Tiles on the floor of the corridor and the kitchen: photo, size, selection, styling

Tile traditionally the most popular floor covering. This is not only durable and practical maximum material, but also a coating with unquestionable aesthetic characteristics. If there is a desire to create original and stylish interiorThen the best solution would be just to tile the floor corridor and food. Photos modern designs below this wonderful show. Our review will help you choose the most suitable option. In addition, you'll learn what to look out for before buying.

Tiles on the floor of the corridor and the kitchen: photo
Floor tile is functional and simple embodiment finish

Read article

  • 1 Key indicators of quality tiles for the floor
  • 2 Pros and cons of using tiles as floor covering
  • 3 Types of molds for the hall and kitchen tiles to the floor photo options
  • 4 Basic dimensions of the floor tiles to the hallway and the kitchen
  • 5 Specifications tiles
    • 5.1 The porosity of the material
    • 5.2 Hardness and wear resistance
    • 5.3 Mechanical (tensile) characteristics
    • 5.4 Security Requirements
  • 6 The main methods of tile layouts
  • 7 Combining tiles with other coating
  • 8 The choice of tiles on the floor for the hall and kitchen
    • 8.1 The choice of colors for the tiles in the hallway on the floor: Photo examples
    • 8.2 Choice of texture tiles on the floor for the kitchen and corridor
    • 8.3 color seams
  • 9 Proper use and care of the floor tiles
  • 10 Basic nuances of self-laying floor tiles
  • 11 Photo catalog of kitchen designs with floor tiles
  • 12 Photo catalog of designs corridor with floor tiles
  • 13 Which company is more profitable to buy the tiles on the kitchen floor: prices, catalogs

Key indicators of quality tiles for the floor

To choose the right high-quality tile flooring in the hallway, you must pay attention to the markings. On the package you can find the following product parameters:

  • degree of abrasion resistance is designated as PEI, and the values ​​may be from 1 to 5;
  • percentage moisture resistance material;
  • coating dimensions;
  • chemical resistance. In this notation conducted by D (the minimum value) to AA (maximum value);
  • hardness of the material is indicated on a scale of 10 points;
  • tile indicates the grade of color marking. Class 1 - red, 2 - 3 and blue - green.
Quality materials will help to create lasting finish for years to come
Quality materials will help to create lasting finish for years to come

When choosing floor tiles in the corridor, it is necessary to pay attention to its structure, size and coloring.

Note! Choosing tile performance is largely determined by the performance characteristics of the premises.

Pros and cons of using tiles as floor covering

So let's deal with the advantages and disadvantages of the material. Ceramic tile for kitchen or the hall is a solid sheet of baked clay. The composition of the material includes sand, clay and pigments.

Advantages of the material:

  • a broad range of material. The variety of colors, decors, formats and gloss;
  • hygiene. The surface can be easily washed. It is easy to clean and is resistant to household chemicals;
  • elevated levels of wear resistance and toughness;
  • durability. Floor coverings for kitchen and hallway tiles with proper care will last for years to come;
  • Flameproof material;
  • simple installation work;
  • ease of restoration work. If the damage does not need to change all of the flooring;
  • possibility to choose the products for the price.
Tiles for decoration of various interiors
Tiles for decoration of various interiors

There are also some disadvantages:

  • cold surface. Under such a coating is often mounted warm floor;
  • low resistance to frost;
  • when buying a need to control the coating color code, lot number and grade;
  • during installation can be a lot of waste.

Types of molds for the hall and kitchen tiles to the floor photo options

At the heart of the creation of the tile is fired clay. A active material retains excellent color and texture, and transmits the individual design elements: patterns, curbstones and paste. the floor tiles hall and the kitchen can be embossed and smooth. The material may have different shapes. you can buy mosaicRectangular product or tiles in a square.

Consider covering varieties:

  • kvartsvinilovy material is made of high quality quartz sand. The composition includes vinyl, stabilizers and various pigments. Based coatings - quartz. Vinyl gives the material strength, flexibility and abrasion resistance;
  • granite strength differs. In its structure is feldspar, quartz and granite crumb;
  • mosaic tiles going into certain patterns;
  • Majolica is resistant to mechanical stress. Opaque coating has a glazed surface;
  • cotto fort originally from Italy. It is a versatile tile on the floor in the hallway and kitchen, as well as it can be used for wall cladding. The surface consists of an opaque glaze;
  • Tile porous single-firing process is obtained and coated with glaze;
  • clinker surfaces popular because of mechanical strength.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care

Basic dimensions of the floor tiles to the hallway and the kitchen

Now go through the size of the tiles on the floor of the corridor and kitchen. Standard parameters - 20 × 30 cm, 30 × 30, 20 × 25, 20 × 20 and 10 × 15. There are a large variation - 40 × 40, 60 × 100 and 70 × 120.

Consider the different forms of material and size:

  • mosaic material has dimensions - 1 × 1, 5 × 5;
  • square configuration - 6 × 6 × 60 and 60;
  • rectangular shape made with the side not more than 60 cm;
  • coating a size "hog" has a length of from 12 to 30 and a width of 6 to 10 cm.

An important parameter is the thickness of the tiles. Standard size - 8-20 mm.

standard options
standard options

Specifications tiles

In the flooring has certain technical characteristics that you need to know before you buy. Here they are:

  • density tiles on the floor in the hall is a coefficient of porosity;
  • degree of durability - the ability to external mechanical influences;
  • Water absorption - this factor is also associated with the porosity of the material;
  • chemical resistance endurance displays potent components;
  • thermal conductivity. When high rate means that the surface can easily tolerate the ambient temperature;
  • resistance to thermal shocks.
In the table you can see the important characteristics
In the table you can see the important characteristics

The porosity of the material

An important technical characteristic is the porosity. He is equal to the percentage increase in the weight of the tile while it is immersed for two hours in boiling water. When reducing the coefficient of water absorption is reduced, and also increases its thermal conductivity and resistance to bending loads. Unglazed ceramic has a small coefficient of resistance to staining, and all kinds of contamination.

On the packaging of products of domestic manufacturers rate indicated by the letters A, B, C. Wherein A minimum value.

Porosity is an important parameter
Porosity is an important parameter

Hardness and wear resistance

This figure shows the surface resistance to various damages and scratches. It is used to denote values ​​MOHS hardness scale minerals. Indicator for glazed coating should not be below 5. The larger the value, the more resistant material to different damage. This figure should be at least 6 for a floor material.

wear characteristics
wear characteristics

Mechanical (tensile) characteristics

Tile is made by pressing. For areas such as the kitchen or hallway to choose the best products under the special coating with protective qualities.

Consider some of the mechanical properties:

  • Bending resistance is a measure of static load, which can withstand coating and will not collapse;
  • resistance to temperature spikes characteristic of the surface not crack under the influence of temperature;
  • chemical resistance - parameter that displays the ability to withstand the effects of various chemical components, such as salts, acids and household products;
  • resistance to abrasion and skid resistance.
Material unstable to mechanical stress deteriorating rapidly
Material unstable to mechanical stress deteriorating rapidly

Security Requirements

Specific requirements for indicator slip resistance. It is important for the coating, which is applied to the floor in a residential area. To increase this parameter is used on dry surfaces with corundum material sprayed and applied to wet ridge tiles with grooves.

The main methods of tile layouts

To diversify the floor design in the corridor, to apply different styling cover. Here are the options you can use:

  • inline method It is more practical and easy. The design can be applied ornamental products, which are stacked in the form of bands or contours;
  • diagonal method It applied to the original design. Laying diagonally looks unusual. In this case, two colors can be used;
  • way to offset. The rectangular tiles may be laid in strips of varying widths and colors;
  • chess method It involves the use of square configuration and tiles of different colors;
  • chess method. Tiles installed in a checkerboard pattern. This uses two tones;
  • parquet method - version with imitation texture of natural wood;
  • modular method. With this embodiment, stacking modules of various sizes are used.
Original styling options
Original styling options

Combining tiles with other coating

combined method is used for the interiors. In this case, a separate tile portion. In such a finish, there are some features:

  • tiles can be laid out in the area the front doorSince such material is easier to wash off contaminants;
  • Zoning allows you to highlight specific areas of the room;
  • so that the interior was not monotonous, different versions of the coatings are applied.

Note! Combined finish may be used for the separation of sex with a podium. When this portion is raised above the rest surface.

zoning option
zoning option

The choice of tiles on the floor for the hall and kitchen

When choosing flooring, it is necessary to pay close attention to design tiles hallway on the floor. Here are some guidelines to help you make the right choice:

  • for dark and narrow corridor suitable material and light shades of medium size. You can use products with imitation wood or stone;
  • diagonal arrangement visually eliminate the unevenness of the wall;
  • for a large room can be used stacking staggered manner or in the form of a labyrinth;
  • excellent looks panels in the center of the room.
design options for the corridor
design options for the corridor

Note! Since the tile is cold enough material you can apply styling combined materials. The area on which the walk in the shoes, finished with tile materials, and where will walk barefoot - use the parquet, laminate or linoleum.

The choice of colors for the tiles in the hallway on the floor: Photo examples

When choosing a suitable color, use these rules:

  • choosing bright tiles on the floor with a textured surface, keep in mind that over time, the relief is filled with mud;
  • on dark surfaces will be very noticeable scratches and chips, and will throw the dust in the eye;
  • light colors visually expand the space and give the room a warm greater comfort;
  • dark material is combined with great furniture set light colors;
  • Black and white color are easily soiled surfaces, but the combination of these two colors are always in fashion;
  • dark flooring with a combination of dark walls visually narrow the boundaries of the room;
  • to the best colorings should include brown, beige or gray;
  • matte surface more practical than glossy. Thus it is not so noticeable dirt and dust;
  • for village and classic interiors suitable material simulating a rock;
  • cover under a tree is suitable for most interior solutions.

color coating It should be combined with the overall interior design. Different options can be seen in the photo tiles in the hallway on the floor.

The combination of colors for the decoration of the room
The combination of colors for the decoration of the room

Choice of texture tiles on the floor for the kitchen and corridor

It recommended to choose a material with a rough surface for kitchen and corridor. This will help reduce the degree of slip. But keep in mind that such surfaces have to be washed more often. The glazed surface of high durability and moisture resistance.

Smooth texture for decoration kitchen
Smooth texture for decoration kitchen

color seams

Grout should be chosen with regard to the type of surface material. Make the right choice will help you this advice:

  • Mosaic tiles or glass epoxy formulations used semitransparent type. After drying, they will not show through the tile;
  • for coatings with embossed surface is necessary to acquire a good protective compound that protects grout of excess moisture;
  • for wide joints fit cement grouting.

Colored grout can be done independently. In the composition the desired color pigment is added. You can select and ready-mix. The stores offer samples on fans.

Floor should not choose too easily soiled shades - white or beige. If the coating is a single color, the grout must be a little lighter than the background. You can use the contrast design. In this tile can be of one color and another seam. If you use panels, you need to choose a grout that focused on the figure.

Contrast solution for floor finishing
Contrast solution for floor finishing

Proper use and care of the floor tiles

To preserve the aesthetics of the facing material need regular and proper care. detergents are used to remove minor impurities. Cleaning is not necessary to use soap. It comprises fats and organic acids. If the room is a high level of humidityThen formed on the surface fatty film and the mold.

Removing dirt from the tiles It is not performed by using detergents based on the acid. These components may damage the glaze layer. the liquid used for the protection type unglazed surfaces, which prevents formation of blemishes.

To remove dirt Do not use metal brushes, which can provoke the appearance of scratches. To remove dirt from the joints used brush with synthetic bristles.

To clean the surface of the board is used a vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle brush. you can remove the dirt and use the funds to washing windows.

Sold and special cleaners for tile. In the market detergents for the seams, water repellants and preparations for the care of the polished surfaces. Any cleaning solution must be thoroughly washed off using clean water.

The use of the vacuum cleaner
The use of the vacuum cleaner

Basic nuances of self-laying floor tiles

The table below shows a summary tile laying procedure:

The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careAt first, the tiles on the wall, you need to cover a wide masking tape. Its thickness is 4 cm.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careUsing a special nozzle in a drill breed tile adhesive.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careRascherchivaetsya tiles diagonally using a wax pencil. This will allow to respect when laying parallel and perpendicular.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careOn the floor is performed by the width of the tile layout. In this case, the material will be developed along the diagonal. Such a method will expand the area of ​​the room visually.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, carePartitioning is performed on the entire surface. In this case, a mark on the wall.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careTile adhesive is distributed with a notched trowel on a small area.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careTiles must be laid from the corner diagonally.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careTo check the surface evenness of the rule applies.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careUsing a spatula slotted joints. Dust and dirt is removed with a cloth.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careThen, the protective tape is removed.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careThe flooring ready for application fugue.

Photo catalog of kitchen designs with floor tiles

Light floors suitable for Interior of a small kitchen. Dark coating better compensate for light wallpaper and light furnishings.

To be placed in high-tech or minimalism suitable material with a neutral pattern. Kitchen in classical style suit coat or marbled finish with antique ornaments.

In the photo below you can see the interesting options floor tiles design:

The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care

Photo catalog of designs corridor with floor tiles

If the corridor is small, it is possible to play with the shape and size. In the central part can be positioned any ornament. It looks great finish of the two shades. The floor can be op perimeter lay mosaic, and the remainder of conventional coating.

Do not be afraid to use contrasting colors. Superb looks black tile in combination with white laminate.

The original design can be seen in the photo tiles for the hall:

The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care

Which company is more profitable to buy the tiles on the kitchen floor: prices, catalogs

The table below shows an overview of a small quite popular collections:

PhotoProductCoatingThe sizeprice, rub.
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care"Syndicate Ceramics" G Bari 1Light beige glossy material420×420740
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careLove Ceramic Tiles Emmacolor beige440×4401925
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care"Euro Ceramics» Barcelonaimitation marble330×330355
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care"Jade Pottery" MoncadaMatte coating385×385550
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, care"Delta Pottery» Pastelblue tint300×300615
The solution for all time: tile on the floor for the hall and the kitchen, photo, styling, careKeramaMarazzi HalifaxMatt surface beige302×302418

Before buying the material, it is necessary to study the responses. As an example, we give a little:

Review Spafariay, Moscow: Ceramic tiles KeramaMarazzi «Nisida" - Forty-nine shades of gray.

Advantages: Large, smooth, precise size.

Cons: Price.

Ceramic tile Kerama Marazzi «gray Nisida" I laid on the walls of bathrooms, square bathrooms big - 7 square meters, some of the dishes are smaller than the bathroom. It has irregular shape in terms of a combination of two rectangles with trapezoid wall draft of design- faced with four kinds of tiles decorated with two shades of the insert and mosaics from the collection of other colors.

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5667997.html

We hope that useful to you our review, and with it you will be able to choose the perfect material. Remember that before you buy should analyze the products of different companies and choose the cover taking into account not only the price but also the different specifications. When choosing a great importance it has the option of placing, the color palette and the characteristics of the premises.