Dracaena bordered: description of the plant, rules

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Dracaena bordered belongs to the asparagus family, the plant has another name - Marginata, or Dragon tree. His homeland is Madagascar. The flower is often grown at home, but in this case it develops less intensively, looks more compact.


  • 1 Description of the dragon tree
  • 2 Is it suitable for the formation of bonsai
  • 3 Home care for dracaena bordered
    • 3.1 Temperature
    • 3.2 Lighting
    • 3.3 Air humidity
    • 3.4 A comfortable place for a flower
    • 3.5 What kind of soil is needed
    • 3.6 Watering
  • 4 Fertilization and feeding
  • 5 Flowering conditions
  • 6 Pruning and shaping the bush
  • 7 Plant transplant
  • 8 Reproduction of dracaena bordered
    • 8.1 Apical cuttings
    • 8.2 Air layering
    • 8.3 Stem cuttings
    • 8.4 Seeds
  • 9 Diseases and pests of dracaena
  • 10 Signs and superstitions

Description of the dragon tree

The trunk of the tree rarely branches. Its color in the first year of development is green. Then the shade changes, acquires a woody structure. The height of the plant is 3-6 m, depending on the parameters of the environment. Under natural conditions, the tree reaches 6 m, in the greenhouse - no more than 3 m.

The leaves are pointed, their length is 75 cm, and their width is no more than 2 cm. At the initial stage of growth, they are directed upward. The leaves are not in this position for long. Gradually, they lean to the ground under the influence of their own weight.

The color of the leaves can be different, depending on the type of dracaena. Their main color is dark green, but there are stripes: white-yellow, purple, golden, burgundy. Due to the border around the edges of the leaves, the decorative properties of the tree are manifested.

The plant can shed the lower leaves with age. In such areas, trapezoid-shaped scars remain. As a result, the leaves remain only at the top of the trunk, which is divided into several branches in this area.

Is it suitable for the formation of bonsai

It will not work to grow a miniature copy of a flower growing in natural conditions from a bordered dracaena. However, it is possible to create an imitation, for which you need to cut the trunk at the initial stage of development (when it reaches 15 cm in height and 5 cm in diameter).

If you care for the plant correctly, shoots will appear on the cut. Leaves will begin to grow shortly thereafter. When pruning branches, the crown should be shaped as desired. The result is a bonsai - a small tree that looks like an adult plant.

Home care for dracaena bordered

In order for the tree to develop correctly, perform a decorative function, it is important to follow all the recommendations for crown formation, transplantation, feeding. Comfortable conditions are created for the plant: air humidity, temperature, illumination are regulated.


Dracaena Marginata tolerates abrupt changes in the parameters of the air environment well. The tree develops in heat (+ 28 ° C and above), cold weather (+ 11 ° C and below). Due to the increase in temperature, the ends of the leaves may dry out. In cool conditions and with high humidity, it is recommended to stop watering the plant, since rot may develop. The most preferred conditions are + 15... + 28 ° C. In winter, the temperature should be within + 12... + 18 ° С.


It is recommended to provide an intense, diffused light in the room. The tree is protected from exposure to direct rays of the sun, since in the shade the plant loses its decorative properties. When dracaena grows in the sun for a long time, the leaves change color - they fade, burns appear on them - spots of a different color.

Air humidity

The most acceptable humidity level is 50-60%. As the air becomes less humid, the leaves gradually dry out. They darken at the ends, lose their properties, fade or curl.

To maintain air humidity at the required level, methods are used:

  • spraying with water from a spray bottle;
  • placing the pot in a pallet with wet pebbles;
  • wiping the leaves with a damp cloth.

A comfortable place for a flower

It is recommended to place the dracaena near windows that face west or east (if the tree is already tall). Small plants can be placed on the windowsill. Prolonged stay near heat sources (radiators, air heaters), as well as in a draft, can lead to a loss of decorative qualities, a decrease in plant immunity and the development of diseases.

What kind of soil is needed

Dracaena grows best in slightly acidic soil (pH 6.0). The soil should be loose, moisture-permeable. For the growth of a tree, useful substances are needed, therefore, fertilized soil is prepared for transplantation. Soils for palms and succulents are sold in specialized stores. If necessary, you can mix humus, sod, peat, sand and leafy soil (in equal proportions). This soil is also suitable for dracaena in terms of properties.

Tricks that are used to improve the properties of self-prepared soil:

  • broken brick is added, which helps to loosen the soil;
  • charcoal (pre-crushed) is introduced, thereby protecting the root system from decay.


You should not often moisten the soil: this can lead to an increase in water content in it and the development of rot. It is recommended to water the dracaena as needed, when the ground has dried 3-4 cm in depth. In this case, it is necessary to loosen the soil: this way the root system will receive more oxygen.

Fertilization and feeding

In winter, the introduction of fertilizers into the soil is carried out provided that the air temperature does not decrease to + 18 ° C and below. In this case, the frequency of the procedure is 1 time per month. If dracaena develops in less suitable conditions, then feeding should be abandoned. In the warm season, the land is fertilized 2 times a month. You can use drugs such as Bona Forte, Etisso, Pokon.

Flowering conditions

Flowers differ in shade: green leaves with burgundy, pink, white or yellow stripes. They form inflorescences. In a greenhouse, flowering rarely occurs, but in natural conditions, this stage is not skipped. Flowers appear if bright diffused lighting, watering, feeding (phosphorus, potassium-containing fertilizers) are provided.

Pruning and shaping the bush

Removing parts of the tree helps to improve the appearance of the plant: give it the desired shape, stimulate the growth of shoots, leaves.

Care instructions:

  1. The trunk is cut at any height, since dormant buds are located along its entire length, from which shoots appear.
  2. Parts of the plant are removed between May and June (when the tree is actively developing). The recommended level for the first cut is 30 cm from the ground. In this case, a tool that has been previously disinfected is used.
  3. All leaves below the cut are removed, which gives the trunk the correct shape.
  4. The injured areas are treated with paraffin, covered with moss (sphagnum).
  5. Stimulation of the development of new shoots is performed due to moisture - the plant is sprayed with water.

Plant transplant

Immediately after buying a flower, you need to replace the soil, if necessary, purchase a larger pot. This should be done taking into account the state of the tree. So, if the plant looks good (there are no signs of drying, wilting), the transplant is performed in 1-2 weeks (at the end of the quarantine period). When dracaena looks bad at the initial stage of development, it must be transplanted immediately after purchase - for this, fertilized soil is used.

The pot should have holes in the bottom. The ratio of the components for replanting: 0.5 parts of peat, 1 part of sod soil and compost, 2 parts of leaf soil.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Pebbles are placed at the bottom of the container with a layer of 4 cm.
  2. Part of the prepared soil mixture is poured.
  3. Before planting a plant, check the condition of its roots.
  4. If it was necessary to remove damaged areas of the root, the sections are treated with activated carbon.
  5. The container is filled with the remaining soil.
  6. The plant is fixed, the soil is lightly tamped.

Reproduction of dracaena bordered

It is recommended to perform activities that promote the growth of the tree in the spring, when the growing season begins. For this, plant development stimulants are used.

If you plan to cut off parts of the plants, prepare charcoal or paraffin for processing.

Apical cuttings

Cut off the top of the plant. The top of the trunk is treated with one of the means - charcoal, paraffin, the base of the plant - with a growth activator. For planting cuttings, soil with a high sand content is used. After that, the shoots are covered with polyethylene, a glass container. Cuttings should be watered no earlier than 10 days after transplanting.

Air layering

An incision is made in the trunk. You can remove a small area of ​​the bark. Here, new shoots will appear in the future, but until that moment you need to protect the plant from damage: put moss on the cut or treat it with peat. Air layers that appear in this area are cut and transplanted.

Stem cuttings

In this case, several cuts are made to obtain cuttings of 7-10 cm. To avoid the development of diseases, the upper areas are protected with paraffin. The lower part of the plant is stimulated - drugs are used.


To speed up the process of forming the crown of plants, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a solution that stimulates the growth of shoots. The recommended air temperature is + 32 ° С. The duration of the procedure is 24 hours. The soil is moistened, fertilized, placed in a warm place. In this case, it is important that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on it (there should only be diffused light in the room).

The duration of the germination process is from 3 to 4 weeks. When they reach 7 cm, you can transplant the seedlings into larger pots.

Diseases and pests of dracaena

Diseases that often develop in dracaena:

  1. Root rot. It affects the underground parts of the plant. Soon the crown begins to wither, so the soil in the pot needs to be replaced, the container must be disinfected before laying a new portion of the soil.
  2. Heterosporosis. Represents light brown spots with dark edging. Treatment in this case is carried out using insectoacaricides.
  3. Alternaria Dark spots appear on the tissues of the plant. They need to be eliminated with fungicide preparations (Fundazola, Fitosporin-M).

Pests that attack dracaena bordered:

  1. Roots are affected by nematodes. They show swelling. With a strong infection, the plant cannot be saved, you can only cut off the still healthy shoots, then treat them with an insecticide.
  2. Aphids contribute to the fall of leaves, which are deformed, turn yellow. Another sign of pests of this species is the appearance of a sticky layer on the plant.
  3. Spider mites contribute to the appearance of brown spots, light dots on the leaves, cobwebs. To combat it, acaricides are used.
  4. Thrips leave small dots on the front of the leaves.
  5. Mealybug contributes to the appearance of a white bloom on the leaves, at their base. It can be destroyed with biological products, chemicals.

Signs and superstitions

Dracaena attracts good luck, success, wealth, ensures health and longevity, improves relationships with people. A flower grower gets rid of a bad mood, becomes responsible.


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