Closed gazebos for summer cottages: glass, covered, with panoramic windows

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Small or large closed gazebos are the best place for a summer cottage. When the gazebo is protected from cold and wind from all directions, heating is carried out into it, using it for a comfortable pastime in any season. The design perfectly decorates the dacha, being the pride of the owners.

closed gazebo for giving

Cottages are very popular with city dwellers and are ideal places for outdoor recreation.

Closed gazebos in the landscape design of the cottage - what are they good for?


  • Closed gazebos in the landscape design of the cottage - what are they good for?
  • The choice of material, design of the gazebo - advantages, disadvantages
    • Wooden gazebos of semi-closed type
    • Closed gazebos made of wood
    • Metal covered gazebos
    • Panoramic glass gazebos
  • Photos of beautiful examples of closed gazebos of different types
  • Conclusion
  • VIDEO: Project of a stylish and modern gazebo in the country.
  • 50 design options for summer cottage closed gazebos:

Closed garden houses have many advantages:

  • they are convenient to use in bad weather - rain, wind;
  • a heating system is carried out here if the gazebo is operated in the autumn-winter period;
  • if there is a fireplace or barbecue, it will be possible to cook food in the house;
  • if you correctly equip the interior, you can practically live inside;
  • mosquitoes, midges, flies will not penetrate here;
  • wicker, wooden furniture is placed in a closed building, not fearing that it will be damaged by precipitation;
  • inside it is easy to organize lighting, put sockets and switches, make water and gas;
  • similar structures are made in various styles - classic, minimalistic, high-tech, Japanese, Scandinavian, Russian, Asian, country, etc.

There are not many disadvantages to closed structures. A completely closed gazebo will come out more expensive than an open one in cost, due to the need to purchase more building materials. It is more difficult to build, compared to a conventional canopy made of boards or polycarbonate, with four supports and two benches.

closed gazebo for giving photo ideas

This structure is a beautiful and practical building where you can enjoy clean air at any time of the year.

Spacious closed gazebos for a modern summer cottage are an ideal solution if the country house itself is small, and guests come often. The latter can be accommodated for the night in gazebos, having previously equipped sleeping places in the structure.

closed gazebo for summer cottages design

Today, closed gazebos are built of various types and designs, using modern building materials.

The choice of material, design of the gazebo - advantages, disadvantages

Modern covered gazebos are made of various materials - wood, glass, metal, or a combination of these. Garden structure is rarely done as an extension to the house, although it comes out much cheaper. Usually, the structure is placed in the back of the garden, among flower beds with ornamental plants, weaving of vines, overlooking a pond or a mini-waterfall.

closed gazebo for summer cottages design photo

The gazebo will give the site a complete look and will become a "second home" for the owners, where you can enjoy your time regardless of weather conditions.

Where to start construction:

  • choose a place - it is desirable that it is not located in the lowland, it should be flat;
  • decide on building materials for walls, roofs - usually wood, less often - metal, glass, stone;
  • decide what the architectural style will be;
  • what size the construction is planned - three to four people will be enough for three to five square meters. m., for a large company, structures are being erected with an area of ​​up to 30 square meters;
  • when a brazier, barbecue, fireplace is planned, it is necessary to make holes for ventilation or install forced ventilation;
  • engineering communications (electricity, water supply, gas supply, sewerage), if they are planned, it is recommended to bring it up even before the start of construction;
  • complete paths leading from the gazebo to the house, pond, playground, and other significant objects.

Advice: in order for the gazebo to look harmonious, it is performed in the same style as the surrounding space.

Wooden gazebos of semi-closed type

Semi-closed buildings made of natural wood are the most inexpensive option. The wood itself, the material is not only warm, pleasant to the touch, but also, with high-quality processing, is very durable and strong. The product looks beautiful, some of the details, such as railings, steps, columns, can be made from forest, practically untreated snags. The window openings here do not have glazing, but the wooden sides occupy at least one third of the structure's height. The structure is abundantly decorated with house carvings, overlaid elements, and stained with wood stain.

semi-closed gazebo made of wood

Closed summer cottages are considered one of the original decorations of landscape design.

Advice: if a brazier or a hearth is made in a wooden house, 50 cm under it. around it is desirable to equip a platform of stone, metal, brick.

Closed gazebos made of wood

Wooden closed gazebos are constructed using glass; separate forged parts are permissible. The structure is a log cabin with one to four windows or a simple structure made of lining, timber, boards. It is easy to make a real "teremok" out of wood, to paint it brightly by hand. The most suitable styles are Russian, half-timbered, rustic, Provence.

closed gazebo made of wood

Natural wood finishes cannot be compared to other furnishings.

A healthy microclimate is maintained inside the wooden structure all year round. Pine, oak, teak, alder, cedar, larch are best suited for construction. Separate decorative elements are made of round timber cuts, weaved from vines, bamboo. In order for the gazebo to come out durable, resistant to external influences, it is impregnated with antiseptics, fire retardants, varnished, painted.

closed gazebo for a summer residence made of wood photo

Installation of a wooden structure is not particularly difficult, so you can handle it yourself.

Metal covered gazebos

Metal structures are the most durable, beautiful and durable. When done well, they look solid and solid. Such a house is placed on a pedestal in order to exclude flooding by water; the steps to it are decorated with intricate wrought iron railings. The design is carried out in high-tech style, old, modern. Only the frame itself and the roof are usually made of metal here, the walls are partially completely made of glass, including with one-sided visibility. Some buildings have a high "Gothic" roof, almost everywhere - large windows.

closed gazebo for summer cottages, metal

This building material is "not afraid" of capricious climatic conditions, is inexpensive and has increased strength.

Advice: it is permissible to build a building from metal pipes and corrugated board, and sheathe it with wooden clapboard from the inside.

closed gazebo for giving from a profile

Metal structures are characterized by fire safety and resistance.

Panoramic glass gazebos

The original gazebo with panoramic windows is used as a "winter garden" (if heated), this is a great idea for relaxing with friends. Glazing here makes up 70-80 percent of the entire surface of the walls. While inside, even when it's cold, rainy or windy outside, you can admire the garden. To protect from bright sunlight, the windows are draped with curtains or blinds are mounted. At night, they turn on LED illumination, in winter - color illumination.

closed gazebo for summer cottages glass

Popular styles of such designs are Japanese, modern, minimalistic, Italian.

The roof of the building can also be made of tinted or transparent glass. In the latter case, it is recommended to provide options for its dimming, in case of sunny weather. Often glass walls are sliding metal-plastic systems.

closed gazebo for high-tech summer cottages

When installing such gazebos, one must take into account the fact that they can heat up in the sun and transfer heat into the structure.

Photos of beautiful examples of closed gazebos of different types

Glass gazebos for summer cottages look the most beautiful. They have only one drawback - the windows will have to be washed often in order to maintain their transparency and aesthetic appearance. Part of the glazing (preferably the upper one) can be made of stained glass, colored glass, laying out beautiful patterns.

closed gazebo for summer cottages made of glass

The gazebo should be in harmony with the general appearance of the residential building.

It is also easy to build a gazebo in the "industrial" style from the lumber left after the construction of the house or used parts of the old building. The roof here is covered with ondulin or slate, the glazed window frames will become the walls of the gazebo. The lower part will be made of bricks to keep the structure stable.

closed gazebo for a summer residence made of bricks

For a structure with a heavy finish, it is advisable to build a tiled or monolithic foundation.

Sometimes gazebos are almost entirely made of brick, stone, concrete. Such a structure is decorated with stucco, columns, bronze lions lying at the porch. Tiles are placed on the roof. For such a construction, it will be necessary to fill a full-fledged foundation, a lot of space, significant finances, but the gazebo will stand for tens, or even hundreds of years, without collapsing, without losing its beautiful appearance.

closed gazebo for giving from concrete

If you plan to install a barbecue or barbecue, then it is important to take this into account in the project and display their location.

In shape, the gazebo is usually made square or rectangular, round, hexagonal, octagonal look beautiful. Constructions of an asymmetric shape are common - they are complex in execution, but completely unique, inimitable. Outside some of them, boxes and pots for ornamental plants are mounted.

closed gazebo for giving design ideas

In order for the gazebo to become a comfortable place to relax, you need to carry out all the necessary communications in it.

An interesting idea is the construction of a wooden gazebo on stilts, on the shore of a reservoir. In this case, part of the structure or it is all located above the water. The height of the supports is made so that even during the flood period, the house could not be flooded. A wooden platform, a full-fledged pier leads to it. A gazebo in the Chinese style is painted with hieroglyphs or they are present in the form of overhead, carved elements.


Gated gazebos are a great solution for out-of-town recreation. Ready-made projects of such structures are easy to find on Internet sites dedicated to the topic of construction and summer cottages. A simple, but protected from the wind, rain summer house, they build with their own hands according to their own ideas, drawings.

closed gazebo for giving inside

Modern gazebos not only have high aesthetics, but are also easy to assemble, so their installation is easy to do on your own.

VIDEO: Project of a stylish and modern gazebo in the country.

50 design options for summer cottage closed gazebos: