The working area by the window in the nursery: a writing and other tables in the room interior

For the most functional use of the area of ​​a child's room designers recommend use area located directly in front of the window. And so on. To. Here, even in little lit room is the large amount of light, this place is ideal for the work area.

Short gray curtains on the table by the window a child's room

Artificial lighting will never be compared with the natural light of its use for the child's perspective

Pros and cons of working space by the window in the nursery


  • Pros and cons of working space by the window in the nursery
  • Table selection of manufacturing materials in the interior of a child
    • MDF
    • Particleboard
    • Glass
    • other materials
  • Selecting the size of the table in the nursery
    • Table in a small room
  • Wallpapers option to install window
  • Decorating the working area by the window
  • design photos of the working area by the window in the nursery
  • Video: The table in the nursery of chipboard with their hands
  • Photo ideas work area near a child window

The biggest advantage of working place by the window layout in the nursery, the maximum luminance of the selected area. Indeed, student needs a lot of natural light. On the one hand, it gives the body needs vitamin D, and is useful for vision and the other allows you to save electricity. Electricity will need to include only evening.

White desk in the room girls

Selecting the table in the nursery depends on the child's age and needs, as well as the size of the room

All this is important for the apartments with low lighting, windows are located to the north. If the room most of the day the sun, it will be very "beat" in the eyes of a child. We'll have to come up with options for shading, buy curtains with a special cloth or dull light scattering.

Curtains day or night on the window in the nursery

To adjust the light intensity is very convenient to use the Blinds "day-night", painting which consists of alternating transparent and dense fabric strips

Just a few positive aspects:

  • maximum space savings;
  • convenient option zoning;
  • increase the working area due to the sill;
  • the possibility of extending the workspace by tapping into place on one or both of the walls, fit well, if in the house 2 students.
Workplace for three children around the room window

Desk irregular shape will have to make to order on the individual sizes

The working area in the window in the nursery has its own significant drawbacks:

  • unwanted direct sunlight on a computer;
  • difficult to open a window for ventilation;
  • Buffet closes the battery, it is broken heat and ventilation in the room.
Narrow the gap in the table top in front of a window

Thinking workspace window, you must take into account the heating radiator

For proper circulation of air is necessary to drill holes along the top of the battery.

Periodically check that the window fittings, airing in the cold to carry out in the absence of a child in the room.

Green curtains on the window with a wide tabletop

If the table is planned to build in the windowsill or furniture, you should think carefully about the design, and later it will be harder to fix flaws

Table selection of manufacturing materials in the interior of a child

When choosing the material for the desk is necessary to proceed not from the financial capabilities, functionality and durability of the product.

The design of a large nursery with a desk by the window

Having analyzed the materials, types and sizes of tables, it will be easier to choose the appropriate model for a particular child's room


Any furniture from MDF is sufficient demand, t. To. In the manufacture of observed price and quality balance. It has a low threshold of wear and high aesthetic quality.

White table with pedestal in front of a window in the boy's room

Furniture Design MDF can be very different: from laconic models with smooth surfaces to the massive table that resembles the product made of natural wood

There are more advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • hydrophobicity, the table will not hurt spilled water;
  • large selection of colors;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • a lifespan of about 10 years.
Blue walls of children's rooms

Compact hinged table made of MDF in the little boy's room

Fewer drawbacks:

  • instability to fire and excessive heat is damaged from heat sources;
  • not tolerate steam condensate;
  • Medium density, sensitive to mechanical damage, it is impossible to install hardware again.

With all the shortcomings of countertops made of MDF have high operating performance in compliance with all standards of manufacturing technology.


Plates of chipboard, used in the manufacture of tables is processed in a certain way from timber waste. A significant advantage of this material - low price category.

Place to learn and play in front of a window in the boys' room

Despite the low cost of the material, the quality of the chipboard table may look quite decent

Even the pros:

  • rapid production - it is important in the manufacture of custom-made furniture;
  • infinite color palette;
    light weight - important for transportation;
  • resistance to mildew, mold, rot;
  • production of elementary - in such furniture are practically no marriage.

The only negative overlapping all the advantages - increased toxicity of the material. Toxic weathered formaldehyde vapors from such section from 5 to 10 years, gradually accumulate in the body.


Typically, not all of the table is made of glass, and the only countertop. By the material are increased requirements.

Black glass on computer desk in the children's room

Glass top will fit perfectly in a modern interior room teen

Strength rating from the lowest to the most anti-shock and injury prevention:

  1. Since a polymeric film coating.
  2. With the application of powder coating, after calcination furnace.
  3. Combined Technology "triplex" - stratified application of the polymer film and glass, followed by treatment under high pressure in an autoclave.

The lack of one: any glass may shatter.

Green curtain on white table

The shape of the table depends on the filling of the room, and the child's preferences

other materials

In the production of tables using different materials or combinations thereof. For example:

  • Wood - excellent for countertops, but at the wrong care is short-lived.
  • Plastic - fragile and short-lived.
  • Agglomerate - resistant to mechanical damage, but if this happens, do a repair or restore the surface impossible.
  • Melamine - used as a coating.
  • Veneer - capricious in care, exposure to sunlight may change the color.
Wooden table top instead of the sill

The longest serve worktop hardwood, but this option is quite expensive

Plastic table by the window in the nursery

PVC worktop more affordable price and is combined with a plastic window sill and white frames

Equipping the workplace by the window in the room, in most cases it is necessary to book a table on the individual parameters. Professional masters advise when choosing a material to use in the first place security criteria.

Selecting the size of the table in the nursery

The main problem in determining the size of a table - its height. It depends on the child's growth. But it is better to get higher, but the child was so convenient to periodically adjust the height of your chair. If we take into account the standards of GOST, the width of the countertop is determined in 75 cm and a length for one child - 140 cm.

Narrow table for two by the window in the nursery

To make it easy to open the sash window for ventilation, the table should not be too wide

Table in a small room

There are several models of tables to be installed is in the small children's rooms. First of all, it is a table-sill. It is important to choose high-quality material and make an accurate "fit" into the window opening.

White table-sill in the bedroom of a small size

Installing countertops instead of the sill will save space in a small room

The table can be a little "round" along one of the side walls. And in order to increase the storage space, build the wall cabinets.

Table bed in the children's small size

In a small room suitable rounded corner table or model, built into other furniture

Wallpapers option to install window

The variety of forms allows to choose the model and for a small room, and large and elongated, and for a square.

  • Corner. The most popular design, allowing not only a rational use of space, but also to accommodate everything you need. Wall cabinets and shelves will make it possible to put all the necessary for a student. Retractable bollard serve for storing small things. As a result, on the table will be set free more space.
    Corner worktop in the room school-age girls

    Option plan workplace in a corner room with two windows

  • Classic desk. View classic desktop quite unassuming: table top, four legs or side tables. If the structure allows the wall can be increased to 2 m and more. In some embodiments, the sliding insert arrange for guests. But in this case the bed next not fit.
    Desk under a window sill in the girl's room

    When choosing a freestanding desk must take into account the height of the window sill

  • Curved. Desk smooth curved design has a lot of options. For example, the corner on the one hand, the corner on both sides and t. D. The main purpose - to use as a computer desk with pull-out keyboard for extra worktop.
    Corner student desk with radiused worktop

    Workplace with a curved top, complemented by a superstructure for placing toys or stationery

  • Table for two children. The most important quality of the table for a few students of his capacity. He should take a lot of space. The best option would be to location along the window, capturing part of one and the other walls. Another option - the classical linear table with 3 tables (middle and on the sides). If the place is small, a good idea would be a linear table with two tables in the middle.
    Red chairs in front of a desk in the teen room

    Ample workspace, occupying two walls in the nursery

Decorating the working area by the window

student desk, no matter how large it may be, over time, is sure to become the seat of a lot of things. It is therefore necessary to equip the working area of ​​storage systems. It can be various boxes, tubes, shelves, in small boxes specially selected to design the entire room.

Lockers on a desk by the window

Additional shelves and cabinets to help organize storage space for toys and school supplies

Magnetic, marker or cork board - is not only element of the decor, but the most useful device. Just carefully select the curtains, wallpaper color and chairs, soft carpet under your feet.

Decorating work area is first necessary to arrange the light correctly. Reading lamps and a variety of LED lighting can also be elements of the overall design of the room.

design photos of the working area by the window in the nursery

A window seat is rarely occupied by furniture. Become acquainted with the different options of accommodation in the area of ​​the desk, it is easy to choose a suitable it is for a particular room. Presented a photo of the working area in the nursery window to help visualize the future interior and a variety of colors.

Wide console table by the window a child's room

Large worktop in the wall will place on it all that is necessary for employment or board games

Bookcase on the countertop along the window

In a corner of the long table top cabinet can be installed with original design

Table height adjustable table tops in light of child

For a very small master bedroom is better to choose a model with height adjustable table top, which can be easily raised as the child grows

Since the desk is designed to fit in a child's room, it is important to let the child participate in the selection of style and color, as the entire room, and various little things that adorn the workplace.

Video: The table in the nursery of chipboard with their hands

Photo ideas work area near a child window