Elliptical Trainer - kind of modern exercise equipment. Symbiosis exercise bike, treadmill and stepper. This type of exercise equipment called the ellipsoid, and cross-trainers. It refers to the cardio group. When practiced regularly, it strengthens the heart, blood vessels, lungs, reduced weight and muscle mass increases.
Curative & trains body. Due to a special construction in which the pedaling motion is an ellipse, the load on joints (knee and ankle) is reduced and transferred to the muscles of the legs, thighs, arms, back, shoulder girdle. The load on the spine is missing.
Elliptical trainers are divided into professional (used in fitness centers or hospitals) and options for home use. Have a professional apparatus size is large, a lot of functions. They are designed for continuous operation, the use of a large number of different weight and height of people.
- Magnetic Elliptical Trainer
- Electromagnetic elliptical trainer
- ergometer
- Folding Elliptical Trainer
- Elliptical trainer for home
Magnetic Elliptical Trainer

According to the method of adjustment is divided into:
Mechanical.Simple to use and compact. The price is lower than that of other models. For this type of circuit is not required. The movement device causes the power of the exercising person. Non-contact magnetic braking system. Its components: the flywheel, pulley, belt. The magnets are arranged on an arcuate strip.
When training the user rotates the pedal, thanks to the flywheel in motion. Block with magnet close to the metal flywheel, a magnetic field. The field strength becomes greater, the closer the block to the flywheel. When you remove them from each other's strength decreases.
In embodiments, the mechanical load management is controlled by means of a special switch. It is driven by the user or instructor to the desired position. It marked the special label. The switch controller is connected by a cable to the shoe.
If you change the position of pads with magnets, enhanced or weakened strain. No smoothness. Load changes abruptly. Operate mechanical ellipsoids noisy, emit creaking and grinding. Firmware no training. Permissible user weight is up to 120 kg. Weight flywheel - 10 kg. The handrails are integrated Cardiosensor, the display is powered by batteries.
Electronic. Magnetic braking system. Keys or buttons on the monitor, manage load. Block with magnet drives the electric motor or actuator. It receives the signal from the control panel. These ellipsoids embedded control software. They operate without excessive noise. Stroke smooth. Durable in use. Powered by mains power 220V.
Electromagnetic elliptical trainer

Electromagnetic braking system. The magnet is moved relative to the flywheel by means of the actuator. Due to this load is adjusted in small intervals. Designed for special cardiac workout. The display shows the amount of work done. Precise control of the load. The values are measured in watts.
This type of use not only in fitness centers, but also for therapeutic purposes in the medical centers. Automated system for electromagnetic immersion controls load level.
Flywheel - is part of the ellipsoids. He collects kinetic energy. With this pedal when training is continuously moving.
On the flywheel's location all ellipsoids are divided into three groups:
- Flywheel is located behind the exercising person. Movable arms for hands bound with pedals. The construction of a stable and compact. Little moving parts. Pedal Stroke long. When training the user's body leans forward. Folding variants of this type does not happen.
- A flywheel is located in front, in front of the user. Their creators have sought to eliminate the drawbacks of the previous instances. pedal stroke - natural, horizontal. Exercising man standing upright, not leaning forward. The step length is adjustable. There are folding options. The angle of inclination of the ramp can be changed. The operation in the forward direction and in reverse.
- The central location of the flywheel. A flywheel is located in the middle of the device. He does not interfere with the location of the pedals. Have a truncated form, excellent stability due to the wide base. Due to this they are compact. To install them do not need a very large area.
The distance between the pedals is set during training. When the figures are small, the exercising legs divorced person is not strong. Knee joints are less stress, trainee human movement more natural and safe.
The front-wheel drive models, the distance is less than that of the models with the rear, so they are more comfortable and safer. The smallest distance of the models in a central location of the flywheel. Weight flywheel in different models ranges from 4 to 20 kg.

A variation of the electromagnetic ellipsoid is ergometer. Modern ergometers models have a built-in computer. He sets the length of the path, while exercising. Controls the level of the pulse and the exercising pressure. There is a control panel with touch screen. The coach selects the exercise program, embedded in the computer, or specify parameters. The number of programs in different models ranging from 10 to 20.
The display shows:
- The length of the distance traveled.
- workout time.
- speed.
- Physiological parameters -weight the exercising person, the amount of fat, metabolic rate, pulse rate, body temperature.
Silently work accurately regulated. Calculated on the weight of 140 kg. Durable and reliable. But the high cost. Therefore used in medical rehabilitation centers to recover the people who have suffered neurological diseases and injuries. Trainings are held under the supervision of a trainer who is a licensed medical professional.
Ergometers thought not only in technical terms. Cardiosensor located on the handles and are attached to the chest. Some models are equipped with holders for books or tablet holders bottles with water, fans and headphone jacks.
The latest invention of engineering - aeromagnetic ellipsoids. They are independent of the mains. Power simulator receives due to the built-in generator. Built-in on-board computer is running on battery, which is recharged from the wall in the case when not in use. Programmed information will not be lost.
Electromagnetic adjustment. High-speed rotation, the course of smooth, low friction, the noise level is low. flywheel weighs 20-22 kg. user weight - 160 kg, height - 180 cm. Built-in computer with LCD display. They are more expensive than the other models.
Folding Elliptical Trainer

This type of simulators is folded and saves floor space. The construction is designed so that the pedals retract into the frame. The mechanism is equipped with special clamps or pins. When folding with them unlocks. To pull the pin, it is necessary to lift the middle part of the design.
The rear portion is lifted by means of shock absorbers. They provide security. Efforts thus do not have to make. Thus, a compact unit. When folded, it takes about 1kv.m space. Removed the corner or cabinet. As needed to get and parse for training.
At folding of ellipsoids are the wheels, thanks to them that the machine is moved around the house. Weight stationary models reaches 100 kg, and the length of the platform - 160-170 cm. Foldable models weigh less (80 kg) and not as bulky.
The negative side of the folding models:
- by weight of the exercising person limitation.
- The service life is shorter.
- Many models no adjustment step length and level of resistance range. Display is missing.
- When training oscillations arise front post structure.
- When folded, it is not sufficiently stable. Folding device swaying during operation. If there is a large space, it is better to buy a stationary version.
Elliptical trainer for home

Domestic options easy and compact. Suitable magnetic or electromagnetic simulators. Think about how often and for what purpose you plan to use your treadmill. If you plan to do, choose the electromagnetic system 5-6 times a week. When training, repeated 2-3 times a week, buy a conventional magnetic device.
The purpose of employment may be dropping weight and strengthening the heart. Consider the height, weight, the number of people who will be trained. The manual contains the allowable weight of the user's body. Your weight should not exceed this figure. It should be 15-20 kg less than the permissible weight standards. Otherwise, the simulator quickly fail.
With the growth of more than 180 cm, choose models with front-wheel drive. Take into account the size of the room in which to put your simulator. base size in average of 1.5 m. For free movement of the pedals and handles also need space. If you buy a folding treadmill, think - where it will be stored in an assembled state.
When choosing, consider the following points:
- Control Panel. Indicators should be understandable. Written in Russian (if you do not speak English).
- The dimensions of the flywheel. If the drive is heavy, then the movement will be smooth and stress on the joints is reduced.
- Location Drive. To buy an apartment with a central location with a flywheel. They are compact and robust.
- Noise level. Mechanical model makes a lot of noise, but are cheaper. If you do not want to cause his household and neighbors inconvenience buy noiseless the simulator.
- The movement of the pedals. When driving back and forth should not be violated smoothness. The jumps are no pedals move in an elliptical path. Desirably rubberized non-slip coating pedals composition.
- Levers for hands. We should move smoothly and evenly. The height should match your height.
- The step length. Optimal - 40 cm. This is the standard. In the more expensive models this figure reaches 50 cm. It is suitable for people with an increase from 180 cm. Length 30cm "morally" outdated.
- Pulse measurement. When standard heart rate monitor is located on the handrails. He captures the average heart rate in a particular period of time. Some models of the pulse meters are attached to the body (the heart). If you need a dose cardio, this option is preferred. Purchase a separate meter pulse.
- Changing the angle of inclination of the pedals. If you are a regular, this function will not hurt.
- Collapsible or stationary model. The first option saves space, but the second is more stable and more reliable.
- Convenience and ease of assembly and disassembly.
- The presence of the warranty period, operation and maintenance. A good brand is not less than 1-year warranty.
- Opportunity to test the product.
Elliptical trainers -vostrebovanny buyers view simulators. They are reliable. Man effectively trained on them gently for joint operation. The choice of a particular type of simulator is yours. The main thing - to practice regularly and with pleasure.