Top 10 deepest lakes in the world

Lakes are water bodies that formed in natural depressions of the earth's surface. Most of them contain fresh water, but there are lakes and with salt water. Lakes contain more than 67% of all fresh water of the planet. Many of them are huge and deep. Which are the deepest lakes in the world ?We present to you the ten deepest lakes of our planet.


Lake Buenos Aires 590 m

This pond is in South America, in the Andes, on the border of Argentina and Chile. This lake appeared due to the movement of glaciers, which created the basin of the reservoir. The maximum depth of the lake is 590 meters. The reservoir is at an altitude of 217 meters above sea level. The lake is famous for its beauty and famous marble caves, to see which every year thousands of tourists come. The lake has clean water, it has a large number of fish.


Lake Matano 590 m

The deepest lake in Indonesia is and one of the most important sources of fresh water in the country. The maximum depth of the pond is 590 meters, it is located in the southern part of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The waters of this lake are crystal clear and are home to hundreds of species of fish, plants and other living things. On the shores of the lake are huge reserves of nickel ore.

From the Lake Matano flows the Patea river, which carries its waters to the Pacific Ocean.


Lake Crater 592 m

This is the largest lake in the US .It is of volcanic origin and is located in the homonymous national park, located in Oregon. The maximum depth of the Crater is 592 meters, it is in the crater of an extinct volcano and is characterized by unimaginable beauty. The lake is nourished by rivers that originate in mountain glaciers, so the water of Creter is distinguished by its amazing purity and transparency. Here is the cleanest water in North America.

Local Indians have laid down about the lake a large number of myths and legends, they are all beautiful and poetic.


Large Slave Slave 614 m

Located in the northwestern part of Canada and has an area of ​​more than 11 thousand square miles. This is the deepest lake in North America , its maximum depth is 614 meters. The Great Slave Lake is located in the northern latitudes and is frozen for almost eight months in the year. In winter, the ice is so strong that heavy trucks can easily be passed over it.

There is a legend that in this lake there lives a strange creature, very resembling a dragon. Many witnesses saw him, but the science of evidence of the existence of a mysterious creature has not yet been found. In the middle of the last century, in the vicinity of the lake, gold reserves were found. The shores of the lake are very picturesque.


Issyk-Kul Lake 704 m

This is a high mountain lake that is located in Kyrgyzstan. The water in this pond is salty, its maximum depth is 704 meters, and the average depth of the lake is more than three hundred meters. Due to salt water, Issyk-Kul does not freeze even in the most severe winter. Very interesting legends are associated with the lake.

According to the information of archaeologists, several millennia ago, on the site of the lake there was a very advanced ancient civilization. No rivers flow from Issyk-Kul.


Lake Malawi( Nyasa) 706 m

The fifth place among the deepest lakes in the world is another African pond. It also formed at the site of the crustal fault, and has a maximum depth of 706 meters.

This lake is located on the territory of just three African countries: Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique. Due to the high temperature of the water, the lake has the largest number of fish species on Earth. The fish of Lake Malawi are the favorite inhabitants of aquariums. The water in it is crystal clear and attracts a huge number of fans of scuba diving.


Lake San Martin 836 m

Located on the border of two South American countries: Chile and Argentina. Its maximum depth is 836 meters. This is the deepest lake of the not only in South but also in North America. Many small rivers flow into Lake San Martin, from which flows the Pasqua River, which carries its waters to the Pacific Ocean.


Caspian Sea 1025 m

The third place of our list is the lake, which is called the sea. The Caspian Sea is the largest closed reservoir of the on our planet. It has salt water and is located between the southern borders of Russia and the northern part of Iran. The maximum depth of the Caspian Sea is 1025 meters. Its waters are also washed by the shores of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. More than a hundred rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, the largest of which is the Volga.

The natural world of the reservoir is very rich. Very valuable species of fish are found here. A large number of minerals have been explored on the shelf of the Caspian Sea. There is a lot of oil and natural gas here.


Lake Tanganyika 1470 m

This lake is almost in the center of the African continent and is considered the second deepest lake in the world and the deepest in Africa. It was formed on the site of an ancient fault of the earth's crust. The maximum depth of the reservoir is 1470 meters. Tanganyika is located on the territory of four African countries: Zambia, Burundi, DR Congo and Tanzania.

This pond is considered the longest lake in the world , its length is 670 kilometers. The natural world of the lake is very rich and interesting: here are found crocodiles, hippos and a huge number of unique fish. Tanganyika plays a huge role in the economies of all the states in whose territory it is located.


Lake Baikal 1642 m

This is the deepest freshwater lake on Earth. It is also one of the largest freshwater reservoirs on our planet. Its maximum depth is 1642 meters. The average depth of the lake is over seven hundred meters.

The origin of Lake Baikal

Baikal was formed at the site of the crust of the Earth's crust( many lakes with a great depth have a similar origin).

Baikal is located in the eastern part of Eurasia, not far from the Russian-Mongolian border. This lake occupies the second place in terms of water volume and contains 20% of all fresh water that is on our planet.

This lake has a unique ecosystem, there are 1700 species of plants and animals here, most of them are endemic. Every year thousands of tourists come to Baikal - this is a real pearl of Siberia. Local people consider Baikal a sacred lake. Shamans from all over East Asia gather regularly here. Many myths and legends are associated with Lake Baikal.


Lake Vostok 1200 m

Separately it is worth mentioning the unique Lake Vostok, which is located in Antarctica, not far from the eponymous Russian polar station. This lake is covered by almost four-kilometer thick ice, and its estimated depth is 1200 meters. This amazing reservoir was discovered only in 1996 and so far little is known about it.

Scientists believe that the water temperature in Lake Vostok is -3 ° C, but despite this, water does not freeze because of the huge pressure that ice exerts. Until now, it remains a mystery whether there is life in this gloomy under ice world. Only in 2012, scientists were able to drill a thickness of ice and reach the surface of the lake. These studies can give a lot of new information about what our planet was like hundreds of thousands of years ago.