Furniture options for kindergarten

One of the biggest challenges facing the organizers and members of the POC of the parent committee, is to organize the space. The fact that complement the pre-school is not easy. It should not only be stylish, user-friendly, but also comply with the set standards. Specialized children's furniture now represented in a large assortment. However, select the desired model is not so easy. What design options exist on the market, it will be discussed in the article.

Types of children's furniture for the garden

View the assortment of designs proposed for use in preschool, we can here. Manufacturers made a huge number of models for various purposes. Consumers need to choose what suits them in quality and degree of compliance with state standards.

Classification of children's furniture is extensive. It varies according to the following parameters:

  • objective, scope;
  • cost classiness;
  • registration.

Depending on the intended use of the design can be used for the following tasks:

  • sleep, rest (bed, chaise lounges);
  • education (desks, chairs);
  • educational games, entertainment (children's corners, modules);
  • physical training (wall bars, sports corners);
  • keeping things (closets, cabinets, shelves)

The last pieces of furniture needed for clothing, footwear, equipment, tools and other things. Modern furniture for children's plays an important role in the educational process. The fact is that now it is fashionable to do their studies in the form of games. This allows children to easily be included in the process and know the material inspiration. Therefore, the corners and the modules are widely used in the arrangement of space.

All variants of upholstered furniture for kindergarten and case products must comply with a set of requirements:

  • reliability (furniture construction must be resistant to the impacts and not be subjected to damage);
  • usability, maintenance (design must be easy to clean, wash, do not need to use specialized tools for them);
  • life (the model should serve for decades without losing the original consumer properties);
  • certificates of presence (products must be accompanied by a set of necessary documentation);
  • original design (design must be unique and well with the surrounding environment);
  • absolute safety (no sharp corners, toxic elements in the composition).

Upholstered furniture includes chairs with padded, armchairs, sofas for rest rooms, soft modules. It is also a large bedroom furniture for the garden, which should provide the kid a quality full-fledged vacation. It preferably represented cots, which may be single (classical) and double bunk. The latest versions are increasingly used today, t. To. Help save space.

Of particular importance is dining furniture for preschools. She is represented by tables, chairs and shelves for storage of utensils, food. Constructions are also represented in large kolichesvo.