💡 lamp with his hands: master classes, video, photo ideas

From the moment that man invented the torch, he always tried to improve the means for lighting their homes. We used torch, candles, and later there was the first electric light bulb. But this man was not enough, he thought that the lamp has not only fulfilled their direct function, but it was nice when decorating a room. we describe in this review HouseChief, how to make their own hands a lamp, and instructions and execution of ideas and workshops will help you in creating a lighting fixture for your apartment or houses.

Read article

  • 1 A bit of luminaires
  • 2 How to make your own hands an original ceiling lamp
    • 2.1 What is needed for the manufacture of
    • 2.2 Step-by-step instruction
  • 3 Bra made of wood with their hands
    • 3.1 Step by step instructions for making and decoration lampshade wall lamp
  • 4 Master-class on making lamp from scrap materials
  • 5 The original 3D-LED-lamp
    • 5.1 Materials and tools for the design of the assembly
    • 5.2 Step-by-step instruction
  • 6 How to make an original lamp for a child's room
  • 7 Interesting ideas for homemade lamps with photos in the interior

A bit of luminaires

Lamp I went with the man a long way to its present form: from a burning branch to modern lighting fixture with remote control. Look at the photo story of the usual devices for us.

The lamp began its history from the source in the cave of primitive man PHOTO: i.pinimg.com
The lamp began its history from the source in the cave of prehistoric man
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com
Then there was the torch Photo: cont.ws
Then there was a torch
PHOTO: cont.ws
... and the torch Photo: i.pinimg.com
... and a torch
PHOTO: i.pinimg.com
After the candles were PHOTO: cdn.pixabay.com
After the candles were
PHOTO: cdn.pixabay.com
... and kerosene lamp PHOTO: gazeta-bam.ru
... and a kerosene lamp
PHOTO: gazeta-bam.ru
... until we found out the lamp in its current form PHOTO: postroikado.ru
... until we found out the lamp in its current form
PHOTO: postroikado.ru

How to make your own hands an original ceiling lamp

For sale is a lot of variety of lighting products for every taste, but it's consumer goods, and each person you want something unusual and original. Offer the user manual for the manufacture of ceiling lamp glass vases square shape.

Making such a fixture here we look at step by step instructions below
Making such a fixture here we look at step by step instructions below

What is needed for the manufacture of

To create a lamp, we need:

  • 3 glass vases square shape of thick glass;
  • 2 pieces of 16 mm thick chipboard desired color;
  • 3 chuck for LED lamp socket E 27;
  • two-wire line;
  • terminal block.

Needed to work tools:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Jigsaw.
  3. Diamond crown glass, corresponding to the diameter of the cartridge for lamps.
  4. Mounting gun with tuba "liquid nails".
  5. Sponge and water for cooling.
  6. Drill according tree diameter of 5 mm.
  7. Countersink.
  8. Rulers, markers.
  9. Double-sided tape.
  10. Screws with plastic dowels for fastening design - 6 pieces.
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructions
Prepare everything you need for work

Step-by-step instruction

ceiling light, Production of which will be discussed in the following instructions, perfect for interior of any modern style.

PictureProcess description
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsMark up the center on the bottom glass vases
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsDouble-sided tape on the set template. Take the diamond crown, into which is inserted a sponge, damp and begin to gently drill. Do not forget to periodically wet mill
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsYou should get here this hole. We perform this operation with other vases
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsWe collect cartridges with wires and fasten them in the resulting holes
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsTake two pieces of chipboard. In one do with the help of a drill and jigsaw rectangular cutout. Further, the two blanks are interconnected with screws and fining perimeter edge PVC
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsMark up on the front of the installation location lampshades and ceiling mounting. We are making the necessary holes
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsWith "liquid nail" fasten plafones with cartridges to the base, having passed the wires in the holes made
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsGive the design to dry
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsConnect the wires to the terminal block
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsConnect the wiring to the lamp, mounted to the ceiling, LED bulbs are screwed, and clicking switch. It is possible to make switching of lamps into groups "1 + 2", or all three lighting elements simultaneously

That's relatively easy and quick to make an original chandelier with his own hands, of course, if they grow properly.

Bra made of wood with their hands

Beautifully will look in the interior in the style of a loft or a country sconces made of natural wood. This will require the board to plywood template, screwdriver for lamp holder, wire, jigsaw, angle Grinder Flap Disc, fine-grained emery paper, wood drill bit with a diameter of 4 mm and Rework lamp.

Step by step instructions for making and decoration lampshade wall lamp

This option is a good solution if you have remained the foundation of the old lamps, which had a broken lampshade. Using a relatively small piece of board and his desire, it is possible to give a second life to a lamp.

PictureProcess description
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsPlywood making template (form can be any). Encircles circuit board future procurement
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsScrollsaw jigsaw elements lampshade
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsBy means of the corner sander (grinder) with lobed grinding disc blanks attach semicircular shape
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsFine emery paper well grind parts
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsTo advance from the sawn boards and polished poluobodam screws and screwdrivers fasten elements lampshade
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsIt should get here this design
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsWith blowtorch decorate lamp technique "firing"
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsFasten electrical component sconces, and we get this this beauty

Instead of natural wood, you can use any available materials, it all depends only on your imagination, wishes and possibilities.

Master-class on making lamp from scrap materials

Lighting can be made from almost anything. For example, for the manufacture of lamp perfectly suitable old tank of the washing machine. With a little imagination, work and you become the owner of the original lamp, which perfectly fit into the interior in the loft.

Floor lamp out of the washing machine tub
Floor lamp out of the washing machine tub

We offer watch the video detailed description of the process of manufacturing the floor lamp:

The original 3D-LED-lamp

Now very popular all that is associated with the 3D-format and LED strip. So we decided to keep, we offer to make their own hands the original LED-lamp, which will adorn your apartment.

Here's a 3D-lamp can easily make yourself
Here's a 3D-lamp can easily make yourself

Materials and tools for the design of the assembly

For the manufacture of 3D-lamp we need the following materials and tools:

  • 2 rectangular pieces of glass, 3.2 mm (dimensions at your discretion). In our case, there were two printing pictures taken within that immediately solved the problem with a decorative frame;
  • wooden lath or rectangular plastic cable duct of small cross section equal in length to the perimeter of the glass preform;
  • SLR film for auto-glass;
  • if you just cut out the windows of a suitable size, it will take an art prints (the most simple, wooden or plastic);
  • adhesive and double-sided tape;
  • LED strip (white or colored);
  • a step-down transformer;
  • control unit and the remote control (optional);
  • detergent for glass and soap solution sticking to the film;
  • glass cutter (if you decide to make your own glass panels on their size);
  • hacksaw;
  • Scissors and stationery knife;
  • line, square, pencil and marker;
  • plastic spatula for mirror films labels (can use old bank card).
So we have prepared all the materials and tools, so you can start making the lamp
So we have prepared all the materials and tools, so you can start making the lamp

Step-by-step instruction

In the manufacture of our luminaire it is important to perform all the steps carefully, slowly. Especially since we are dealing with glass.

PictureProcess description
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsAs we have printed a picture framed with glass, it is necessary to disassemble the structure into parts
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsGlass dusted
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsWets the surface of the glass with soapy water and start to gently stick car reflective tape
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsThe label should be done very carefully, driving with a spatula or by credit card air and residue solution (such as wallpaper)
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsHere are two such mirror glass should work. Why not take a conventional mirror? The fact is that during their production on the glass a layer of black enamel, and it does not miss the light
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsNow, from the wooden slats or plastic cable channel to do a frame-gasket. The resulting construct can be attached to the glass by means of double-sided tape or a "liquid nail". In one corner of the frame leaving a small gap
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsAlong the perimeter of the frame fasten LED tape. A small piece of tape with terminals for output through available in the corner gap and fasten it to the reverse side of the glass
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsAs a result, we have turned here is a tray. But this is only half the battle
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsOn the reverse side of glass fastened down transformer and perform connection LED strip and wire, which will go to the mains
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsGood wipe with detergent, both glass
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsAlong the perimeter of the frame paste the double-sided tape
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsCarefully glue the glass on the tape. Do not hurry. If something goes wrong, it will be difficult to separate the design, and the glass may break and injure you
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsIn principle, our lamp is ready. As decoration, you can use art or baguette frame of the picture, taken with a glass
How to make an original lamp with your hands: the ideas, instructionsConnect the lamp to the network and enjoy the result of their work. It can be hung from the ceiling, mounted on a wall or use as the original table lamp

As you can see, nothing complicated in the creation of this unusual lamp with 3D-effects there. It would be a desire, patience and a little time.

How to make an original lamp for a child's room

It's no secret that most young children afraid to sleep in the dark, so the children's room, in addition to the main lighting, and a small need nochnichok. It is necessary that the lamp is not only rescued the child from the terrible darkness, but it pleased with its appearance. We offer you to watch videos which show how you can easily do with his hands original and interesting lamps for children's rooms.

Any dad can do for your child such an original chandelier PHOTO: ae01.alicdn.com
Any dad can do for your child such an original chandelier
PHOTO: ae01.alicdn.com

Interesting ideas for homemade lamps with photos in the interior

Chandeliers, floor lamps, table lamps, bedside lamp or wall sconces can be made of any material. Models can be very difficult or lungs, made by any style. Become a designer of lamps, you might like it. Here are just a few fotoprimerov original lighting, which, if desired, can make any man.

1 of 13

PHOTO: pbs.twimg.com

PHOTO: pbs.twimg.com

Prepare everything you need for work

Prepare everything you need for work

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: pol-master.com

PHOTO: pol-master.com

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: brodude.ru

PHOTO: brodude.ru

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: omegashop.com.ua

PHOTO: omegashop.com.ua

PHOTO: dekormyhome.ru

PHOTO: dekormyhome.ru

PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: koffkindom.ru

PHOTO: koffkindom.ru

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

PHOTO: i.pinimg.com