💧 How to choose a water-heater for the apartment: species selection parameters, the best model

Instantaneous water heaters allow to obtain hot water at any time of the year


  • 1 Appointment of instantaneous water heaters
  • 2 Design and Function
  • 3 species
  • 4 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 5 How to choose a flow heater for the apartment
  • 6 The best models of heaters

Appointment of instantaneous water heaters

The function of a water heater, regardless of type, is heating water to a predetermined temperature. There are two main types of devices: boilers or storage, in which a certain size dialed cold water tank for subsequent heating and flow to ensure the desired temperature directly at the opening of a faucet.

The presence of the water heater will be useful for frequent outages of hot water. the country's water supply system is constructed in such a way that every summer there is scheduled termination supplying it with hot water during maintenance work on highways and activities to crimping. Not to run around the apartment with hot pans, the best decision is to buy a heater.

Driving device customary flow-type water heater

Design and Function

Structurally, flow heaters are typically cylindrically shaped device. As a rule, their dimensions, these devices are much less storage due to lack of the tank. All flow heaters have a similar device.

The heating element is located within the bulb of a durable material

Heating element

The part that can be considered as basic, because it is provided at its expense heating water to desired temperature. The heating elements are of two types: a uninsulated coil or tubular electric heater (heater).

In the first case a spiral in its pure form, is placed inside a special block of durable material. Since the internal volume of devices with this type of heaters small enough that heat accumulation does not occur, so when it is turned off instantly cools. But it prevents limescale.

Classic heater has a disadvantage - scale appearance

Use of PETN good in terms of electric safety, since there are no exposed members, and itself placed into the spiral casing of the copper pipe. A distinctive feature of the heaters is a long service life and reliability.

provide a flow sensor switch device

flow sensor

An element that is needed to turn on the heater when the water supply. There are electronic sensors and cheaper mechanical counterparts. They consist of a membrane bridge, which responds to fluid pressure, activating the switch.

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The main drawback of the mechanical locking system flow sensitivity is small. In the absence of sufficient pressure heater may simply not turn on.

Inside the heater has a large number of sensors, including protecting against excessive heating

overheating sensor

A detail that relates to the security system at the flow heater. The purpose is to disable the sensor unit when exceeding an upper temperature threshold, which typically varies between 60 ° C and 70 ° C. Conveniently, the device is provided with a bulb sensor response. This will allow the user to understand the cause of the shutdown.

Advanced models have display for precise temperature


Their purpose is exhibiting the required temperature and flow rate. More advanced and expensive models have electronic systems that monitor settings automatically. Availability display will clearly know the temperature of the water.

A small box on the wire - a RCD - reliable protection in case of problems in the electrical network


Residual current device is not located within the device, and imposed on the power cord. It is necessary to open the electrical network when a leakage current to avoid the danger man.

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All devices that are in the bathroom and in contact with water, must be connected via an RCD. Flow heaters manufacturers equip their system of protection devices is mandatory.

Pressure type provides water to several sampling points


All on the market instantaneous water heaters are divided into two types according to the principle of work. This should be considered when the buyer begins to decide which instrument to choose for home use.


Powerful device designed to supply hot water intake multiple sources. This type of system is installed in the water, sometimes hidden, and are included when the valve is rotated.

Non pressure mounted directly on the valve or mixer


The simple design of the device, which are mounted directly on the valve and provide water heating only one source. Some models can optionally be equipped with a special attachment that allows you to use them in the shower.

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Non-pressure flowing water heaters will cost much cheaper, but keep in mind that they will not be able to provide temperature variation due to less power.

Flow heater has no tank, so it takes up little space

Advantages and disadvantages

Any household appliance has its positive and negative aspects that should be considered when making a purchase. This will ensure the comfort, convenience and get that for which the device is purchased.

The advantages of instantaneous water heaters in comparison with storage can be considered:

  • lack of internal tank has a positive effect on the overall dimensions, allowing you to use the space sparingly;
  • providing hot water immediately after opening the tap, which is useful in a country house;
  • variance models allows to choose the type of power and providing the water supply to one or more points.

The higher the temperature, the greater the power, and thus increases the energy consumption

However, flow heaters are not without drawbacks. is the negative side:

  • for the hot water supply to multiple points requires a sufficient pressure in the system;
  • increased energy consumption, particularly in models that provide rapid heating due to high power.

How to choose a flow heater for the apartment

When the decision to buy a flowing water heater for home use, you should listen to the advice of experts and decide on the parameters, the account which will allow to get the best option.

On power consumption

The most important parameter is the power of the device, as it will depend on not only the trouble-free operation, but also the safety of the wiring in the apartment. To find out the necessary figure quite simple:

  • first of all need to determine the amount of water consumed. It is believed that the Hand washing requires from 2 to 4 l / min flow for the kitchen is 5 l / min, and for taking a shower or bath set to 10 l / min;
  • Further, the resulting display is substituted into the formula: P = QT / 0,073. Q - is the water flow rate, T - is the temperature difference between inlet and outlet.

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A simpler method of calculation is to multiply the intended water flow at 2. This will be the unknown quantity.

Est table area ratio of the heater power and its application

It turns out that for heating the water bath apparatus is required from 20 kW, and to provide water to the kitchen appliance is suitable for 10-16 kW. It is important to bear in mind that the wiring in older homes are not intended for inclusion in a network of devices with capacity of more than 3.5 kW.

Number of phases

Depending on the power of the device is determined by its type of connection. This indicator is extremely simple - when up to 12 kW power device, it powerfully mounted in standard network for 220 V. If the power is higher, then the three-phase wiring is required. Most often, these models are set in suburban homes.

Pottery is more reliable, but more expensive

Heating element type

This parameter will depend on the speed and reliability of the water heating device in case of frequent use. In total there are three types of heating elements:

  • a conventional heater, which, depending on the model, there may be one or more;
  • Tubular ceramic heaters having higher price;
  • spiral induction coils, which are not required to serve, and at work they do not scale.


Suffice subjective parameter which has no effect on the operation of the device, and serves only criterion for evaluating the appearance. The following options are available on the market:

  • plastic. Easy to clean, sufficiently cheap material, but eventually at the surface gets scratched, where clogged dirt;
  • enamelled housing. Quality coating applied over a long period of time does not lose its kind;
  • anodized. New heaters look stylish, but the wear of the coating is observed over time. It is considered to be the most durable titanium, but these models are many times more expensive counterparts;
  • metal. No covered body of stainless steel or alloys for some users considered the acme of perfection. But keep in mind that over time, the mirror surface will collect stains or fingerprints.

Natural metallic luster looks stylish, but gathers all the fingerprints

type of management and operating modes

All models available in the market for flow heaters type of management can be divided into two major groups:

  • mechanical or hydraulicRepresented in the form of the tap changer. The main drawback is the lack of accurate billing options. But these models are the most affordable in terms of price;
  • electronicWhere there is a plurality of different operation modes, and the internal sensors and microprocessors track set parameters by supporting them. The downside of this type is the high cost.

Acquisition of heater with mechanical control is convenient to provide a water intake point and the electronics is useful for creating a full-fledged network of water intake.

Devices with the type of electronic control allows fine-tune the parameters of the

Additional options

Low-end models lack additional functions, since the manufacturer tries to reduce the cost of the product. All sorts of options - it is the prerogative of the more expensive heaters, which can be equipped with:

  • multiple power modes;
  • Indication of inclusion;
  • overheating protection system;
  • PG;
  • protection from scale deposits;
  • limiting the water temperature.

Availability of additional options increases the comfort of use of the device, but rather increases the price.

With a large range of additional products to consider


Another subjective selection criteria. On the market there are a lot of heaters made as a well-known brands and noname firms. TOP 5 leading companies specializing in the production flow heaters, represented by the following brands:

  • Stiebel Eltron. German brand that produces a powerful, multi-function devices that are easy to install and reliable in operation;
  • AEG. Another German manufacturer, producing high quality compact device;
  • Electrolux. Swedish brand specializing in the production of heaters middle price segment;
  • Atmor. Israeli company, is betting on the production of low-end models equipped with additional options;
  • Timberk. The Swedish company, which has several lineup of compact and inexpensive flow heaters.

The best models of heaters

To finally decide which one to choose flow heater for home use, no harm will be familiar with a rating of popular models and reviews of real customers.

Electrolux Smartfix 2.0 - a simple but reliable

ElectroluxSmartfix 2.0

Inexpensive flow heater capacity of 6.5 kW, equipped with a mechanical control system. From features should highlight the simplicity of installation, the presence of three power levels, control of water flow changes, protection against overheating sensor. This device is a single point of water intake, but additionally equipped showerhead. Among the few drawbacks should be noted the impossibility to use in homes with older wiring. The cost model is 2500 rubles.

Review on Electrolux Smartfix 2.0

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6468272.html

Heater Electrolux Smartfix 2.0

Timberk WHEL-7 OSC, the budget - it does not mean bad

Timberk WHEL-7 OSC

Another inexpensive model, which also has a capacity of 6.5 kW with a maximum capacity of 4.5 liters per minute. Inside the heater has a sensor that monitors the overheating protection circuit is also present from minor impurities. The model provides a restriction on the minimum temperature of the feed water - 16ºS. The main advantage could also be considered a compact device. The cost is 2,700 rubles.

Review on Timberk WHEL-7 OSC

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6582889.html

Heater Timberk WHEL-7 OSC

AEG RMC 75 - a reliable manufacturer, reliable product


Enough popular model of middle segment (the cost is 13100 rubles) from a known brand. The instrument is designed to provide multiple points. Power 7.5 kW, maintains the pressure in the network up to 10 bar. Operation Type - Mechanical. There is protection against overheating. The PETN used as high strength copper flask. The main disadvantage of users called overvaluation.

Review on AEG RMC 75

More on iRecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/otlichnyi-no-prishlos-povozitsya

Heater AEG RMC 75

Electrolux NPX 8 Flow Active - beautiful, technologically expensive

Electrolux NPX 8 Flow Active

The model related to the class of powerful premium devices. heater cost is 245,000 rubles. For this money, the user receives the device, which has a temperature setting system in increments of one degrees, equipped with informative display with touch sensitive keys that allows to program modes work. There is protection against overheating and scale, as well as self-diagnosis system. The disadvantage are the large dimensions and a flask made of plastic.

Review on Electrolux NPX 8 Flow Active

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6234580.html

Electrolux NPX 8 Flow Active

Acquisition of the flow-through heater - this is the only way to not be left without hot water in the event of its failure, regardless of the cause itself. When selecting a set of parameters should be considered. More time to learn how not to be mistaken with the purchase, you can by watching the video.