- 1 Do not turn on the monitor when the computer starts - Causes
- 2 What if the monitor does not turn on due to problems connecting or system unit
- 3 When you turn on the computer monitor is not working because of their own fault
Do not turn on the monitor when the computer starts - Causes
Do not turn on the computer screen may for various reasons. And you can identify them by stages of booting the computer. For example, if the download stops at the stage of the screen switching, that is, he did not respond to the power supply, then the case or serious damage to the graphics card, or incorrectly connected. If the download comes to the operating system stage, but then for some reason the display goes off, then there may be to blame, and drivers, and video card, and operating system. Malfunction of one of them can cause disruptions in the work screen. Next, we take a closer look at why you may fail monitor, and what to do if it does not work.
What if the monitor does not turn on due to problems connecting or system unit
And now take a closer look, why can not start the monitor when the computer is turned on, and what to do about it.
Do not turn on the monitor when the computer is turned on due to the lack of connection to the system unit or network
For all its simplicity, is the most common reason why the screen may refuse to work.

Classic power cable
It is commonplace in the power cable is not connected or there is no reliable connection with connector video computer. Characterized by a problem or a complete absence of signs of life, or a die on the screen, talking about that connection to the graphics card is not present. This explains why, when you turn on the computer, the monitor does not turn on.
To fix this problem you need to, first of all, check the connection to the mains. Followed by a look at the cable leading from the screen to the system unit. If VGA or DVI cable, it usually includes screws with which saved the reliability of fastening. You must make sure that they are tightened or loosened. Other types of cables usually are simply inserted into the socket.
When you turn on the computer monitor for a long time is not included due to cable damage
Cable damage - the most unpredictable situation. The monitor can sometimes work, sometimes - no, depending on the cable position, it is not included, and do not light bulbs. Also, he may not apply for signs of life, or turn on after a short period of time. Check whether the cable business is really possible by connecting another cable. Own efforts to repair the cable is unlikely to succeed, especially VGA or DVI, so you have to change it for a new one.
No signal on the monitor when the computer is turned on because of the damage to the connectors
One of the most severe cases. If damaged connector on the monitor or the video card, then there is nothing can be done - it is necessary to bear in the service or buy a new display card.

DVI and VGA connectors are thin contacts, and contact with them should be carefully
Well, if the card is basic, and you can switch the screen to the built. But if it was the only port, and even an integrated card, then there is clearly - service.
The computer is turned on, but no picture on the screen due to hardware damage
Hardware problem inside the system - a serious threat. Actually, these could include a bunch of problems, because of which the monitor will not turn on when the computer boots. Even the incorrect installation of the processor can affect it. But this reason is rare, we also look at the most frequent problems.
Faulty power supply
There can be trouble divided into two parts: the power unit PC does not work at all, or it is too weak for the video card. In the first case, when you start the PC monitor will not turn on at all.

When replacing the video card to the new do not forget to ensure sufficient power supply unit
The second computer can act as a whole is unpredictable - or does not turn on or restart when the system boots, or simply flies in the "heavy" games. In any case, correct the fault can only be a complete replacement power supply.
with RAM Problems
In most cases, the monitor is not switched on because of problems with memory after assembling or cleaning computer. In particular, after installation random access memory in its slot, it can be unreliable fixed, with the result that there is no contact. This is manifested underutilized systems.

Enough of incomplete latching system to not boot
That is, it comes to the BIOS, which carries out a self-test finds a fault and does not allow to start the system as a whole. To fix, simply check whether the memory strip installed correctly, or remove it and re-insert to circuit fixtures.
problems with the video card
The video card situation is similar to the RAM. That is, when there is insufficient contact connection density BIOS the same way to determine the fault and will not start the system. The technology is similar malfunction - Remove and replace the video card.
The computer does not see the monitor due to software failures
Software nature of the problem to eliminate the easiest because you can cope on their own. In this kind of problems most often dominated by failures in the operating system.
Software failures eliminate easiest
They can be of different nature - a violation of the integrity of the drivers, viruses or incorrectly exposed screen settings. This may explain why when you turn on the computer will not turn on the monitor. In any case, the entire category is characterized by such problems load to the system. That is, Windows may start to boot and then switch to reboot, shut down, or simply cease to display the data, the computer will continue to operate.
Adjusting the monitor
This is a rarity, but now you can find displays that do not support some of the resolution and the frequency on which the card is working.

Screen Adjustment is performed by Windows
When installing the screen in one of the unsupported modes can reboot and find that the screen before reaching the stage of the system boot, just disconnected. Help restore security mode of the Windows operating system, which can be accessed normally by pressing the F8 key at startup boot.

It looks something like boot options
First, let's set the minimum value of the resolution to try to run for sure. And only then, when downloading, install comfortable for themselves. Also worth a look in the settings of the screen that are managed directly by the buttons. It may happen so that the brightness of the screen has been unscrewed to a minimum.
Reinstalling drivers
The driver - a special program, a set of instructions for the operating system that it knew how to properly handle the device. Drivers engaged in the development of the company manufacturer.

Device Manager with open display adapters
And if for some reason there was a glitch in the video card driver, the display will not continue to operate the system is booted. Fix this problem will reinstall the drivers. This is done quite simply. First you have to go into safe mode. This is a special set of system settings, where all the installed drivers are inactive, and the work is done forces the operating system itself. In this mode you can boot almost any malfunctions. And sometimes the system itself offers to do so, if the work was complete PC emergency. Activate forced mode by pressing F8 when the operating system starts.
While in safe mode, it is necessary to go to the "Task Manager" and locate your graphics card. Usually they are in the "Display Adapters" section. Unfolding the item, you can see a list of all installed adapters in the system. Here we have to choose their primary video card, click on it, right click and select "Update Driver Software".

Select "Update Driver Software"
The system prompts the driver to automatically search the Internet, or select a trained driver on the computer. It remains only to specify a file and wait for the installation. If the included installation CD, it's much easier - simply insert it into the drive and start the "Autorun".
Then simply install the driver, following the proposed actions of the installer.
Reinstall your operating system
Apply this approach is best, if absolutely nothing helped. Install the operating system now, even children can probably. Naturally, in the course of the process can result in various nuances and problems which must be solved.
If a detailed description of the installation process with all the nuances of the system, the amount of it will be about how these two articles. Therefore, the only thing that can be advised, if you want to reinstall the system, but are afraid to lose the data, it is best to trust the people who know.
When you turn on the computer monitor is not working because of their own fault
The monitor itself can stop working for reasons beyond our control. This may be a power surge and fatigue of materials, or simply failure of any electronic component. This may explain why the monitor does not work when you turn on the computer. At home, fix a broken monitor is unlikely to succeed. Of course, if you're at a service center with experience, you will be able to cope with the monitor and repair their own hands. But the majority of people - ordinary users. Therefore, it remains only to correctly diagnose the problem and give the device to the service center.
It is logical that the screen can be considered a fault condition when he did "silent." That is, no lights are lit and there is no image, as well as the monitor is not switched on or the first time, nor the next. To establish whether the fault monitor itself, can, in fact, two ways to check the power cord and the video. All verification is to ensure to find the same wire and test it on our suspects. If you're familiar with other ways of diagnosing and troubleshooting monitors, you can share them in the comments.