- 1 Cell phone for an elderly person: device features
- 2 Which phone to buy for an elderly person: important performance characteristics
- 3 Review of the best cell phone models for the hearing impaired and seniors
- 4 Best mobile phone with big buttons for the visually impaired and the elderly
- 5 Smartphones for seniors: the best models on Russian shelves
- 6 Let's sum up
Cell phone for an elderly person: device features
Without a doubt, phone for an elderly person should be easy to use. Taking into account that vision and hearing deteriorate with age, the device should also be adjusted to this - the manufacturer understands such nuances. That is why today many models of mobile phones, popularly called grandmothers, began to appear on store shelves. Let's try to figure out what features such a device should have.
- big buttons - it is very important that the keys are clearly visible and easy to press;
- bright, crisp screen - with a decrease in visual acuity, it can be difficult for people to distinguish what is highlighted on the display;
- loud noise - the call must be clearly audible;
- long battery life – battery capacity should be sufficient so as not to charge the phone often;
- ease of use - the elderly do not need extra functions, basic enough.
A properly selected telephone set will not only allow you to stay in touch, but can also save the lives of loved ones at a certain moment.

Which phone to buy for an elderly person: important performance characteristics
Let's try to understand which of the listed characteristics are the most important when buying a mobile phone for a pensioner. The editors of Tehno.guru believe that after a detailed, detailed consideration of all points, it will become clear to the Dear Reader which model is necessary for his parents, grandmothers and grandfathers.
Push buttons or backlit touchpad - what to choose
In fact, in modern models, there will be practically no difference in the touch panel or buttons, if the phone is made with an emphasis on the consumer of retirement age. However, the older generation is more conservative and has difficulty accepting various innovations. Although sometimes you can't do without them.
Push buttons. The variant is durable, more familiar to the older generation, it has the option of purchasing buttons with texture to define the keys by touch. The disadvantage of a push-button telephone with large buttons is the fear of dust, which, huddled under the keyboard, can spoil the contact when pressed.

The bright touchscreen is suitable for the visually impaired. However, it should be understood that the touchpad is not as durable. Today you can find hybrid phones with a touchscreen display and a push keypad.
Bright screen: its role in the choice of communication device
A bright, crisp screen is pretty important. Reduced visual acuity prevents certain details from being seen on a dim screen. You should also pay attention to the change in brightness when changing the angle of view. The picture must be clearly visible from any angle.
Call volume, hands-free mode - the role of parameters in choosing a device
A loud melody is important not only for elderly people with hearing impairments. With age, a person becomes more absent-minded and can leave the phone in a back room, where he will be safely forgotten. In this case, the call volume will play a big role - the phone will be heard from any room. But the hands-free mode is needed in mobile phones for the hearing impaired. It is easier for loved ones to turn it on and talk as usual than to try to hear the interlocutor.

Battery life without recharging
And again about absent-mindedness. It often happens that children cannot get through to their parents, hearing only “The subscriber does not answer or is temporarily unavailable. Please try calling later. " Immediately, various bad thoughts appear, a person quits work and rushes to his parents, who simply forgot to charge their cell phone. By purchasing a device that can do without charging for a week or more, you can be sure that this will not happen. After all, usually at least once a week, relatives call up, and this is just an opportunity to remind you to put the phone on charge.

An intuitive, clear interface is also an important component
The interface should be simple enough. The older generation will find it difficult to deal with various applications, the Internet. Indeed, sometimes even young people find it difficult to understand newfangled gadgets. But even if the phone is not too simple, loved ones must figure out how to answer an incoming call, read a message and make a call. Otherwise, a smartphone for a grandmother, grandfather, mom or dad will lie dead weight. And what is the point of acquiring?

Review of the best cell phone models for the hearing impaired and seniors
The devices that will be reviewed today in this review (not to be confused with the rating) have several common features. features: loud call signal, strong vibrating alert, speakerphone, bright display and large buttons. Phones for seniors with large buttons and other similar parameters, there are quite a few, so the editors of Tehno.guru decided to highlight the best of them.
Fly Ezzy 5 is a great solution for an elderly person
The main thing that is noted by the users of this model is the call volume. The sound can be heard both throughout the large apartment and in the country from any room. Its cost is low, the menu is intuitive and understandable. Large keys are comfortable to press. There are additional functions such as video, audio, but they are more likely for children whose parents bought their first phone. The adult generation rarely uses such options. However, as for the main ones (calls and SMS), everything is very convenient here. I was also pleased with the presence of the SOS button, when pressed, an SMS is sent to the programmed number.

Type of shell | Battery capacity, mA / h | Standby time, h | Number of SIM cards | Built-in memory, MB | Cost, as of September 2018, rub. |
Monoblock | 800 | 200 | 2 | 24 | 1800 |
Review of "Fly Ezzy 5"

Fly ezzy 5
"MAXVI B2" - very cheap and quite loud
Evil tongues scold this model for its unpresentable appearance. But here it is worth noting that such a device is purchased not for beauty, but precisely for practical purposes, with which he copes with a bang. SOS mode supports programming of five subscribers who will receive a message when pressed. The numbers on the screen are large, which is not the case in all such devices. The only drawback can be called unblocking - it is done by pressing two buttons. I was especially pleased with the capacity of the battery.

Type of shell | Battery capacity, mA / h | Standby time, h | Number of SIM cards | Built-in memory, MB |
Monoblock | 1200 | 500 | 2 | 32 |
Review of "MAXVI B2"

"ONEXT Care-Phone 6" is an excellent phone at a good price
The phone is capable of working on a single battery charge for more than five days, provided that it will periodically receive calls. Large keyboard buttons and numbers on the display are a definite plus, but the main positive feature of the device is its form factor. This is clamshell phone for the elderly, which means that arbitrary pressing on the keys (if they forgot to put it on the lock) is excluded. Support for two SIM cards and an SOS button complete the pleasant experience.

Type of shell | Battery capacity, mA / h | Standby time, h | Number of SIM cards | Built-in memory, MB |
Cot | 1000 | 220 | 2 | 32 |
Feedback on "ONEXT Care-Phone 6"

ONEXT Care-Phone 6
Best mobile phone with big buttons for the visually impaired and the elderly
In this review, we'll take a look at phones with large buttons and large screens without the emphasis on very loud sound. The main task is to understand which model is best for people with poor eyesight.
Convenient communication device for seniors - "teXet TM-B116"
A senior phone with large buttons and a bright display is a great gift for parents. Let's explain why now. It can be quite difficult for people with deteriorated vision due to age to put the device on charge. The result is a broken socket or plug. TeXet TM-B116 is free from this problem. A special stand is already equipped with contacts to which voltage is supplied from the charger. All that is required from the user is to put the mobile phone on the stand - charging will go automatically.

Type of shell | Battery capacity, mA / h | Standby time, h | Number of SIM cards | Cost as of September 2018, RUB |
Monoblock | 600 | 288 | 1 | 1500 |
Review of "teXet TM-B116"

teXet TM-B116
Fly ezzy 7 is a good push-button telephone for seniors
Another representative “grandmothers"Without unnecessary functions and" bells and whistles ". Adding convenience is a mechanical keyboard lock with a switch on the side. On the other hand, a similar switch controls the flashlight. The font is large and easy to read. In standby mode, the battery lasts for 150 hours, which is quite modest. However, it is worth remembering that this is "Fly", and it immediately becomes clear - the standard sizes of batteries are the same for many models. This allows you to purchase a more powerful battery and forget about frequent charging.

Type of shell | Battery capacity, mA / h | Standby time, h | Number of SIM cards | Built-in memory, MB |
Monoblock | 600 | 150 | 2 | 20.48 |
Review of "Fly ezzy 7"

Fly ezzy 7
A full-fledged telephone for a conservative - "teXet TM-B320"
Why for a conservative, you ask. It's just that its appearance, especially when it stands on the charging platform, is very reminiscent of a landline radiotelephone. Its "elongation" can be judged by its dimensions - 144 × 50.8 × 13.8 mm. The handset is very comfortable in the hand. Everything you need to make calls, send SMS is present. And again I would like to note the presence of a charging platform. The stand is plugged into an outlet, which means that your loved ones, having talked, can put the handset on the platform and not think about the battery level. Another plus is that the phone is always in one place. Everyone can understand the phone - except for the necessary clock, calendar, alarm clock and calculator, there is only a flashlight. You can buy such a phone with big buttons for your grandmother, grandfather, dad or mom for mere pennies.

Type of shell | Battery capacity, mA / h | Standby time, h | Number of SIM cards | Built-in memory, MB |
Monoblock | 800 | 80 | 1 | 24 |
Review of "teXet TM-B320"

teXet TM-B320
Smartphones for seniors: the best models on Russian shelves
Not all older people are conservative. Many are trying to keep up with the times. Therefore, manufacturers are trying to produce models that are suitable for both the older generation and young people. This is what we will now consider
"SENSEIT R450" is a good smartphone for an elderly person
For the elderly, the SENSEIT R450 smartphone is ideal. As such, there is no SOS key here, but there is a Smart Key button that can be configured for such a function. Calls can be answered and ended by mechanical buttons and do not require unlocking the screen. The function of tracking the location of the smartphone, which will find a person, will also be very useful, even in the free version of the application. All functions of a full-fledged smartphone are preserved, which allows any generation to use the gadget. Interestingly, this device is splash and rain resistant and also shockproof. This means that if your loved ones drop it, there will be no consequences for the device.

Type of shell | Battery capacity, mA / h | Standby time, h | Number of SIM cards | Built-in memory, GB |
Smartphone | 3000 | 600 | 1 | 8 |
Review of "SENSEIT R450"

Another successful smartphone worthy of our review - "Alcatel 1x 5059d"
There is nothing superfluous in this smartphone, suitable for an elderly person, and it is not necessary. It performs the main functions assigned to it as a telephone. There is a calendar, organizer and even a nice camera. Moreover, the cost of such a device can be attributed to the budget. The operating system Android 8.0 is installed, which is quite easy for the older generation to understand (not to compare with Windows).
Smartphone for elderly people "Alcatel 1x 5059d" can be in standby mode for up to 547 hours on a single battery charge, which is quite a lot for such devices. This is achieved precisely by the absence of third-party unnecessary applications and services.

Type of shell | Battery capacity, mA / h | Standby time, h | Number of SIM cards | Built-in memory, GB |
Smartphone | 2460 | 547 | 2 nano SIM | 16 |
Review of "Alcatel 1x 5059d"

Alcatel 1x 5059d
Fly life compact is the cheapest one in today's review
Very cheap, but at the same time, it has everything you need, a smartphone. I am very pleased with the presence of voice dialing and voice control - an elderly person does not need to look for anything in the device menu. You just need to say a word or a person's name, the gadget will do the rest of the work itself. All that remains is to press the call button.
Some people complain about the small RAM, but it is worth noting that you should not expect more for such a cost. In addition, now we consider it as a smartphone for the elderly, who will be completely uninterested in what the RAM is and what the processor costs.

Type of shell | Battery capacity, mA / h | Standby time, h | Number of SIM cards | Built-in memory, GB |
Smartphone | 1900 | 120 | 2 | 8 |
Review of "Fly life compact"

Fly life compact
Let's sum up
Telephone communication with family and friends sometimes remains the only available means of communication for families scattered across different parts of our vast country. Meetings once a year don't count here anymore. But parents are not getting younger, and their health is not increasing. Hearing the voice of children for them is better than any medicine, since it is rare to see each other. This means that a high-quality phone that is convenient to use, with a large amount of battery life is exactly what you need. The main thing is to approach the choice as consciously, thoughtfully and carefully as possible. Take care of your loved ones!

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