CD players have been quietly gone out of circulation. But a considerable part of the disks are still kept at home somewhere in the far corner. Throwing away “memory from the past” is not worth it, they can still serve you.
- Coasters for glasses
- Photo frame
- Crafts for children
- Needle cushions
- Christmas tree decorations
- Original candlestick
- Casket
Coasters for glasses

Take the disc and decorate one side with any material you like. The disc can be covered with a cloth, made an applique, printed on cardboard and glued to the surface. It is important that the jewelry forms a flat plane, otherwise the glass or cup may slide off.
Photo frame

2 options are possible here:
- neatly cut the photograph into the shape of a disk, but with a smaller diameter. Glue the photo onto a CD. Decorate the remaining free space with multi-colored ribbons or old beads;
- cut out a frame of the desired size from cardboard. Then cut the disc into triangles or squares with scissors. Leaving small gaps between the cut out shapes, glue them to the frame. Paint over the gaps between the triangles.
Crafts for children

Simple and interesting crafts for children are made from CDs. With the help of cloth, cardboard, paints, pencils, the disks will turn into amusing animals. And if you try, you can portray characters from cartoons and fairy tales.
Needle cushions

Cut a disc-sized circle out of foam rubber. Apply to surface and cover with soft cloth. Cut off another piece of foam less than the diameter of the disc. Remove the bottom from the plastic cup, insert the foam rubber there and cover it with cloth. Sew two blanks together to make a lady's hat. Decorate with decorative ribbon.
Christmas tree decorations

Old discs make beautiful New Year's toys. You need to cut them into small pieces and stick them on Christmas tree glass balls, which have lost their color and shine. You can make a garland from the disks and hang it in the room. The garland will shine with all the colors of the rainbow and delight the eye.
Original candlestick

Place a candle in the middle of the shiny side of the CD. It can be in an aluminum or transparent sleeve. From the edge, along the entire circumference of the disc, build a decorative wall 8-10 centimeters high. As a decoration for the wall, you can use shells, balls, beads. Fasten the jewelry with glue.

As a blank, you can take a simple wooden or cardboard box, unsightly in appearance. Use sharp scissors to cut shapes or patterns from the disc. Glue on the walls and lid of the box. It must be easy to open and close. Otherwise, you can ruin the whole decor.
To add variety, it is better to choose a box in the shape of a heart. It will be perfect as a gift.
Crafts made in this way will last a long time. Made with a soul, they will delight you, your children and loved ones. And it is not a pity to throw away the damaged CDs during the work.