Groomed nails - one element of female attractiveness. To take care of the beauty of hand at home, you can purchase a mini-set or electric manicure machines.
- application
- Types of manicure sets
- Characteristics
- functions
- Options manicure sets
- accessories
- Features
- Pros manicure sets
- Problems
- How to choose a manicure set
- Exploitation
- Guarantee
- malfunctions
- Manufacturers manicure sets

Mechanical manicure equipment used on the following principle:
- First, the desired length of nails attached, tweezers is the basis for future form, then nail file rasp nail plate, and by means of scissors cosmetic removed burrs.
- Nail polishes the edge peeled and removed trimmer cuticle, whereupon the entire polished surface of the wafer. Next - drawing varnish.

Electrical appliance is mains or battery, which result in the action mechanism. The principle of operation is as follows:
- Different nozzles alternately treated nail plate and cuticle. The first procedure is recommended at low speed.
- Then the nozzle is used for grinding and polishing nails, cuticles treatment nozzle is used to remove rough skin and calluses portions.
- After cleansing, nail brush can paint them with varnish.
Types of manicure sets

Among the types of manicure and pedicure sets stand out:
- Classic. This standard sets of tools for manicure. They consist of two types of scissors (straight and arcuate), nail files, tweezers and scraper. The kit includes tweezers cuticle clipper (Clippers), trimmer.
- Professional. These toolkits are equipped with beauty salons, and they need people who are engaged in a manicure at home.
Set consists of 10 nail accessories: different types of scissors, cutters, nail files for grinding and polishing the nail plate.
- Sets for artistic design. These nail accessories suitable for the creation of design on natural and artificial nails.
A popular technique is stamping, which involves the use of disks, varnishes and skrapera to create a print on nails.
- Electrical. The structure includes a handle with built-in electric motor and a few tips. Used for packing plastic box or round shape soft case with clamps parts.
Sets can be supplemented with hand bath, fans or UV lamps for nail drying.

Manicures are:
- Women. Standard tools or electrical devices for grinding, polishing and creating nail design. Used for domestic purposes, artistic and professional design.
For storing tools used special case.
- Male. Such devices are different from women's number and size of the tool. For covers are used, dark brown and black color.

Electrical kits use three types of power:
- from the mains;
- a battery;
- battery type.
battery-powered devices are short-lived, it is unlikely to have enough energy for one full session of manicure procedures. Devices running on the network, used permanently. For trips kits, which are driven by a battery best suited.
And mechanical and electrical kits are used for manicure and pedicure.
Tools designed for pedicure should have mechanisms for cleaning callous skin, corns, suitable for the treatment of solid nail plates, high power vary.

Details of the mechanical sets:
- the number of tools and equipment;
- Tool materials (steel, glass, plastic, metal);
- device resolution;
- color tools;
- accessories (cover, bath polish, instructions for use).

Features electric manicure sets:
- number of nozzles (2 to 10);
- material (silicone, diamond deposition);
- power (1500-5000 rpm);
- instrument size;
- color tools;
- way power (battery, battery, network);
- accessories (carrying case, charger).

Functions of manicure instruments:
- peeling and removal of rough skin, corns;
- painless and fast removal of the cuticle;
- clipping nails and imparting the desired shape and length;
- grinding and polishing the nail plate;
- Shoe polish, giving them shine.

The possibility of electrical appliances:
- Infinitely variable speed control allows you to quickly select the desired mode for the operation, but if you accidentally press the switch, it is possible to damage the skin around the nail.
- Drying polish - cosmetic that is used to impart stability varnish. Fixer varnish for forming a thick film, which can withstand the environment.
- Baths for hands useful for cuticles and nail plate. Popular moisturizers, paraffin, softening and nourishing bath for the hands. They can be used in beauty salons and at home.
Options manicure sets

The structure of classical set includes:
- Tongs (nippers). Designed for deburring and cuticles. Manicure quality depends on the length of the blades, the material from which made the tool, and the degree of confinement.
- Scissors. Included should be two types of scissors: straight and rounded tips. The former are used to cut the nails, the second (finely sharpened scissors) - Cuticle.
- Tweezers. Almost any set has a metal tweezers to remove small hairs qualitatively.
- Trimmer. A tool in the form of sticks with a metal tip used to remove burrs. Depends on it, manicure will be made so neatly. Poor tool results in injury to the nail.

- Clipper. The device is used to cut the length you can work with natural and graft of the nail plate.
- Nail file. It may be plastic, metal, paper, glass, according to this criterion nail file acquires a certain degree of hardness and abrasiveness.
- A blade for manicure used to remove and clean the nail cuticle. Among the instruments of this type distinguish scrapers and pusher (hoof).
It is important that the scraper was made from high quality alloy steel, because other models may scratch or injure the skin. Sometimes, instead of the scraper used orange sticks.
Electric manicure set is made up of all sorts of attachments, which are disks, cones and cylinders. Each nozzle is attached to the handle, the motor, which increases the precision of movement and prevents the nail bundle.
These tools are made of anticorrosive material on which a layer of abrasive.
In one set is from 2 to 10 nozzles. The more such devices, the higher the quality manicure.

Nozzles electric manicure sets:
- Cone grinding. Used to remove the hard skin of the toes, calluses and rough skin on your hands, ingrown nail treatment. With such a nozzle cleans and rasp along the edges of thick nails.
- Oval attachment for grinding. Used for manicure, using her nails finally honed, polished hardened skin of hands.
- The cylindrical nozzle for grinding. It is used to remove calluses and corns, smoothes edges toenails.
- Globular head for grinding. With it get rid of excess particles which emerged after the primary processing of the nail plate.

- Disc polishing. Used to give nails a desired length and shape. The primary polishing is performed in the direction of nail growth. Coarse-grained discs are used for thickened nails solid and fine - healthy.
- Cone for polishing. Smoothing keratin scales, removes micro-scratches left after sanding.
- Drive to lift the cuticle. This is a special spatula for lifting and sliding the cuticle, which is processed from one side to the other.
The procedure is safe, if you do not press hard on the nozzle, in which case it can be very enter under the skin. Unpleasant and strong vibration of the blade.
- Drive to remove calluses. Grinds corn and roughened skin.
- Drive to clean nails. It has the shape of a small brush with synthetic bristles of medium hardness, used to cleanse the nail plate from the fines after filing.

Complete with a manicure set are accessories such:
- Cover with fixing tool;
- Charger;
- instructions for use of the device;
- wheels with drawings;
- set for nail extension;
- tray for manicure;
- armrest for manicure;
- brushes for nail design;
- palette for mixing gels;
- corrector manicure.

Features mechanical devices:
- working without recharging;
- It consists of a set of tools for the removal of corns, grinding and polishing of nails;
- suitable for stationary use, easily transportable;
- equipped with a cover for storing tools;
- requires softening nail plates before work;
- suitable for beginners to experts.

Features of electric vehicles:
- work by charging;
- It depends on the quality of the power unit;
- have different nozzle for thorough grinding surface of the nail plate;
- Nail operate with different length and thickness;
- used for manicure and pedicure;
- They allow you to work with artificial nails;
- softening nails before you start is not required;
- using devices to quickly create a nail design;
- are convenient and easy to operate;
- manicure procedure does not take much time.
Pros manicure sets

Benefits Classic Manicure:
- work is independent from the power source;
- when choosing a set of tools can be carefully considered;
- durability life under normal use;
- are cheaper than electric models;
- You can use different techniques lacquering;
- Manicure result depends largely on the master.

Advantages of electric vehicles:
- not required softening procedure nails are not injured during dry processing;
- used for working with natural and artificial nails and pedicure;
- high speed creating a manicure;
- give nails oval, square, rounded, elongated shape;
- ease of use, time savings;
- painless holding procedures;
- removing calluses and corns;
- simplified procedure manicure through additional functionality: hair-dryer polish, vacuum cleaner, massage attachments.

Mechanical problems Manicure Set:
- manicure procedure can be painful;
- inner layer of nail will not be processed;
- on nail treatment takes a long time;
- difficulty in polishing and cutting the heavy, thick, artificial nails;
- there are difficulties with the removal of corns and calluses.

Disadvantages of electric devices:
- nozzles require constant sharpening, so their service life is lower than that of mechanical devices;
- inconvenience to transport, take up much space;
- They work by charging, so are most commonly used stationary;
- high price.
How to choose a manicure set

When choosing a classic manicure sets refer to these rules:
- Pay attention to the material from which the tools. Desirably, the kit was made of stainless steel, cobalt possible additives or zirconium. Should avoid other materials, because these tools will last for long.
- Picking up manicure set for the house, guided by own preferences and habits. The set must be forceps, scraper, clipper, tweezers, scissors.
The more tools included, the greater the possibility of nail design. But do not overpay for the set, if it includes tools that overlap.
- Carefully check the degree of sharpening of tools. Quality hand sharpening higher than that of the factory. Such tools stay sharp for a long time. When closed, the forceps should not have gaps between the blades.
- Select kits, which include ceramic or glass nail file, it is not recommended to use metal products. Determine the suitability for your nails abrasive tool.

Hard instruments injure the delicate skin, which is located near the nail plate.
- To nail accessories are not spoiled, pick a set of reliable and sturdy case. Closing zipper pouch and buttons should be in working order, it is important to mount the tools it was strong.
This will keep the accessories are complete. If you see a low-quality tailoring the cover, there is a thread sticking or fixing items set weak, do not take a set.

Guidelines for selecting the electric nail set:
- Pay attention to product quality. Do not buy a manicure and pedicure sets, made of cheap materials. Better to choose heads with silicone or diamond coating.
- Carefully read what is included in the kit. Correctly folded set nail consists of mills for processing of side rollers, tools for cuticle removal and execution of the free edge of the nail, tips for polishing and grinding nail plates.

Do not buy kits with more nozzles which overlap.
- For stationary use suitable electrical device that operates on the network. The device with the built-in battery can be recharged on the road.
- Pick a model with a capacity of not less than 5000 rpm, which can operate with natural and graft of nails. The device with low power is much noise and vibrate when working with thick and heavy plates.
- Before buying an electric manicure set for home, test how it responds to the impact of the skin. In women with high sensitivity using such a device can cause irritation.
- Prefer devices with continuously adjustable power.
- Before you buy, pay attention to the quality of the certificates, the status of the brand product.

Best classic set nail:
- made of stainless steel;
- equipped with all necessary accessories;
- with quality pouch for storage and the necessary quantity of branches;
- convenient operation and maintenance;
- easily transportable;
- practical and durable.

Best Electric manicure set:
- with the required number of nozzles;
- made of expensive materials with silicon or diamond-coated;
- It is equipped with a battery;
- It equipped with continuously variable capacity;
- convenient in operation and maintenance;
- easy to transport;
- practical and durable.

Recommendations for care manicure set:
- Once a year, lubricate tools with a mechanism (knipsery scissors), this will ensure a harmonious and smooth running of nail accessories.
Spread the butter evenly over the entire inner surface of the instrument, gently remove the remains of a napkin.
- Use tools only for its intended purpose. You can not apply cuticle clippers to cut the nails.
- After use, just put all manicure equipment in the carrying case or other container, always closing their protective caps.
- If there are sores on the skin, do not use power tools until they are healed. It causes skin irritation.
- When the trial use of the electrical device should be extremely accurate. Use soft wheels and nozzles with minimal graininess, manicure procedure is carried out at a low speed.
- Before you try a manicure set in, look a few master classes, read the article, visit the salon to see how competently carry out the procedure.

- You can not wash the tools with water, it will lead to corrosion. If you accidentally wet manicure equipment, immediately dry them with a hairdryer.
- Positioning tools on the table should be such that their cutting edges facing up. It is advisable to manicure equipment placed on dry cloth or paper towel.
- After applying the tools clean scissors, wire cutters to cut the cuticles and nails, abrasive nail files, buffs, remove visible dirt.
If you are using a special brush for cleaning, make sure that it does not touch the cutting edge, a wrong move can result in damage to machinery.
- After use, disinfect the tools with alcohol or special structures. Disinfected electrical appliance nozzles after each application, it will protect the hands against the penetration of infection.
If necessary, sterilized instruments.

The guarantee is only available to those customers who have kept a receipt and warranty card for the goods. If the validity of the document has expired, it may be entitled to a paid repair.
Take advantage of the warranty card can be for 6-24 months, depending on the manufacturer of manicure sets.
The guarantee does not apply to manicure sets under these conditions:
- product has not been used as intended, have not been complied with the rules of operation and maintenance of instruments;
- on instrument surfaces visible mechanical damages (scratches, chips), traces of exposure to high temperatures;
- Product repairs carried out by unqualified personnel;
- no device charging rules have been complied with.
The warranty does not include accessories (batteries, batteries, covers), which are included with manicure set.

The most common repair services Manicure Equipment:
- sharpening of nail clipper;
- nail clipper sharpening;
- Grind pusher (scraper);
- sharpening of nail scissors;
- shape correction blade cutters;
- Replacement of the spring wire cutters;
- repair nail clipper;
- nail polishing tool;
- repair nail cleaner;

Sharpening tools:
- Darkening blade scissors indicates that it is necessary to sharpen scissors. Diamond sharpening procedure takes place as follows: deleted backlash podgibayutsya inside the cutting edge of the blade, sharpened tips of the scissors.
- Sharpening nail cutters provides for an adjustment of the springs and purification of rust, grease docking location pens, after which the inner part is sharpened tool. To clippers work well, it is necessary that their nose was sharp.

The main problems that arise during the operation of manicure tools:
- Incorrect operation of tweezers, so that they tear the skin. Such problem arises due to incorrect operation or storage of the tool. In this case, it may be necessary reduction of the cutting edges of nail cutters.
- spring mechanism breakage occurs due to repeated flexion and extension of the tool. In this case, require replacement parts. If a spring is attached to the handle with the screw connection, unscrew the screw.

If the mechanism is attached by means of rivets, it will have to beat out or drill it.
- Tight turn nail clipper after sharpening. This problem occurs because the erase rod, the connecting parts of tweezers. If you notice are tight at the closing of sharpening, please contact your webmaster to develop a mechanism to lightly stroke.
- the formation of rust on the tools - the result of improper use of disinfectants: rusty plaque formed in inaccessible places, pitting corrosion occurs on the blades and cutters scissors.
When the surface is formed by rust, it needs to give the tool for repair, use a faulty accessories is strictly prohibited.
Manufacturers manicure sets

brand products are available hair dryers, brushes, curling irons, multistaylerami, cosmetics for hair care. Products of the company have the professional requirements.
The world's only company that produces professional hairdryers with the motor, the service life of which is more than 2000 hours.

production is presented massagers, Tonometry, manicure and pedicure sets, cosmetic mirrors, fotoepillyatorami. The brand is a leader in the world in the category of health and relaxation.
Manicure and pedicure sets firm equipped with the necessary machinery (attachments, tools) for high-quality works, electrical devices are characterized by high power.
Products functional and reliable, so if the rules of operation will last a long time. The products are certified according to international standards, it meets all the requirements.

The German company, which is already 30 years working on the production of goods for beauty and health. The office is located in Makenheyme in Germany. Products brand represented in 45 countries: USA, Canada, Russia.
Devices help firms efficiently control the state of health, are safe to use. Price matches the quality of the goods.

Russian company that produces small household appliances, health and beauty equipment. It is popular in Russia, CIS, Baltic States and Eastern Europe.
Products designed for the average consumer, it is reliable equipment that will last for years with proper maintenance.

Among the goods - Multivarki, TVs, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators. Supra is the equipment for manicure and pedicure, which are functional, well-bundled, Convenient packaging for storing tools.
Suitably, the ratio of prices and quality of goods. Products meet the necessary criteria, warranty for the goods.

This US company develops and manufactures products for beauty and cooperates with Asian designers who develop an ergonomic design.
Among the goods - Manicure and pedicure sets, nail Electric driers, cosmetic kits, machines for cleaning and massage of the face. Manicure Sets functional, with excellent bundle and good appearance, acceptable cost.
Products made of plastic, metal, stainless steel elements, abrasive nozzles are used for packing. The products have the necessary quality certificates.

A group of German companies operating in the field of haberdashery products since 1998. The holding company includes the company:
- ZINGER and VIPER - a company that offers manicure and pedicure sets, provides an opportunity to purchase separate tools.
- V.V.M Belgium (Belgium), INFINITY (Belgium), QUEEN (Korea) - companies whose products are represented combs, mirrors.
- DANCE (France), the INFINITY (Belgium) - the company that produces hair accessories (barrettes, rubber bands, crabs).
The company operates with the retail and wholesale outlets, provides ongoing promotions and discounts, the necessary quality certificates.