Rating radar detectors 2019. Review of the best models and reviews motorists

It looks like a very ordinary radar detector


  • 1 The main technical parameters of radar detectors, affect product choice
  • 2 Top 5 budget radar detector 2019.
  • 3 Top 5 Chinese models of radar detectors
  • 4 Top 5 Models Radar Detector with optional equipment - GPS, DVR and other
  • 5 Rating radar detectors for Android in 2019 - 5 best models

The main technical parameters of radar detectors, affect product choice

In fact, the main parameters that you should pay attention when buying, not so much. The most important of them - the detection range and the number of defined ranges. The remaining, mostly affect the comfort of the user when interacting with the device. These can be, for example, include the rate of false positives, the availability of databases with the coordinates of the cameras, GPS and others. We will understand the parameters and find out what should have a good radar detector.

ATTENTION!(Click to see)


The word "trap warning" actually means a device which suppresses the radar at a distance with the help of special interference, distorting its meaning. This technique is banned for use in the Russian Federation. But in everyday life, it caught on and almost always involves a radar detector, which will be discussed in this article.

Ranges of the detector devices

Range Radar detector characterizes the spectrum of all possible radar frequencies that it can detect. The wider the range - the better. The latest radar detectors can operate in bands such as X on the frequency 10.525 GHz, K at a frequency of 24.15 GHz, K at a frequency of 35.2 GHz and La. The latter is a laser and is able to determine the speed of the car in a dense stream. In Russia, it is often found K, X, and La. However it is better to play it safe and choose the highest frequency range. The large number of frequencies is one of the main criteria for determining what a radar detector is better.

Range determination radar

Radar Detector is able to detect the presence of radar for about 3 km away. But it's in good weather conditions, according to the line of sight and in the absence of interference. The real average distance which can "detect" radar or a camera, is from 800 to 1300 km. The greater the distance, the more time the driver to take action to bring the rate to values ​​provided by the SDA.

Determination circuit "Arrow" system

Other characteristics of radar detectors

Radar detectors can be completed and other "stuffing":

  • the ability to detect a laser detector. Since laser determining technology differs from the standard ranges, such a feature is typically allocated a separate feature radar detector;
  • the viewing angle of the laser detector;
  • receiver type. There are two types - simple, direct amplification, which is inexpensive, is less prone to interference, but is less sensitive and supergerotodinovy ​​that expensive, very sensitive, but not resistant to interference;
  • the presence of the signature analysis. It reduces the chances of false alarms;
  • the possibility of transition to the modes "City" or "track" for more accurate and qualitative determination in the necessary conditions;
  • subtle support radar type "arrow", "Highways" and «Robot»;
  • needs to verify your current location on the database of cameras for early warning;
  • from finding protection;
  • other amenities: Your own memory, LCD, fine tuning, etc.

IMPORTANT!(Click to see)


If you are going on a journey to his car to Europe, remember that a number of European Union countries prohibit the use of radar detectors. Among them: Finland, Belgium, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and others. To avoid penalties, you can use the protection against detection, but it is worth remembering that it may not always work.

Top 5 budget radar detector 2019.

Budget of radar detectors feature high availability, so it is popular. They do not always contain all known technologies and "chips", but able to cope with the main task of radar detectors - inform about the cameras and radars ahead. Let's see what a radar detector is better to buy, what to look for and what are its features.


Probably, the cheapest device of the entire category. Its average value does not exceed 1200 rubles. In this case, the filling is not too bad at first glance. Antiradar supports 4 most used frequency range and also has a laser detector with a viewing angle of 180 degrees. Type signal receiver - supergerotodin. The device can quickly switch between "City" or "track". To visit the country with a ban on radar detectors has protection from VG-2 detection. A gadget to setup not reset, there is a non-volatile memory to store them. Of the additional facilities have LED display, adjust the brightness and volume.



This radar detector can be purchased for 1500 rubles. Virtually identical to the previous apparatus. Of the main advantages can be identified laser detector viewing angle of 360 degrees, 2-level "track" mode, complete shutdown of audible warning and protection from false alarms.

Supra DRS-30

Arena RX-35 ST

This instance is interesting in that it supports three basic range: K, of La and X, and also has a laser detector 360 degrees. Supergeterodinovy ​​receiver, and signal processing is a hybrid system. Sensitivity can be adjusted separately. It should be noted that the radar detector is able to detect system "Arrow" type, which are difficult to define that segment devices. it cost an average of about 1550 rubles.

Arena RX-35 ST

Prestige RD-101

Almost identical to the previous model, with the difference that can run in 4 ranges, it has a 2-level mode "city" and protection against detection. The price may be about 1600 rubles.

Prestige RD-101

Radar detector Sho-Me 215

Pretty simple device with the minimum set of settings and adjustments. It costs about 1600 rubles. The available range of 3, a laser detector function disabling certain range to reduce the number of false positives.

Sho-Me 215

Top 5 Chinese models of radar detectors

The Chinese model is not much different from the budget. And in some cases and at all can be even cheaper. However, it should be remembered that the Chinese device can be assembled as a good factory, and in the "primitive" conditions. That is to say can be caught a cheap and high-quality model, which will be held more than a thousand kilometers, and maybe even a fake, which fails in a couple of hours of use. We will understand what a good radar detector, you can choose among them.

Lewen V8

Find this radar detector can be approximately 800-1000 rubles in the famous Chinese website. The filling is simple - all known frequency and laser detector at 360 degrees. notification sound and the LED is used for notification. There is also a protection against detection.

Lewen V8

Viecar V7

Antiradar stands out for its unusual and striking design. Available in two color schemes - red and blue. Cost of the device does not exceed 700 rubles. Standard functionality: all popular frequencies in the 360-degree laser LED.

Viecar V7

Autoleader V3

Antiradar unusual in that it is made in the form of a car, vaguely reminiscent of Lamborghini model. In addition to appearance, nothing else special about this device is not present. The main ranges, the LED screen modes "City" and "track". it will cost about 800 rubles.

Autoleader V3

Karadar STR 535

One of the best radar detector for the low price - about 2000 rubles. However, filling a little better. In addition to all the well-known bands and laser radar detector can detect the "elusive" "Arrow". To interact with the user has a LED indicator and audible warning in Russian.

Karadar STR 535

Rectangle V9

Inexpensive radar detector in the car, capable to cope with its main task. It can detect all known ranges, not used in Russia, equipped with a laser, and sometimes there are false positives. unit cost of an average of about 750 rubles.

Rectangle V9

Top 5 Models Radar Detector with optional equipment - GPS, DVR and other

For the convenience of working with their radar detectors can additionally be equipped with a database of placement of cameras, GPS, video recorders and other great features. We will understand what a radar detector 2017 better look at the reviews and the price.

Sho Me G900 STR

This is one of the radar detector that catches everything. All known ranges 360 degrees laser detection systems "Arrow". Equipped with three modes: "City", "track" and "Auto". The main "trick" trap warning - GPS, with which the chamber defined on the basis of the database. He also helps to add to the collection in terms of false positives.

Most reviews of this model - positive.

For example, one of them, the user Vladimir Kuznetsov:


Regular database updates from the official site. And not only the base, but also the firmware. Difficulties with this arose. Secure the radar on rug, which went in the kit. Convenient and practical


Not yet.

More information can be found on the Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/10866353/reviews? track = tabs.

radar detector cost is on average 5200 rubles.

Sho Me G900 STR

SilverStone F1 Monaco - reviews and prices

This radar detector is similar to the previous representative of radar detectors, both in price range and functionality. We should also highlight the presence of 3 levels Mode "City", the ability to detect "Arrow" system and "the Robot".

Reviews of the device is also quite good. Here's one from Victor Rogachev:


Compact, good design.


Are sometimes fired at supermarkets and gas stations, but for that amount you can close your eyes to it, and not as often happens.


Value for money optimal range, with friends more expensive models do not work online worse!

More information can be found on the Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/13114598/reviews? track = tabs.

SilverStone F1 Monaco

Artway RD 516 - reviews and prices

This radar detector is not equipped with GPS or DVR. But it is unusual in another. In addition to the basic characteristics inherent in such devices, it can detect the "cordon" system - one of the most elusive in Russia. It also copes well with and "arrow".

Here is what it says about the user Novoselov Alexander:


Functional. Price. Easy to control, everything is clear and understandable, connected and everything works. You can also hang on the glass or put on the dashboard using a special mat.


Not yet been identified.

More information can be found on the Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product/14205750/reviews? track = tabs.

It is worth noting the low cost of the device - about 2000 rubles.

Artway RD 516

SHO-ME G-800 Signature

The device is one of the best radar detector with GPS. Signature label in the title indicates that this is one of the novelties of 2017 - signature radar detector. Briefly, this method ensures a more precise definition of radar and cameras from a set of characteristics inherent to each type, whose base is stored in the memory. This reduces the number of false positives.

In addition, the radar detector is capable of detecting and complex systems, "arrow", "Cordon", "the Robot", "Highways". There is also a function of adding false positives points in the base.

The average cost of the device - about 6000 rubles.

SHO-ME G-800 Signature

SHO-ME Combo № 3 A7

This harvester is a radar detector, a hybrid, and the DVR. Moreover, both have good performance. Video recording is available in HD, that is, with a resolution of 1920 by 1080. There is a shock sensor, GPS and motion detection.

Sam radar detector copes with all Russian bands and subtle systems. The average cost - 8500 rubles.

SHO-ME Combo № 3 A7

Rating radar detectors for Android in 2019 - 5 best models

Perhaps for many it will be news, but any smartphone on the Android platform can be used as a radar detector. Of course, smart phones are not equipped with powerful receivers of signals, but they have a GPS, with which you can determine the point of placing the cameras and radars on the existing basis. Let's see what the market has to offer, and a radar detector 2017 better, as well as reviews and the price.


An application that uses GPS-sensor for detecting ambushes, traffic, cameras, radar and simply dangerous places on the road. To work using your own Mapcam project database, which is constantly expanding. For installation on the device, it must have a GPS or GLONASS module, as well as the version of Android is not lower than 2.2. Free version has a standard set of defined object, paid as much his supplements.

Appearance MapcamDroid applications

GPS Antiradar

A free application that works on the principle of detecting objects using the database as it approaches. Very simple interface, ability to work in the background and frequent database updates. The paid version offers the ability to add their own points, as well as access points, left by other users. Thus, the bases filling occurs collectively.

GPS Antiradar

Trap warning "Arrow"

It is possible to work on top of other applications in a separate process. As stated objects defined chamber "Arrow" DPS posts, road sections of varying severity. Interestingly settled approach to notifications: each type of object can be configured in different ways. For example, to set a special sound, range and vibration.

Trap warning "Arrow"

HUD Antiradar

Is the most common trap warning to the database and work with GPS. But distinguishes it unusual visual performance. Appearance of the application is designed so that if you run it and put it on the front panel of the car, then the data will be reflected on the windshield in a user-friendly interface. However, to achieve the full effect you need to do it in the evening, when the sun's light is so intense.

HUD Antiradar

Yandex. Navigator

This app is certainly more browser than radar detector, but to include it in the review of radar detectors is still possible. It has popular among users and has a large community, whose members are leave right on the warning about the dangers of the map, lying in wait on the road, as well as cameras and posts DPS.

Yandex. Navigator

Review of prices and market automotive radar detectors. What are the best and their prices based on user feedback

PhotoModelFeaturesAverage price, RR.
SHO-ME Combo № 3 A7DVR + radar detector. Ranges: X, K, Ka, Ku. Detection signals of laser meters. Detection signals of the complex "Arrow", "Robot", "Area." Modes: "City" / "Track". GPS.9 000
Karki Combo 3SDVR + radar detector. Ranges: X, K, Ku. Detection signals of laser meters. Detection signals of the complex "Arrow", "Robot", "Area." Modes: "City" / "Track". GPS.8 300
LKT RD-20Detection signals of laser meters. Ranges: X, K, Ku, Ka. Modes: "The track" / "City". Protection against detection.1 190
SUPRA DRS-30Detection signals of laser meters. Ranges: X, K, Ka. Modes: "The track" / "City".1 500
ARENA RX-35 STDetection signals of laser meters. Detection signals by "Arrow". Ranges: X, K, Ku, Ka. Modes: "The track" / "City". Protection against detection.1 500
SHO-ME 215Detection signals of laser meters. Ranges: X, K, Ka. Modes: "The track" / "City". Protection against detection.1 600
Prestige RD-101Detection signals of laser meters. Detection signals by "Arrow". Ranges: X, K, Ka. Modes: "The track" / "City".1 600
SHO-ME G-900STRDetection signals of laser meters. Detection signals by "Arrow". Ranges: X, K, Ku, Ka. Modes: "The track" / "City" / "Auto". Protection against detection. GPS, compass.5 400
SilverStone F1 MonacoDetection signals of laser meters. Detection signals "Arrow" systems, «Robot». Ranges: X, K, Ku, Ka. Modes: "The track" / "City" / "Auto". Protection against detection. GPS.4 800
SHO-ME G-800STRDetection signals of laser meters. Detection signals by "Arrow". Ranges: X, K, Ku, Ka. Modes: "The track" / "City" / "Auto". Protection against detection. GPS.4 600

If you - a car enthusiast, then speak out about the Radar detector with which you have come across in the comments.