How to get root-right on Android and why it should be: the solution

Ruth-right to open a wide range of possibilities, but to use them completely can only specialists


  • 1 What is the root-right on Android and why they are not built originally
  • 2 What kinds of separated root-rights
  • 3 What makes it possible to obtain the administrator account
  • 4 disadvantages rooting
  • 5 How to install root-right on Android using tools
  • 6 Apps to get root-rights and anti-virus protection
  • 7 Smartphone Functions prohibiting changes

What is the root-right on Android and why they are not built originally

Initially, root - this is a special account on UNIX systems, which has full privileges to perform any operation on the system. Root is often referred to as superuser. Created this account was to simplify system administration. Define settings, provide elevated privileges to other users, and so on. But to give such rights to all and sundry dangerous - if used improperly, can occur a system crash or compromise of security mechanisms. Therefore, in the number of Linux-distributions, the user is not root access mode by default. For example, Ubuntu, it is important to carry out changes to the system or to access protected folders, you need to enter a special command and password. In the Android root is implemented in a similar way - it is as it is, but by default the user is unavailable. This kind of protection for users from themselves, not to accidentally damage the system. If the user will not be able to root, probably, and it has nothing to do within the system.

What kinds of separated root-rights

Smartphone makers try their best to protect smartphone users, but does not limit them, and allow the use of all the possibilities the gadget. Therefore, there are several varieties of root access: full, complete with limited access to «system» directory and temporary. In fact, it is rather arbitrary, since root access, by definition, have to provide full access to the system. In any case, for the user it looks like three different kinds of access.

To act in the presence of Ruth rights must be very careful not to accidentally disturb the operation of the system

Full access is obtained once and for all. That is, after the "rooting" will access to the entire system without the constraints of time and directories. Access to the restricted folder «system» - the security element of the system from accidental damage. Temporary given in one session, for example, until the next restart. Then to regain access, you need to perform the process of rooting again.

What makes it possible to obtain the administrator account

Probably the most important reason why people want to get the Root-law - the possibility of removing the pre-installed applications, eaten off the device resources. In our time, the new smart phones with a "pure" Android is a rarity, so getting Ruth rights is very important for most users.

As for other benefits, which provide route-law, they are suited more for geeks and enthusiasts. For example, install it on your old smartphone is newer, but not formal, custom firmware. Which may contain new features, capabilities or just run faster. Also, understand the systems, users are able to fine tune your smartphone. For example, the set CPU dispersal hold signal quality setting and other complex manipulation of the device.

disadvantages rooting

In operations producing Ruth rights should take into account the risks associated with it. Firstly, many manufacturers void the user's warranty on the smartphone. Secondly, it is necessary to understand that it is now in the system, any application can access the system and Options. In other words, the virus may well seize control of the device. During the operation receiving route-rights may fail, which will turn your phone into a "brick." The situation is rare, but it happens. Help can only appeal to the service center.

Get Ruth rights are not possible on every smartphone. Many manufacturers simply block the loader with which conducted rooting. Although some of them allow you to unlock it without any problems.

How to install root-right on Android using tools

By installing a special application on the phone, start the appropriate function, you can get root access. It turns out not on all models, but you should start with this. Let's see, with the help of some applications, you can quickly get the right Ruth. In general, it is necessary to make a reservation, that all applications of this type - a set of tools to obtain elevated privileges via vulnerabilities. Therefore, they generally differ only in design and a list of supported devices. Their functionality is the same. Best practices of privilege Ruth can be considered a search of all possible applications ranging from the most popular.


One of the most popular and simple applications for route-rights. In the official Google Play Store apps do not, but the program for the Forum «4pda» can be downloaded. Application management is so simple that the route-the right to establish themselves almost.

KingRoot immediately requests a permit, as implemented in

After the startup screen application will propose to test whether or not the superuser possible. And if such an opportunity - offer to do so.

After successfully rooting, an entry will appear in the application of this

360 Root

Chinese creation also became quite popular. The process of obtaining rights-Root has been very simple - after starting the application automatically checks the opportunity and affordable ways to rooting. The process can be activated by just a single click. The application supports a large list of brands and models of smartphones and tablets.

All programs of this type of process is activated by a single button

root Genius

Another Chinese development. There is also a mobile version, and for the PC. The program is old, but has a large database of supported devices. The interface is quite simple and the same as the majority of similar programs, carries rooting touch of a button.

Interestingly, many of the applications for root comes from China

baidu Root

Typically, this application used when others do not help. It is also known under the names Onekeyroot or Easyroot. By and large, the application differs in design and often supports the device, which can not get Root other applications.

Rooting process is activated by one button.

The difference between such applications, as a rule, is an amount of supported devices

Apps to get root-rights and anti-virus protection

As we wrote earlier - the application for route-rights are a set of functions and vulnerability exploits. Naturally, the antivirus smartphone are against the installation of these applications. In fact, designers often indicate that everything that makes a user with the help of their application - it does at your own risk. Since approaches to the preparation of Ruth may be different, and the permission of the individual parts of the system can be quite unexpected for these applications. For example, it may require access to camera or geolocation. What a dirty trick in this, perhaps, the algorithm uses some functionality of the camera or GPS.

Smartphone Functions prohibiting changes

Until recently, one of the main line of defense on the smartphone are off the debugging via USB, the ban the installation of apps from unknown sources, and the default disabling of the developer. Then, manufacturers began to block the downloader. The loader - a small program, located in a special protected memory area, which carries the system load and its core components. If there is a check images. If the loader does not like the state, or components not signed, no further loading is not possible. This applies to the receipt of route-rights. To give the user full access, the bootloader must agree to it. By default, such a possibility in many models of smart phones is prohibited. So you need to unlock the bootloader first, so that you can make changes to it. Not always and not on all smartphones as possible. Recently, however, a positive trend is observed when the block loader manufacturers, but provide an opportunity to unlock special ways. The average user is unlikely to be interested in ways of unlocking. And experts and geeks will have the opportunity to learn the system and in their own way to customize it.