The curtains in the room: lace, with lambrequins and other variants of models, design photo

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The choice of the curtains in the room will depend on the mood in the room. Absolutely without them it would be boring, but they complement the interior and make the room cozy. The models come in different colors, shades, with patterns or without them. And the only important rule is based on the fact that everything must be in harmony.

Milky cream curtains in the room

Curtains - this is probably the final touch in the interior of the main hall and room decoration

Criteria for choosing the curtains for the hall


  • Criteria for choosing the curtains for the hall
  • The choice of style curtains
    • modern curtains
    • classic
    • modern
    • minimalist style
    • Scandinavian
    • High tech
    • Provence
  • Examples of fashionable curtains in the room
  • types of curtains
  • Color solutions curtains
  • Video: Beautiful curtains in the interior of the hall
  • Photos: 50 stylish options for decorating the windows in the hall

When you select a note that heavy and thick fabrics should not be combined with the same material, on the other hand, need light fabric or tulle. Furniture, floors, carpets and anything else that is in the room, should be combined with the color of the curtains. they should also refer to the style, which includes all of the items in the room.

Beautiful curtains with lambrequins on the window of a small bay

Harmoniously matched curtains hint at a subtle taste of the owners home and create a cozy atmosphere

French curtains of light fabric in the hall of the house

The modern approach to the design of the windows requires that the curtains do not just cover the openings from the sun and prying eyes, but also is a component of certain stylistic composition

There are a large number of different accessories, they must be chosen so that they do not overload the room and looked harmoniously. Curtains on the grommet in the room - a good decision, they are evenly distributed on the fabric waves through the rings located.

The choice of style curtains

Blackout curtains on the window in the apartment living room

Choosing curtains - a very responsible and interesting work that requires creativity and specific knowledge

modern curtains

Modern style has attracted many because it is something new. But as with all styles, it is quite limited. Therefore, in order to revive this style at home, you should choose lightweight fabrics, soft colors. You can allow some carelessness, but it will look original. It is better to work with your imagination to decorate with embroidery, folk add elements or patterns, and you get an exotic individual style.

Gray curtains on panoramic lounge window

The curtains in the room of modern style, as a rule, direct, plain or with large print

Light brown curtains in the room of modern style

The fabric of modern curtains can be either natural or synthetic


Fans of the classics should opt for the straight cut, and small waves. Curtains selected standard size, from floor to ceiling. By width is typically added 3 or 2 meters, to create waves.

window decoration in the room of classic style

The classic design of the windows - a combination of the dense curtains and light tulle

Double curtains on the windows of the room with stairs

Permissible various fabrics and textures are often used Holders


The asymmetry is vividly expressed in the Art Nouveau style, for those who do not like straight lines and strict geometrical shapes, this style will appeal. This allows the use of putting up a few patterns, which will move from one to another.

Red velvet curtains at the balcony door window

Asymmetric blinds can change the appearance of the window opening and the room as a whole

A clear difference of Art Nouveau - is the use of extremely lightweight fabrics, are unsustainable and thick types.

minimalist style

This style love neutral colors, you can not use the bright and flashy colors. Everything should be gentle, soft, calling for the rest. Very often there are a combination of ash-and milk, as well as black and white.

Light gray curtains in the living room minimalist style

When the design of the windows of the hall in a minimalist style, preference should be given to a continuous fabric with a matte finish


Scandinavian style characterized by the absence of any decor. It also uses natural textiles, which should be soft. Good to decorate curtains are natural waves and stop there.

Bright curtains on the black ledge in the hall of the Scandinavian style

Curtains in the Scandinavian style should create an atmosphere of comfort and do not overload the interior unnecessary details

High tech

In contrast to the high-tech modernity involves the use of sharp lines and geometric shapes. There is hardly used ornaments and patterns.

Dark curtains to match the upholstery of the sofa in the hall of the high-tech style

The hi-Teke is often used high-tech fabric with Teflon-coated

Fabric selected dark shades and desirably dense.


Provence loves natural fabrics such as cotton, cotton, linen. This is a fairly simple style, there are no frills. Paint soft, not catchy, straight line. Decor is applied minimum.

The curtains in the room with a print style of Provence

Curtains in a rustic style should create a sense of nature and simplicity of the province

Curtains on the tapes in a small living room

The original combination of curtains decorate the room and accentuate the style of originality

Examples of fashionable curtains in the room

Who is considered to be fashionable loft-style - is the use of such tissues as chiffon, voile, tulle. This is mainly white. But despite the popularity of loft style, manufacturers produce bright curtains, loved by many. The combination of bright colors with cool undertones, does not look vulgar and looks great.

Leather furniture in the room of the industrial style

Lightweight translucent curtains in the living room loft style

It is also currently fashionable large drawings. Basically - a plant image, abstract designs and geometric shapes.

The combination of different types of curtains in one room

In modern interiors often use a combination of different shades, for example, conventional direct curtains can be combined with the Roman or roll models

Such a model will not work in the apartment with a small area for a large picture needs a big, spacious room, otherwise this figure will look ridiculous.

The use of black and dark gray tones - one of the trendiest nuances. To select this style, you need a large space, and mainly white tone furniture and other.

Light gray shades two lighter tone pattern on the wallpaper

Living in a modern style with straight curtains on the grommet is ideally complemented by white tulle on tapes

In recent years, fashion trends is considered environmentally friendly materials. Therefore, people are becoming more and more try to use natural materials such as silk, cotton, linen, jute. But in spite of this, you can use artificial fabrics, it all depends on personal preference and finance.

Choosing curtains in the room, you should pay attention to all the details, because the first thing on which the eye stops - it blinds. They can not be ignored, because they take up almost an entire wall or more.

Yellow curtains in the room with a stretch ceiling

The color of the curtains can match the very large object in the room - the sofa or carpet

There are many options, but the main features that should carry the curtains - this is:

  • Sunlight should enter a home, but do not hit in the eye. The best protection curtains will become of him. One tyulyu not do here, with a very bright light, it is better to use a thick cloth.
  • The noise outside the usual phenomenon. Closed box save the situation, but the curtains are an additional sound absorption.
  • Some neighbors or passers-by to enjoy life like other people, it can not help you pay attention, if not the curtains. Therefore, buying curtains, you are protecting your life from prying eyes.
  • Battery, insulation windows and other manipulation to provide heat saving, but their use in combination helps not to lose it. For example, buying curtains, you additionally protect your home from drafts.
  • Bright light in the eye - it is uncomfortable, it makes it difficult to live. Curtains scatter glare and provide an opportunity to enjoy the sunlight penetrates the room. There is no need thick tissue, relatively simple and fine fabrics.

In order to have a good combination with the interior curtains, you need to create emphasis. It can be a variety of items, cushions, vases, paintings, lamps, furniture itself, photos and of course - Window Treatments.

types of curtains

  1. Tulle. Previously it was thought that the lace curtains - this is similar to the lace, light and delicate fabrics. Now it is believed that this is only day form of curtains. They are light, loose, translucent strands woven widely. They are used on their own, basically, only for the kitchen, into the hall as it is their combination with blackout curtains.
    Double lace curtains in the living room window

    Curtains of translucent tulle look easy and graceful, easy to wash and mounted on any ledge

  2. Blackout curtains. This type of fabric can be of different colors and fabrics, but they only feature - density. They should be thick enough to keep out the light so darken the room. Protect from light does not depend on the color of the fabric, it is always its density.
    Double curtains paired with organza on the hall window

    Recently, it became fashionable to double curtains, one pair of which may just serve as a night curtains

  3. With lambrequins. Pelmet - a strip of cloth fastened to the cornice. With these general form becomes more harmonious, serve as decoration. You can use different shades of the same color to get the delightful image. A big plus of this supplement - is that it is visually lifts the ceiling, making the room higher.
    Decorating curtains with lambrequins window in the room

    Pelmet, even the most simple, it gives solemnity curtains and chic

Color solutions curtains

The choice of color is always an important decision, because it depends on the color of mood and harmony in the room. If your furniture is made up of gentle and warm colors, then you will approach the curtains for the hall of neutral colors. But if you want to make the brightness, then choose bright curtains can be only under the condition of furniture neutral color with inserts of the same color. It can be cushions, vases, or use the same color on the carpet.

White sofa in the kitchen-living room with maroon curtains

Maroon curtains look boldly and fitting that resonate in other parts of the interior

Bright colors combine well with white furniture, they can pick up almost all the bright colors. For example, if the sofa is white and it has a cushion of green, blue and red colors, the curtains can choose the same color or combine several bright colors, for example, using a pelmet.

The green curtains in the living room interior

Bright shades of rich green color in the living room with a white sofa

Black color blends well with the dark gray and white. But remember that a lot of black, without dilution, it will look ugly, and resemble mourning. Black is best used with the red, white, can be combined with gold and other colors.

Black and white curtains in the living room corner

In a fairly large room look elegant black-and-white curtains of lightweight fabrics with geometric or floral pattern

When choosing always pay attention to the color of the wallpaper, if you mix them well, then everything else should work. The choice of furniture and other interior items is also important. Everything must be in harmony. Choosing curtains be guided by the financial side. Rates are different. But the quality is not the final value. If you want the curtains served for a long time, it is better to give preference to the tissues of high-priced, you pay once and you will not have to worry about the fact that soon they will have to change. Change will cost you the same price than if you bought only once and more.

Selection of curtains under the wallpaper in a modern room

Light gray shades stress stylish steel shade on the wallpaper and upholstery in harmony with the folding of the sofa

Consider different options, do not be afraid to combine, use multiple colors. If all colors are combined, it is possible to diversify the interior.

And the last thing you should look for when choosing - is the quality of the material itself. On the curtains should be no puffs, the edges should be filed smoothly and efficiently, all the component parts must be in place, are not bent or broken. If something from this list is not correct, it is better to abandon this option and choose a different, high-quality!

Video: Beautiful curtains in the interior of the hall

Photos: 50 stylish options for decorating the windows in the hall