Repair technology constantly improve and give us new discoveries, for example, such as fiberglass. The scope of application of this material is very extensive, and the properties are very ambiguous. Is it worth using this material when decorating walls and ceilings, what nuances should be taken into account when choosing and gluing fiberglass, as well as practical recommendations for working with it - in this review from HouseChief.
Read in the article
1 Why do you need a fiberglass "Gossamer", its strengths and weaknesses
2 Varieties of glass non-woven and their purpose
3 Which fiberglass manufacturers should you trust?
3.1 German quality Vitrulan
3.2 Wellton spider web and Oscar glue for fiberglass
3.3 Domestic glass fiber manufacturers
4 Criteria for the selection of fiberglass
5 The technology of gluing fiberglass for painting: all the nuances
5.1 Small master class: how to glue fiberglass on walls for painting
6 Some of the most common questions about the cobweb
6.1 How to paint fiberglass correctly?
6.2 Is it possible to glue the fiberglass on the fiberglass, how to do it?
6.3 Which side can you glue the fiberglass, is there a front side?
6.4 How to glue fiberglass to drywall?
6.5 How much does fiberglass gluing cost: average price per m²
7 What to choose: fiberglass or fiberglass?
8 Honest user reviews: is it worth using fiberglass for painting
9 Summing up: fiberglass and the scope of this material
Why do you need a fiberglass "Gossamer", its strengths and weaknesses
Let's start with the main questions. Fiberglass: what is it, how is it used? Glass cloth is used as a material for rough finishing works. It avoids the appearance of cracks in the finish coating of walls and ceilings.
PHOTO: yohor.ruSpider web is a thin non-woven fabric with powerful reinforcing properties
Essentially, fiberglass is a non-woven fabric made from fiberglass strands. It is sold in meter-wide rolls. There can be 50 or 20 m of this material in a roll. You can find an alternative name: glass non-woven.
PHOTO: remontcap.ruThe density of the fiberglass is relatively low, so it transmits light, and many compare it to a spider web.
For your information! The painting fiberglass "Gossamer", like the fabric, has a seamy side and a front side. They differ in smoothness. The front is smoother, and the back has more bristles for better grip.
The fiberglass can be mounted on any kind of base, it is good for air permeability and prevents the appearance of defects.
Manufacturers claim that hypoallergenic silicate sand is used in the manufacture of fiberglass, which means that it is safe for humans. It is this property of the material that allows it to be used in children's institutions.
Positive qualities of glass non-woven material:
the canvas has good moisture resistance and is suitable for installation in damp rooms;
it does not support combustion;
mold fungi do not take root on silicate filaments;
the material does not accumulate moisture, dirt and dust;
the use of this canvas allows you to reinforce and strengthen the surface of walls, including those subject to vibration;
surfaces treated with fiberglass are resistant to temperature extremes from -40 ° C to + 60 ° C;
the canvas can be painted, putty and wallpaper;
the material is quite elastic, while it weighs very little.
A fly in the ointment on this rich list of benefits is fiber response during installation.
PHOTO: orchardo.ruAlways wear protective equipment for hands, eyes and respiratory system
Varieties of glass non-woven and their purpose
Cloth made of glass threads is used in residential and office premises. Depending on the tasks set, one of three types of painting material density is chosen:
25 g / m² - canvas for finishing ceilings. It is lightweight and super thin, almost does not absorb paint and is able to cope with shallow cracks;
40 g / m² - a universal material that can be used on ceilings and walls with cracking and deterioration, as well as in rooms that are often exposed to vibration;
from 50 g / m² - the dense structure of such a canvas makes it suitable for reinforcing walls in industrial premises with a high vibration load and with significantly deformed surfaces.
For your information! The denser the fiberglass "Gossamer", the higher its price and the greater the consumption of glue during installation.
Which fiberglass manufacturers should you trust?
In hardware stores, you will find a wide variety of materials, including glass fiber. How to choose the best?
PHOTO: the question of choice rests on the cost of the product. This is the wrong approach, since glass fiber for painting with a low price per 1 m² is most often found in Chinese firms that conceively neglect quality control
There are two of the most famous manufacturers whose products will definitely not let you down.
German quality Vitrulan
It is a leading wallpaper manufacturer offering several types of fiberglass. In addition to the usual cobweb in the assortment of this company, you will find fiberglass with a relief structure and tinted canvas.
The company achieved the absence of glass dust when cutting the canvases using a special processing method, and also stepped beyond the traditional types, increasing the density to 300 g / m².
In addition to all this, Vitrulan has released a line of glass wool called "Aqua Plus", which is distinguished by the presence of an adhesive. It is enough just to moisten the wallpaper with water - and they are ready for installation.
PHOTO: img.alicdn.comAll these innovations dictate the sometimes "immodest" price for the products of this manufacturer. For example, Aqua in a roll of 30 m will cost about 11 thousand rubles.
glass canvas Vitrulan
Wellton spider web and Oscar glue for fiberglass
The international corporation Alaxar, which unites manufacturers from Finland, Germany and Sweden, specializes in finishing coatings and products for their installation.
Due to a flexible pricing policy, Alaxar products are more affordable, and the assortment makes it possible to choose the most suitable option. The density of the cobweb is from 200 g / m².
glass canvas Wellton
Users note the excellent performance of products from this manufacturer. The price of the canvas is from 1,500 rubles per roll. But remember: it is imperative to work with the products of this company using protective equipment.
PHOTO: kraskimira.orgThe same manufacturer also produces one of the most reliable adhesives for fiberglass "Gossamer" - "Oscar"
glue "Oscar" for fiberglass
Domestic glass fiber manufacturers
There are Russian companies whose products certainly deserve attention: Isoflex, Germoplast and Technonikol. Their fiberglass under the putty is durable and affordable. Materials from these manufacturers are used not only in finishing works, but also in roof insulation.
Criteria for the selection of fiberglass
When choosing a fiberglass cloth, you need to take into account the characteristics of the base on which you are going to mount it. For ceilings, it is better to choose lightweight canvases of low density, to strengthen dilapidated walls - a material with a higher density.
PHOTO: st51.stblizko.ruThe cost of the material is also an important factor of choice. It is much more profitable to take a universal spider web with a density of 40 g / m²
The technology of gluing fiberglass for painting: all the nuances
Don't be intimidated by the complicated name of this material. It is no more difficult to glue it than wallpaper. You just need to remember about the protective equipment that is absolutely necessary when working with fiberglass. Small, fine and sharp particles can cause severe allergic reactions, especially in people with sensitive skin.
Small master class: how to glue fiberglass on walls for painting
How to glue fiberglass correctly in this small master class:
Description of action
Before gluing the fiberglass, all putty surfaces must be cleaned with sandpaper, and then dust off with a soft brush.
Prepared walls must be coated with a deep penetration primer. Use a formula that prevents mold growth
The canvases must be cut to length. If you are going to paste over the ceiling, make two sections along the length so that the canvas does not peel off under its weight
The glue is applied to the wall. Do not feel sorry for it, the fiberglass is impregnated with a starch composition, in addition, it absorbs glue by itself
Smooth the surface of the canvas with a soft spatula, and then once again cover the surface with a layer of glue right on the surface.
A comment
Mikhail Starostin
Head of the team of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"
Ask a Question
“Do not use PVA for gluing fiberglass, as some video bloggers advise. After some time, the glue will inevitably turn yellow, and this will affect the walls or the ceiling. "
How to glue fiberglass to the ceiling - in this useful video:
Some of the most common questions about the cobweb
In working with this material, the same problems and questions usually arise.
How to paint fiberglass correctly?
The canvas itself is almost transparent, therefore, when you stick it, the entire "ins and outs" of the walls will shine through the material. You will have to paint several times. The cobweb will absorb the first layer of paint, so to obtain an even tone, you will have to apply a second or even a third layer.
PHOTO: stroyka163.ruWait at least 10 hours between painting.
Advice! If you cover the fiberglass with a thin layer of putty, the paint consumption will decrease.
You can use any paint, but water-dispersed, acrylic and latex compositions look especially good on the cobweb.
Is it possible to glue the fiberglass on the fiberglass, how to do it?
What circumstances can lead to the need to glue the fiberglass on the fiberglass? For example, if you reinforced the walls with a cobweb, and then decided to glue glass wallpaper from the same material as well.
In principle, one does not interfere with the other. A thin cobweb can not only be pasted over again, but also putty and even plaster. But be sure to prime the coating before that.
Which side can you glue the fiberglass, is there a front side?
The fiberglass has a front and a seamy side. They are distinguished by the smoothness of the surface. In rolls, the front side is on the outside. The purl has a rougher surface.
How to glue fiberglass to drywall?
The technology for pasting drywall with fiber is no different. It is important to completely remove air bubbles from under the canvas and carefully glue the entire surface.
A thin spider web can be glued with an overlap, and all protruding parts can be easily cut off with a construction knife.
PHOTO: masterdel.ruCanvases should dry in a draft-free room at room temperature
A comment
Mikhail Starostin
Head of the team of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"
Ask a Question
“Considering the rather high price for a special glue for fiberglass, you can replace it with a high-quality composition for heavy wallpaper.”
How much does fiberglass gluing cost: average price per m²
The cost of gluing the walls with fiberglass is approximately equal to the price for 1 m² of the material itself. On average, they ask for such work from 200 rubles per square meter of surface. The price can be higher if you have specific walls or require serious preliminary preparation manipulations.
What to choose: fiberglass or fiberglass?
Glass fiber differs from the cobweb in the way it is made. The spider web is a non-woven pressed material with a chaotic arrangement of threads, and the wallpaper has a clear interweaving of threads, even with a relief pattern.
PHOTO: potolok-exp.ruSuch a relief assumes the use of fiberglass as a topcoat, and the cobweb can become the basis for plastering or painting.
Honest user reviews: is it worth using fiberglass for painting
In fairness, it must be said that not all reviews are unambiguously positive. And, if you are considering the use of this material in your home - be sure to study the "medal" on both sides:
Wellton glass fiber feedback:
Read more on otzovik:
Another review about Wellton glass fiber:
Read more on otzovik:
glass canvas Wellton
Review of fiberglass Mostorg "Gossamer":
Read more on otzovik:
fiberglass Mostorg "Gossamer"
Feedback on Oscar glass canvas:
Read more on otzovik:
painting glass canvas Oscar
painting glass canvas Oscar
As you can see, opinions differ. So it doesn't hurt to ask friends who used this option in their repairs.
Summing up: fiberglass and the scope of this material
So, fiberglass is a modern material, the task of which is to strengthen the surface for finishing. Fiberglass "Gossamer" is used for interior finishing works, for roofing works. This environmentally friendly canvas is used for the manufacture of wall panels and floor coverings. It can be used to protect pipelines.
Glass non-woven has features in installation. Chief among them is the need to protect the skin and respiratory tract.
Have you used a similar canvas in your renovation? If you have your own opinion about this product, share it in the comments!