Oven Hans (Hansa): electric and gas, real rating of the best models

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Without the oven it is a part of a modern kitchen


  • 1 A brief history of the origin of the brand
  • 2 Electric and gas ovens Hansa: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • 3 Varieties Oven energy source
  • 4 The types of ovens according to the process installation
  • 5 selection Options
  • 6 Ranking of the best models
  • 7 General provisions for the operation of the oven Hansa instructions

A brief history of the origin of the brand

Before you buy an oven Hans, many users will want to get to know the origin of the brand, to be sure of high quality products.

Brand leads back to 1997, when the German company Magotra Handelsgeselshaft began producing household appliances at the production sites of the Polish company Amica.

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The predecessor of the brand Hansa is another well-known to almost all the people who lived in the USSR company Wromet, which for 20 years it has been a provider of high-quality gas stoves in socialist countries camp.

In Russia the company Hans appeared only in 2000, but in 2008 she won the "Brand of the Year" in the category "Consumer electronics and home appliances."

The variety of models allows you to select the optimum oven for any interior

All the plants of the company are equipped with only the most modern equipment and the materials completely environmentally friendly, which makes equipment brand (in particular electrical and gas oven Hansa) completely safe to use. Also, high quality of products is confirmed by the ISO certificates Rostest, GS, EMW.

Product assembly is made not only on the territory of Poland. Where made depends on the type of output equipment

  • in China there are factories for the production of refrigeration and embedded microwave ovens;
  • Turkey carried out the assembly of washing machines of the brand;
  • the largest production is concentrated in Poland, where the assembly line go Hansa gas ovens, cooktops, microwave ovens, cooker hoods.

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in the field of home appliance experts note the high quality of the assembly of electronic modules control, which are made of high-quality components, but, more often, are not protected against shocks voltage.

The presence of glass cooling system provides security and prevents burn hands

Electric and gas ovens Hansa: Advantages and Disadvantages

Each technique, regardless of brand, has its positive and negative sides, which, most often, are subjective, but reflect the real quality of consumer product.

Ovens, Hans, in the opinion of buyers, is also not deprived of the pros and cons. Of the advantages of the products of the brand should be noted:

  • A wide range of models of external design. All models built-in appliances from the manufacturer are available on a single standard (59.5 × 59.5 × 57.5 cm) with a useful volume of 58 l, providing an ideal opportunity to enter any item in the art interior.

Ease of use is an important factor when choosing a subjective oven

In this case, the manufacturer offers a wide variety of models in design and color choices. Total company is ready to offer the buyer the court 7 kinds of design registration:

RetroSubmitted vintage samples;

Trend - models made in hi-tech laconic style;

Titanium - range, where the main emphasis is placed on the accuracy and rigor of the lines;

Palladium - model, where the main difference is the presence of rounded handles;

Scandium, Wherein the predominate sharp, jagged outlines even in places;

Impression - range from smooth and soft lines;

Fusion - modern and technologically advanced range, the design of which is close to classical.

  • ease of operation. All controls Hans oven with convection are arranged on the front surface. They may be a touch or mechanical type. The first embodiment is further equipped with bright and informative display, which displays the selected mode, temperature and other important data for cooking;

The presence of the convection function allows for better preparation

  • functionality. The company is trying to attract potential buyers not only quality, but also the functionality of their devices. Ovens have the ability to not only an ordinary frying or baking, but also offers a grill option, convection, combination mode, which allows you to simultaneously cook several dishes;
  • serviceability. The company's engineers are paying attention to every detail. Almost all models on the market, have double doors that prevents heat from the outside, even at the highest temperatures. Of the additional features we can mention the function of protection of children, the presence of telescopic rails, the system securely hold the door open.

Telescopic slides - element comfortable use of the oven

  • price. Another obvious advantage, which has an independent or built-in electric oven, Hans, in the opinion, is their cost. Minimum price tag brand technique starts from 9000 rubles, and the most advanced models are rarely cost more than 30,000. This makes the oven accessible to a wide range of consumers.

But in any ointment there is always a fly in the ointment. With respect to such techniques Hans minutiae are some drawbacks that are detected either during use or immediately after the acquisition. Outs ovens of the brand can be considered:

  • crudity detail in low-end models.

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Many users complain that when the timer is turned off the fan off automatically occurs, which leads to heating of the oven due to the residual heat.

  • workmanship factory plan;
  • insufficient number of trays included in low-cost models;
  • lack of thermometer some gas ovens, which complicates the process of tracking temperature.

Most of the problems that occur are easily removed when you contact the authorized service centers that exist throughout the Russian Federation.

Built-in ovens have standard dimensions most frequently, which facilitates the choice of placement

Varieties Oven energy source

One of the important parameters of the correct choice of the oven is a source of energy for the conversion of the latter into heat. In total there are two varieties, each of which has its pluses and minuses. The final choice, most often, is subjective.

Electric oven Hansa

This type of device is powered by electrical energy that provides ease of use in the case of absence of gas or a temporary failure.

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In the absence of gas supply in the apartment the electricity tariff is lower, allowing you to safely use electric stoves without fear of overpaying.

The advantages electric ovens It refers clear temperature control, which is able to be maintained to within 5-10 ° C. Also, most models have a timer, the use of which allows you to set the desired cooking time. If you choose combined cookers, Their functional features richness: convection, heating the upper part, various heating regimes grill spit.

The presence of gas leakage control function ensures the safety of application of this type of cookers and ovens

Gas ovens

The company produces more than a hundred articles ovens working on gas. The product range includes both traditional ovens embodiments, and models with increased reaching 72 l. brand products, which operates on gas, has a number of important features:

  1. Eco-Gas System. Feature that allows you to save fuel. This is achieved by the special design of the burners, allowing to adjust the diameter of the crown according to the dish surface. Saving of up to 12%.
  2. lektropod. Most models have automatic ignition function, thus avoiding the use of matches or lighters. Depending on the plate, the function is implemented via a separate button or activated by a handle.
  3. Gas control. An important option for gas cookers and ovens, ensuring safety of the equipment. During combustion, a special thermocouple generates a weak current. When the flame extinction circuit is opened, which results in overlapping of the gas inlet.

Crown diameter adjustment function allows you to get fuel economy

The types of ovens according to the process installation

Kitchen appliances can be built-in or freestanding. Both species also have their own advantages and disadvantages, the knowledge of which allows the end user to make the best choice.

Built in ovens Hans

The main difference is the built-in appliances concealment side walls that are inside kitchen units. Visible is only the front part of the product. One advantage of the built-in oven can be considered the possibility of its installation in any location, not just under the hob. This creates variation when placing technology in the interior of the kitchen.

Built-in oven - it saves space while maintaining the interior beauty

Among the shortcomings of this type is necessary to allocate a higher cost. This is due to the need to develop a reliable thermal insulation to heat the wall did not spoil the furniture.

Freestanding models

This is a traditional embodiment Cooker with Oven. The choice of such equipment makes it possible not to carry out complex manipulations with the insertion of the unit into the countertop, and headsets.

To date, freestanding stoves have standardized sizes. The height of the plates is 85 cm, as the presence of the adjustable feet allows to change this parameter within 5 cm. If you plan to purchase equipment for a small kitchen, you can look at the narrow models, width not exceeding 50 cm. Also there is a standard slab width dimensions of the line 60, 80, 90 cm. In depth occur most frequently on the boards 50 and 60 cm.

Classic plates are available in a wide range of design registration, which allows you to choose the perfect option for any style of interior.

Freestanding model - a classic option that is increasingly rooted in the past

selection Options

In addition to these criteria (type of food and accommodation), in selecting the optimal oven should pay attention to a number of other options that the future use of the technology was pleasure:

  1. Useful volume.
  2. A control method. Models are available with mechanical controls, sensory or combined type.
  3. Functionality, affecting a variety of cooking options.
  4. cleaning type. The oven can be coated with conventional enamel possess catalytic purification method, pyrolytic or hydrolytic type.
  5. The number of glass in the door, which affects safety.
  6. The presence or absence of convection function.
  7. The presence in the device of telescopic guides which allow to remove the pan without dipping hands into hot oven.

Large volume allows you to cook large quantities of food at a time

Ranking of the best models

Despite the large number of models, there are ovens that have managed to gain popularity among consumers. Ranking of the best models includes both built-in and freestanding versions.

Hansa BOEI68462 - model for novice cooks

Oven Hansa BOEI68462

Model of Simplex line, which is specially designed for novice cooks and chefs and give opportunity to get acquainted with features of high-quality equipment. BOEI68462 embodiment is a built-in oven with a coating of stainless steel having 8 modes heating convection function. The inner surface has a coating of enamel easy cleaning. It has an informative display and Retractable mechanical knobs on the front surface. The cost of the device is 18 000 rubles.

Review on Hansa BOEI68462

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_5210624.html

hansa BOEI68462

Oven Hansa BOEI69472

The next model in the line, which also belongs to the category of Simplex. A distinctive feature of the oven is increased to 10 the number of heating modes. Of the additional features include the availability of rapid heating function, defrost, door cooling system, grill, spit. The apparatus is equipped with two trays, frying rack has guides chrome. The cost model is 20 300 rubles.

Hansa BOEI69472 - despite a series of Simplex, the model has a fairly broad functionality

Review of Hansa BOEI69472

More on Yandex: https://market.yandex.ru/product/12447410/reviews? clid = 502

hansa BOEI69472

Oven Hansa BOEI68434

Built from the oven Linea line, designed for lovers of minimalist design. The apparatus has a natural color of stainless steel. The inner surface is coated with enamel easy cleaning. There is a special programmer and 8 modes of exhibiting temperature. Of the additional options you can highlight the presence of the grill, fast heating, defrosting, high-quality camera lighting, cooling door. The cost model is 17 000 rubles.

Hansa BOEI68434 - stylish minimalism in the kitchen

Review on the oven Hansa boei 68,434

More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/12438997/reviews

Hansa boei 68,434

Electric oven Hansa BOEW68077

Scandium device from the line, which allows you to cook any dish without the risk of burning. In addition to this model, each customer gets a unique baking ProCook, having a bottom in the form of honeycombs, which allows air circulation between the dish and the metal by preventing sticking. Oven available in white color, has mechanical controls, the inner surface coated with enamel easy cleaning. For the needs of the user, there are 8 modes of heating. The cost of the device is 13 800 rubles.

Hansa BOEW68077 - snow-white for the snow-white kitchen oven

hansa BOEW68077

Oven Hansa BOES68438

Oven of Fusion II line, manufactured in a stylish black design, which is the epitome of design, versatility and reliability. The model also relates to embedded, the programmer has EasyControl, has 8 modes of heating, informative display, is equipped with Retractable mechanical temperature controllers. From the functional features you can highlight the presence of the grill, defrost function and rapid heating, as the model is equipped with a removable glass. The cost of the oven is 16 500 rubles.

hansa BOES68438

Electric oven Hansa BOEI63002

Simple Simplex model line, which has a minimum number of necessary functions. The device has only three heating modes, one lever handle, the cooling system of the door and the inner chamber lights. Options as budget - just one tray and grill for cooking. The cost of this oven is built is only 10 500 rubles.

Hansa BOEI63002 - a budget option for those who like simplicity

hansa BOEI63002

Oven Hansa BOES68411

Model of Quadrum line, characterized precise lines, simplicity and ease of use, versatile design. This oven is available in black color, there programmer EasyControl, 8 degrees heating, convection and large informative display. The inner surface of the chamber is covered with enamel easy cleaning. The device has all additional options specific to middle segment. Also, the model is equipped with telescopic slides, but with only one baking.

Feedback on electric oven Hansa BOEI64030077

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_4306198.html

hansa BOEI64030077

General provisions for the operation of the oven Hansa instructions

All operating instructions Hans ovens contain a number of items that are common regardless of the model. This versatility makes it possible to simplify the process of familiarization with the technique.

In particular, the manual provides general information about the operation of ovens, are necessary safety precautions, methods of installation, which is especially important for built-in models, important points for the care and maintenance of equipment to increase the life of its service.

Instructions to some models contain practical advice on the preparation of certain types of products

Some models, in the opinion of buyers, for example, electric oven Hansa BOEI68401, as additional information in the instructions are simple and quick recipes that can be prepared by oven brand.

The acquisition of the oven by Hans - is the right choice of the person who thinks his own money, appreciates quality, design and functionality. Once again, learn about the basic and most popular models of the brand can be presented.