Heating regulations: ZnatokTepla.ru

This standard establishes the parameters of the microclimate of the serviced area of ​​premises in residential, public, administrative and residential buildings.

The standard establishes the terms and definitions used in science, technology and manufacturing in the field of equipment for air conditioning, ventilation and heating.

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the implementation of working drawings for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, buildings and structures of all industries and the national economy.

Building codes and regulations that should be followed when designing heating, ventilation and air conditioning in buildings and structures.

This set of rules establishes the norms of permissible noise in the territories and in the premises of buildings of various purpose, the procedure for conducting acoustic calculations to assess the noise regime in these territories and in the premises buildings.

These sanitary standards establish the classification of noise; standardized parameters and maximum permissible noise levels at workplaces, permissible noise levels in residential, public buildings and on the territory of residential buildings.

These standards establish requirements for the permissible noise, vibration and sound insulation of enclosing structures in residential and public buildings of public use.

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the design of working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for buildings and structures for various purposes.

This standard establishes the basic conventional graphic symbols for the elements of sanitary systems and alphanumeric designations of pipelines of these systems in drawings and diagrams in the design of buildings and structures of various destination.

These rules and regulations are developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 10-01, recommendations of international organizations on standardization and regulation and are the fundamental document of the complex 21 "Fire safety" of the System of normative documents in construction.

This set of rules was developed in accordance with Articles 85 and 138 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. No. 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements", is a regulatory document on fire safety in the field of standardization of voluntary use and establishes fire safety requirements for heating, ventilation, including smoke control, and air conditioning systems in buildings and structures (hereinafter - building).

The choice of initial data and the procedure for calculating the main parameters of smoke ventilation in buildings for various purposes, mainly residential and public, have been regulated.