Remains of reinforced plastic and polypropylene pipes should never be thrown away. They can be useful not only for maintenance but also for the many useful home appliances. Of these, you can even pick up some furniture, but the simplest and most always right - is a compact dryer or shoes, which can be conveniently placed on the radiator. How to do it - show YouTube-channel author TEXaS TVLet's examine the technology and try to use it in practice.
Read article
- 1 What is useful for compact dryer assembly
- 2 How to prepare: measurements and details
- 3 dryer assembly of simple parts
- 4 How can I use the dryer of plastic pipes
What is useful for compact dryer assembly
Begin by determining which tubes useful for better assembly structure: polypropylene or metal and plastic. There are two powerful arguments. The first - the construction rigidity. In this regard, polypropylene pipes do not have competition, and metal and plastic still bend under mechanical stress. Although, if you talk from a practical point of view, to bend a small segment of metal and plastic, no wet clothes or shoes will not. A length of the tube, you will have to put the batteries - a maximum of 80 cm.
The second criterion for selection - ease of assembly. Here in this matter metalloplastik wins polypropylene pipes. Fittings for such pipes have threaded connections and mounting structure need only wrench. But plastic pipes are joined by soldering, but it is not so easy, after all have to find a special device. However, even here there is an argument in favor of the second option: you dryer tightness is not required, therefore, in principle, to connect sections of pipe tees and corners can be with a conventional gas burner. Will not so neat, but quite acceptable.
And that's what you absolutely can not worry - it's about the contact tubes and batteries. Modern plastic tubes are made from materials resistant to heat.
How to prepare: measurements and details
Folk wisdom says that it is better to measure seven times and cut one. This is quite true in this case.

dryer assembly of simple parts
Thus, the dryer will consist of crosspieces equal radiator width and side clamps, which will keep the cross at a certain distance from each other.

How can I use the dryer of plastic pipes
such dryers you can make a few and use them in any room where there are radiators.

Everything that you put on the oven, will not be in direct contact with the heat sink, and so on underwear and shoes are not formed spots and markings. A major advantage of this dryer is that it is not difficult to make your own hands literally from the remnants of material after repair.
But another type of construction, no less effective than the one we have considered:
Which option you like the most? Do you think it realistic to make such a device at home for yourself? Maybe there are tips to refine and improve the design? Write about it in the comments! And if you have your own experience, it is recorded in the photo - send us a master class in our edition!
A PHOTO: YouTube-channel "TEXaS TVΒ«