Regular hair removal is a scourge not only for men who have to shave almost daily, but also for women. Moreover, for the beautiful half of humanity, which needs not only to look after the face, but also other parts of the body to get rid of undesirable vegetation, the choice of a suitable method and means is even more difficult. In the modern market there are several types of devices for epilation. The principle of operation of a mechanical device, for example, is to pull the hairs out with a special tweezer. In addition to the usual mechanical, there are photo and laser epilators. Each of them has its own peculiarities, advantages and disadvantages. Let's find out, photoepilator or laser epilator - which is better?
to Contents ↑Laser Usage - Features:
- A laser beam with a wavelength of 755 nm is used to remove the hairs. This is the standard value. However, there are epilators that emit light with a different wavelength. The device features a "pinpoint" effect on the hair, while the skin remains intact.
- But there is a minus: a lot of time for epilation, because you will need to impact on each of the hairs. In professional devices, this defect is completely eliminated. The epilator does not affect one hair, but rather a relatively large area.
- To prevent skin warming, a special cooling gel is used in beauty salons.
- For complete hair removal, 5 to 6 sessions are required.
Important! Thus, there are two options: either to apply the laser to each hair without the slightest discomfort, or to treat the device with a large area of the skin for epilation - all the advantages of the laser method are eliminated: the skin heats up.
to the table of contents ↑Photoepilation - procedure features:
- To eliminate unwanted hair, not a laser but a light beam is used. At the same time, the wavelength of the light wave varies between 550-1200 nm.
- The source of light is a special lamp.
Important! Due to the fact that the variability of the wavelengths of light waves is large, the efficiency of the procedure is lower.
- Professional devices are powerful enough, therefore there is a risk of skin burn. Home photoepilation is not relevant - they are low-power, and therefore safe.
- Modern models are equipped with filters that cut shortwave light. This increases the efficiency of the device.
Difference between photo and laser epilator
The main thing that two devices differ from each other is the wavelength of the light wave:
- in the "laser", the wavelength is determined;
- for light devices, this indicator varies within certain limits.
From here - the field of application of devices:
- Light waves in a length of 755 nm are well absorbed by dark hair, and light - much worse.
Important! For blonde people, an electro-epilator with a laser beam is not suitable. It will be simply useless. In the light hair of the pigment melanin is not much, so there is nothing to warm up especially.
- The photoepilator is better for people with blond hair. However, the photoepilator can be called a universal option: it is suitable for removing both dark and light hair.
In the end, the question is, what is better - a depilator or photoepilator, is not entirely correct. Much more important is what device is right for you.
to the contents ↑Advantages and disadvantages:
- The main advantage of the device with a laser is the absence of the need to replace the lamp.
- In contrast to the laser, the advantage of the photoepilator is the considerable area of the lamp window - 10 times larger than that of the photoepilator. And this means that the procedure will be 10 times faster.
- The minus of the photo-epilators is that the lamps have to be changed every 2-3 sessions. The cost of lamps is not high, but for obsolete models it's not easy to get them.
Which is better - a laser or photo-epilator, you decide. It all depends on your hair color, as well as the price segment of the device. There is no fundamental difference between two types of electroepilators. The prices are approximately on the same level. So the final decision is yours!