complex drugs or antibiotics are taken. As a result, the body becomes less resistant to ultraviolet radiation, so sunbathing in this situation or staying out in the open space on sunny days is strongly discouraged.
to the contents ↑How to remove white spots on the skin?
Get a relatively fast result and save it for a long time only after you know exactly the cause of the formation of light spots.
Removal of light spots in the deprivation of
If after the tests you have been diagnosed with an exact diagnosis - pityriasis, you should know that the skin is better in this case to treat in the off-season or in winter. A suitable drug is prescribed by a doctor, usually - this is one of the list below:
- Clotrimazole;
- Lamezil;
- Mifungar.
Important! Standard, the period of therapy takes 2 weeks. To exclude relapse, it is obligatory to lubricate all light areas on the skin and strictly according to the scheme.
Skin treatment for vitiligo
In case all less complex diseases are excluded and there is a suspicion of vitiligo development, the only way out is to consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination. Remember, if you do not respond to such manifestations of the illness in time, it will become chronic and will bother you throughout your life, not only as white spots on your skin.
Complex treatment usually includes:
- External and internal reception of meladinin.
- Direct exposure to ultraviolet light for a period of time.
- Hormonal preparations for correcting the work of the endocrine glands.
- Laser therapy using helium-neon or excimer equipment.
- Phytotherapy, aimed at increasing the sensitivity to light of the skin.
Important! Folk healers recommend for the treatment of this ailment to eat about 300 grams of strawberries every day.
Skin treatment for poikilodermia
Therapeutic measures in this cosmetic disease are not difficult. It is enough to adhere to the correct behavior regarding the sun. Recommendations in this case are as follows:
- Apply sunscreen on the skin, but only high-quality to prevent the problem.
- If you notice light spots on the skin - refuse to visit the solarium and a long stay in the sun.
- Wear lightweight, loosely fitting but closed clothing, if the problem has already manifested itself.
How to get rid of white spots by folk remedies?
To solve such a problem as white spots on the skin on different parts of the body, it is enough only to stabilize the functioning of the cells that produce melanin. For this, some photosensitizers of plant origin are perfectly suitable.
The most popular ones that use as infusions and decoctions for indoor and outdoor use are:
- St. John's wort;
- ammonia is large;
- parsnip sowing;
- duckweed is small.
Important! Another suitable for this purpose is the herbal collection of the following composition:
- Mix in equal parts nettle, plantain( leaves), chamomile, sage.
- Pour dry mass with boiling water.
- Cover and leave for 20-30 minutes
This remedy for light spots on the skin is taken 3 times a day inside and simultaneously lubricates all unsightly areas on the skin. In addition to normalizing the skin, so the broth also helps the overall strengthening of the body, but do not overdo it with dosage and frequency of intake, since any medicine can have the opposite effect.
Phytomedication against white spots
If you are uncomfortable preparing solutions yourself, buy special preparations on a plant basis in the pharmacy. In this case, experts recommend:
- Vitil;
- Vitics;
- Vitasan.
Prevention of "white spots"
To avoid such skin problems, adhere to such rules of behavior in the sun and personal hygiene:
- Sunbathe only at a safe time - up to 11 and after 16, starting from a duration of 15 minutes and gradually increasing.
- Always use protective creams, even if you want to get a dark chocolate shade.
- Correct your diet so that it includes enough zinc, copper and iron.
- Carefully care for yourself and observe a hygiene culture, especially if your body emits a lot of sweat.
Now you know all the reasons why white spots on the skin may appear. In any situation, it is better not to hesitate, but to consult a doctor, and all the more you can not engage in self-medication, so as not to aggravate the situation. Consider our helpful tips to always look beautiful and do not have to deal with skin problems!