Pink Room: design in soft colors, interior photos examples

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Beautiful pink room - the dream of girls at any age. In her little one can feel like a real princess. For parents also decide on such an interior is not easy. Pink - a specific color, which requires careful application. Its surplus will make the room uncomfortable. For this reason, pink should be combined with various shades of white, beige, yellow and other colors. To learn how to make a pink interior and refined right, you can see from this article.

Pink stripes on the ceiling for the infant girl

Romantic and gentle by nature, the color pink is the best suited for the style of "princesses"

Features of the room design in pink


  • Features of the room design in pink
  • Pink combination with other colors
    • Pink and gray
    • Pink and white
    • Pink and yellow
  • Tips on arrangement of the pink room
  • examples decorating
  • Choosing furniture for the pink room
  • Video: A Tale of Princess in pink shades
  • Photo examples of the pink room design

Pink color - ideal for interior design tender for the girls. It promotes good mood, creates a cozy atmosphere for crumbs mood for creative activities. Shades of colors are a symbol of optimism, maternal affection, love. They have a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child, helping to create a comfortable atmosphere.

Pink wall behind the headboard in a baby cot

When selecting combinations of colors and shades should take into account the age of the daughter

If you're determined to make the nursery pink, be sure to check out the main features of this design:

  1. When the interior design should take into account the child's age. Children up to three years is not desirable to live in a room decorated too bright. It is necessary to choose bright, quiet shades. Teenage girls enjoy the same design in a bright pink color.
  2. The interior should not be too rosy. This color can be successfully combined with many other colors. Thus, children in blue pink colors is a perfect solution for an apartment in the style of Provence, a combination of pink and white would be appropriate for the minimalist trend. Pink also perfectly combines with yellow, green, sand, blue.
  3. Shades of the color palette should be selected based on the size, characteristics of the room placement. If the room windows are located on the north side, suitable warm colors, south - cold. Small room will be visually more if you choose light colors. In the big room there are no special restrictions - you can use the pink of varying intensity.

Contrasting combinations, such as pink and black, can be used for children over eleven years. In an earlier age is the color scheme will have a negative impact on the psyche.

Pink interior nursery

Comfortable room in peach colors for girls preschool age

Pink flowers on a blanket in the baby's room

The contrasting design of the room for a teenage girl in a pink and white

Pink combination with other colors

If you plan room with pink interior, you need to consider additional shades. Can combine audio tone scale. For example, if you choose a warm shade of pink, it will be perfectly combined with a yellow. Cold shade of pink should be combined with white.

Beige blinds in the nursery for girls

Beige-pink combination - the least contrast, suitable for decoration of modern and classic interior

Pink and gray

Cold shades of pink fairly bright, saturated. They need to balance the calmer colors. The latter include gray. Pink + Gray - a good solution for the modern design of the nursery.

Light pink linen baby cot

Pink and gray bedroom Scandinavian style

Interior in such a scheme to obtain a stable, soft. If this gray color is very relevant in the world of fashion. This stylish combination will love teenage girls.

Design pink child's bedroom with textiles

Gray-pink bedroom with a modern edge

Pink and white

Classic, stylish solution for room design. You can include in the design of different shades of white. For example, to make a pink background - wall color in dairy - furniture. Such a decision would be relevant to the style of minimalism, hi-tech. You can do the opposite: white walls, furniture - light pink. Also, you can only turn white dot - in textiles, accessories.

White-pink wall behind the bed in the bedroom

Pink-white palette will create the room a soft and relaxed atmosphere

Pink carpet before cot

The abundance of bright colors will fill the bedroom light and easy

Pink and yellow

Stylish pink children's room with yellow - a good solution for the premises located on the north side. The yellow color is associated the sun, the warmth. He instantly relieves fatigue, improves mood and gives a feeling of cheerfulness. This color scheme is perfect for the student child who every day have to get up early. In such combinations usually yellow applied in small quantities. For example, in textiles, in drawings on the furniture, walls.

A small children's room in pink

Gray-pink room with yellow accents in the form of practical Roman curtains

Accents of yellow in the children's room

Light yellow armchair for mother in the room quite small daughter

Tips on arrangement of the pink room

Equipping the room in pink tones, be sure to consider the following recommendations:

  • Look for individual style! Pink has many different shades. With a choice of primary color can safely experiment. The main thing to remember - the younger the child, the lighter and quieter to be finish. Otherwise, the child will be more difficult to fall asleep.
  • The main color should not fill all the space. It is necessary to dilute other shades of pink. The maximum you can apply two or three additional shades. More colors will make the room uncomfortable.
  • Saturated pink - a tool for increasing the space. When using a microscope it does not increase the weight of objects. However, in a narrow room is better to use light shades of color, because the richer will be visually closer objects.
Coloring strips walls in the nursery

A small children's room can be visually expand, to decorate the walls with alternating horizontal stripes of pink and white flowers

Dark pink textiles in the room for two girls

Thick carpet will make floors warmer and reduce the noise level both in the nursery and in the adjoining rooms

At arrangement of the room do not forget about the chosen style direction. For example, if it's a classic style, it is better to use light and muted tones, in minimalicheskom design, be sure to add white.

Pink curtains of translucent material

Pink blanket or rug will complement the overall picture

examples decorating

Pink - a bright, eye-catching color. This room even without decor will always look festive. If we want to decorate the room, you should choose a decor based on the age of the child.

Black and white photo on the shelf in the nursery

Decorative items and accessories can be rigorous enough or not - it all depends on the chosen style of interior

Yellow chair in the room with wallpaper in pink cell

Stylish combination of yellow, pink and white colors in the interior of a bedroom with a minimum of decorating elements

If it is soft and bright children's room with white furniture for a little girl, you can decorate with colored paper flowers on the walls, unusual prints on the furniture, bright textiles on the bed. Also, small children will love the plot labels. The advantage of this decor is obvious - you can always remove the stickers and replace with new ones.

Red-pink ceiling in the nursery for two

The window opening in the children's room can be decorated with a garland made with their own hands with the children

Room for a teenager can be decorated with 3D-pictures, photo wallpapers, posters of favorite singer or actor.

Mural with peonies in the bedroom of a modern girl

Example spectacular decoration for children's girls using photo wallpaper with a realistic image of pions

Choosing furniture for the pink room

Children's furniture must meet a number of technical requirements: be safe, sustainable, environmentally friendly. When choosing furniture should take into account a lot of different criteria: age of the baby, occupation, size of the room, the selected style.

Pink cot for girls preschool age

Cot pink will be the central element of a child's room interior

For a little girl should buy wooden bed, a wardrobe, a table for creativity, soft padded stools. In this furniture should be rounded corners that pipsqueak not get hurt during active play. You also can not forget about a place where to store toys. It can be modern plastic storage systems.

Lamp with chrome pendants on a pink ceiling

Keep small items and toys in a convenient drawers under the bed

For a teenage girl should be chosen more spectacular furniture. For example, a large black metal bed. Black works well with pink. Instead of a conventional cabinet for a teenager to buy a better wardrobe with full-length mirrors.

Choosing a mattress - one of the most important tasks in the regeneration of the nursery. In this part you can not save, because the health of the child will depend on its quality. In the children's orthopedic fit model with natural, safe vehicle.

In addition, we must not forget about the peculiarities of the pink color. This room should not be very bright colors complement the palette, heavy textiles, large and unusual geometric forms. Furniture should be simple, but functional. one of the smallest rooms in the house is usually allocated for the children, so special attention should be pay spaciousness of furniture, so that it could fit all the toys, school supplies, things.

Poof in the form of a flower at the back of a cot

In the context of important not to overdo it to the space does not look cluttered

Whitish furniture in the room with pink walls

Against the background of "flushed" the walls of the furniture looks great light shade

Pink footstools around the white bed

White furniture harmoniously looks in a room with turquoise trim

Another important criterion - the color of the furniture. Designers are advised to choose subjects in soft, light colors. It may be some color:

  • sand;
  • white;
  • cream;
  • beige;
  • light brown.

Only in the teen room, you can choose some items in black. Shades of the walls, ceiling, furniture and accessories should complement each other.

Black and pink combination of colors in the nursery

Pink bedroom teenage girl with a desk and a carpet of black original design natural stone

Black furniture in the room with a dark pink wallpaper

Black and pink combination - a rather daring, but looking very stylish and attractive

Video: A Tale of Princess in pink shades

Photo examples of the pink room design

"Room for princess" - it can be called a child in pink. Parents are quite able to draw a pink baby on their own. The main thing is not to overdo it with pink and more to find the right shades. And it was easier to make your choice, you can emphasize the idea of ​​the photos of examples of designs posted in this publication.