What color to paint the walls in the hall: options in two shades, photos of design ideas

When deciding on the choice of color for the walls of the hall, you must follow some rules and take into account important nuances. Following the recommendations will allow you to recreate a harmonious and attractive room interior. But before deciding on the style and color, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of paints, its texture, functional features and operational properties.

painting the walls in the hall

The most important room in the house is the living room, where the family spends their free time and receives guests.

Pros and cons of painting walls


  • Pros and cons of painting walls
  • Features when painting various wall materials
    • Concrete
    • Wood
    • Brick
    • Wallpaper
    • Plaster
    • Drywall
  • Color options for walls
    • Cold shades
    • Warm shades
    • Neutral shades
    • Two-color paint options
  • Style colors for the hall
    • Baroque
    • Art Deco
    • Classical
    • Provence
    • Modern
    • Victorian
    • Country
    • High tech
    • Renaissance
  • Types of paints for room design
  • Conclusion
  • VIDEO: Options for unusual wall painting in the apartment.
  • Painting the walls in the hall - 50 original design ideas:

Answering the question in what color to paint the hall in the apartment, you need to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of painting. Among the advantages are:

  • a large selection of coloring compositions makes it possible to obtain decor with the required properties;
  • easy application and renewal;
  • fast drying;
  • a variety of color palette allows you to embody the idea of ​​any design;
  • with the help of textured means, you can hide the defects of the base;
  • water resistance;
  • the ability to apply on a smooth and embossed surface;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • easy restoration of the damaged fragment;
  • the ability to combine colors and patterns.
painting the walls in the hall photo

It should be decorated in such a way that it is warm and cozy.

Another significant plus is obtaining the desired tone from paint of any color by mixing it with a color scheme. For example, if the painting of the walls gave a too dark or light shade, then you can achieve the desired result by adding the desired component.

painting the walls in the hall ideas

The first thing that catches your eye when entering a room is the walls.

Despite the many advantages inherent in painted walls in the living room, there are also disadvantages:

  • not suitable for application on walls with significant defects (cracks, scratches, dents and other irregularities);
  • stains and dirt are clearly visible on the painted surface (untimely cleaning can lead to a reaction between the dirty stain and the paint, which changes the color of the stained surface area);
  • in the presence of temperature and humid changes, the paint begins to peel off over time, giving the room an unattractive appearance.
painting the walls in the hall ideas photo

The future design of the room, its mood and style depends on the walls.

For reference! The paint is least susceptible to fading, it does not turn yellow and does not lose brightness over time.

Features when painting various wall materials

A wide range of paints and varnishes allows the hall to paint walls from different materials. However, each of them has certain application features.


Painting a concrete surface is the simplest and cheapest option for decorating a wall made of this material. Before painting, the concrete is thoroughly washed from dust and dirt. This is necessary because contamination will reduce the life of the paintwork. Well cleans the surface with a soapy solution using a coarse brush or rags.

painting the walls in the hall photo ideas

It is important to choose the right finishing method and color scheme.

If there is rust, it should also be removed using a solution of copper sulfate. The final stage is the filling of gaps and cracks with putty. It is important that the concrete surface is completely dry before painting after using the sealant and priming.


Decorative finishing of wooden walls involves the use of many types of paints and varnishes, since most of them fit well on wood. Preference should be given to those paints that allow the tree to breathe. The most suitable are non-toxic acrylic paints based on water and acrylate resins, as well as water-based paints. It is vapor-proof, does not clog the pores of a log made of wood.

painting wooden walls

Often, residents of a house want to make the living room special, so they resort to ways to change its functionality.

Important! Interior painting of a house or apartment should be carried out with environmentally friendly and healthy compounds.


Most often, a brick wall is painted a few months after construction. Working with fresh masonry can lead to defects. The peculiarity of the material is that its uneven surface and porous structure do not allow easy removal of the old coating.

brick wall in the living room

By decorating each area in a specific color scheme, you can visually divide the space without creating physical obstacles.

Over time, the base shade changes its original color. The best option for bricks is silicone-based paints. Despite the high cost, it does not impede air circulation and hides small defects.

Before starting work, the brick is cleaned and washed with water. A few days (at least 7) ​​after the release of all the moisture, the priming and painting of the surface begins.


Paints and varnishes for wallpaper are divided into three groups: acrylic, water-based and latex. Any type of paint is suitable for paper wallpapers, for vinyl - acrylic. The latex composition fits well on non-woven and fiberglass wallpapers.

wallpaper for painting

Painting the walls in the interior makes a room not only attractive, but also creative with a wide range of decorative techniques.

Options for painting wallpaper for a room in two colors can be evaluated in different photos. Among them: highlighting only one wall with a different color, dividing horizontally and vertically, inserts, artistic stripes, geometry, alternating gradient tones.

For reference! Any type of wallpaper can be repainted no more than 10 times.


For plastered walls, epoxy and polyurethane paints that do not require special preparation of the walls are an excellent solution. They protect the surface well, fix the plaster better. The best option is emulsion paint. Its pigment penetrates well into the pores of the finishing layer, fixing securely.

decorative plaster

Wall decoration ideas are not limited to monochromatic paint, structural paint and other original decor options will create a beautiful interior.


It is painted after filling the joints and the entire area of ​​the material, sanding and priming. Most often they use silicone or acrylic paint. They are plastic and create a special protective film.

drywall in the living room

In the interior, 2-3 types of wall decoration are often used in order to diversify the design.

Color options for walls

The color scheme of the living room plays a key role in the design of its interior. The entire palette of shades is divided into several tones. The color of the walls in the hall should be matched to the color of the furniture.

Cold shades

The hall is decorated in blue, light blue, purple, gray, turquoise, silver and white. These colors visually expand the space, increase concentration and improve mood. Cool shades fill the room with freshness, elegance and chic. The colors are relevant if the windows face the sunny side.

painting the walls in the living room

Monochrome walls are chosen for restrained interiors; such walls serve as a neutral canvas for expressing style in pieces of furniture and accessories.

Warm shades

Warm colors visually reduce the living room area, create a feeling of comfort and coziness. These shades include: red, pink, yellow, orange, beige, burgundy, peach, green and coffee (brown) colors. Bright colors give energy, cheerfulness and optimism.

painting the walls in the living room

Yellow for sunny interiors or rooms with poor lighting, combined with orange, green, white.

Neutral shades

Neutral colors are classics in room decor. This design is interesting, gives originality and freshness. Against the background of neutral shades, the rest of the interior items look clearer and brighter. The traditional colors are white and black.

painting the walls in the living room photo

White is often used on its own in Scandinavian and other modern interiors, and is also a companion for bright, warm and cool colors.

Two-color paint options

The main task is to select harmoniously combined shades. The combination of colors depends on what kind of result you want to get: an ombre effect or a contrast effect. In the first case, it is necessary to combine consonant tones that smoothly replace each other. For example, gray and cream, peach and sand, turquoise with delicate mint. In the second version, bright colors are relevant, significantly different from each other. Paired contrasting colors: purple with yellow, red with green, blue and orange.

painting the walls in the living room in two colors

Painting with several colors in the same range or a combination of contrasting colors will become an independent decor in the interior.

The walls decorated in different colors in the living room are relevant for the zoning of the room. If the apartment is small, a recreation area and a sleeping area are distinguished in the hall. If there are children, the children's corner is designed in traditional colors for a boy, a girl or based on the preferences of a teenager.

For reference! You can choose matching and contrasting colors according to the color wheel, following certain rules.

Style colors for the hall

A wide variety of style directions allows you to embody the most interesting design ideas. To know what color to paint the walls in the hall, you need to carefully study the characteristic features inherent in each of the styles.


Baroque in the living room is emphasized by contrasting combinations. The characteristic color combination is gold and white. White can be replaced with pastel shades (sand, peach, beige). The aristocratic style provides for the use of dark green, red-burgundy, blue-green, terracotta and chocolate shades. Monochrome wall decoration is not allowed.

painting the walls in the baroque living room

Baroque is intended for the stylistic decoration of large living rooms.

Art Deco

The color basis of the style is composed of calm colors: chocolate, beige, gray, silver, black and white tones. Preference is given to dark shades. Variegation and brightness are unacceptable.

painting the walls in the living room art deco

Saturated shades can reduce the room, while light shades, on the contrary, expand.


The dominant position is occupied by pastel cream shades: olive, terracotta, beige, sand and coffee shades. Basic light colors are complemented by elements of white, pink, blue, blue-green colors.

painting the walls in the living room classic

Most often, a modern classic style is used for the design of a guest space, which values ​​naturalness.


The interior of the hall in Provence style is dominated by light colors. The most popular are light blue, lavender, muted yellow, pale shades of green or beige.

painting the walls in the living room provence

For him, you can pick up delicate shades of pink or beige, which can be diluted with aged furniture.


Contrast and neutral shades are characteristic of modernism. Preference is given to the natural colors of nature (green, all shades of brown, pearl, wet asphalt, black). Colors of metals (silver, gold, bronze) are also welcome. For contrast, fuchsia, yellow, red (should be a little) are suitable.

painting the walls in the living room modern

Its furnishings combine the monotony of wall surfaces with bright accents.

For reference! Art Nouveau walls should only create a background, but not accentuate attention.


The combination of materialism and pragmatism is characteristic. Therefore, the combination of soft beige and brown, coffee shade with noble burgundy is relevant.

painting the walls in the living room Victorian style

Pictures in massive wooden frames, stucco molding and bronze decor elements are welcome as decorations.


When choosing a palette of paints, you need to take into account some recommendations: in the advantage are natural pastel shades (milky, light green, lilac). Overly bright, chrome and neon colors are not used.

painting walls in a country living room

If country is chosen as the style of the living room, then the design of the wall coverings should consist of natural shades.

High tech

The traditional color palette is beige, black, white, gray and all shades of metal. More often the walls are decorated in silver. If bright colors are used, then they should be in small quantities.

painting the walls in the high-tech living room

Metallic gloss, accent textiles and silver jewelry help to complement the style.


It is allowed to use any color, provided they are correctly combined. There should be no bright contrast and sharp color transitions. The standard tones of the style include red, black, burgundy, brown.

painting walls in the living room renaissance

The color scheme of the walls allows you to visually adjust the parameters of the living room.

Types of paints for room design

When deciding on the choice of what color to paint the walls in the living room, you need to focus not only on shades, but also on the composition and performance characteristics. Types of paints and varnishes:

  • Alkyd. They are versatile in use, they are matte, semi-matte and glossy. The main component is alkyd varnish, mixed with various fillers and solvents. The advantages include: long service life, quick drying, compatibility with a surface of any material.
  • Textured. Thick, viscous mass of high density. The basis is made up of polymer and acrylic elements. Substances that form a relief surface (marble or granite chips, quartz sand, polymer fibers) are often added. A feature of the paint is environmental friendliness, ease of application, lack of ability to absorb odors.
  • Emulsion. It is an emulsion made from water, pigments and small polymer particles. The composition is easy to color, protects against excessive moisture and ultraviolet radiation. There are several types of this type of paint: silicone, latex, acrylic, water-based, water-dispersion, polyvinyl acetate.
painting the walls in the living room photo

Before painting the walls, you need to check and make sure that the chosen colors will well emphasize the interior of the hall.

Which paint is best for the walls in the room, you need to decide only based on personal preference. The type of paint is selected based on the budget, the design of the room and the functionality of the room.


The decoration of the walls in the hall is not limited to monochromatic painting. Structural paint and other original decor options can be used to recreate a beautiful living room interior. The design is made using stencils, painting in different colors, highlighting stripes, squares, other patterns, streaks and ornaments.

painting walls in the interior

It is necessary to think over the design of the room in advance and take into account the color scheme of all its components.

VIDEO: Options for unusual wall painting in the apartment.

Painting the walls in the hall - 50 original design ideas: