List of films with Jeut Lee

Li Lianjie, known as Jet Li, is one of the best Chinese actors. At the age of 18 he was already taking part in the filming of the cinema, thanks to his achievements in sports. Even then, he immediately manages to get a major role in the film "Shaolin Temple"( 1982).The main role in the historical drama "Generals", where he played General Pan Qing-Yun, brought him the honorable film award of the Hong Kong Film Awards. To date, the filmography of the movie star consists of 46 paintings.

We bring to the attention of readers the best films with Jeot Lee , the list of which is located below.


Two warriors 1993

Opens the top three films with a Chinese film actor thriller " Two Warriors "( 1993).From the walls of the Shaolin monastery, two friends are expelled for using weapons. On this path, the friends diverge, who become each other's worst enemies. Tinyabo betrays a friend by joining his opponents. Yunbiao is on the side of the rebels. After a while, the heroes are destined to meet again, only this time on the battlefield. The last terrible battle will end either by the victory of justice, or by the triumph of evil.


Bodyguard from Beijing 1994

The criminal thriller " Bodyguard from Beijing "( 1994) takes the ninth line in the list of the best pictures with Jeat Lee in the title role. Michelle Yun accidentally becomes a witness of the murder. Criminals do not like to leave traces behind, so the girl's days are numbered. Michelle's friend hires a secret bodyguard, who must come from Beijing. Now the main character is in complete safety, since the bodyguard turns out to be a real professional, and shows already in the first shootout what he is capable of. Soon the defender falls in love with Michelle, but will she reciprocate when the girl is more concerned about her safety. ..


From cradle to grave 2003 year

On the eighth line among the best films with Jeat Lee is the criminal thriller " From cradle to grave "(2003).Criminal authority Tony Faith falls into a major alteration. He, along with his gang, stole very valuable jewelry, and now he will have to answer for it in large scale to another gangster, gangster Ling, who owns jewelry. Ling kidnaps Faith's daughter and declares that the exchange will take place on stones that he stole. But the robber can not return them, as they were intercepted by another criminal group. To rescue his daughter, Faith is forced to unite with one of the secret agents, who also follows the trail of diamonds. But as it turns out, jewelry hidden under a very different thing.


Danny Chain Dog 2005

The crime thriller " Danny Chain Dog "( 2005) with Jeat Lee in the title role will tell about the young man Danny. He was brought up by the cruel and merciless Gangster Bart, who, for the sake of achieving his goals, addresses the boy as a real animal. Most of the time, the protagonist spends completely on the chain obeying the owner. But when Bartu comes to collect overdue debts, he takes Danny off the chain and sets off on non-payers. In these moments, the "chain dog" behaves like a wild, aggressive and ruthless beast. After the "battles," Danny is again put on a chain, and he falls into a semi-oblivion. This continued for long days, weeks, years, until the character accidentally falls into the house of a blind musician. For Danny opens a new, completely unfamiliar to him a beautiful world, filled with fascinating sounds. Now the hero has a chance to learn all the delights of the world around him and to know the true human feelings.


Commanders 2007 year

The historical drama " Generals "( 2007) takes the sixth line in the list of the best paintings with Jeat Lee. In one of the battles, the commander loses all his warriors. The surviving other warriors together with the leader give each other a brotherly oath in stopping civil wars and raising their country from their knees. Ahead of them are waiting for bloody battles. They will have to sacrifice several thousand lives for the bright future of hundreds of thousands of people.


Kiss of the dragon 2001

The criminal thriller " Kiss of the Dragon "( 2001), where Jet Li played the role of an officer of Chinese intelligence, is on the list of his best pictures. The protagonist arrives in Paris from Hong Kong to participate in an extraordinarily important task. The essence of the operation is to catch a major drug dealer. But at once everything goes not according to plan, and events start to take an unexpected turn. The officer himself falls into a trap: he is suspected of murder, and all the evidence speaks against him. Now his goal is to get away from persecution and provide the facts of his innocence.


Fist of the legend 1994

The dramatic thriller " Fist of the legend "( 1994) with Jeat Lee in the title role will tell about the events that took place in the early 20th century, during the Japanese occupation of China. Samurai brutally kill martial arts teacher Ho. Knowing about this former student of the murdered Zhen Chen decides in order to find the culprits and revenge. A single soldier enters the battlefield with enemies. In this battle justice must triumph, and the hour of retribution will come.


The paradise of the ocean 2010 year

The top three films with Jeat Lee opens drama " Ocean Paradise "( 2010).The main character of the picture finds out that he is mortally sick. He has a son who suffers from autism. Before the father leaves the mortal land, he needs to have time to arrange the life of his offspring.


Fearless 2006 year

Biographical sports drama " Fearless "( 2006) with Jeat Lee in the title role takes second place in the ranking. The protagonist of the film Ho Yuanjia wants to become, like his father, the greatest fighter. Passionate desire to become popular blinds the youth. He achieves his goal, and wins one fight after another. But the glory and numerous victories do not bring happiness and peace of mind to the hero. Soon in the life of Ho there is a tragedy: people close to him are dying. He is overwhelmed with grief, he throws everything and goes into the hermits. In a short time, the young man chooses a village for himself, where he begins to work on a par with local peasants. Only here to Ho comes a true understanding of life. The hero decides to return to his homeland and open a school of martial arts.


Hero 2002 year

The list of the best pictures with Jeat Lee in the lead role is headed by the fantastic action film " Hero "( 2002).There is a split in the Chinese state. A leader is singled out whose plans include conquering neighboring principalities and heading the united country. To him, send three professional killers who perfectly master the oriental martial arts - Flying Snow, Sky and Broken Sword. Their opponent is a hero named Nicknamed, who is on the side of the emperor. He stays with the ruler and tells several stories about his fights, where the truth and fiction are firmly intertwined.