Laptop - portable (mobile) portable computer manufactured in monoblock form factor. The composition of the housing is integrated monitor, keyboard, cursor control panel (touchpad - the replacement of a computer mouse).
Typically, the full range of models (with uncurtailed functionality) are equipped with a Web camera and microphone - in trimmed models (budget), these components are missing, but provides the opportunity to install the missing Components.
Models are usually marked alphanumeric designation in addition to the name of the series, marking the different manufacturers.
- video card
- Hard disks
- Screen
- operating system
- materials used
- Weight and dimensions
- Battery and Battery Life
- Radios and communication devices
- Positioning device (a touchpad)
- laptop sound
- Connectors and Interfaces
- Slots and interfaces
- Laptop Cooling System
- Memory Card Support
- Common problems
- Manufacturers and models

The main component - the processor ( "stone"). It manages and controls the hardware system as a whole notebook. The laptop uses mobile processors in their design can not compete with a full-fledged PC "stones" of the same level. The laptop in the first place energy saving. And only then - performance. However, today's mobile processors are able to provide high performance.
CPU type and number of nuclei

Basic and leading manufacturers of processors for laptops - Intel and AMD. Products from Intel outperforms competing products from AMD and are heated, they are much smaller. Intel - the best choice for the average user. He is equally well to cope with the tasks of light and heavy games.
The processors come in two types:
- "Full-size" (set in normal PC)
- Mobile (installed in laptops).
They have significant differences. Basically, the differences in power and an amount of heat generated. "Full-length" PC processors are heated much more. If a processor installed in the laptop, the mobile computer cooling simply can not cope with the allocated amount of heat. The result is that the processor would have burned.
That is why laptops have come up with mobile processors - are indicated by the letter M. English
The laptops use different Intel processors. From budget Celeron or Pentium to productive Core i5 or Core i7. If the target is to purchase versatile notebook designed for business and pleasure, then pay attention to the Core i processor family.
For example, dual Core i3 is able to process information in stream 4, ie during operation are connected further 2 additional virtual core. In powerful gaming i7 4 physical cores on board, the tasks are processed in 8 threads. However, the mobile versions of i7 high price. For home laptop enough power Core i3 or Core i5.

It is not always the number of cores is the equivalent performance. Manufacturers produce low cost, "multi-core" processors, for example, of the 4-core, but in fact the CPU 2 physical and 2 virtual cores - it is a commercial gimmick. But produced processors with virtualization support - creates two virtual to physical core.
Attention! Not all multi-core processors, virtualization is implemented, ie there are only physical cores - for example you do not start the virtual machine or Android emulator on your laptop without the support virtualization. Typically, included in the BIOS setting.

To interact with all CPU nodes and modules require "intermediaries" - the chipset (north and south bridge) as the CPU does not directly work with them.
North Bridge processor provides the interaction with RAM, graphics card, but in some models of the North Bridge is integrated into the processor. Typically, a server bridge is located in close proximity to the processor socket.
South Bridge processor provides interaction with USB ports, keyboard, touchpad. In the latest generation of motherboards of personal computers and laptops in order to reduce energy consumption and improve productivity north and south bridge is assembled in a single chip - a hybrid.
Cache L1, L2 and L3

An important parameter is the amount of CPU cache. The higher it is, the faster the processor, since it does not require the frequent use of RAM - before accessing RAM processor compares the data in its repository.
The cache is divided into several levels:
- L1 - located directly on the same die with the core, the fastest and the region has a direct impact on productivity, but the volume level 1 cache does not exceed 128Kbayt
- L2 - second-level cache, depending on the chipset, located on-chip cache as level 1 or in the immediate vicinity.
- L3 - third-level cache, the slowest region (but superior performance characteristics of RAM), is located outside of the crystal, but the volume of some models reaches 32Mbayt.
In processors of type Intel Core i7, for example, third-level cache is 8 MB - the processor is capable of delivering high performance. Intel Core i3 can boast such characteristics - L3 equal volume of 4 MB. Displacement second level cache (L2) is not critical.
Mainly pay attention to L3. That it affects the performance of the processor.
As a rule, processors with a large amount of L3 cache is expensive. Therefore, they are not very popular among general users. But even without the proper size L3 modern laptops provide a decent level of performance. In fact, the size of the cache L2 and L3 are the most relevant when choosing a desktop PC. And in the case of notebook users entirely depends on the manufacturer.

Technically, the performance depends on the RAM. And it is not only in the amount of installed memory, but also in bus frequency, and type of memory itself. By the size of the memory modules laptop differs from the PC. They are much smaller in size. But this does not mean that they are weaker.
By virtue of the design features, to put full-size memory modules in the laptop is not possible. This is one of the key features of RAM for mobile computers.
Type RAM divided by the standard - the first line of DDR (DDR1) has replaced SDRAM memory modules DDIM and SIMM.
Topical type is DDR3, wherein the high performance and reliability, but appeared and DDR4 - not yet so widespread - the best option for a laptop - RAM type DDR3.
Frequency RAM bus.

The distinction between different types of DDR is possible bus frequency. The first DDR can operate at a frequency of 100 to 200 MHz (not true). With the second version of the DDR maximum operating frequency increased to 533 MHz. The third generation of DDR is able to provide a maximum operating frequency of 1200-1600 MHz.
Frequency directly affects the operational speed of the memory. The higher the frequency - the faster the RAM. DDR3 standard supports operation at frequencies 1066-1600 MHz. The best option is to purchase a laptop with a frequency of 1333 MHz memory bus.
But we should remember that RAM is working at a given frequency, it must maintain and bus motherboard - otherwise the notebook simply will not turn on.
Even if the notebook is set by default a single unit, it is better to purchase two separate and install them. Performance will double. As for the fourth-generation DDR, it is capable of operating at a frequency of 3200 MHz.
Multichannel. If the laptop there are additional slots for RAM, install two identical memory modules - including multi-channel operation.
Each module will work on its channel with its own frequency. This will help to achieve better performance than in the case of a single module. It is recommended to install the memory modules with the same characteristics and the same manufacturer.
Do not set on two different module volume (for example, 1GB + 2GB RAM). Remember the rule priority for any personal computer system, the component with the lowest parameters, ie with 1GB of RAM, or a lower frequency bus is used first.
Even if the notebook is set by default a single unit, it is better to purchase two separate and install them. Performance at once will increase by several times.
Energy efficiency. Since the laptop - a mobile device that runs on battery power, sharply raises the question of energy savings. There is a special type of memory designed specifically for notebooks and featuring a record low power consumption.
It is marked with the letter L (e.g., DDRL). Despite the fact that this module uses very little power, its performance does not suffer. He completely delivers high performance for a laptop.
Energy-efficient memory does not affect the performance of the laptop. If the memory module consumes less power, it does not mean that he loses in performance.
The maximum amount.

Many manufacturers supply their laptops slots for additional memory modules. This means that when choosing a mobile computer is not worth paying attention to the number of pre-installed memory. It can always be added. And it will come much cheaper.
The main thing - to know what is the maximum amount of RAM can support laptop motherboard - the optimal amount of RAM 8 GB. But it is important to choose a laptop, with the possibility to increase the memory up to 16 or 32 GB.
If you plan to replace the RAM modules in order to increase the volume, it is important to trace the two modules are of the same manufacturer.
memory modules from different manufacturers are in conflict with each other - they simply refuse to work any observed slowdown in the system.
video card

There are several types of graphics devices in laptops: an integrated, discrete and hybrid. In video and its characteristics: the type, frequency, amount of memory, the number of graphics processor cores, etc. These characteristics make sense if you choose a laptop with a discrete graphics card. Basically, the notebook runs on integrated chips.
The family of processors Core integrated graphics chipset and - differs reduced power consumption. The graphics chip is represented by a variety of co-processors - from Intel HD Graphics to Intel Iris Pro. It depends on the processor itself. For example, Intel Core i3 second-generation installed Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphics chip.
The processors from AMD as the graphics subsystem is present. It is not as productive as Intel's, but is able to cope with simple tasks. For watching movies in Full HD and undemanding games power integrated graphics from AMD enough.
video type

Laptops with built-in graphics processor typically used exclusively for work with office programs. To use them it is impossible to play. Image output is performed by an additional graphic CPU core.
Video memory in this case is released from memory.
Such integrated chips are equipped with Intel Core family of processors and some models from AMD.
With HD video such graphic solutions to cope, but the game is not pulled. Instead, they are economical and do not load your laptop battery.
Discrete graphics similar model for desktop computers. But do not forget that the mobile versions of graphics cards used in laptops. This means that to provide high performance in games average a discrete graphics adapter is not able to.
The volume of a discrete graphics card with 1 Gb memory begins. Models with 2 GB of memory is already significantly more expensive. In this consumes more power the laptop battery.
two video

Laptops with the hybrid graphics is a collaboration between the two types of graphics cards - integrated and discrete. If you are working with documents, search the Internet or watching a movie, the running cost integrated graphics chip. But if you run a game or a powerful application - switches to the discrete graphics card. Advantages of this solution, the battery energy saving, high efficiency.
Laptops with hybrid graphics - the preferred solution only in the family of Windows systems because of design features. As Linux is not a mechanism to switch cards.
The term "two video" can mean not only the hybrid graphics. In some high-end models of gaming laptops is set once two discrete adapter. This is done to improve performance of graphic device component. However, this solution has a negative impact on laptop battery life.
Manufacturer video

The main leaders of the discrete graphics card: AMD and nVidia. If you want high-performance graphics, it is best to choose processors from nVidia. However, AMD implemented a display of colors and superior the nVidia, this is especially noticeable when viewing the contrast of the image where the transitions of black and white level is present.
For integrated video chips is still the same AMD and Intel graphics chips family.
Other video card manufacturers generally use graphics chips nVidia or AMD, added additional modules. These modules include connectors and connectivity interfaces, cooling systems, radiators, plastic plates, etc.
Hard disks

laptop drive type also plays an important role. Now in today's mobile computers are used HDD and SSD drives. More common are the HDD. SSD drives are more productive, do not respond to movement while working as an HDD.
Hard disk interface.
The laptops are used to connect SATA 3 interface. Maximum read and write speed of about 6 Gb per second. It is to the SATA 3 connectors are connected SSD and HDD drives.
Hard Drive Speed.
This feature is relevant only for the HDD. SSD drives have no drives and spindle rotation.
They consist entirely of chips, so the speed of rotation for them irrelevant.
For HDD drives have several options of speeds:
- 5600 revolutions per minute. Drive with the speed is very slow, but it will last a long time. Due to the slow rotation of less wear out mechanical parts of the HDD.
- 7200 rpm - the most appropriate and the most common. This - "golden mean." Optimized for speed and endurance.
- 15,000 rpm - high-speed HDD. But additional cooling is required for such an HDD drive.
Most notebook computers installed 2,5 HDD drives with 7200 rpm rotational speed. This is sufficient for all daily tasks.
Type of hard disk

HDD drives have long established themselves as a roomy and reliable data storage. However, the speed of these discs is poor. Many laptops use SATA drives, the maximum read-write speed which is 45-60 MB per second. Although the bus supports SATA3 6Gb per second speed.
It makes sense to use the HDD drives to store large amounts of data. they are not suitable to ensure system performance.
SSD (Solid State Drive) storage much faster than HDD. They are able to read and write at a speed of 600 megabits per second. They are also called "solid state" drives. This their name due to the fact that their structure no characteristic HDD components (wheels, rotation of the spindle, the mechanical elements).

They consist entirely of solid-state components. If you set this drive as the primary boot drive for the operating system and programs, high performance can be achieved.
Now there is a new generation of SSD drives development. They are characterized by an even more compact size. Their production technology is such that will significantly reduce the price of the model with a large volume.
A second hard drive. As a startup disk with the operating system and programs appropriate to use SSD drive capacity from 128 to 512GB. And the rest of the information stored on the HDD up to 2TB. This system drives at this point is relevant not only for PC but also laptops ,.
However, such a system with laptop drives are expensive - supplied only game models.
The term "second hard disk" does not imply the presence of SSD storage system.
Set yourself a second hard drive in a laptop is possible only in place of the optical drive.
matrix screen

Most laptop displays are used based on the matrix TN + Film - the display has high performance, low color and a maximum angle of 1500No blackness, contrast, depth is not enough. TN + Film displays are cheap to produce and do not require any special manufacturing techniques.
based on these matrices screens quite cope with all daily tasks. In addition, these screens are characterized by good response time, which is not an IPS screens. For professional work in the graphic editors such screens are not suitable.
The second type of screens used in laptops - IPS displays. Devices with such expensive screens, laptops with TN displays. The colors of the high level, the colors are bright and vivid.
Some manufacturers use in their laptops modified IPS matrix (Retina), which is devoid of the usual drawbacks IPS. Mostly it refers to the response time of the matrix. The modified IPS matrices it reaches the level of TN, and some even superior.

There is another type of matrix used in the screens of portable computers. - MVA. MVA matrix - a cross between TN and IPS panel. From IPS they inherited color reproduction, wide viewing angles and high contrast. A matrix TN from fast response time. They are much cheaper and more expensive IPS TN.
Mobile computers with screens on the basis of MVA matrices produced little.
LED backlight. As elements of the matrix are used LED backlight LEDs. Previously used fluorescent lamps, but they were canceled. These lamps were not long affect not the best way to sight. LED LEDs have a long life time and do not affect the user's perspective. LED backlight located around the perimeter of the screen.
Touch and multitouch

Furthermore matrix type screens and different constructive characteristics. Some models are equipped with touch screens. Typically, these displays are present in the "Transformers" - hybrid devices that combine a laptop and a tablet. In laptops use the touch screen to start introducing Windows 8. Such displays support multi-technology and are detached from the device body.
The touch screen notebook, covered with scratch-resistant glass called Gorilla Glass. glass version is determined by the price of the laptop. Another variety of the protected glass - Asahi Glass, developed in Japan. Asahi Glass's main competitor Gorilla Glass.
The lack of touch screens - the large number of prints of the user's fingers. To avoid this problem manufacturers applied to laptop screens oleophobic coating.
It represents nanofilm soaked in a special solution. The film protects the screen from fingerprints. Developed oleophobic coating was in 2005 by German scientists.
As a rule, touch screens in laptops are of type IPS matrix. This is not surprising. Still, "Transformers" refer to the top-end devices. The most expensive models are equipped with a matrix SuperAMOLED.
Screen resolution

Modern laptops are equipped with a wide-format screens with different resolutions. Standard resolution for low-end models - 1366 * 768 pixels, more expensive models FullHD (1920 * 1080) resolution, while the most expensive models 4K resolution screen. For most users, it is ideal for "golden mean" - display with FullHD resolution.
The resolution of the display depends on the frequency. Screen 1366 * 768 standard frequency is 60 Hz. increase it will not work. Screens with FullHD resolution capable of operating at a frequency of 100 Hz.
Screen diagonal

Laptops screens with a diagonal of 13 to 19 inches. Diagonal of 13 inches is used only in the super-compact Ultrabooks. That is, in those models who have mobility in the first place. Giants with a screen size of 19 inches are extremely rare. As a rule, it is expensive designer model for professionals. Diagonal average laptop screen varies from 15 to 17 inches.
Fifteen inch models on the market majority, that they are the most popular, as it combines the convenience, mobility and adequate price. Seventeen-inch model usually purchase for home use only.
At an even smaller netbook screen size. There are ten-inch model.
Ultra compact mobile computers designed for exclusive use on the Internet and text editors - hardware stuffing is so weak that even watch Full HD movies on them problematic.
These devices include "Chromebook" - is the same netbook, but with the operating system from Google, called Chrome OS. This system is characterized in that it is designed for Internet surfing.
Widescreen displays. Almost all models have the screen aspect ratio of 16: 9. This is a standard widescreen display. Not so long ago was considered a standard 4: 3 format.
screen coating type. There are two types of cover of the laptop screen: glossy and matte. Each cover its advantages and disadvantages.
- glossy finish. Great for watching films and working. But when exposed to direct sunlight - the monitor "going blind" - the screen turns into a mirror. Plus glossy screens is the high brightness and high contrast.
- matte screens deprived lacks luster - not blinded with sunlight, but the brightness and contrast worse.
Typically, the low-end models are devoid of any protection. They just have unprotected "bare" matrix. Glass protection, supply mid-range and top-end model of costly options. Some companies, though, cover screens of their mobile PCs tempered glass Corning Gorilla Glass and oleophobic coating - this applies only to those models which are equipped with touch screen.
operating system

The operating system of the laptop largely determines its functionality. Depending on the type and version of OS laptop possesses certain characteristics. Major operating systems: Windows OS on to Microsoft, the free Linux operating system family and closed MacOS from Apple.

Typically, laptops are sold with pre-installed operating system. Until recently, the standard operating system for laptops was Windows 7. But with the release of Windows 10, Microsoft has launched an aggressive policy on its implementation. Now laptops are sold with pre-installed Windows 10.
Attention! When buying flip laptop if the laptop comes with a licensed operating system on the back side there is a sticker with the indication of the operating system version and a license key.
Some unscrupulous retailers are installed in notebooks unlicensed version of Windows at the same time on a laptop is not a sticker with the license. The cost of the license is included in the cost of the laptop.
At the moment, the most popular system of the Windows family is Seven. It still uses the vast majority of computer users. It is considered the most successful system of the company, despite the aggressive implementation of the tenth version.

Some laptops come preloaded with the Linux operating system family. Typically Ubuntu used as a standard distribution. Such devices, of course, a little, but still they exist. For a beginner "linuksopodobnye" system may seem shocking, but stable work and viruses make them much better on Windows and Linux customization capabilities far diverse.
If you purchased a laptop version of DOS, and it was decided to install Linux, you need to be careful. If the laptop there is a hybrid graphics system, then on Linux should be abandoned.

If you purchased the MacBook, then it will be pre-installed proprietary OS from Apple called MacOS. For those who have just moved with Windows, the system will seem shocking. MacOS has traditionally been considered a model of balance, optimization and style. Yet none of the manufacturer failed to circumvent Apple's performance and stability.
materials used

Proceedings of the notebook depends on the device class. Expensive premium models produced aluminum or carbon-fiber body. Most models are made of conventional plastic.
Metal housing. High-end notebook models are equipped with a metal frame. Depending on the metal, used in the manufacture of the body, it strengthens the laptop manufacturer or makes it easier.
For example, the aluminum alloy body is much easier than any other. Usually, it is available only mid-priced laptops.
Material housing expensive models may vary from metal to carbon.
The advantages of a metal housing in laptops:
- Strength.
- At the high thermal conductivity of the metal, thus saving on the cooling system.
- One-piece metal body is less exposed to the environment. The presence of such housing - a big plus for any mobile computer.
Plastic housing. The most popular material for the manufacture of the housing. It is cheap, easy to manufacture and quite robust. However, the plastic quality levels vary considerably, and it is the quality to look for when choosing a laptop.
Low-end models are made of rough plastic - the cheap stuff.
In models of middle segment using glossy or matte plastic. This species differs spectacular appearance. Lack of glossy plastic - quickly soiled by fingerprints.
The top models of rubberized plastic. Shockproof this type of case is not different from other kinds of plastic enclosures - all plastic strength is the same.
Laptops with protected housing

Mobile computers with protection against dust and moisture are targeted primarily at people with active lifestyles. Shockproof the notebook - protection additional metal frame, rubberized insert on the housing Laptop protect circuitry from moisture and dust, and rubber plugs for all connectors provide sealing device.
In addition, the electronic notebook components are protected with a special solution to prevent getting wet - only applies to premium laptops.
There are also special version laptops with protection class IP68 - completely sealed enclosure, possible penetration of dust and moisture, it is permissible immersion to a depth of 1 meter. However, such devices are used mainly for military purposes.
ayutsya by the presence of plastic membrane keys and a rubber gasket at the point conn appearance may differ even from each other. Seriously protected laptops look intimidating. But there are some models that do not differ from ordinary mobile computers. But this is not the budget segment.
Weight and dimensions

The most severe are models with a diagonal of 17-18 inches screen - reach a weight of 3 kilos, so you should not buy a model with a larger screen. Optimal variant device with screen sizes of 15 inches. If the laptop is purchased as a replacement for a stationary PC and transfer it anywhere is not planned, the weight and dimensions do not pay attention.
The more powerful laptop, the thicker it is, the reason and the amount of display modules installed - a discrete graphics card, wireless modules (WIFI, Bluethooth), DVD-drive, HDD drive, etc.
average laptop index ranges from 19.5 to 69 mm.
However, there are miniature models that are even thinner. The production of such models is quite expensive.
Type of laptops with different minimum thickness called "ultrabooks". Ultrabuka thickness of 1.5 mm at the narrowest point. These units unusually expensive due to production technology. Typically, such laptops equipped with SSD storage, they are smaller than the standard 2,5 HDD. Furthermore, in models offline optical drive.
Typically, laptops ultrabuki weaker due to the small thickness of the body is not possible to establish a more or less ultrabuk productive iron. If you need a normal performance of the mobile computer, the ultrabooks pay attention not worth it.
Battery and Battery Life

The most important criterion for a mobile device is its battery life time. And for this feature entirely in response to the device battery.
The type of battery. Under normal budget laptops use lithium-polymer (Li-Pol) batteries. Battery operated at low and high temperatures in the range -20 to +40 ° C. Afraid they just wear and "age". The older li-Pol battery, the less he is able to work. Batteries need to be replaced after 2-3 years of active use.
Attention! Lithium polymer batteries are a fire risk - do not recharge and do not overheat the Li-Pol batteries.
Most manufacturers install in notebook Li-Ion batteries. They are devoid of drawbacks polymer battery. For mobile devices, lithium-ion batteries are used since 1991.
Lack of Li-Ion batteries self-discharge when not in use over 2-month follow-capacity loss. Be careful not overheating and supercooling - at an ambient temperature below +5 C0 energy consumption is reduced (loses charge, and increases when warming up).
Battery capacity and battery life

Capacity Li-Pol battery may vary depending on the model of the mobile computer. But usually the size of a standard laptop battery is 6,000 mAh. Such containers will suffice for the autonomous operation of the device for 4-5 hours. On battery life affects not only the type and capacity of the battery, but some laptop components.
For full battery life in laptops used components with the function of saving energy. For example, the mobile processors (labeled M), special energy-efficient main memory (DDRL) and much more.
Saves battery power and the availability of hybrid graphics. When the laptop battery discrete graphics card is not activated. It works only embedded graphics chip, which allows the device to work much longer on a single charge.
Number of battery cells

On the number of cells of the battery depends capacity battery and laptop battery life. The more, the better. In a standard battery of six cells present an ordinary laptop. They are exactly the same size. But if you want great battery life, it is best to choose a laptop with at least 8 cells. Top "monsters" among laptops have huge batteries with 12 cells.
This is largely due to the fact that the powerful filling requires more energy. Therefore, the battery life of a powerful expensive laptop can not be different from the time of the budget feeble laptop. But in any case, before the laptop choice will not be superfluous to ask the number of battery cells.
Using the optional battery

purchase additional external battery if desired. This device will help twice to extend the battery life of the device. For example, an external battery to 12000 mAh able to feed the notebook for 12-14 hours. And that's not taking into account the capacity of its own battery.
With all of the battery average notebook will run for 20 hours. However, when working with demanding applications and games laptop in standalone mode will last no more than two hours.
Radios and communication devices
Almost any laptop equipped with modules Wi-Fi, Bluetooth adapters. This extends the functionality of the laptop and makes it more versatile.

Most low-end models are equipped with low-power module Bluetooth 3.0. In models of middle segment of the module version 4.2. bluetooth 4.2 allocated high data rate, since partially uses Wi-Fi technology. The rate of this Bluetooth is 600 Mbit in give me a sec.
Using Bluetooth connected wireless mouse and keyboard. You can also connect a wireless headset or a Bluetooth speaker.

Wi-Fi modules have in each model. Thanks to them, connect your device to the Internet and the local network. Low laptops equipped with Wi-Fi standard modules b / g - maximum communication speed 54Mbps / sec, in the presence of the standard data exchange speed N reaches 150Mbps / s.
Standard "Al" provides a data rate of about 6 Gb per second. Naturally, these adapters are installed only on more expensive models.
3G and 4G modems

In some notebook models implemented the ability to connect to the Internet using a SIM card. They support mobile Internet standard 3G or 4G LTE. Built-in 3G-4G modem is installed in high-end business laptop versions.

Built-in GPS receiver determines the location to within a few meters. It uses the connection to the GPS satellites. GPS transmitter laptop is usually much more powerful than standard browsers. It allows to achieve such impressive results. laptops GPS transmitters support the standards, GLONASS and Beidou - less popular.
First GPS navigation system. It appeared in 1993. GPS technology have many advantages, but the main thing - it is compatible with almost every modern mobile device. Including with laptops.
GLONASS. The satellite navigation system Russian developers. The navigation system uses the data from the 28 orbiting satellites. Thanks to satellites orbiting GLONASS signal catches where GPS is experiencing difficulties. However, rarely used system, preferring to GPS.
Beidou. Chinese navigation system. I began to evolve relatively recently. So while it is used only in China.
Positioning device (a touchpad)

The touchpad is present in any laptop. It allows you to control the cursor and perform various operations without connecting a mouse. The devices are implemented with different configurations - with clearly marked buttons, or without them.
Touchpad - touch padUndertaking management cursor on a computer screen with the help of gestures and clicks. Virtually all of the positioning device can simultaneously work up to 10 keystrokes. Some touchpad buttons have pronounced, exercising the functions of the left and right mouse button.
In some models, the touchpad buttons are hidden completely covered. Typically, the side and bottom of the touchpad scroll bar located to quickly dissipate the document when working in Microsoft Word. There is a special kind of touchpad - Touchpad & Scroll. The essence of it is that close to the touch control panel is the scroll wheel to facilitate the work with documents and surfing the Internet.
Another positioning device which can be in modern laptops called PointStick. This device is a miniature joystick, through which there is a moving cursor on the screen.

Clicking on PointStick equivalent to pressing the left (primary) mouse button. Operate such a device is quite unusual, so you need some skill to cope with all tasks. There are cases when laptops are set and the classic touchpad and PointStick. Such hybrid control is mainly used in business models.
If you plan to purchase a mouse and work mainly with her, it makes no sense to pay attention to the type of the positioning device.

Keyboards deserve special attention because some are different from those used in desktop PCs. Usually laptop keyboard trimmed as to place in a small area all the keys is impossible. Laptops are several types of keyboards: an island and classic. According to the type of design features distinguish the membrane and mechanical keyboard:
- Membrane keyboards. Membrane keyboards are used in all notebooks. Most devices used insular type keyboard with a small stroke keys. For typing these decisions are easy. But are not suitable for games. If you plan to engage in professional writing texts, it is better to spend money on a separate mechanical keyboard. But laptops still use hybrid membrane keyboard.
They are distinguished by the presence of plastic keys and a rubber gasket at the point of contact pins.
However, this type of keyboards still remains the budget of all.
- Mechanical keyboard. Model oriented to gamers and are equipped with high-grade mechanical keys. The amount of such notebooks reaches 50 cm in width.

Mainly used without additional digital keyboard unit. This increases the size of the keys, which in turn makes it more convenient operation. However, there are laptops with a full numeric keypad. Designed for those who are required to work a lot with numbers and various calculations.
By type of mechanical switch keyboard is divided into several types:
- Cherry MX Black,
- Cherry MX Brown,
- Cherry MX Blue,
- Cherry MX Clear,
- Cherry MX Red,
- Razer Green Switch.
Laptops are usually used with keyboard switches family of Cherry MX:
- Cherry MX Black. Ideal for gaming. However, typing uncomfortable. No feedback. The result is that typing is uncomfortable.
This type of mechanical keyboard is most often installed in high-end gaming laptop models.
- Cherry MX Brown. Versatile option. These keyboards are ideal for gaming and for work. Thanks to the feedback typing is quick and easy.
- Cherry MX Blue. This keyboard is designed exclusively for typing. Its design features are such that it is of little use for games. It is exclusively designed so its laptops in use is extremely rare, only for the business versions of mobile computers for use with office applications.
- Cherry MX Clear. Universal mechanical keyboards in the family. Suitable both for work and for play. In essence, it is a modified version of Cherry MX Brown.
There is also a mechanical keyboard with bending spring, but laptops do not use them. Therefore, to treat them does not make sense.
additional keys

Work missing keys on a laptop keyboard is realized with the help of a special button «Fn». When you click on it and another specific button thus causing the laptop to perform the desired command.
By using the function key Fn is possible to control different settings of the laptop. For example, control display brightness and sound volume.
And with the help of the function keys F1-F12 to disable the touchpad, Wi-Fi adapter, screen, camera, into a sleep mode and control the player.
Function keys are present in every laptop. However, they are arranged randomly. A particular system does not have.
For normal operation of the function keys software to install. In addition, if the manufacturer has a special program for the control function keys, you should install it. Without this additional function will not work. In certain models, there is a change in the response of pressing the FN key combinations, usually configured through the BIOS.
The number of buttons on the keyboard

Standard keyboard is the presence of 101 keys. By virtue of design features and the lack of space, the number of keys varies. The maximum number of keys with number pad for notebooks equals 102 pcs. (Standard 101), plus an additional function key Fn. Without the digital unit, the number of keys in the range of 80-92 pc.
Keyboard with protection from water

keyboard design with protection from water - under the keys is a plastic or metal plate, made in the form of a pallet. If the liquid gets on the keyboard it accumulates in the pan. A rubber gasket is not allowed to splash out on important notebook components. Such keyboards are usually removable.
To pour the liquid from the pan and remove enough podkovyrnut entire keyboard. Typically, such models are not equipped with keyboards numeric keypad.
laptop sound

Because of the design features of the sound quality of built-laptop speakers is not possible.
Built-in speakers and a subwoofer. Standard laptop speakers do not sound very good. Particularly if they are located on the bottom - they are practically inaudible. Preferred model with the location of the speakers above the keyboard. Sound a little louder, but, given the size of the speakers, do not expect high-quality sound.
The situation is slightly corrected in the presence integrated subwoofer. However, the right to reproduce low frequencies it is unable to because of the small size. So do not do without the purchase of additional speakers.
Chipset audio adapter. Audio processor laptop is able to provide the sound quality in the range 41-192 kHz. For professional work with sound chip so categorically not suitable. For these needs will have to buy an external sound card. Usually in budget notebooks and laptops midrange set budget chipsets from Realtek.

If you need a really high-quality sound, get an external USB sound card. Such devices are commonly used by professionals to create music. But they are perfect lover and a laptop middle-level and the desire for high-quality sound. Not only need to remember that the speaker system in this case, too, should be the appropriate level.
Inputs and outputs of a microphone and headphones. In a standard laptop present jacks for headphones and microphone - standard size 3,5 (mini Jack).
To connect headphones with a professional standard plug Jack will have to buy an adapter.
The jack for headphones and external speakers are connected. Typically these connectors are located on the side of the housing. At least - on the front or rear end.
Connect the speaker system is much easier if it includes a digital output for the S / PDIF audio - Speakers should also have such a connection, but most mobile computers are not vested with such abilities.
Yield Combo (microphone + headphones). The combined headphone jack and a microphone integrally in - simultaneously connects only one device. We do not recommend to buy laptops with Combo output, you will not be able to connect a separate microphone and headphones, if necessary.
Connectors and Interfaces

USB connectors. Required plug into any laptop. Even low-end models are equipped with a minimum of three connectors.
There are several types of USB connectors: 2.0, 3.0, 3.1 (Type A and C). They differ only in the data rate. And version 3.1 is different and more constructive. The standard average laptop is generally present two ports USB 2.0 and two USB 3.0. Type 3.1 is found only in high-end devices
USB 2.0. Outdated USB type - is based on a low-power bus 2.0.
It is capable of transmitting data at speeds of 480 megabits per second. However, the maximum rate declared by the manufacturer. In practice, the situation is worse, the actual speed of the port is 30 MB per second.
The maximum current that can be drawn from the USB 2.0 bus is equal to 500 mA.Zaryazhat device they can be, but better not. We'll have to wait a long time to fully charge. Modern laptops are equipped with at least two USB 2.0 ports standard.
USB 3.0. close to the acceptable data rate. read-write speed of USB 3.0 is 600 MB per second. Version 2.0 is not capable. Amperage bus version 3.0 is 900 mA. This means that smartphones and iPods charged much faster.

Connectors that use technology 3.0 are marked in blue. This is done for the convenience of users. In order not to confuse a low-power 2.0 high speed 3.0. In today's mobile computers may be two to three USB 3.0 ports. In rare cases, this number increases to four. Of course, you should try to choose a laptop with the maximum number of USB 3.0 ports, since 2.0 are suitable only for mouse.
USB 3.1. Data transfer rate 3.1 standard is 10 gigabits per second. In addition, the designers have made the ability to embed a flash drive into the connector by either party.
But the type of device using USB 3.1 is not great.
Maximum current, USB 3.1 bus is 5A. This means that the devices connected to this jack will be charged faster than the standard power supply. The Apple laptops such a connector is used to connect the charger. However, finding a decent mobile computer with such ports for an adequate price yet problematic.
USB connectors subtype "A" and "B" in laptops are not used. Connectors "A" type found only in the peripheral device (printer) and are used to connect the device to a computer.
"A" connection is still made with the USB port of a standard size. Connectors type "B", otherwise known as micro USB, used in mobile devices (smartphones, iPods) for charging the device and connecting to a computer.
HDMI. To transmit the digital signal to an optional monitor or TV. HDMI connector supplied with laptops mid-market.

by HDMI signal transmission technology is characterized by high image quality. When HDMI you can even help get the image in 4K resolution.
There are several types of full-size HDMI connector, different performance characteristics. The first HDMI 1.0 connectors. possessed the image and sound transmission capacity at a rate of 4.9 gigabits per second.
- V1.0 passed by eight sound with a frequency of 192 kHz and a depth of 24 bits. The maximum image resolution was 1920 * 1080 pixels.
- Version 1.1 adds the ability to transmit secure sound for viewing DVD video standard.
- In version 1.2 the opportunity to connect monitors to a computer. Prior to this version of HDMI standard does not support RGB technology used in most monitors. In addition, support has been added to the format of Super Audio CD.
Further versions contain some fine-tuning and corrections. Prior to version 2.0 did not have anything added.
A second version includes support for 4K resolution, 32 channels of audio to -mnogopotokovaya transmission of audio, Support 60 frames per second, support screens with aspect ratio 21: 9 (cinema standard) 3D support.
Connectors HDMI 2.0 standard used in all laptops and desktop computers. They allow you to turn your PC into a multimedia entertainment center. Connection monitor via HDMI connector is more preferable than the use of obsolete VGA connector.

Almost all laptops are equipped with a VGA port for connecting an external monitor. Unlike HDMI, use a analog technology and therefore can not boast of high-quality image.
VGA connector is used to connect monitors obsolete. Newer models use a digital connection technology - DVI port. The result is that the image quality is much higher than that of the VGA. There are also Combo DVI ports, use both analog and digital signals, but they are extremely rare. DVI port on the laptop is rarely used. Typically, manufacturers are limited to VGA and HDMI connectors.
DisplayPort and mini DisplayPort

The next type is the connector DisplayPort - rarely installed in notebooks that about him, few have heard. But in some computers and video cards average price category present. Supplied only expensive business version of DisplayPort - HDMI the same with modified functionality. In some ways it is better to HDMI, and something worse. But the meaning is the same. It allows you to connect an external monitor or TV to your laptop and receive images in high resolution.
A miniature version of the DisplayPort has been widely used in Apple laptops.
Technically - it's the same DisplayPort only smaller. Here the situation is repeated with HDMI and micro HDMI, HDMI only for transmission multimedia content in general, and mini DisplayPort exclusively for computer connection monitors. The budget laptops does not apply.
COM port. A rare type of connectors in laptops. The notebook is almost impossible to meet. Equipped with a device for controlling the diagnostic equipment. It is they who in our time and uses the COM port. Since it is obsolete and is now used only by specialists, it does not include the mass models of laptops.

High-speed Thunderbolt interface It provides high speed data transfer. The connector itself resembles DisplayPort. But at the same time it has a number of design features.
Thunderbolt port are several types:
- Thunderbolt,
- Thunderbolt 2,
- Thunderbolt 3.
They only differ in data rate. Such interfaces are common in the Apple laptops. Thunderbolt meet in ordinary laptop can be infrequent. Despite the speed, few such devices are supplied with connectors. That is why they do not have mass use in laptops.
History of the creation of high-speed Thunderbolt port began while working on DisplayPort. That is why they are so similar. Thunderbolt port the first version used as the connection of copper conductors.
This method differs cheapness. However, the port speed was not high. Therefore, the second and third version began to use fiber optics. Thereafter, the data rate has risen tenfold. Plus, transmit sound and become a fully universal connector in the latest Thunderbolt «learned».
Despite the fact that the company invented the Intel Thunderbolt, it was engaged in finalizing Apple. That is why for the most part it is only found in the laptops of this company.

Micro HDMI installed in laptops where there is no way to build a normal size HDMI port. Usually this netbooks and ultrabooks. The principle of operation is the same with the HDMI standard size.
Due to its compact size, connector micro HDMI supplied even some smartphones. On the characteristics micro HDMI in no way inferior to "full" jack. Resolution, audio and video quality, bit rate - all exactly the same.
FireWire and FireWire 800 found only in the Apple models. They made this port to connect to a standard MacBook devices. Advantages of this solution are obvious.
The data transfer rate up to 600 Mbit per second.
The only problem is that not all peripheral devices equipped with a FireWire port required for the interaction of the laptop and the device itself.
Mini VGA connector is used for all laptops Apple and some laptops from Sony. In fact it is the same port to transmit an analog signal as the standard VGA. It differs only smaller size and location of the contacts. These connectors are not very popular, and find them in the vast majority of laptops is impossible.
The digital audio output (S / PDIF) It does not occur on all laptops. These connectors are equipped with multimedia notebooks. For normal operation of the output sound card required average. Unpretentious audio chips laptops can not cope with his work.
The digital audio output is used for the transmission of uncompressed digital audio to the receiver. reproducing quality is better than when using a standard connector for sound output.
In addition, the S / PDIF output enables surround sound.
eSATA - the connector is designed for "hot" connection of devices and provides high speed data transmission. Currently, only use Power eSATA connectors. They are equipped with an auxiliary contact to power the device.
According to their design features the SATA eSATA resembles an ordinary, but differs in the presence of the shielding that protects him from all kinds of interference. ESATA connectors are equipped with premium laptops, and some models of the mid-market. The budget laptops eSATA technology has no place.
Slots and interfaces

Many laptops are equipped with a special slot for reading data. Virtually any portable computer card reader is integrated. They differ only formats supported memory cards.
Slot and ExpressCard standard

The slot used for connecting to the notebook various peripherals via ExpressCard.
ExpressCard - This additional connectors for USB and SATA devices. There are several ExpressCard standards. In notebooks set the "smallest" slots up to 34 millimeters. This is due to the design of mobile computers.
Using ExpressCard slot is 34 mm can be connected to the notebook further four USB devices and one SATA device.
ExpressCard types differ in size and number of connected interfaces:
- ExpressCard size 54 mm connector uses to connect to 26 pins. Because of their size these cards are installed primarily in desktop PCs. However, thanks to the large size of the map, with its help it is possible to connect a considerable number of peripherals.
- The second and most common in laptops ExpressCard type size 34 millimeter connector uses to connect to 26 pins. It can be used in mobile computers because of the compact interface ExpressCard 34 device size. However, the number of connected peripheral devices is smaller than the card size of 54 mm. But the important thing is that such a slot at all exists.
- CardBus PC is used only in full-fledged PCs. This type of ExpressCard is already outdated and is only found in some older PCs. He used 68 pins.
The number of slots for RAM

Typically, mobile computers are equipped with two slots for RAM. By virtue of design features to introduce a greater number of slots in the small case is impossible.
Typically, a memory module is installed in only one slot. The second remains free. Insert to the memory module can be on your own. Of course, in the expensive models of gaming meets and four slots. But the size of these notebooks can not be called small.
Webcam and microphone

All mobile computers are equipped with webcams. The device manufacturer has no significance. But on the design features of the webcam differ in the number and size of mega pixels. Cheapest Web camera only 0.3 megapixel. The expensive notebook models are established modules for 5 megapixels. However, despite the rather sparse matrix, all webcams are HD name.
Once a webcam - should be built-in microphone. He is present in all models. However, the quality of the built-in microphone in all the models is so low that sometimes it is difficult to make out individual words. Better yet, buy a normal microphone separately. It will be better this way.
Integrated network card and the LAN speed

LAN is indispensable when you connect to another computer on the LAN as a data rate higher than Wi-Fi. Usually in notebooks set of common network card from Realtek and Atheros.
Network cards are of several types:
- built into the motherboard,
- domestic,
- exterior.
Network cards built into the motherboard does not provide a special freedom in the choice of the manufacturer, and the data rate.
In today's notebooks use the fourth-generation cards that can issue a speed of 100 megabits per second.
This is true in the case of connecting your laptop to another computer using a network cable.
Internal network cards are commonly used in desktop computers and are connected to the PCI-E connector.
External network cards connected to the computer via the USB connector. They are relevant in the event that, for whatever reasons, the laptop is not built-in map. Or is it out of order. It should be noted that the external USB network cards have a high capacity and capable of replacing a complete unit.
In all budget laptops using conventional third-generation network card built into the motherboard. The minimum link speed is 10 Mbps. Maximum - 100. The most expensive models are equipped with a fourth-generation network cards. The maximum data transfer rate of up to 1 gigabit per second.
optical drive

Outdated CD-RW drives are no longer used in the production. Now laptops are equipped with Blue-Ray-DVD drives. The word "writing" is no longer relevant. Priori all modern drives are written to disk. drive manufacturer does not matter, because it is not as an important component.
Currently, disk drives are disappearing. More and more models are deprived of the optical drive.
3D Support

Support for three-dimensional image is a rare feature not only in laptops, but also in the high-grade PC. However, there are models that can transform the 3D image in 2D. The delivery of these laptops come and polarized glasses for viewing three-dimensional images.
The specifications is nothing special about these laptops do not. Is that a little more powerful graphics card. Otherwise 3D effect is achieved only by using the software processing of various materials. While such an effect can not be considered a full-fledged 3D. So to get a mobile PC does not make sense.
The main drawback of laptops with 3D - the software component so "hard" technology, the device is unstable.
In some cases, even hinders Microsoft Word and Internet browser.
Support WiDi (Wireless Display) - it allows you to connect an external monitor to your laptop without using any wires. Of course, the monitor should also support such technology.
The connection is made with the help of Wi-Fi adapter and the device requires no additional software. This connection method has only one plus - no wires. And yet, many laptops (even low) equipped with this function.
Connecting to a docking station

Docking station is a stationary panel that extends several functional notebook, making it more like a full-fledged computer. In essence, features a docking station is not a lot: extra coolers cooling, additional ports and connectors.
However, there is one significant advantage - Some docking stations have an additional battery. Such devices are usually connected to a mobile computer through a USB port.
In the case of laptops "transformers" docking station is a keypad. Technically these devices for docking station - the entire housing of the laptop. Present cooling coolers, various connectors, and a touchpad. But in most laptops are still present standard docking station without filling the hardware and keyboard.
Docking station extends the functionality of the mobile computer. If you select a specific type of plant, it is possible to turn your laptop into a complete PC with all necessary connectors and interfaces. Some models also have built-in uninterruptible power supply.
Fingerprint scanner and unlock other options

Fingerprint reader - a biometric scanner (sensor) reads a unique pattern of human skin.
According to the type of scanning used:
- Optical - based on a reading of the reflected light on the surface of the finger. Used two types - contact and contactless. In the first case it is necessary to hold your finger on the scanning surface of the window, in the second only to apply.
- Semiconductors - pattern readout capillary ridges (fingerprint) occurs based on the change in resistance when in contact with the skin.
- Capacitive - based on semiconductors principle, but in this case reading of the capacitance change occurs during the passage of a finger on the sensor surface.
Budget sensors in many cases incorrectly read picture on the finger, and to unlock the computer is required repeatedly to scan.
Some manufacturers have abandoned the use of biometric scanners to function Face Control - recognition of the owner through a Web camera.
It was developed by the user's face reading system to unlock the computer.
The program reads the basic parameters of the face and compares it with a photo of the owner loaded earlier. But face recognition method does not always recognize the owner.
It is because of the imperfection of function Face Control manufacturers "taught" to recognize the webcam owner using retinal scans. This more reliable technology. But it takes a high-resolution webcam for an option.
Another computer unlock option, which is suitable even for budget laptops. This feature voice unlock. Suffice it to say a few words and a computer, analyzing the quality of a voice, decide whether or not to keep off man to personal data. It uses a built-in microphone.
But to avoid all sorts of excesses recommend using an external microphone is connected. The sound quality will be better, which means that the system will be less mistakes.

Kensington lock (Kensington Lock) is used to prevent laptop theft. It represents a small connector into which the steel cable with the lock itself. When closing the lock is activated locking mechanism. Pull out or break the lock there is no way.
The only chance to carry a mobile computer - to cut the rope. Some slots for locks equipped with special contacts through which the alarm is connected. If the cable would cut off, the alarm is triggered. Kensington lock is commonly used in the sale of computer salons. It was so reserved experienced laptops samples.
Remote control It is not only in TVs. Computers and laptops are also equipped with this gadget. However, full control over the computer using it will not be able to get only a simple everyday tasks. Laptops equipped with a special remote control, quite rare in the delivery.
Basically, the remote control for any laptop purchased separately.
Different from the TV that is used in the work is not IR and Bluetooth technology.
That is why these panels are universal and suitable for most models.
Stylus designed for notebook models with a touch screen, people professionally engaged in drawing - drawing in the graphic editors without a mouse or touchpad.
TV tuner equipped multimedia notebook - is a separate module that connects the insert into place the DVD drive, or a USB port. With the help of a TV tuner is available for recording TV programs, connect video surveillance system with the analog signal.
It is possible to write back. It is enough to add to task scheduler and TV tuner will record the broadcast, even if there is no one at home. TV tuner - the option that can extend the functionality of any laptop.
Laptop Cooling System

The cooling system is of two types: active and passive.
- Passive. The passive cooling system suggests the possibility of self-cooling laptop components due to circulating air. This system represents merely openings in the housing. No coolers and no liquids. The passive cooling system is used to a very weak machines, which in our time is left.
- Active. An active system requires the presence of the cooler (Fan), which can effectively cool all the components powerful laptops. Sometimes, instead of using a liquid cooler. But due to liquid cooling cumbersome to install it to your mobile device is problematic. Only the very expensive models can afford it.
Memory Card Support

Any modern laptop must support the memory card. Some models have in their arsenal a full card reader. However, most laptops support one specific format -zavisit from producer.
Support micro SD
Many laptops are equipped with a slot for micro SD card format. Why this format? At the moment, micro SD - the most popular memory card format for mobile devices. micro SD cards use smart phones, cameras, MP3 players and many other devices.
Support SD
Yet most manufacturers supply their device slots for SD memory cards. Advantages of this solution are obvious. Even the micro SD card can be read in this slot using a conventional adapter, which sometimes comes with a micro SD card. By itself, the SD card is now used only in some digital cameras. And their size is much larger than its "microscopic" brother.
Common problems

Periodically turned off and the switch is only possible in a few minutes. The problem of overheating components indicates laptop system, initially overheating forcibly reduced energizes CPU - performance drops if the components continue to overheat protection trips, and is forced to close off. After cooling the controller unlocks the power circuit.
Do not turn on the laptop, Caps lock and F12 lights. In most cases, the problem is the CPU, north bridge, or video chip. If the problem occurred before you change thermal paste may not correctly installed in the slot CPU or soiled contact group processor legs. The processor has failed - checked only known good replacement.
The second reason is due to overheating occurred blade Northbridge - in this case, a diagnostic heating of the crystal by means of a soldering station. If after this notebook is turned on, without having to replace the Northbridge laptop will last from 1 month to several years, with the active cooling or using intensive programs.

If the test heating Northbridge no results probably faulty GPU. Diagnosis is similar to the North Bridge.
Do not operate the keyboard, touchpad and USB ports. Faulty Southbridge, diagnosed just warming up.
Colored stripes and artifacts on the laptop monitor. Due to overheating video chips occurred partial blade GPU chip. Diagnosed by connecting an external monitor via the VGA port if the external monitor, the picture is normal, the GPU needs to be replaced. Before replacing the recommended diagnose heating of the GPU.
Not charging rechargeable laptop battery. In most cases, the problem of the controller power circuit, but a problem arises due to BIOS failure. Resetting the BIOS in this case does not help, you want to rewrite.
The cooling system can not cope with the laptop overheating. The most common problem - clogged radiator grille of the cooling system - requires complete disassembly of the notebook and clean.
Exhaustible resources cooler, thus hear a characteristic high-frequency rumble (whistle) - to be replaced cooler - cleaning and lubrication will not give results.
Damaged heat pipe cooling system, it requires a complete replacement of the cooling system.
This article lists all the functions that can only be present in the laptop. Neither device is not able to accommodate them all yourself. It now remains only to choose the optimum combination of the most desired features and functionality. And after that you can easily look for a laptop with the necessary parameters.
Manufacturers and models

Lenovo is founded in 1984 in Beijing, with funding from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Young company in the market of mobile and portable devices, Lenovo company's products are of reasonable prices along with high quality products.
The list of products includes:
- Notebooks and Ultrabooks
- tablets
- Desktops and monoblocks
- Smartphones & Watches
- Workstations and Servers
Has dozens of series line of notebooks in four models, they include:
- ThinkPad - Series: ThinkPad Yoga, X, W, T, P, L, ThinkPad Edge, 13 (ThinkPad 13), 11e (Yoga 11e (3rd Gen)).
- Ideapad - Series: Y900, Y700, 700, 500s, 500, 300, 100, Miix.
- Lenovo - Series: V, G, B.
- Yoga - series: 900, 700, 500, 300, Yoga 3
Top models

Laptop ThinkPad Yoga 460 business premium model with a 14 inch screen, supports the sixth generation Core i7 and i5 processors.
Maximum resolution WQHD standard 2560 x 1440 pixel display implemented with IPS matrix works on integrated graphics chip Intel Chipset or depending on the configuration NVIDIA GeForce 940M 2 GB. It comes with pre-installed Windows 10 PRO.
It supports expansion of memory up to 16GB DDR3, HDD up to 1TB SSD and 512MB. Batteries are capable of providing continuous operation up to 10 hours.
Gaming laptop Ideapad Y910 equipped with a 17 inch FHD screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, the display provides graphs discrete graphics GeForce GTX 1070M video memory to 8GB. The maximum configuration is built sixth generation processor Intel Core i7-6820HK.
four slots provided for the RAM, the RAM up to the maximum expansion of 64GB DDR4. Built button «One Key Turbo» for instant overclocking. Pre-installed with Windows 10 Home.
Home Yoga laptop model 910 designed for viewing multimedia and work in Office programs. The laptop runs on the sixth-generation Intel Core i7 and integrated Intel HD graphics on 13-inch IPS panel with a resolution of 4K.
Equipped with a 720p webcam, supports expansion of memory up to 16GB. Pre-installed with Windows 10 PRO. High speed response of the system and provides SSD PCIe depending on equipment to the maximum capacity of 1TB.
HP (Hewlett-Packard)

The largest manufacturer of electronic technology HP started its activities in 1939 with the production of test equipment. One of the leaders in the market of peripheral equipment, mobile and desktop computers.
It produces premium models, standard and gaming laptops for home use. The most popular line of Pavilion models and transformers for home use, as well as gaming and ProBook premium.
Top models

Business notebook HP ProBook 450 G4 is based on Core i7 processors, i5, i3 sixth-generation, pre-installed with Windows 10 PRO 64bit. Maximum RAM 16GB DDR4. Graphic display provides built-in Intel HD Graphics 620, and a discrete graphics card GeForce 930MX DDR2 with 2GB of video memory.
The screen resolution depends on the configuration, the laptop comes with a 11 and 15 inch screens:
- 11 inch touch screen HD eDP UWVA 1366 x 768 piksiley.
- 15 inch HD display resolution of 1366 × 768 pixels with a reflective coating.
- 15 inch Full HD maximum resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels antiglare.
- 15 inch touch screen HD with a maximum resolution of 1366 × 768 pixels.
HP OMEN Y7Y15EA gaming laptop of the line 17-w100, high performance notebook provides four core processor of the sixth-generation Core i7 6700HQ expandable with a clock speed of up to 2,66GGts 3,5GGts.
Preinstalled with Microsoft Windows, available two versions of Windows 10 Home 64bit. For hot memory modules provides service door. The laptop set discrete graphics GeForce GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5 VRAM and 17 inch display with a reflective coating, the maximum screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.
To accelerate the system startup, and high performance for the system disk drive installed SSD 128GB capacity for other discs store information a high-speed SATA HDD disk capacity 1TB.

The Taiwanese company Asus was founded in 2002 subsidiary Asrock, produces components for mobile, personal and portable devices as well as PCs and laptops.
The company's main products are:
- Motherboards.
- DVD drives with support for Blu-ray.
- Smartphones.
- LCD TVs.
- Card.
- Notebooks and Ultrabooks.
The list of products includes a range of laptops:
- ROG - gaming laptops.
- Zenbook - ultrabooks.
- Vivobook (series: N, X, K, S) - laptops.
Top models

Gaming notebook ROG GX800VH It equipped with a powerful 1080 GTX graphics card SLI with 16GB of video and 18 inch display with a resolution matrix IPS 4K / ULTRA HD. The central processor based on Intel Core i7 6820HK, the amount of memory depends on the configuration and purchase expandable to 64GB DDR4 with a frequency of 2800MHz bus.
For stable operation notebook provides a liquid-cooled, solid-state drive SSD data storage capacity of 512GB PCIE Gen3X4. Pre-installed operating system is Windows 10 or Windows 10 PRO Home (depending on configuration).
Model VivoBook Pro N552VX It is designed for the average user category - watching movies in the Ultra HD format, working in office applications, surfing the Internet. The notebook is equipped with a quad-core processor, depending on the equipment installed Core i7 6700HQ or Core i5 6300HQ with Windows 10 operating system.
Installed on board the mobile notebook card GTX 950M DDR3 video memory 2GB, 15 inch display matrix IPS - UHD maximum resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels. Under the memory allocated two slots DDR4 with the bus 2133 GHz - maximum expansion up to 16 GB.