During the summer at the cottage there is a need to shelter from the sun or rain. An alternative option is to install a garden tent, which combines protection in bad weather with finding the fresh air.
- Device
- Pros garden tents
- Kinds of garden tents
- How to choose a garden tent
- installation

The design can be easily installed and designed for temporary shelter. It consists of a special frame covered with cloth. Chalet tents are settling manufacturers Additional amenities: mosquito nets, windows and doors, partition walls.
In the heat of the wall can be easily removed, leaving a net - protection from insects, and in the rain, returning the guard to make a cozy house-shelter.
Set inside a table and chairs, in the construction company or organize picnics daily family meals. The swing-furnished tent or sun beds nice to relax after work at their summer cottage. For younger members of the family is a cover - version of a covered playground, with accommodation in a sandbox or her inflatable pool.
Online stores and construction markets offer a range of models for all kinds of garden plots. But having the choice of holiday accessories complicate the buying process, as difficult to immediately understand this diversity.
Pros garden tents

Construction of mobile pergola garden is beneficial for several reasons:
- ease of transportation;
- easy installation;
- low cost;
- no need special care;
- shading a wide area;
- protection against insects;
- variety of choice of forms and colors;
- compactness during storage;
- mobility.
Kinds of garden tents

Tent without walls on the frame - a kind of open. It consists of four legs on the base and roof stretched over it which is made of plastic or woven fabric.
Tapes closed type enclosed by walls made of plastic or cloth, which are divided into transparent or partially occluded portions of windows. Wall, if necessary, roll or turn away, turning into open gazebo tents.
Sold rocking tents made in the form of swing with a canopy and a mosquito net. It's an option for midday carefree vacation with a light swinging. Negative aspects of this tent is that it can sit on a swing maximum of three people and it is impossible to shelter from the rain and strong winds.
What are the skeletons in the garden tent?
Choosing to give tent, must be considered, from which it is made base on which the strength of the whole construction and its durability. The frame can be metal. The advantage of the aluminum tubes in that they rust is not formed.
The basis of the tent, made of steel, it will reduce the price, but it is less resistant to corrosion and heavier in weight. Best of all, if the metal frame tubes covered with enamel paint.
The frame of the wood effectively functions provided high-quality paint coating material. Otherwise, it will crack and crack from prolonged exposure to the environment. Prices of the device with a wooden frame is lower than with metal, and the resource of operation is almost the same, subject to proper care.
Advantages bases of fiberglass in lightness, resistance to mechanical impact, long-term operational resources and relatively low price.
What are the forms of garden tent?
In shape vary depending on the number of angles. The most common options are quadrangular. There are also models with five, six and eight corners. For installation in the garden four-sided shape is well suited, rounded version is still preferred. It is more stable and better resists gusts of wind.
The construction of the walls they also differ, that matters in practice. Straight walls increase interior space and sloping narrow it. In this inclined structure enhances the stability of the entire product with strong gusts of wind.
Awnings have a sloping roof to drain the water. Some models feature air vents for the removal of smoke from cigarettes and barbecue. Sometimes a roof structure provided with an extra overhang on the racks, which can be folded.
How to choose a garden tent

It is better to consider the dimensions in advance. To accommodate a rectangular table with four plastic chairs sufficient size 2.5 × 2.5 m. If It is planned to place in addition to other items, it is necessary to consider alternative options.
Before you buy, you must first select the area the place, where the next tent. Select the desired shape can be visually presenting the arbor on the background design of the territory where it should blend well.
It is important to decide for what purpose awning meant and what functions designed to perform - just to protect from the sun or shelter in bad weather and precipitation. The design of products and manufacturing materials are selected depending on its intended tasks during operation.
Should carefully consider the information on the packaging, as indicated by the manufacturer on it the necessary characteristics, purpose and field of application, advice on the use and operation.
What materials are made garden tent?
For a long period of time in operation opaque modification made from synthetic fabrics. In this case, the original aesthetic characteristics do not change. Sew such awnings apply dense tissue that is waterproof and resistant to UV rays.
The result of these factors is the long-term and reliable protection against inclement weather and maintaining the appearance of the rays.
In the manufacture of transparent modification using fine-meshed net, which also protects from the sun and flying insects. Such an embodiment is less expensive, it does not serve as a shelter from the rain, but has been successfully used in sunny warm weather.
The combined model villa gazebo tent fabric inserts are combined with fragments from the grid. This design is equally able to protect truckers from the rain and from the sun. Moreover, it is aesthetic, has a beautiful appearance, decorate a surrounding area.
Modification of PVC - a kind of transparent awnings, it maximum protection from bad weather. Lateral parts on a clear day, if desired rise, turning arbor in the open top, and the top is colored or transparent. Such garden shelter has good resistance to rain and protect from sunlight.
The value is influenced by many factors, among them - the size, configuration and the type used in the manufacture of its material. Relatively inexpensive and fuel-efficient variants - light and compact model of transparent materials. With increasing complexity and strength of the structure, the price becomes higher.
More expensive will cost the tent-gazebo with additional equipment (windows, mosquito nets, partitions). Their strength is increased, so the installation on site from mid-spring, they operated without any problems until late autumn.
If suburban area vast territory, requires more extensive and expensive structure for it. In this case, private households installed owners tent pavilion. Used in its manufacture or tarpaulin materials combined - PVC, plastic film, synthetic fabric.
The ready-made tents are rarely sold, so they are often made to order, taking into account personal preferences and needs.

At the time, the safety and quality of operation affects the configuration, the materials used and the correct location of installations in the area. To do this, choose flat ground, the larger circle in relation to the product itself.
When uneven terrain before installing rid of the existing irregularities, sealing the ground. Equip the tent can not be on the loose soil. These simple steps will help extend the life of the tent and to avoid possible trouble.
Before installing a pergola is important to consider soil moisture. If it is increased, on the installation and operation of the product will be affected negatively. In the absence of a dry space portion with wet ground should be carefully dried, this is done by using a mound of sand and gravel.
It is important that the selected portion for mounting arbor was located on the sunny side, otherwise the operation will decrease resource. Even waterproof types of awnings require drying after rain. Awning, which stands in the shadows, with the passage of time covered with mold and rot.
With the method of installation and fixing are determined in advance. For installation using special stretching and pegs or bury in the ground the rack.
Acquisition and installation of prefabricated garden tents are not time consuming and does not require long-term costs, while providing additional comfort of their respective owners.