🔨 Self-leveling floor mix: types and order of application

Many floor coverings make high demands on the geometry and of the grounds on which they will be installed. If the minor elevation changes, helping to prepare the ground for self-leveling floor mixture. Such compositions have a number of distinctive features. We offer to meet with them, if you decide to use them during the work.

Read article

  • 1 Self-leveling floor mixture: what it is
  • 2 The features and operational characteristics of the mixtures
    • 2.1 By appointment (rough and finishing rovniteli)
    • 2.2 The material of the binder
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 4 leading manufacturers
  • 5 Popular compositions
    • 5.1 To finish the coating under
      • 5.1.1 Thick self-leveling floor "Prospectors": rating 8/10
      • 5.1.2 Universal mixture "Fundamentals Skorlayn FK45 R»: Rating 10/10
    • 5.2 For floors uncoated
      • 5.2.1 Industrial bulk floor "GLIMS Heavy Duty (A + B)»
      • 5.2.2 Polyurethane self-leveling floor GRASPOLIMER PU20-SLF with the effect of self-regulation
    • 5.3 For decorative finishes
      • 5.3.1 Self-leveling floor "colors Polimerstoun-2 RAL 7040"
      • 5.3.2 Colored epoxy self-leveling floor Remmers Epoxy OS Color
  • 6 Choosing a Self-leveling floor: tips
  • 7 We expect consumption mixture
  • 8 Fill the self-leveling floor with their hands
    • 8.1 What you need to work materials and tools
    • 8.2 Preparatory stage
    • 8.3 Mixing the solution
    • 8.4 Pouring the mixture

Self-leveling floor mixture: what it is

Manufacturers offer a dry mixture, which is based plaster or cement mixed with finely divided sand. It also occurs in the material in a liquid state. To ensure the required performance of the introduced some amount of plasticizers, fillers, accelerating the process of hardening solution. The additives may act as the adhesive, the particulate filler, coloring pigments. Before applying the dry leveling mixture is diluted to a consistency of liquid cream.

In the process of applying the leveling mass spreads over the surface filling existing defects: cracks and pits. The composition has excellent adhesion to the substrate. After drying, the formed hard flat horizontal layer, suitable for laying parquet, tile, laminate, and other varieties of decorative coatings.

Self-leveling compounds are used in finishing and repair of all types of premises, including residential and industrial. It may be applied to all types of grounds. For drying and curing the composition enough days.

Dry self-leveling mix very populyarnyFOTO: test.gbmgroup.ru
Dry self leveling mixture is very popular
PHOTO: test.gbmgroup.ru

The features and operational characteristics of the mixtures

Characteristics mixtures leveling flooring directly depends on the purpose and composition. On the market a wide range of levels, each of which has its own area of ​​application. We offer to meet with them.

Details of the filling solution can strongly otlichatsyaFOTO: stroikairemont.com
Details of the filling solution may differ
PHOTO: stroikairemont.com

By appointment (rough and finishing rovniteli)

Appointment of self-leveling mixture makes demands to the size of its particles. Depending on this parameter, allocate:

  • rough mix. Used with considerable height differences. Such Levels allow to form a layer thickness of 5 - 6 mm;
  • finishing mixture. Intended for the final floor finish. The thickness of the formed layer should not exceed 4 mm. Typically, the coarse layer was applied to the mixture to completely align it and to achieve the desired smoothness. Often used as a primary coating after decorating various patterns and ornaments;
  • quick-hardening compounds. Relevant with limited run-time jobs. Self Leveling quick-hardening mixture is applied to a floor surface thin layer. The thickness is selected taking into account the value of the existing roughness. Allow to align the base in a short time;
  • special mixtureUsed only to seal the depressions or cracks in the ground floor. The peculiarity of such mixtures - increased adhesion to the floor base.
Thin self-leveling floor mix allows to form thin sloyFOTO: images.ru.prom.st
Thin self-leveling floor mix allows to form a thin layer
PHOTO: images.ru.prom.st

The material of the binder

Self-leveling mixtures are made based on cement and plaster. The first type is designed for floor leveling in areas with different levels of humidity. The second is used to prepare the ground in dry.

Furthermore, to provide the required operational properties may be used a different binder. Depending on the type of the input component of the mixture is divided into:

  • polyurethane. Characteristics of binder used is increased elasticity of the formed coating, as well as to improve its low temperature impact resistance. The best option for rooms with high permeability. Using mixtures of polyurethane leveling rule field in the sales room, office, in warehouses;
  • epoxy. Use as an epoxy resin binder material enhances the strength characteristics the formed layer improves resistance to temperature changes, moisture, chemical substances. Due to this self-leveling epoxy mixture used in the treatment of gender in the chemical industry, food, car washes;
  • epoxy, polyurethane. These kind combines the properties of two types of previous leveling. Demand in areas with a continuous flow of people. Used when performing repair work on railway stations, subway;
  • methyl methacrylate. Formulations with the binder have a high solidification rate. It can be used for leveling of irregularities of different thicknesses. In the process of forming a coating there is a strong odor, which will disappear after the mixture has hardened;
  • cement and acrylic. They are used to form a coating with a rough surface. Used for the preparation of sex in areas with high security requirements.
Binders region determined using self-leveling composition for polaFOTO: teplovoy-service.ru
Binders region determined using self-leveling floor mix
PHOTO: teplovoy-service.ru

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of self-leveling compounds include:

  • ease of use;
  • greater the rate of drying. To move on, you can form a coating within a few hours. Laying finishing can be performed in a day;
  • ease of use. From the order of application of the dry mixture is able to understand even an inexperienced person;
  • forming a solid coating which resists abrasion;
  • no shrinkage during curing;
  • forming a layer with a minimum thickness of 5 mm, which makes topical use of compositions for floor leveling in low ceiling spaces.
Application of the composition does not cause slozhnosteyFOTO: zaf.sika.com
Application of the composition does not cause difficulties
PHOTO: zaf.sika.com

The disadvantage is:

  • the need to prepare the ground. The surface should be potholes;
  • high demands on the quality of work. In the absence of proper skill of the workers, it is possible to form a low quality coating, dismantle which would be difficult;
  • emission of harmful substances during drying, some formulations. In case of skin burn can occur.

Attention! When using a self-leveling mix must take special care.

Work should be performed for a limited vremyaFOTO: caparol-disbon.ru
Work should be performed for a limited time
PHOTO: caparol-disbon.ru

leading manufacturers

Among the most popular and well-known brands of the products it is worth noting:

  • Knauf. The manufacturer offers a good blend in a large assortment. There is a special range with increased strength. Suitable for underfloor heating;
  • Vetonit. Introduction of special additives facilitates the spreading of the prepared solution and drying it without damaging integrity. Self-leveling mix of products in demand among professionals. Dry during the day. The coating does not require painting and sanding;
  • Bolars. Presented a wide range at an affordable cost. Allow to form a thin coating;
  • Horizon. high-quality products at an affordable price;
  • Ceresit. Some of the most popular compositions. The manufacturer offers a self-leveling mixture of various kinds at affordable prices.
Ceresit has leading pozitsiiFOTO: tdstroyplus.ru
Ceresit is a leader
PHOTO: tdstroyplus.ru

Popular compositions

By choosing a suitable self-leveling mix, pay attention to the composition, enjoying increased popularity among users. Increased demand for these materials is dictated by their high performance.

To finish the coating under

Such formulations allow to align the substrate prior to laying the floor covering. Allowed to form a layer of varying thickness, depending on available defects.

Thick self-leveling floor "Prospectors": rating 8/10

Self-leveling cement based. Used for leveling screed, The concrete base in the presence of large height differences. Suitable for all types of premises. It allows to generate a high quality layer having a thickness of 30-100 mm. Allows execution of works at a temperature from + 5 ° to + 30 ° C. Viable solution for 40 min. Flow rate: 1.7 kg per 1 m².

Prospectors thick for a thick sloyaFOTO: shop.stromix.ru
Prospectors thick for a thick layer
PHOTO: shop.stromix.ru

Review about Tolstoy the filling the "miners":

The base would be ideal: competently apply self-leveling compounds for floors
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_8618385.html

Universal mixture "Fundamentals Skorlayn FK45 R»: Rating 10/10

Universal Self Leveling dry mixture based on cement for interior works. It allows the pedestrian load two hours after pouring. The thickness of the formed layer of 2 to 100 mm. Flow rate 1.3 kg / m². It can be used with heated floors. It is packed with 20 kg. Viable solution for 40 minutes.

Basics Skorlayn FK45 R - part, date for any pomescheniyaFOTO: 1-otzyv.com
Basics Skorlayn FK45 R - part of that is relevant to any room
PHOTO: 1-otzyv.com

"Fundamentals Skorlayn FK45 R» review of the universal mixture:

The base would be ideal: competently apply self-leveling compounds for floors
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6842764.html

For floors uncoated

Filler floor often acts as a base coat. In warehouses, industrial facilities impractical laying decorative coverings. The formed layer has sufficient strength and is not afraid of reagents impact.

Quality coverage - an important condition for safe operation sotrudnikovFOTO: pol-exp.com
Quality coverage - an important condition for the safe operation of employees
PHOTO: pol-exp.com

Industrial bulk floor "GLIMS Heavy Duty (A + B)»

Fast curing two-component non-shrink, high strength allows the coating to form a thickness of 5 to 12 mm. It allows manual and mechanized application. Used in industrial facilities, garages, warehouses. Maximum 0.6 mm filler fraction. Flow rate 2 kg / m². Viable solution for 20 - 25 minutes.

Industrial self-leveling floor "GLIMS Heavy Duty (A + B)» PHOTO: krovati-i-divany.ru
Industrial bulk floor "GLIMS Heavy Duty (A + B)»
PHOTO: krovati-i-divany.ru

Polyurethane self-leveling floor GRASPOLIMER PU20-SLF with the effect of self-regulation

Two-component composition. It contains no organic solvents. Allows tinting. Produced in the vial of 5 kg and 30 kg large. It must be stored in a dark room. Flow rate of 1.5 kg / m². Viable solution for half an hour. The shelf life of six months.

GRASPOLIMER PU20-SLF effect samovyravnivaniyaFOTO: bnhp.ru
GRASPOLIMER PU20-SLF with the effect of self-regulation
PHOTO: bnhp.ru

For decorative finishes

Using self-leveling floor is often formed beautiful decorative floor covering. It becomes one of the main elements of the interior, maintaining a significant operational burden.

PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com
PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com

Self-leveling floor "colors Polimerstoun-2 RAL 7040"

The elastic, abrasion-resistant composition. Different chemical resistance. It does not contain solvents. Flow rate of 1.5 kg / m². Viable solution for 40 minutes. Guaranteed shelf life of six months.

Self-leveling floor "colors Polimerstoun-2 RAL 7040" - self-leveling composition for any pomescheniyaFOTO: kraski-dl.ru
Self-leveling floor "colors Polimerstoun-2 RAL 7040" - self-leveling composition for any room
PHOTO: kraski-dl.ru

Colored epoxy self-leveling floor Remmers Epoxy OS Color

The qualitative composition of multi-purpose epoxy resin. Allows folding at a temperature of + 10 ° C to + 30 ° C. It allows to form a layer thickness of 2 - 5 mm. Tinting. Viable solution for 25 minutes. Curing times per day. Flow rate of 1.6 kg / m².

Colored epoxy self-leveling floor Remmers Epoxy OS Color PHOTO: media.remmers.com
Colored epoxy self-leveling floor Remmers Epoxy OS Color
PHOTO: media.remmers.com

Choosing a Self-leveling floor: tips

Large assortment delivers some difficulty in choosing the right option. To purchase the required Self-leveling floor, it is worth considering:

  • type of roomFor which the composition is purchased. Guide operational load and operating features;
  • fill goal. For roughing the floor machining to choose coarse grained solution for finishing - finishing thin;
  • original state grounds. In the presence of significant defects should select a material capable of forming a thick coating;
  • cost of. It depends on the number of input plasticizers;
  • the presence of "warm floor" system. For this purpose compositions having improved heat insulation properties;
  • compliance with expiration dates;
  • time complete solidification. It depends on the composition. The standard mixture hardens within half an hour. For fast-enough 15 minutes.

Tip! To keep within the allotted time, self-leveling casting solution should be carried out with an assistant.

Terms of operation - the main criteria vyboraFOTO: schmidtsbigbass.com
Operating conditions - the main selection criteria
PHOTO: schmidtsbigbass.com

We expect consumption mixture

To get the necessary amount of material to perform the work, perform a preliminary calculation. Manufacturers implement self-leveling the mixture in 25 kg bags. For the calculation it is necessary to know what the costs of a particular composition to one square, which will be the future of the thickness of the coating. The packaging manufacturers specify, as needed to form a mixture layer thickness of 1 mm on a square base. For starting the figure is 2 - 2.5 kg for thin - on the average 1.5 - 1.7 kg.

Flow rate depends on the thickness pokrytiyaFOTO: skremont-st.ru
Flow rate depends on the thickness of the coating
PHOTO: skremont-st.ru

When calculating:

  • It determines the position of the highest and lowest points in the room. Determined distance therebetween and is divided into two;
  • the value obtained is multiplied by the quadrature floor in the room to calculate the volume of material required to form a coating;
  • amount multiplied by the flow to get the required number of kilograms. Considering that in one bag of 25 kg weight is divided by the weight of one package. The resulting value is rounded up to the nearest integer.

Tip! To the resulting value builds add 10% contingency.

To calculate the need to know the number of parametrovFOTO: homemasters.ru
To calculate the number of settings you need to know
PHOTO: homemasters.ru

Fill the self-leveling floor with their hands

If you decide to prepare the ground under the decorative coating on their own, is to get acquainted with the implementation of the work order. Attention should be paid not only to the order of application, but also training.

What you need to work materials and tools

Before use to calculate the required amount of a mixture of self-leveling flooring and purchase the desired number of packages. Also need primer for preparing the substrate. To work it is necessary to have in place:

  • capacity in which the solution will get involved;
  • assembling a drill mixer for mixing the components;
  • trowel for applying the solution onto the surface;
  • Needle roller;
  • level;
  • roller and brush for applying the primer.
PHOTO: yandex.ru
PHOTO: yandex.ru

Preparatory stage

Substrate preparation is performed in the following sequence:

The base would be ideal: competently apply self-leveling compounds for floorsWith the level determined by the highest point in the room. Average fuel consumption mixture is numerically equal to half the difference between the highest and lowest point of the floor
The base would be ideal: competently apply self-leveling compounds for floorsWith grinder, we put on a hot plate in an arbitrary direction of the sipe to enhance its adhesion to the layer poured
The base would be ideal: competently apply self-leveling compounds for floorsRemove from the base of all the garbage. Use a vacuum surface dedusting
The base would be ideal: competently apply self-leveling compounds for floorsLubricate the base along the entire perimeter. Apply a layer of a conventional primer, following the manufacturer's instructions

Mixing the solution

Knead the solution according to package directions. Adding the required amount of water, all carefully stir until smooth.

Pouring the mixture

Pouring the mixture as follows:

The base would be ideal: competently apply self-leveling compounds for floorsPour the prepared solution on the substrate. Helping him with a spatula evenly distributed over the surface
The base would be ideal: competently apply self-leveling compounds for floorsUsing spiked roller provide a uniform distribution over the surface of the solution and remove excess air present in the mixture

Share in the comments, if you had to use Self-leveling floor? Will it generate high-quality coverage?