Christmas decorations and tinsel need not only to decorate the Christmas tree with their help. Some people prefer to leave the plant in the forest, to beautify the house of a very different way. For example, to make a homemade Christmas tree of Christmas balls and tinsel. It looks very interesting! Look ...
This hack like guests and members of the household. Firstly, it is original, and secondly, environmentally friendly and, of course, does not require daily cleaning crumbling needles. And the animal will drop a herringbone pattern on the floor.
So, what they are, Christmas trees, made with his own hands?
These crafts are made of Christmas balls. Just hang them on the wall with small pins. For example, as in the photo. Add a garland. If desired star. Particularly advantageously, such compositions are looked for monochromatic background wall. But this — optional condition.
The next version of a homemade Christmas tree. Several branches of live plants, decorated with toys and placed parallel to the wall.
One of the most solemn option - a garland on the wall in the form of a Christmas tree. This option will support the decor festive mood of the whole family!
To prepare such a decoration, you need quite a bit - 20 minutes of time, tinsel, rain, garland, wrapping with buttons or tape. And, of course, such a composition is possible and necessary to decorate the Christmas decorations.
To create such beauty, it is better to think in advance about the color scheme. Use all the colors of the rainbow. No need to be tied to any particular combinations of sequences.
- Conventional branches with a garland.
- Strings with hanging toys in the form of a Christmas tree.
- Live plants branches positioned parallel to each other.
Use the option that you prefer. Because it's just such a herringbone can decorate every room.
Another option to create Christmas trees - hang beads on fishing line. Soaring spruce will attract attention of all the guests. That she was safe, a Christmas tree is better to place at low altitude. This is especially true for all those in whose house live young children and curious pets.
Option Air herringbone requires creative thinking. This beauty will delight you throughout the holidays.
And some more interesting ideas. With sticks, artificial branches of spruce, ribbons and bows with a garland.
Decorate a homemade spruce tinsel. By the way, Christmas tree need not be made of Christmas decorations. It can photograph, soft toys or other decor.