To organize an efficient heating system in a private house, a circulation pump is needed. This is a simple device that is found everywhere, but not everyone knows how to choose it. How to choose a circulation pump for your needs and which 5 pumps are worthy of the title of the best, read in this material.
- 1 Circulation pumps: why are they needed and what they are
- 2 We select a circulation pump for heating according to the parameters
- 3 Rating of the best circulation pumps for heating
- 4 FAQ
Circulation pumps: why are they needed and what they are
The task of the circulation pump is to pump the coolant in the heating system. Without a pump, heating will never be uniform, and radiators remote from the boiler will always be cold. Usually there are two types of circulation pumps: with "dry" and "wet" rotor.
For pumps with Dry rotor only the impeller is immersed in the water. The rotor itself is separated from the coolant by rubber sealing rings. This design is characterized by high efficiency - about 80%, however, "dry" pumps are quite expensive, they make loud noise during operation and require regular qualified maintenance. It is advisable to install these devices in separate rooms. They are usually used if the length of the heating system is at least 200 meters. For a small private house, the performance of a "dry" pump will most likely be excessive.
In pumps with "Wet" rotor the rotor itself is immersed in the coolant. The efficiency of the pumps of this system is low, it does not exceed 40-50%. However, they are inexpensive, quiet, and do not require regular maintenance. For these reasons, for a small home, a wet pump is most likely the best choice.
We select a circulation pump for heating according to the parameters
The formula for the performance of the circulation pump. Of course, the more powerful the circulation pump and the higher its performance, the better. At the same time, there is no need to overpay for excess capacity. It is enough to use a simple formula for an approximate calculation of performance: Q = N / (t2 - t1), where:
- Q - productivity,
- N - boiler power,
- t1 - "return" temperature,
- t2 is the temperature of the heat carrier immediately after the boiler.
As a rule, it turns out that for 10 meters of the length of the heating system, a pump with a pressure of about 0.6 meters of water is needed column, and heating a room with an area of 100 square meters requires a performance of at least 0.6 cubic meters at one o'clock.
Working temperature. It depends on many parameters and is usually around 90-95 degrees for "wet" and 100-105 degrees for "dry" pumps. If the permissible temperature values are exceeded, the pump will quickly fail.
Thread or flange? As a rule, for small diameter heating pipes, a threaded pump connection is used. It is performed without the use of any special tool and can serve for many years without requiring any maintenance. If the heating pipes have a large diameter, a flange connection is used. To ensure its tightness, special rubber gaskets are used - they must be changed at intervals of several years, otherwise the heating system will leak.
External factors. The choice of a circulation pump depends on a large number of external factors that are very difficult to organize and foresee. This includes the air temperature, the diameter of the heating pipes, the quality of the heat carrier, the pump running time, etc. It is difficult even for an experienced specialist to take them all into account. Therefore, just in case, it is worth taking a pump with a certain margin of performance: it is better to slightly overpay once when buying, than to buy several more and more powerful pumps later.
Rating of the best circulation pumps for heating
The best circulation pump for high resistance heating systems
1. Wilo TOP-S 30/10 EM PN6 / 10 (410 W) (20,000)

A circulating pump with a "wet" rotor costing about 21,000 rubles. Provides a very serious head of 10 meters of water column with a capacity of up to 12 cubic meters per hour. Able to work with a clean coolant with a temperature of -20 to 130 degrees. There is overheating protection. Installed vertically with a 2 ”flange connection. The rated power is 180 watts (when consumed - 410 watts). A very efficient option for a "wet" type pump, which is able to heat even a large house or a house with outbuildings. But for a small country house, its capabilities - and the price - will be clearly superfluous.
Price:₽ 20 892
Wilo TOP S 30 10 EM PN6 10
Best circulation pump with pressure boosting function
2. Grundfos ALPHA1 L 25-60 180 (45 W) (9700r)

A "wet" type circulating pump: quite expensive for its class - almost 10,000 rubles - but very quiet, reliable and efficient. Maintains a maximum head of 6 meters of water at a flow rate of 3.6 cubic meters per hour. Consumes only 45 watts of electricity. Able to work with a coolant with a temperature of 2 to 95 degrees at an ambient temperature of up to 55 degrees. Can be installed both vertically and horizontally on a 1.5 ”threaded connection. It is able to provide heat even to a large private house and fully justifies the funds invested in it.
Price:₽ 10 000
Grundfos ALPHA1 L 25 60 180
Best circulation pump with overheating protection
3. AQUARIO AC 1512 (8400r)

Surface circulation pump with a "wet" rotor, for which they ask for about 8500 rubles. Able to maintain a maximum head up to 12 meters of water column with a throughput of up to 2.79 cubic meters per hour. Consumes about 270 watts. Requires clean water with a temperature of 2 to 60 degrees. Able to work at ambient temperatures up to 40 degrees. Fits horizontally or vertically on 1 ”threads. Equipped with overheating protection function. An excellent choice for a medium-sized country house.
Price:₽ 8 400
The best circulation pump with dry running protection
4. Grundfos UPA 15-90 (120 W) (5700r)

Another circulation pump for a heating system with a wet rotor. This device costs about 5700 rubles and for this money it provides good performance: the maximum head is quite decent 9 meters of water column, and the throughput is 1.5 cubic meters per hour. According to rough estimates, this should be enough to heat a house with an area of up to 250 square meters. The pump consumes 120 watts of electricity and requires clean water with a temperature of 2 to 95 degrees Celsius for normal operation. Fits ¾ ”threads horizontally or vertically.
Features automatic water level control and overheating protection. There are both manual and automatic operating modes. The noise level is only 43 decibels.
Price:₽ 5 719
Grundfos UPA 15 90
The best circulation pump for heating in terms of price-quality ratio
5. JILEX Compasses 32/60 (100 W) (5 000 rub)

With a price of around 5,000 rubles, this circulation pump with a "wet" rotor can be safely called the best in terms of price-quality ratio. It consumes 100 watts of electricity, and produces a nominal 55 watts of power, which is enough to create maximum head of 6 meters of water column and ensuring a throughput of 4.38 cubic meters in hour. Supports work with clean water with a temperature of 10 to 110 degrees at an ambient temperature of up to 50 degrees. The pump, of course, is noisy - about 65 dB - but with such a modest price and rather high efficiency, it is not so difficult to put up with some inconveniences.
Price:₽ 4 900
JILEX Compasses 32 60
The circulation pump hums but does not build up pressure in the system: what's the matter?
Perhaps the problem is the pump airing, a jumped off impeller, or a foreign body that prevents the pump blades from rotating. It is impossible to diagnose by symptoms alone here. It is best if the device is diagnosed by a professional.
What is the cause of overheating and noise from the circulation pump?
There may be a lot of reasons: improper connection of the pump to the power supply or to the heating system, a foreign body in the system, a clogged coolant, wear or insufficient lubrication of bearings, etc. If the temperature of the pump differs markedly from the temperature of the rest of the heating system, then it is better to carry out professional diagnostics. equipment. Inexperienced actions can permanently disable the device.