Sometimes you want to create a romantic atmosphere in the room. And as always, all the well-known law at hand is not necessary attributes for this purpose, in particular, candles. Simple burn very quickly, besides they require candlesticks (do not put them on the saucer). In today's article will be considered how to make their hands long burning candle 10 or more hours of normal paraffin wax or using a simple church.

Read article
- 1 What is required for the manufacture of a long burning candle
- 2 A small digression: the algorithm performance milestones
- 3 Step by step instructions for the production of long burning candle
- 3.1 Fixing pieces in a glass
- 3.2 Pouring "working composition" candles
- 3.3 Testing of finished long burning candle
- 4 Some tricks that will help decorate the candles
- 4.1 The use of flavorings in the manufacture of continuous burning candles
- 5 Summing up
What is required for the manufacture of a long burning candle
To make a candle, you can literally "on the knee" of the scrap materials that are available in each apartment or private house. Among them:
- Easy Candle (best of all - wax, church);
- glasses as containers;
- knife;
- Sunflower oil (refined, purified);
- a small amount of plaster or other material bystrozastyvayuschego.

The only material that can be at your fingertips, is gypsum or plaster. But you can always find a way out. In the course of today's statement the reader will understand, than it can be replaced.
A small digression: the algorithm performance milestones
To the reader it was easier to deal with the stages of the manufacture of candles long burning, all the information will be presented in a step by step directions with fotoprimerami. After the presentation will be discussed in more detail some of the nuances of manufacturing that require special attention.

It should say at once that the manufacturer can do even with the child by taking out everything in a game. At the same time, you can explain to him the danger of the use of open fire without adult supervision. The purpose is not only teaching a child safety techniques when handling with fire, but also the overall development of the little man, his knowledge of the surrounding world.

Step by step instructions for the production of long burning candle
In today's statement for an example using two church candles. One will act as a reference to understand how long can burn crafts made with their own hands. First you need to prepare the necessary materials.

As you can see, one of the candles was divided into 3 parts. Of these, 3 lamps will be produced which will last for more than 30 hours, if the light separately. One segment will burn just over 10 hours. The whole will be used as a control candle.
Fixing pieces in a glass
Part of the candle should be placed exactly in the middle of glasses, so they must be somehow fixed to the bottom. That's what is needed, or gypsum plaster. Some suggest the absence of a building material to use ordinary clay, but this method can lead to a not very pleasant consequences. After a while, the fire gets to the clay, causing an unpleasant odor in the room will appear. Though if such a long burning is not planned, it is possible to use such an option.

Once the plaster is involved, it is necessary to spread out the glasses (half a teaspoon each) and wait a bit. This time should be used to ensure that clean the glass shots of them got on asbestos, with a damp cloth. After the cleaner tank, the smoother and more enjoyable will be the light of a burning candle.


When the train begins to harden, the segments are set candles in the center. After a short amount of time, the plaster dries, and candles are locked tight. It remains to remove a bit of wax on top to wick could burn. By the way, this work could be carried out in advance. But for the beauty of finished products at the bottom you can pour a little sparkles. Another option is placing inside edge of the glasses, a conventional Christmas "rain". Here it all depends on the imagination of the master or masters.

Pouring "working composition" candles
The basic compound which will provide a candle long (at least 10 hours) combustion is a vegetable oil. You can use refined sunflower, but is considered to be the purest olive oil. Of course, there will not a similar product in every kitchen, and therefore should focus on a simpler version.

Good to know! Someone might say that by burning vegetable oil will smoke, but it is not. It is a candle placed in the center prevents this process. But if you use a conventional fuse, this problem can not be avoided.
Oil is filled almost to the top of the glasses. Interestingly, if the standard church candle divided into 3 equal parts when using glasses volume 50 g, scrap candles hidden in oil on the wick.

Testing of finished long burning candle
3 The resulting candles can be positioned near the vicinity of the stand installed on any control. After that you should set fire all at the same time. So you can understand how manufactured products will burn longer than usual. Such a test shows that a simple church candle, which has not been cut, burned for 10 minutes at a time, as the oil level in the rest of virtually unbroken. At the very least, "by eye" reduction can not be detected.

If you continue the experiment, then after 7-8 hours you will see that the oil in the long burning candles to remain small. But still enough for them to glow. It is difficult to imagine a romantic evening that will last so long. However, it should wait for the end of the experiment in order to accurately calculate the period of "work" candles.

After more than 10 hours it is possible to evaluate the result. Candle, which remained intact, burned down for 10-11 minutes, and the segments uploaded vegetable oil, lasted almost 11 hours. Significant result, is not it? It turns out that one candle, with the right approach, can burn more than 30 hours, if the light segments separately.

Some tricks that will help decorate the candles
To glow became more beautiful, you can use a variety of food dyes, which are added to pour vegetable oil. In their absence should be fine Zelenka and iodine - they can be found in every medicine cabinet.

glasses of glass can also ennoble. Here is useful broken bulb from the thermos. A small part of it is necessary to crush in a mortar to a state of the smallest fragments. Next, using a brush, on a glass adhesive pattern is drawn, which glass is poured crumb. You should be careful not to cut yourself. After drying, the adhesive coated second pattern layer in order to avoid skin damage of hands when moving the candle.

Another interesting solution is to use as supports for a long burning candle mirror. In this case, the light will spread upward, covering a large area, and the entire game will affect the fire in the ceiling.
The use of flavorings in the manufacture of continuous burning candles
Fairly effective solution is to add part of the aromatic oils. In this case, a pleasant aroma of lavender, lotus and jasmine will be distributed in the room all along the candle. Such an outcome is unlikely to be achieved, simply sprinkle perfume on curtains or walls. After some time, the smell evaporates. But if the oil is in a candle, they will "work" at all times.

Summing up
How was it possible to make acquainted with the article, making candles that will burn at least 10 hours, the process is very simple and even elementary. Work will not take a lot of time and materials required minimum. In addition, they can be found in almost any home. As for the result, if the approach to the creation of long burning candle with a creative side, he will not only please, and even surprise. And not have to use such products for a romantic evening. They are suitable for everyday life, helping to relax in the evening after a hard day's work. A well-chosen fragrance will cheer up and take down the tension.

We hope that the information set out today is not only interesting, but also useful to our readers. Perhaps you have some questions for the manufacture of these candles. In this case, feel free to state them in the comments below. HouseChief Team happy to explain them in detail as soon as possible.
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Finally, according to the established tradition, we offer you a short video on the topic today.