Private sector homes provide many different ideas for decorating a site. Pergolas made of wood are an elegant addition for summer relaxation in the garden. This allows you to get closer to nature. Such a structure will decorate the area around the house, and will also be an excellent opportunity to breathe fresh air, drink a cup of fragrant tea while watching the sunset.

Wooden gazebos fit harmoniously into any landscape, are easy to install and inexpensive
There are many photos of log gazebos on the Internet. They all evoke different associations for everyone. Previously, only people of the wealthy class could afford such structures. Now such a solution has become available to everyone. There are budget options that you can arrange according to your preferences. Prices for such structures are quite affordable. You can also make a structure with your own hands, which will be much cheaper. Consider the features of the devices, as well as the various options for execution.
Advantages and disadvantages of wooden arbors
- Advantages and disadvantages of wooden arbors
- Choosing a place to build a gazebo
- Form and design
- Types and purpose
- Open structures on supports under a canopy
- Classic semi-enclosed structures
- Closed buildings
- How to equip a wooden gazebo for a summer residence?
- Video: DIY wooden gazebo
- Photo: Spectacular examples for inspiration
A gazebo made of timber is a common building in suburban areas. It has an attractive appearance. Most often made from natural materials. Some people use brick or metal, but it doesn't fit so well with the living environment.

The gazebo made of wood is a lightweight structure consisting of supports, walls and a roof
Additional Information. The smell of fresh wood inspires, encourages mental activity, pacifies, therefore, it is he who should be preferred. It is one of the best building materials available. Also, wooden buildings create a special atmosphere of home warmth and comfort.
Photos of timber arbors look attractive. This allows you to build a variety of buildings. Various design and construction options are possible, which differ in their special features.

First of all, you need to think over the functionality of the future building
Attention should be paid to the following categories of structures, depending on the purpose:
- For personal use. By placing neat curtains, you can create an intimate atmosphere for a romantic dinner or secret friendly conversation. Also, this setting is perfect for a family dinner.
- As a protective zone. Allows you to shelter from rain, wind and other adverse weather influences.
- For the purpose of contemplating nature. Inside the gazebo, you can watch the sunset, various plants, or just relax.
- For noisy parties. A log gazebo is an excellent solution for a thematic meeting with relatives and friends, where you can have a good time, chat, and have fun.
- To decorate. They allow you to hide various design flaws. They have an attractive appearance and are purely decorative.
- Multifunctional constructions. Equipped with various elements for maximum comfort. Combines the advantages of all the options listed above.
Depending on your needs, you can choose any of the types listed above. Look at the photo of wooden arbors to decide on a suitable building.

Before the start of construction, it is necessary to decide how many people the gazebo will be designed for - the size of the structure directly depends on the number
Before starting the construction of a gazebo from a log house, you should study the advantages and disadvantages of the material. This will help assess the scale of construction and costs.
Pay attention to the following positive properties of wooden buildings:
- Affordable prices - almost every resident of a country house can afford such buildings.
- The material does not harm the environment, it is completely safe for human health.
- It has a natural decor - there are interesting images and patterns on the surface.
- Does not lend itself to the negative effects of sunlight.
- The possibility of using a wide variety of design solutions for the embodiment of unusual designs.
- Several floors can be built.
- It can be fit into almost any style, therefore it is distinguished by the versatility of properties.
- Long service life - a quality tree can last for many years without losing its original qualities.
- Ease of processing and construction of the building.
- The work is carried out quickly enough even with minimal experience in the construction industry.
At the same time, gazebos made of boards have some disadvantages. You should pay attention to some of them:
- When processing the material should exercise extreme caution not to damage the bars - and try not to keep the construction near open flames.
- You must comply with certain terms and conditions - otherwise the wood is rotting, is formed on the surface of the mold, which is why the material quickly falls apart.
- On the surface there are various pests that can destroy the building for a short period of time, so certain rules on care must be observed.
To extend the life of the arbor of the logs, you must use special means and varnishes for coating. This will not only protect the structure from the impact of adverse environmental factors, but also improve its aesthetic properties.
Choosing a place to build a gazebo
Wooden gazebo pictures - these are buildings that offer great scope for the realization of various ideas. This is a place where people can relax. Therefore, it is necessary to place the building in a place where the owner is more often. Location pergolas depends on several factors. Consider some of them:
- If you plan to use the building for work or any important meetings, place it closer to the main building - if necessary, you can quickly move in space to discuss or work with technique;
In a closed gazebo is possible to organize a full-fledged office
- for the purpose of rest, relaxation from the daily hassle should build a pavilion at the far end of your garden - select secluded place, protected from prying eyes, which help to relax and gather strength after a hard days;
Gazebo for privacy - this is usually a small apartment building, located in a picturesque setting Garden
- for large family get-togethers should build a gazebo in the center of the yard - here it is possible to carry out communication and other facilities that promote relaxation in the circle of relatives and friends.
The best solution would be a combined building, consisting of a closed area and an open area.
There are many design and placement options for gazebos made of laminated veneer lumber, so choose the one that suits your needs the most. You can spend your free time in the pavilion. This is a great place to observe nature. Here you can relax, read a book, breathe in the air. Choose the area with the most beautiful view - you definitely can't go wrong.
The structure should not be located separately. Make it the main element of the composition, which will harmoniously blend into the surrounding area. This will be the best solution for placing an entertainment area.
Form and design
Gazebos made of rounded logs are placed relative to the main buildings. Try to keep them where no one else can watch you. It should be a quiet and secluded place. It can also be a great addition to an overall entertainment ensemble. For example, you can place a playground, horizontal bars, swings and other elements.

It depends on the shape and appearance of how well the building fits into the overall design of the suburban area
The dimensions of the building are determined based on the estimated number of people. If you are going to eat and prepare food here, it must be divided into several zones. One is for cooking - for example, you can place a brazier or other surface for cooking. The second zone is intended directly for eating and cozy friendly get-togethers. If space permits, you can additionally equip a full-fledged rest corner. There are such types of chopped arbors, depending on the form of execution of the structure:
- hexagonal - a common form of construction, which is most often used to equip a pavilion;
Compact hexagonal gazebo with wooden roof
- round - a good option for large family gatherings or friendly parties;
Round arbor open at the site of natural stone with a coating
- rectangular or square - such designs are typical for a minimalistic direction, as they consist of straight lines.
Square gazebo made of wood with lattice walls
Also, according to the types of gazebos made of profiled timber, they are distributed depending on the shape of the roof:
- domed - usually placed on round gazebos, giving the structure a completeness of appearance;
Wooden gazebo in the modern style with domed roof made of polycarbonate
- multi-slope - suitable for large and complex buildings that are intended for large companies;
Such buildings are complex in shape and can accommodate a large number of people.
- single-slope - the simplest and most versatile option;
A lean-to canopy is the easiest way to organize a seating area
- hipped - best combined with structures of a square or rectangular shape.
Classic log gazebo with hipped roof
There are many styles that can be applied when decorating a gazebo. Depending on this, the design has certain properties and features. You should adhere to a single line of design in order to create a harmonious composition. Most often, there are classic, minimalistic, Mediterranean and other styles. Some of them contain extraordinary elements, fireplaces, expensive finishes that look beautiful in the courtyards of mansions.
Consider the main options for style solutions for decorating a gazebo:
- Classic. A characteristic feature is the ornate form of the structure, the presence of complex elements that create a single system. The roof is in the form of a dome. There is nothing superfluous - all the details are in their place. Most often it is intended for summer vacations. It is possible to add other classical styles - antique, English and others.
A classic style gazebo is usually an open structure, painted white
- East. Multifaceted structures that have a luxurious and rich appearance. It is recommended to invite specialists for the construction, since it is quite difficult to build such a structure with your own hands. Wall paintings are characteristic. A fountain or a small natural pond can be placed next to the gazebo.
The oriental style is demanding in design - such a gazebo should stand in a garden that fully meets oriental traditions
- Rustic. Outwardly, it looks like ordinary logs. The minimum amount of processing is used. The emphasis is on the naturalness of the image. It is possible to use various additional structures, decoration in the form of any traditional elements. Outwardly it looks like a forest hut.
For a rustic-style gazebo, it is better to use materials from the forest, and not buy ready-made beams and boards
- Bungalow. Adds a special touch when decorating a summer cottage. The structure does not contain walls, as it is intended for summer climates. The roof is made of straw or any other natural material. Inside, you can place chairs and other items for convenience.
The bungalow gazebo will bring a touch of exoticism to the summer cottage
Some people like to make gazebos with stone stoves. Used for heating, cooking, as a decorative element. Most often they are installed in closed pavilions.
Types and purpose
There are various types of structures, depending on the purpose. Cozy verandas are perfect for family and friendly gatherings. Such an extension should fit into the overall composition, as well as complement the landscape. Choose a building in accordance with the dimensions of the site. The most common options are listed below.
Open structures on supports under a canopy
Such gazebos can be of various shapes and sizes, depending on the need. Provides a lot of space to receive a large number of guests. Great place for noisy parties.

An open gazebo is the lightest type of construction that requires the least financial investment.
Classic semi-enclosed structures
Having equipped one of the walls, you can place a stove or barbecue. This will protect from the wind, warm, create a cozy atmosphere. Various shapes are possible - polygons, rectangles, circle, depending on the chosen style solution.

A semi-closed gazebo has at least one wall, which is often combined with a stove or fireplace
Closed buildings
Closed buildings are often used. They outwardly resemble a veranda, a small extension. This is a cross between a gazebo and a summer kitchen. Chairs, kitchen utensils and other items can be placed here if needed. The building will be a good place for recreation and entertainment.

A closed gazebo will suit those who travel to the country in the winter
How to equip a wooden gazebo for a summer residence?
Equipping a log gazebo is one of the important tasks. Think about where to place your oven. You can install it next to an annex or inside. When preparing a project, pay attention to the following details:
- pouring the base;
- installation of metal supports;
- installation of a smoke outlet pipe;
- selection of non-combustible materials.
After that, it is necessary to perform the work according to the instructions. You can also contact the specialists who will build the structure at the optimal time.

In the photo there is an open gazebo made of profiled timber with a metal barbecue

In the photo, a chalet-style gazebo with a stone fireplace

In the photo, a closed-type wooden gazebo with panoramic glazing
When it comes to furniture, choose practical options. Rough natural wood benches and tables are welcome. Wicker chairs will fit well. When wiring electricity, take care of good insulation to avoid the possibility of fire.
Video: DIY wooden gazebo
Photo: Spectacular examples for inspiration
You can familiarize yourself with a large number of photos of the design of the gazebo made of wooden boards of various sizes and shapes. This is a cozy place where you will relax, so you need to think through every detail. Approach the process with creativity and interest.