Young girls who love the sport and regularly train in the hall, do not need sports nutrition. Sports nutrition of the type intended for the steepest recovery and muscle building.
If, sweating hard in the room, did not get to achieve results, it makes sense to try sports nutrition.
- why do I need
- Types of sports nutrition for women
- prohibited
- How to use sports nutrition for women
- Precautionary measures
why do I need

More often resorted to the help of sportpita thin girls who want to quickly give the body tempting volumes.
Full of girls are turning to sports nutrition for burning fatBut not in order to give the body volume, and to lose weight and get rid of body fat.
Sports nutrition is necessary for those ladies who lead an active lifestyle, little sleep and eat poorly. Such women muscle mass increases slowly and drugs to help the body recover and achieve the desired result.
Types of sports nutrition for women

Whey Protein
This component sports nutrition for drying, Both for women and for men. Protein - a protein in a pure form, having two functions, is used to burn fat and recruitment of muscle mass.
In the first case, the whey protein is taken as a dietary supplement.
In the second case, the proteins take honey in between meals. In some cases, protein intake replaces breakfast. If you replace the morning meal 100 grams of whey protein, it is possible to gradually lose weight.
Thus, taking proteins can lose weight, and lead figure in perfect condition - it is an indisputable advantage of this food additive.
casein protein

This protein helps to lose weight and reduces the feeling of hunger. But here, to preserve muscle mass casein protein will not help.
If on the way to a perfect body you need to not only lose weight but also to maintain existing muscle, it is better to use instead of casein whey.
Weight loss
This is an important drug that can help women lose weight and quickly achieve the desired result. This dietary supplement often take women than men. The fact is that by its very nature, women are more likely to be overweight than men.
They gain weight faster, and the fat cells in women more at a billion. Therefore ladies so hard to gain muscle mass and then to help ready to fat burners.
Weight loss effect on metabolic processes in the body and accelerate metabolism, promote fat burning. Contribute to the breakdown of fat cells, suppress appetite and hinder the absorption of carbohydrates and fats in the digestive tract.
Taking fat burners, worth visiting sports hall at least 2 times a week and follow a diet. Otherwise, the effect of the drug is not.
Amino acids
Are considered the building blocks of muscle tissue. Must be taken for women, full-bodied, they are considered an alternative genders.
Fit active girl that exercising in the room, just can not be restored, and because of this set of muscle mass is slower than we would like.
Genders or carbohydrate mixture

Fit skinny girls who dream to give the body seductive forms. Genders - are carbohydrates, so women who have a tendency to be overweight, take gender is not recommended.
Gender help recover after a workout, but they can partially be converted into fat. Such is the nature of the carbohydrate mixture.
Therefore, girls, those who fear to get better eat gender is not recommended, it is better to replace them with amino acids.

testosterone booster
This particular cocktail, which is considered a form of sports nutrition. It stimulates the growth of muscles, normalizes hormonal male, improves libido and in some cases used to prevent male menopause.
Sold in the form of sports nutrition dietary supplements or conventional, but at its core is considered a hormonal agent that stimulates the body's production of testosterone.
Testosterone - the male hormone, if it starts to make a woman, it will lead to serious disturbances in the body. Mainly suffer hormonal and reproductive system.
Admission testosterone booster will affect the appearance of a woman, and not for the better.
As testosterone boosters are advised not to take men younger than 25 years old because their hormones still unstable, and reception boosters can have a negative impact on the system.
These ingredients help build muscle mass, but, in addition, they increase by several times the level of testosterone in the blood.
Receiving anabolic agents, provokes outbursts so-called "steroid rage" syndrome. Man becomes more aggressive, irritable observed unreasonable outbursts of anger.
Anabolics doping recognized and officially banned in sport. For medical use of anabolic agents used as reparative therapy. Anabolic steroids increase appetite, promote weight gain and speed up the regenerative processes in the body.
There is a certain class of drugs that are not recommended for both women and men, they include the following materials:
- thyroxine;
- ephedrine;
- caffeine.
Thyroxine - thyroid hormone supplements if taken with thyroxine, one can disrupt the production of this hormone. Ie, affect the endocrine system and thyroid gland.
Ephedrine - a poisonous alkaloid, was previously considered a drug. In Russia, a restriction on the possession and distribution of drugs ephedrine with a concentration of more than 10 percent.
Caffeine - stimulates the nervous system, increases the irritability, anxiety. Increases blood pressure, causes insomnia, panic, tachycardia - heart rhythm disturbances, heart palpitations.
Before you buy a drug, you need to carefully study the composition and make sure it is safe.
How to use sports nutrition for women

Thermogenics intensifying metabolic processes in the body, stimulate the metabolism give vigor and increase efficiency, endurance. Also increase the body temperature. Eat supplementation is recommended no more than twice a day.
First thermogenic supplements are taken half an hour before breakfast in the morning. For the second time in half an hour before the evening training and 5 hours before bedtime. Acceptance of these fat burners start with the lowest dose, depending on the rules specified in the instructions.
One possible side effect of this additive is considered an allergic reaction, in the case of occurrence of supplementation should be abandoned.
The composition of thermogenic supplements include:
- Green Tea Extract
- Extractor hood Chinese pepper
- Guarana extract
- Caffeine
- Synephrine.
lipotropic supplements

Lipotropics use twice a day, their main advantage is considered the absence of side effects. The first reception lipotropic recommended in the morning and the other in the evening, it is possible for a couple of hours before bedtime.
These additives normalize liver, stabilize the level of insulin in the blood, accelerating the breakdown of fats. In its composition has the following components:
- choline;
- L-carnitine;
- Methionine.
fat blockers
Take 15-20 minutes before meals. Using these supplements is not recommended to eat fatty foods, they will lead to disorders of the intestine.
Blockers reduce the fat level in appetite and slows the absorption of carbohydrates and fats in the digestive tract.
The composition includes the following ingredients:
- chitosan
- Extract of white or red beans
- Garcinia extract.
Combined burners fat, contain in their composition are many components are therefore considered more effective than others. But taking them can lead to severe allergies, so it is recommended to use fat burners combined with caution.
Here is a diagram, in which there is to take whey protein to 6 times a day for a set of muscle mass.
After workout

Power loading exhausting the body, and after intensive training muscles resemble a sponge and soak up all that is possible. Taking proteins after intensive exercise, be sure to fully an hour to eat.
To achieve visible results it is recommended to take a double dose of protein after exercise.
at night
During sleep, the muscles are restored, so therefore they need protein. He is considered the building blocks of protein, and if the support level at a height, the results will be worthy. To receive overnight suitable casein protein.
Breakfast - the main meal of the day. But you do not start the morning with a protein shake, you can do the usual scrambled eggs, it also contains proteins.
Take protein is not necessary during the workout. It nourishes the body muscle tissue with oxygen, and it would be hard to digest food. Those proteins that are taken before training, would be enough to build muscle.
Before you start taking should choose a suitable weight gainer. Do not forget that this protein - carbohydrate mixture and the first thing you need to pay attention to the percentage of protein in a jar.
- If the figures above 25 percent, then - a good gainer.
- If the figure is under 15 percent - it is said that the poor quality gainer.
- In addition to protein, you should pay attention to the sugar content than its less the better.
- If Gainer much sugar and protein is small, - sports nutrition is not useful. The fact is that due to the weight gained by carbohydrates turn not into the muscle tissue, and fat.
Take gainer you need each day, as well as proteins. Should start with a minimum dose of 80 grams, gradually increasing the dosage as needed. It depends on the amount of exercise, nutrition, and the result to be achieved.
Precautionary measures

Sports Nutrition gives a strong stress on the body. Therefore, it is important to take precautions. Overeating is also harmful to the body, so you should carefully monitor the condition and state of health. Even the medicine in large doses is poison, do not forget about it.
Proteins in protein powders contain as much as several kilograms of chicken meat. And the energy bar on your calorie substitute for a couple of bars of chocolate.
Extract of guarana extract, helps to cheer up, but excessive use of hoods increase blood pressure and trigger tachycardia.
Therefore, it is recommended to start taking formulations with minimal doses - that helps determine how much protein, carbohydrates and fats required by the body. See article Sports Nutrition for the novice - a start!
If you regularly break the dose and not to follow the rules, the sports food will cause weight loss, problems with the kidneys and liver.
By increasing muscle mass, bodybuilders are by trial and error, testing sports nutrition for yourself. The fact that choosing a supplement, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the products from different manufacturers giving unequal effect.
Also, you should be wary of counterfeit products. Smuggling of sports nutrition does not give people quality assurance. No one knows what is in the jar, and the effect of the admission of such additives in the end will receive a bodybuilder.
So before you choose and buy sports nutrition pay close attention to the composition, remember that the ratio: price - quality still has not been canceled.
In pursuit of cheap additives can stumble on counterfeit products, and instead of the muscular body of serious health problems.