Some people are able to inspire! One of them - Michael - the architect and, concurrently, decorator practices. All of his designs are decorated with handmade objects of their own. They fit perfectly into the interior, on which he worked. How successful the result — judge for yourself.
But until recently, many of these crafts were considered useless junk that is collecting dust somewhere in the attic. Apply creativity, patience, take the work a few hours, and sometimes up to 30 minutes, — that's ready creative decor items!

Not necessarily to buy expensive ornaments to decorate the house. Almost everything can be done independently. The main thing - imagination and the ability to use various materials and tools.
So what can you do with your hands?
Old door turns... In the original table! All you need to - to fix tabletop and attached to her legs.

You know how to knit? So you the strength to make a lot of beautiful things! With the help of yarn and threads can be made tapestries, which will enliven the interior and will make it notes exclusivity.
Tie the thread in thick braids, and then connect them to the mat. These paintings can be hung on a wall or decorate their floors. To create a tapestry enough to use a bamboo stick with a rope threaded through.

From this narrow door in the form of blinds made garden chair, comfortable for sunbathing.

Another item that is easy to make with their own hands - a hammock. Excellent opportunity to feel on holiday without leaving your own home. All you need - strong pieces of fabric and thread safe.

Use the wire to create original lamp with a translucent shade.
For the production of this masterpiece need a thin wire and small figures on the clothespins. In this case, it's a butterfly. Iridescent winged creatures will emphasize the ease and elegance of simple design, which will be a worthy decoration of the interior of any style.

Want to add a home of refinement? Take a pad of flat pebbles! Use glue and a rubberized base. Fit and also pre-polished special antiseptic impregnated wood saw cut.

You want stool? There is nothing easier! Use the book of the same size and belts. Tired of the new piece of furniture? Just remove the straps ...

Bored with the old door? Why not decorate? Surprise others! In this case, the artist tried to glory.

But what a beautiful vase can be made of ordinary bottles. You will need a spray paint and, if desired, a brush.

Brought from the sea shells? Use them as decoration for the candlestick!

No less interesting things can be made from clay, concrete and gypsum. For example, unique lighting for the garden and home.