Posters in the nursery: the choice of style options, and design, photography interior room

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Children's room - a special area. Not only should all be functional, practical, but also divided into several zones. Contents area to help the child to the nursery posters, speaking both as a decorative element, and (sometimes!) Zoning element. However, they can not fail to attract the attention of the baby! It remains to understand how to select and decorate their poster child.

Bright posters in the room girls

As the images on posters can be used fine art, painting, abstract paintings, comics, phrases and quotes

Posters for children's room: the selection criteria


  • Posters for children's room: the selection criteria
  • The color palette, posters, or harmony light and dark tones
  • Drawing posters for children's room: a variety of options and the account of wishes of the baby
  • Options poster design to the style of the nursery, or how to choose them
  • Clearly the importance and photo examples of interior children's room with posters
  • Video: Simple posters with their own hands
  • Photo prints in the nursery

Today, children's posters on the wall can be found both online and offline stores. Their great variety and producers are Russia and China, the United States and Canada, Poland and Belarus. Posters are popular due to the fact that it is not torn, not crumpled, long time keeps the brightness of colors and happy child.

The poster with a teddy bear on the wall of a child's room

Drawing on the poster can be absolutely anything

Considering options for the baby's room, should take into account the following criteria:

  1. Environmentally friendly material from which made the picture. This can be kraft paper, non-woven fabric, canvas or photo paper. Each of them is good in its own way and is able to satisfy the security requirements.
  2. poster size. If you plan to make it the main object of attention in the child's room - you can use the high resolution or assemble a picture of several parts, for example. To decorate the interior, you can use posters measuring 27 * 27 cm and 47 * 47 cm.
  3. The color palette and drawing, picture, print. It all depends not only on the interior of the room, but her style. Classic, contemporary, or one of the ethno - Scandinavian, for example, will create "additional" requirements.
  4. Frame, which makes the picture complete.
  5. Availability of interesting inscriptions or credo of the baby (you can make your own or order individual performance).

If the child is old enough, posters should be selected in the nursery together. This will allow him to participate in the design, therefore, feel the creator of its own territory.

Hare on a black-and-white posters in the nursery

The poster must be completely in tune with the feelings and thoughts of the master or mistress of the room

The color palette, posters, or harmony light and dark tones

The color scheme in the toddler room - something that can have an impact on the psycho-emotional state of the child. The best option - the lack of bright and flashy colors more neutral colors or those that love the kid, but the lean execution.

Poster-metric in a thin black frame

The poster can carry any information, consist of different subjects or symbolize an event

Posters should be chosen based on their same colors that are present in the room. For example, in the Scandinavian style will be appropriate pictures on the whitish, gray-blue and similar shades. Good solution - a frame that will make a poster about the full picture.

Bright abstract poster on a brick wall

Abstract poster can consist of geometric patterns, whimsical shapes and unexpected color combinations

It should be remembered that the light poster is able to "dilute" saturated colors and visually expand the space. Choosing a poster in bright colors, you can afford a larger size, which can take one of the walls.

The poster in the wall in the bedroom girl

For any style of room you can find a suitable solution

But as posters dark shades, it is worth to be careful. Such poster:

  • Can become a "point of focus" on the light wall, taking up no more than 30% of the total area.
  • Help to differentiate study area and the playing area, for example. In this case, the optimal solution - a poster-picture rectangular shape, for example 120 * 45 cm.
  • It will be the territory, constantly attracting children, so it is better to hang on the wall the picture, which will call the child to regular issues, hence the interest to certain knowledge.
Dark poster on the dresser in the nursery

The poster with a dark picture looks great on the background light walls

Many children are delighted poster "Starry Sky" or "Space". These pictures are large in size, their shades - deep blue, white, black and orange. The optimal solution - lights for the poster, which will make it part of the interior.

Wallpapers starry sky on the wall of a child's room

Poster "Starry Sky" can fully decorate a wall in the nursery

Drawing posters for children's room: a variety of options and the account of wishes of the baby

Today, high-quality printing that allows you to create the perfect poster - bright, rich, precise and did not lose its properties. Therefore, looking at the catalog or in the window, dazzled not only among children but also their parents.

Poster with quotes on the children's beds

When choosing a poster with the words, make sure that you properly understand the meaning of written, especially the phrases in foreign languages

How to choose the poster that really decorate the room and like a child? Only under a few rules:

  • Accounting for the child's age. Kids, preschoolers will be interesting picture with cartoon characters. This can be adored Hare from "Oh, wait!" Or Sponge Bob Winx fairies or Robocop, for example.
  • primary school children interested in posters with the characters from the books or comics, but older children choose for themselves a cool poster or a picture of the original inscription. Must also something different from the rest. And children's poster project will be implemented in reality.
  • Sex of the child. Girls tend to be more pictures of nature, animals and princesses of their own kind, but the boys are interested Cosmos silt sky, as well as heroes, which want to be like.
  • The style and color of the interior. Cute picture just complement it, so choose something wrong in style is not worth it.

It is worth noting that most children choose as wallpaper poster favorite animals, or those whom they would like to start or who would like to be like. Therefore, cats, lions, tigers, wolves, dogs, and other "animals" meet the producers quite frequently.

The poster with the animal on a gray wall

Poster with watercolors giraffe

Watercolor painting of a giraffe on a children's poster

Giraffe, too, but in the representation of an abstract painter

We can not ignore or posters Cosmos Star Sky. They are equally fascinate and charm, I want to look into the picture again and again. You can buy a small poster and study the stars and constellations, and they can draw part of the ceiling, making the backlight in picture and admire the sky like the present.

Posters on space theme in the baby's room

"Cartoon" space for the youngest children

Stylish poster on the theme of space in the teen room

Cosmos "grown-up" for adolescent children

Celebrities - another common figure on posters. And all because of the same age children want to be like here on this hero - actor, singer, and in the other - that's already on it. It is to decide which like most at the moment - and hang the poster on the wall.

Rock poster in the nursery to teenage boy

Teenager, enthusiastic rock, like a poster with the image of an idol

Appeared on the market so-called educational posters. Tired of reminding the child of one and the same time? Several posters will do the job, recalling the rules and regulations and gently comic. Son or daughter will be grateful!

Alphabet on a bright poster preschooler room

Developing poster can help a young child in learning the alphabet

By following some simple rules and using the tip of the child (if age allows), easy to arrange a room with paintings on the wall and even a wardrobe. Should be given sufficient time to consider the options and stop at specific. And the poster will become a favorite, which will come to all my friends to take a look.

Options poster design to the style of the nursery, or how to choose them

Increasingly, for the children select a specific style of the interior, which in the future is complemented with new details. It is important to one - the style chosen for the floor and the character of the little man who lives in the room.

The poster on the theme of basketball in the boy's room

The first poster must like the owner of the room

For girls is characterized by all the delicate, pink and white, positive. That is why the posters fit in style to them:

  • Provence or rustic. There will be appropriate patterns of flowers, nature landscapes, sunrises and even the sea.
  • Shabby-chic classic. Vintage girl, lady with a feather boa, miniatures and something fascinating, a vase with fruit - these drawings suitable posters.
  • His own, inspired by a particular cartoon, comics, books. In accordance with the style and the picture is selected.
Bouquets of flowers on posters for the bedroom in the style of Provence

Posters "antique" with drawings of flowers - a suitable option for the children in the Provence style

Posters for a child's room in style Shabby-chic

For a romantic interior in a poster can perform an old suitcase with a picture of beautiful flowers

But the boys do not like liberties, they all need a clear, understandable and to the point. That is why the posters they choose exactly the same. For example, the style of:

  • History, you can choose a poster as a card or a celebrity at that time;
  • modern, in which all strictly and concisely, there will be appropriate cars, airplanes and other modern equipment;
  • classic, for which you can use any poster, only it succinctly fit into the color scheme of the interior.
Children's poster map of the world

The poster in the form of an ancient map of the world suitable for teen room

Poster for the room teenage boy

Stylish posters for technical subjects

In short, the choice of a poster in this case - the choice according to their own preferences. That's what really liked the first time - and the need to take!

Decor children's bedroom posters on the theme of movies

Heroic theme fits perfectly into the interior of the teenager's room or a fan of comic books

Clearly the importance and photo examples of interior children's room with posters

As the saying goes, better to see once... Considering children's interiors with posters, you can choose the ideal, or figure out how to do it is not necessary.

Children's poster on a brick wall

When you select a poster size into account the distance between the walls, ceiling and floor

Small square in the children's room posters

Also, the size of posters depending on their number

Photos will talk about how the poster is easy to make the center of attention or unobtrusive "inhabitant" of the room, as the place it is most advantageous - wall, ceiling, door wardrobe, for example.

Decor wardrobe children's posters

Colorful posters can decorate the door coupe cabinet, will not worse than printing on request

Posters are a place even on the windows. Why not? The main thing in this case - a great mood, creativity and fantasy!

Vinyl stickers on the window in the nursery

To fix the glass are best image on a vinyl-based

Poster - a great many, and each day manufacturers offer new options to keep pace with the times. Parents and children want to make the room special, adding a decoration. And the poster becomes the very element, with which you can decorate the room and and a baby with new knowledge on the topic of interest to entice. It remains to relate to the choice of desires and preferences, color palette and style of the room - and make a choice. As easy as pie!

Video: Simple posters with their own hands

Photo prints in the nursery