The best multicooker 2020 rating of popular models, reviews

Multicooker appeared on the shelves of household appliances stores at the beginning of the XXI century and confidently won their place in the modern kitchen.
Multicooker appeared on the shelves of household appliances stores at the beginning of the XXI century and confidently won their place in the modern kitchen.


  • 1 How the multicooker works and how it works
  • 2 Criterias of choice
  • 3 The best multicooker, according to our editorial staff, in different nominations
  • 4 Top best multicooker, according to consumer reviews - 2019 rating
  • 5 Video: How to choose the right multicooker? Or helpful tips when choosing

How the multicooker works and how it works

The principle of operation of this device is somewhat similar to the operation of a pressure cooker, known to everyone since the last century, and the differences are only in the availability of software and the type of energy used. Cooking in a multicooker takes place at a given temperature, which is regulated by an electronic processor, and a certain pressure created by a special valve. These parameters correspond to the operating mode selected by the user. Operating modes are set using control buttons (sensors) located on the external panel of the device. By the type of heating element, multicooker is classified as:

  • using heating elements - tubular electrical appliance;
  • induction type - heating is carried out by using electromagnetic waves, which, passing through the bowl of the device, heat it, thereby it acts as a heating element.

The design of the multicooker is shown in the following figure.

Diagram of the main structural elements of the multicooker
The main structural elements of a household appliance

The main structural elements are:

  • frame, on which the control panel is located, and in its inner space there is a heating plate with a temperature sensor;
  • capacity (bowl) for cooking;
  • lid, which contains: protection, regulator and indicator of the pressure control system.

The temperature sensor automatically monitors the temperature regime and controls the presence of a container used for cooking in the device case. An O-ring ensures a tight seal when cooking food, and the chute collects condensation that forms during use of the appliance.

Criterias of choice

On the market for electrical household appliances for cooking, there are a wide variety of models that differ in the volume of the prepared portion and the materials used, technical characteristics and functional opportunities.

Multicooker is produced by all well-known brands specializing in household appliances for the kitchen
Multicooker is produced by all well-known brands specializing in household appliances for the kitchen

The selection criteria in this variety will be indicators such as:

  1. The location of the heating elements. In the standard budget configuration, the heating element is located under the bottom of the cooking container, which makes it difficult to bake dishes. In models equipped with a top heating element or 3D heating effect, this drawback is absent.
  2. The volume of the container for cooking products. This indicator determines the number of servings that can be prepared at one time. For different models, this value can change dramatically from 2.5–3 liters to 6–10 volume units.
  3. The material from which the bowl is made. Various materials are used in the manufacture of containers: ceramics and metal, with Teflon or marble spraying.
    The size and material from which the multicooker bowl is made are one of the criteria for choosing this household appliance.
    The size and material from which the multicooker bowl is made are one of the criteria for choosing this household appliance.
  4. Body material. In the manufacture of such equipment, plastic and metal are used. If the first material is chosen for inexpensive models of the budget segment, then stainless steel is used on more expensive devices.
  5. Electric power. This indicator determines the performance and purpose of the multicooker, so models with a power of up to 0.45 kW are used for cooking cereals, more powerful, up to 0.8 kW, are universal devices, and with a capacity of 0.9-1.5 kW, they are also used for baking and frying.
  6. Control type. For different models, the type of control can be mechanical, when the operating modes are set using a rotary knob and buttons, and electronic - set using sensors and an LCD display.
    Electronic control in comparison with mechanical is more convenient and functional
    Electronic control in comparison with mechanical is more convenient and functional
  7. Functionality. This indicator determines the capabilities of the multicooker for cooking certain dishes. These can be functions such as "Groats" and "Porridge", "Soup" and "Steaming", "Frying" and "Stewing", as well as "Baking" and other cooking modes.
  8. Availability of additional accessories and fixtures. As additional elements that facilitate the use of the multicooker and expand its functionality, elements such as a container for collecting condensation and a measuring cup, a spoon made of plastic and a container for steaming food, containers for preparing yoghurt and others adaptations.


As a rule, when using such devices, only 6 - 8 operating modes are involved, therefore, when choosing a particular model should not overpay for the number of functions, but focus on the main, most demanded.

How to choose a multicooker
Model " Redmond M271" with additional accessories and fixtures
Model "Redmond M271" with additional accessories and fixtures

The best multicooker, according to our editorial staff, in different nominations

The popularity of a particular household appliance is assessed according to different criteria and in different ways. This section presents the best models, in the opinion of our editorial staff, in different nominations, both by type of use and design, as well as by functionality.

Best steaming model

The Philips HD3136 / 03 model was recognized as the best in this nomination, which is explained by the high quality of the prepared dishes in this mode of use. The main technical characteristics of the multicooker:

  • electric power - 0.98 kW;
  • a bowl with a ceramic coating with a volume of 4 liters;
  • 14 automatic programs;
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours;
  • function of heating the finished dish.
The Philips HD3136 / 03 is a high quality steam cooker
The Philips HD3136 / 03 is a high quality steam cooker

Besides, the advantages of “Philips HD3136 / 03” can be considered the simplicity of control and use, and from the disadvantages - the soiled case. The average cost of a model when sold through a retail network, as of Q2 2019, is 6,000 rubles.

Top fry model

In the opinion of our editors, in this category, the best is the model "Delonghi FH1394.W / BK".

This multi-cooker-airfryer is made in a peculiar, space style of design, and its transformation into an automatic pan occurs almost at the wave of the user's hand. The main technical characteristics of this model:

  • electric power - 2.3 kW;
  • bowl with a volume of 5 liters with a ceramic coating;
  • 7 automatic programs, airfryer and airfryer;
  • heating of circular type - Surround Heating System SHS Double Pro.
The bowl of the model " Delonghi FH1394.W / BK" resembles a deep saucepan
The bowl of the model "Delonghi FH1394.W / BK" resembles a deep saucepan

The advantages of this model include:

  • an observation window is provided on the body, which allows you to visually control the cooking process;
  • there is an automatic mixing function.

The main disadvantage is the ability of the mixing paddle to absorb the odors of the food being cooked. The average cost when sold through a retail network, as of the II quarter of 2019, is 15 600 rubles.

The best model with the "Multipovar" function

In this nomination, the best model was chosen "Philips HD4731 / 03", its main technical characteristics:

  • electric power - 1 kW;
  • heating type 3D;
  • 19 automatic cooking programs for various dishes;
  • bowl with ceramic coating;
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours;
  • warmth support - for 12 hours.
Multicooker " Philips HD4731 / 03" is a reliable assistant in any life situation
Multicooker "Philips HD4731 / 03" is a reliable assistant in any life situation

In addition, the advantages of this model are such indicators as:

  • the function "Multipovar Pro" was organized;
  • ease of management and use;
  • stylish design.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the absence of a measuring cup and a spatula in the delivery set, as well as significant overall dimensions. The average cost when sold through a retail network, as of the II quarter of 2018, is 7,100 rubles.

Other nominations

The best models in other nominations, selected by our specialists, are summarized in the following table.

ModelCategorySpecificationsCost (as of June 2019), RUB
" Bosch MUC48W68"
"Bosch MUC48W68"
Induction type
  • electric power - 1.2 kW;
  • 48 automatic programs;
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours;
  • the function of heating the finished dish;
  • two-level container.
19 500
Hitachi RZ-DMR18Y
Hitachi RZ-DMR18Y
Removable lid
  • electric power - 1 kW;
  • bowl with a volume of 4.85 liters;
  • 11 automatic programs;
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours;
  • function of heating the finished dish.
5 000
For travel (mini) and baby food
  • electric power - 0.35 kW;
  • a bowl with a volume of 2 liters;
  • 7 automatic programs;
  • car inverter.
5 100
" Redmond RMC-4503"
"Redmond RMC-4503"
For porridge
  • electric power - 0.8 kW;
  • bowl with a volume of 5 liters;
  • 10 automatic programs;
  • delayed start timer;
  • function of heating the finished dish.
6 000

The cost of the models is given taking into account their sales through the retail network, as of the II quarter of 2018.

Top best multicooker, according to consumer reviews - 2019 rating

This section of the article provides a rating of popular multicooker models, compiled from user reviews and systematized by our editorial staff.

ModelCategorySpecificationsAverage price (as of Q2 2019), rublesRating according to in points
" Redmond RMC-M25"
"Redmond RMC-M25"
  • electric power - 0.86 kW;
  • bowl with a volume of 5 liters;
  • 16 automatic programs;
  • "Multipovar";
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours;
  • function of heating the finished dish.
2 9009,7
" VITEK VT-4271 CM"
"VITEK VT-4271 CM"
  • electric power - 0.9 kW;
  • bowl with a volume of 5 liters;
  • 20 automatic programs;
  • "Multipovar";
  • frying mode;
  • SMART POT function.
3 7009,5
" Lumme LU-1448"
"Lumme LU-1448"
  • electric power - 0.86 kW;
  • bowl with a volume of 5 liters;
  • 11 automatic programs;
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours;
  • function of heating the finished dish.
1 9009,4
" REDMOND SkyCooker M800S"
"REDMOND SkyCooker M800S"
Average cost
  • bowl with a volume of 5 liters;
  • 20 automatic programs;
  • control from a smartphone.
9 6009,8
" Moulinex MK 706A32"
"Moulinex MK 706A32"
  • electric power - 1 kW;
  • 9 automatic programs;
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours.
5 0009,7
  • electric power - 1.2 kW;
  • bowl with a volume of 5 liters;
  • 17 automatic programs;
  • removable cover;
  • 3D heating.
5 8009,5
" Cuckoo CMC-CHSS1004F"
"Cuckoo CMC-CHSS1004F"
Premium class
  • electric power - 0.74 kW;
  • bowl with a volume of 5 liters;
  • 28 automatic programs;
  • "Multipovar";
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours;
  • the function of heating the finished dish;
  • voice guide.
65 0009,8
" Cuckoo CMC-HJXT0804F"
"Cuckoo CMC-HJXT0804F"
  • electric power - 1.19 kW;
  • a bowl with a volume of 4 liters;
  • "Multipovar";
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours.
42 0009,8
" Cuckoo CMC-HE1055F"
"Cuckoo CMC-HE1055F"
  • electric power - 1.4 kW;
  • bowl with a volume of 5 liters;
  • timer with a start delay for 24 hours.
38 0009,7

This table shows the 10 best multicooker, according to user reviews, but everyone decides which one to choose for themselves the user is purely individual in accordance with the requirements for such a household appliance and personal preferences. Experienced specialists and real user reviews will help you in making the right choice.

Here are some of them:

Review of the model "Redmond RMC-M25"

Redmond RMC-M25Read more on otzovik:

Another review about the model "Redmond RMC-M25"

Redmond RMC-M25 real reviewsMore on Irecommend:

Feedback on the model "VITEK VT-4271 CM"

VITEK VT-4271 CMRead more on otzovik:

One more review about the model "VITEK VT-4271 CM"

VITEK VT-4271 CM OpinionsMore on Irecommend:

Review of the model "REDMOND SkyCooker M800S"

Review of the model " REDMOND SkyCooker M800S"Read more on otzovik:

One more review about the model "REDMOND SkyCooker M800S"

One more review about the model " REDMOND SkyCooker M800S"More on Irecommend:

Feedback on the "REDMOND RMC-M90" model:

Review of the model " REDMOND RMC-M90"Read more on otzovik:

One more review about the model "REDMOND RMC-M90"

One more review about the model " REDMOND RMC-M90"More on Irecommend:

Review of the model "Cuckoo CMC-HE1055F"

Review of the model " Cuckoo CMC-HE1055F"Read more on otzovik:

Review of the model "Cuckoo CMC-HE1055F"

Review of the Cuckoo CMC-HE1055F modelMore on Irecommend:

At the end of the article, we propose to study a useful video about what points you should pay attention to when buying a multicooker.

Video: How to choose the right multicooker? Or helpful tips when choosing

Read also:

Real jam! The most delicious recipes that you can cook in a slow cooker

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