It will hardly be news to anyone that high surface roughness in most cases is a deviation from the norm. This "bumpy" indicator is especially important in construction and metalworking. This is due not only to aesthetic considerations, but also to the mechanical properties of materials. But achieving the desired result is not so easy - simple brute force and a banal file are unlikely to be enough to achieve the intended goal. There are various effective tools for cleaning wood, steel or stone from irregularities. Describing all of them is a long and boring task, so today HouseChief has chosen a convenient and practical apparatus called a belt sander as the object of its review. How to choose a worthy piece of equipment, who will be included in the rating of the best models - these questions will be the "cornerstone" of our today's research. Ready to upgrade your wood or stone processing process? Then stay with HouseChief for the next few minutes and take a close look at our new article!
Read in the article
1 The device and principle of operation of a belt sander
2 Main technical characteristics of belt type grinders
2.1 Belt rotation speed
2.2 Electric motor power
2.3 Abrasive belt length and width
2.4 Tool weight
3 Application parameters influencing the selection of a belt sander
3.1 The presence of a mechanism for collecting debris and dust
3.2 Equipping with limiting device
3.3 The presence of a mount for a stationary location of the device
3.4 Functions of electronic control of starting and maintaining stable belt rotation
3.5 Equipped with a quick-change mechanism for an abrasive belt
4 Recommendations for the correct use of a belt sander
5 Rating of the best models in the category "belt sander": how to choose a quality sample of products in 2019-2020
6 conclusions
The device and principle of operation of a belt sander
To begin with, it is worth talking about the design features of the heroine of our review. Externally, the grinder is a rectangular body, in the lower part of which there are two movable shafts. A tape with abrasive material is attached to these rollers.
PHOTO: domsdelat.ruThe most "sophisticated" models are equipped with a bag for collecting sawdust, dust and other debris generated during the grinding process
In the process of operation, the shafts begin to rotate at a certain speed - this leads to the movement of the belt, removing all irregularities to a perfectly smooth state.
PHOTO: proconstructeurs.comThe owner only needs to slowly, with a certain degree of pressure, slide over the material being processed
The procedure is quite simple and does not require special knowledge from the operator. The presence of linear grinding helps the most (eccentric or vibration machines do not have this feature). You can move the equipment in any direction with almost identical results.
Main technical characteristics of belt type grinders
To choose the most suitable sample of this model of equipment for yourself, you must first of all decide on the main technical parameters of the tool. The quality of all your planned work directly depends on them. So let’s immediately begin to study such an important section of our research!
PHOTO: artem-tools.ruMost often, significant parameters are prescribed on the packaging or in the specification, but sometimes the manufacturer places them on the device case.
Belt rotation speed
First of all, you should pay attention to the high-speed mode of the grinder. A higher roll rate will have a positive effect on surface finishing rates. However, speeds of 600-700 rpm or more increase the risk of large layers of material being removed. Therefore, it is better for novice craftsmen to give preference to models with low revs or a built-in speed regulator.
PHOTO: goods.ruThe switch can have various shapes - the main thing is that it was originally laid by the manufacturer
Electric motor power
To effectively cope with the responsibilities assigned to the instrument, he needs a strong "heart". Therefore, the next parameter is the power of the electric motor. But, as in the previous case, this characteristic has its own pitfalls. If, according to your idea, a belt sander will perform an auxiliary function, then there is no reason to purchase a super-powerful piece of equipment.
PHOTO: remboo.ruTo remove a layer of old paint or decorative sanding, a value of 300-400 W is sufficient
Abrasive belt length and width
As we said earlier, the main working element of the equipment is the tape on which the abrasive is applied. Depending on the dimensions of the machine itself, a certain range of consumables will be available to you. Initially, the maximum values are indicated by the manufacturer on the box and on the official website, so conclusions can be drawn in advance.
PHOTO: firedis.comThe longer the blade, the longer it will serve its owner - but driving a long machine is quite problematic
Both length and width directly affect the immediate capabilities of the machine. Again, you need to make a start in this matter from your needs, since overpaying for unnecessary "chips" or saving on necessary functions will always affect the final result.
PHOTO: t-mall.storeIn expensive models, canvases of various widths can be fixed, allowing you to process the most time-consuming areas of wood or stone
Note! Due to the subtleties associated with the width of the sander's belt, at one time such an unusual device as an electric file was born. It has a small working area of no more than 20 mm. Such a device will be especially useful when creating decorative elements or complex structures (stair railings, etc.)
Tool weight
This characteristic also affects the capabilities of the device. Lighter members of the class are excellent at helping to cope with fine sanding. Massive aggregates will be most useful when processing stone and similar materials.
PHOTO: online-orion.ruThe larger the amount of work to be done, the more massive the purchased grinding machine should be.
Application parameters influencing the selection of a belt sander
Having decided on the basic performance indicators of your future sander, you should not immediately run to the nearest specialty store or place an online order. It is also necessary to take into account auxiliary options that will help make your work easier and more convenient. Below we will consider the most interesting factors that will affect the upcoming purchase.
The presence of a mechanism for collecting debris and dust
Since surface treatment is constantly associated with an abundance of waste, it is advisable to give preference to the model with built-in bag for collecting dust, sawdust and other debris, as well as models equipped with the function of connecting to an external vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, you will have to face not only the need for cleaning, but also with all kinds of occupational diseases of the lungs.
PHOTO: xnet.lvA branch pipe for connecting to a construction vacuum cleaner is critical for large volumes of planned work
Equipping with limiting device
If you have not yet honed your skills and are afraid to remove too much layer of the processed material, it is better to buy a belt sander with a special bounding box. It will allow you to control your actions and better understand the technique of performing the procedure. Keep in mind that eccentric, vibrating or brushing machines do not have such tools.
PHOTO: ftool.ruBefore starting the procedure, you can always set the required value of the height and pressure
The presence of a mount for a stationary location of the device
If you have planned to purchase a tool for making all kinds of decorative items, then you should take care of a special stand for mounting on a table or on the floor. It frees your hands from unnecessary stress, allowing you to have complete control over the sanding process.
PHOTO: stroy-vprokat.ruBefore buying, make sure that the equipment for securing the device is included in the kit - otherwise, you will have to do it yourself or buy it separately
Functions of electronic control of starting and maintaining stable belt rotation
To improve efficiency and safety of work, some manufacturers include additional options in their products: soft start and control of revolutions under increased loads. The first helps to avoid incorrect and abrupt start of the engine, fraught with damage to wood or stone. The second is aimed at preventing the removal of an excess layer, additionally protecting the unit from overheating.
PHOTO: gidpokraske.ruThese options will be especially useful when working with decor, which is always demanding on the accuracy and subtlety of sanding.
Equipped with a quick-change mechanism for an abrasive belt
Another very convenient and useful addition will be the presence of a special element responsible for the quick and reliable replacement of a worn-out tape.
PHOTO: shopv.ruThe mechanism is started using a button or lever, traditionally located on one of the side surfaces of the device
Note! We think our readers have noticed that we mainly mention wood or stone as the purpose of processing. The fact is that these natural materials lend themselves best to abrasives. Of course, there are machines for stripping metal and plastic, but they are quite expensive and are specialized products that are unlikely to be found in any well-known store.
Recommendations for the correct use of a belt sander
It is not enough just to buy a typewriter and immediately use it actively. You will also be required to comply with a number of operating rules. The most important ones are:
when sanding the surface, do not press excessively on the tool; smoothly move it in the required direction, as the rest of the equipment will do it by itself;
try not to make sharp tilts relative to the plane, placing the apparatus parallel to the treated area;
Replace worn-out abrasive belt regularly as it not only loses all its properties, but can also lead to damage to the device;
Check the appliance regularly for external damage, especially around the cord and rotating parts. If you find them, stop further use of the technique;
be sure to use personal protective equipment: goggles, respirator and gloves. You can also use earplugs if you wish. the sound during processing is quite loud.
PHOTO: loss of even a part of the required layer entails the impossibility of further application of the canvas
Due to frequent reviews on reputable sources, we decided to tell you separately about self-replacement of the tape in case of wear. It happens as follows:
Description of action
Disconnect the machine from the mains. We squeeze a special lever on the side of the tool (or press a certain button)
We delete the old tape, instead of it we put a new canvas on the vacant space. We return the lever to its previous position (or fix the button) until it stops. All is ready
Rating of the best models in the category "belt sander": how to choose a quality sample of products in 2019-2020
So the turn has come for our "cherry on the cake", which we think many of you will be interested in. That's right, our editors bring to your attention a small rating of models in the "belt sander" nomination. It is this technique that should be a model for your further searches.
Model name
Maximum belt rotation speed, m / min.
Engine power, W
Maximum dimensions of the tape, mm
Weight, kg
HouseChief score, points
Vortex LShM-75/900 2014
view Whirlwind LShM-75/900 2014
Bort BBS-800-T
Bort BBS-800-T
Hyundai BS 900
Hyundai BS 900
Bosch PBS 75 AE
Bosch PBS 75 AE
Makita 9911
view of Makita 9911
view of Makita 9911
Review of the model Makita 9911:
Read more on otzovik:
No matter how much we would like to tell our readers even more interesting information, our review has gradually come to an end. We hope that today you have learned a lot of useful and important information and are ready for this aspect of construction, renovation or creative experiments. If among you there are masters who have already dealt with similar machines, write your reviews, remarks and ideas in the comments - our editorial staff always welcomes such activity. And we wish you successful execution of your plans and say: "Until next time!"