💯 electric toothbrush: types, choice of nuances, the selection of the types of reviews Dentists

In the XXI century, such a device is available for all ages and social groups


  • 1 Types of electrical tooth brushes: characteristic strengths and weaknesses
  • 2 How to choose an electric toothbrush: the selection of the parameters and indications
  • 3 What is the electric toothbrush is better in 2018: Rating and customer reviews
  • 4 What are you, the best electric toothbrush? Reviews dentists and conclusions from Tehno.guru

Types of electrical tooth brushes: characteristic strengths and weaknesses

To start a small historical reference: the first conceptual groundwork for the creation of Electrical Appliance appeared long ago in 1939, but at that time people did not take the idea seriously. Only by 1954 Swiss inventor Philippe-Guy Woog was able to introduce the first mass model under the auspices of the company Broxo. She was quite cumbersome and require a permanent connection to the power supply, which is not always convenient when you are in the bathroom. By 1959, production of automatic toothbrushes were put on stream and their range and the possibility of gradually began to grow and improve.

The first samples of the art created specifically for people with disabilities

Mechanical electric toothbrush: the pros and cons of standard version

The first wireless Device for cleaning teeth It went on sale in 60-ies of XX century. The brush was not less headroom than its "tail" predecessor, and equipped with a battery based on nickel and cadmium. Subsequently varied source of energy, but the functions and operations remain unchanged.

Note that the dimensions of the device considerably larger than the usual manual modification

The bottom line is this: in the case of a brush is an electric motor. In the process, he uses the bristles, which can perform two types of movements:

Transaction TypeHow does this happenHow it looks
SwingingDuring rotation of the bristles in a circle you transfer device, cleaning each tooth individually
Up and down (vibration)In this case, you make the same movements as when brushing teeth ordinary brush

Such elektroschotki for teeth are not only the most common, but also the least expensive among all the model range.

Reasonable prices and a large selection of productsThe low processing speed as compared with competitors
Having a pressure sensor assembly prevent substantial damage to the enamel or soft tissuePeople with a deficiency of calcium or other defects in tooth enamel will not be able to use similar devices
The presence of different accessories allows to independently use the machine to multiple family membersThe need to periodically change accessories and batteries

Sonic electric toothbrush - speed cleaning your mouth

The next generation of the heroine of this review can be considered as the audio version. Unlike the previous model, this electric toothbrush with batteries or battery creates high airflow, which leads to mixing of air, liquids (water and saliva) and toothpaste with subsequent application of an air stream to the teeth and gums. In this case you do not need to press the bristles to the enamel surface for optimal effect is sufficient distance of 1-2 mm. The name of this brush was due to the fact that the speed of the cleaning process allows the bristles to hear traffic sounds.

Sound waves penetrate even in the interdental spaces, which accumulate the maximum amount of food particles and bacteria

The high degree of oral treatmentCost devaysa much higher standard solutions
Minimal risk of damage to hard dental tissue or gumsIn addition to the previously mentioned contraindications, this option will not work holders crowns, fillings and / or veneers
The unit is struggling not only with a soft tinge, but tartarPregnant women and people with heart problems, and it is not recommended the use of sound toothbrushes

Do not forget to pick up the nozzle, it is suitable to your type of dentin

Ultrasonic electric toothbrush - the best protection against plaque, tooth decay and stone

The most technologically advanced and progressive views of electric appliances dentifrice is ultrasonic modification. First patented model was released in the US in 1992 and since then has ranked first in processing power.

Initially, ultrasonic cleaning was performed only in dental clinics, private practice was absent as a class

In functionality such electric brush does not differ from the previous execution. The difference lies in the intensity - if it is a sound unit is from 10 200 to 30 600 per minute, the embodiment provides an ultrasonic 2.4 million (!) movements in the same time period. Thus, at your disposal gets professional toothbrush, which will provide an unparalleled purity of even the most hard to reach areas in the mouth.

Both types of electric brushes have their supporters and opponents. The dispute has still not ended.

Purification of the oral cavity at the dental clinicThe same as that of the sound of electric toothbrushes
In addition to the removal of plaque and food particles can be achieved enamel whitening
It does not require any specific knowledge about the intricacies of the treatment of teeth and gums

NOTE!(Click to see)


If you want to save the family budget - buy ultrasonic toothbrush, since its capabilities are quite capable to replace professional cleaning in a specialized clinic. But do not forget to pre-examine the rules of use, and try not to use the equipment on a daily basis.

How to choose an electric toothbrush: the selection of the parameters and indications

If after our description you realize that this hygiene device can improve your health, you must also pre-examine all the most important parameters and take into account the possible pitfalls as contraindications. Let's quickly begin to consider them!

Each brush - a circle of users. Remember about the indications and limitations when you select!

Speed ​​of movement (rotation) and various modes of operation - the most important indicators

We do not just immediately identified that there are three types of electrical appliances for cleaning teeth and gums with a different frequency bristle motion. It is up to the speed of cleaning and the presence of one or more modes of operation will depend on the urgency of purchase of a particular model among all rated electric toothbrushes. Consider the state of the enamel and gums, the presence of fillings, crowns or other prostheses, as well as the health of all family members.

If you wear braces - temporarily have to use the normal brush

The presence of the bleaching conditions, massage and similar functions will allow in the future to save a lot of money, but a decision on the need of certain options you are taking - some need only a minimum capacity to meet hygiene.

The more modes - whiter and healthier your smile. But the life of the device, alas, less

USEFUL ADVICE!(Click to see)


Each of us is unique and different, it is impossible to equate all to a single whole. Therefore, our editorial staff recommends that every reader is also pre to go to your dentist for advice, because some of the features of your body, you can not learn on their own.

How to choose the electric toothbrush in accordance with the materials used and their properties

The next point to which you should pay attention to are the brush materials, as well as their parameters.

The most important are the shape and diameter of the nozzle head and bristle stiffness.

The ideal performance standard modifications of dimensions considered round shape and a diameter not exceeding 1.5 cm. For sonic and ultrasonic manufacturing any form suitable, since sound waves reach any portion of the oral cavity.

Ideally, the bristles should form a concave shape - then will be provided maximum access to the enamel and gums

The following options can be seen in terms of rigidity:

Rigiditywho will approach
soft bristlesSuitable for sensitive and weakened dentin, electronic toothbrushes for children also completed a similar pile
medium hardnessStop solution for unimpaired enamel
high rigidityAppointed only in special cases, not always for sale

Criteria for selecting an ordinary toothbrush suitable for the heroines of our review

As the material of more than 90% of the plastics used. In individual instances can be met natural bristle, but this choice is only recommended for people with allergies.

Battery type and the presence of additional features - useful delights

From the time of continuous operation depends on ease of use. So do not ignore any source of energy is installed in the product. Cheap models tend to work from ordinary batteries, which adversely affects the subsequent costs. Better items equipped with a rechargeable battery that has a positive effect both on the service life and to autonomy.

Please note that the batteries must be periodically removed from the body, because they tend to oxidize

Presence in schotke timer to control the time of the procedure, pressing force sensor, wear indication interchangeable nozzles and other bells and whistles rests solely auxiliary character - do not pay such excessive Attention.

"Smart" toothbrushes only appear on our market and are yet quite expensive

What should be the electric toothbrush for children

Independently there is a children's electric toothbrush - this technique is intended for younger family members from 7 years and older. Unlike the "adult" configuration, such a device has the following features:

  • bright appearance, allowing a child to carry away the cleaning process;
  • low rate of work motor, which prevents damage to the mouth;
  • the presence of a signal in the form of fun melodies to indicate the end of the procedure.

The main advantage of buying an electric device for cleaning teeth and gums will be able to turn boring and routine activity in an unusual game, thereby instilling a young age to the child interest in the proper hygiene.

With such a "toy" the child will not perceive the process as something terrible and unpleasant

What is the electric toothbrush is better in 2018: Rating and customer reviews

If you have not yet decided on the topics, which specifically want to buy a brush, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our best-rated models for 2018. You will find options for every taste - from the budget-making and children's electric toothbrushes to premium devices. Attached reviews show that our view is shared by thousands of customers throughout Russia.

Oral-B Vitality 3D White Luxe, Braun

Opens our masthead's seven fiscal representative of the most eminent and popular to date the brand Oral-B, manufactured by Braun. For its modest price by today's standards it is a miracle of technology is capable of a few minutes to regain your teeth not only cleanliness but also white - Comes with attachment for bleaching.

Type ofNumber of nozzlesmodes of operationfrequency motions per minute.Source of powerOperating time, min.

Evaluation Tehno.guru edition: 9,0/10

Review schotke electric toothbrush Oral-B Vitality 3D White Luxe by Braun:

More on iRecommend.ru: https://irecommend.ru/content/moya-pervaya-elektricheskaya-zubnaya-shchetka-oral-b-vitality-3d-white-osobennosti-chistka-p

Toothbrush Oral-B Vitality 3D White Luxe by Braun

Oral-B Professional Care 800, Braun

More advanced in terms of features model from the same manufacturer. Value is higher than the previous nominee, but in the presence of a toothbrush attachment for sensitive teeth, a higher work rate and ergonomic handle.

Type ofNumber of nozzlesmodes of operationfrequency motions per minute.Source of powerOperating time, min.

Evaluation Tehno.guru edition: 9,4/10

Toothbrush Oral-B Professional Care 800, Braun

CS Medica CS-232

But this is a domestic brand, mainly produces low cost, but high-quality instruments for health care. In the present instance we have chosen several modes for best results, and the charging is complete the indicator.

Type ofNumber of nozzlesmodes of operationfrequency motions per minute.Source of powerOperating time, min.
sound3328 000Battery2

Evaluation Tehno.guru edition: 9,5/10

Toothbrush CS Medica CS-232

Philips Sonicare 2 Series HX6232 / 20

We have before us one of the main competitors as the Oral-B product quality and usability. Despite the poor compared to the CS packaging, we selected the model of electric toothbrush is able to clean most problematic areas and has energy-intensive battery.

Type ofNumber of nozzlesmodes of operationfrequency motions per minute.Source of powerOperating time, min.
sound2131 000Battery56

Evaluation Tehno.guru edition: 9,6/10

Toothbrush Philips Sonicare 2 Series HX6232 / 20

Donfeel HSD-010

Let us once again support the domestic manufacturer! Especially that the Moscow brand Donfeel, in existence since 2001, produces a very high-tech and affordable devices at very attractive prices. If you do not have fillings and crowns, but the teeth need special care, we recommend this option!

Type ofNumber of nozzlesmodes of operationfrequency motions per minute.Operating time, min.Additional functions
ultrasound342 800 000112charging station with UV disinfector; timer; Charging indication; pressure meter

Evaluation Tehno.guru edition: 9,7/10

Feedback on electric toothbrush schotke Donfeel HSD-010:

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6649384.html

Toothbrush Donfeel HSD-010

Emmi-dent 6 Professional Metallic

The top of the technological evolution, created jointly by the three companies from Germany, USA and Switzerland. It is a machine to destroy all sources of infection and decay, choice of any dentist! But be prepared for the high cost, because it is really professional-level device.

Type ofNumber of nozzlesmodes of operationfrequency motions per minute.Source of powerRuntimes
ultrasound1196 000 000BatteryUp to 10 days

Evaluation Tehno.guru edition: 9,9/10

toothbrush Emmi-dent 6 Professional Metallic

Oral-B Stages D12.513K

By the way, we did not forget about the children: Electric toothbrush "Oral-Bi» Stages series have the best reviews among dentists and ordinary customers. Several appearance options, affordable prices and convenient functionality - that the health of their children still need?

Type ofNumber of nozzlesmodes of operationfrequency motions per minute.Operating time, min.Additional functions
mechanical11760028Charge indication; nozzle wear indicator

Evaluation Tehno.guru edition: 9,4/10

Toothbrush Oral-B Stages D12.513K

What are you, the best electric toothbrush? Reviews dentists and conclusions from Tehno.guru

On our mission is fulfilled today. We shared all the necessary information and we hope that it will help you make the final decision and maintain a healthy and white smile for a long time. It remains to know the opinion of dentists - look at last a little video from an experienced expert: