Rating of filters for water in 2019: a filter under the sink is better

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  • 1 Effective types of water purification filters Sink "Aquaphor" and other
  • 2 Technical characteristics of household water filters
  • 3 The main types of household water filters and their individual characteristics
  • 4 How to choose a water filter under the sink
  • 5 Advantages and disadvantages "Barrier" filter for water purification
  • 6 Review of popular brands of cleaners
  • 7 Filters for water under the sink. Which is better? Ranking 2019
  • 8 Installing a water filter under the sink: step by step instructions and installation costs
  • 9 Where better to buy a water filter under the sink: the approximate prices for cleaners
  • 10 Reviews on the use of household water purifiers

Effective types of water purification filters Sink "Aquaphor" and other

Basically water treatment takes place by means of special treatment facilities. Before the resource enters the conduit housing used topical treatment methods: deferrization, disinfecting, cleaning coal, absorption, softening, chlorination, membrane methods, and application ion exchange. But used and home filters, which are many brands ( "Aquaphor", "Geyser" and others.). Consider the most popular methods of cleaning.

Filters under the sink in the kitchen.

Membrane filters for water under the sink "geyser": overview and cleaning efficiency

The main filter in this method acts membrane. It is a fine sieve fraction (holes size - less than 1 nm), due to which large particles are unable to present contamination of water pass through the filter.

Scheme of the membrane.

Through this device able to penetrate and water molecule ions size smaller than the mesh openings. Accordingly, there is a qualitative water purification from harmful bacteria. Some water filter under the sink "Aquaphor" equipped with such a mechanism.

How is coal cleaning

Coal cleaning method characterized plumbing resource acceptable cost and efficiency. Using this method is carried filtering and water absorption (removal of harmful components). How does this happen?

The principle of the coal cleaning.

During the passage of liquid through the carbon filter takes place its release from the heavy metals and harmful particles which are painful effect on the human body. Application of this method allows to use water purification not only industrial, but also at home. However, for a normal filtering pressure plumbing resource should be sufficient, differently from this process will not effect.

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Carbon filtration for the liquid used specially selected and treated with activated charcoal. Select it will help in a specialized store.

Ion exchange as the best method of fluid filtration

Purification of water by means of ion exchangers (special filters) recognized as the most widespread, since it allows to remove from the water the most dangerous particles: arsenic, phosphorus, chromium, heavy metals. The purification process is a replacement of hazardous substances on the ion-neutral ions. Thus, the formula of water is not changed, with the removal of the microbes apparently. For substitution of used ions present in the solid portion of the water purifier.

How is ion exchange.

This method is necessary in cases where the water increased requirements, such as:

  • public use;
  • for boilers in large enterprises;
  • use in chemical and food industry;
  • in the case where water is supplied from a source with a high concentration of harmful impurities;
  • last filtration step before entering the pipeline.

Softening of water through the filter

To remove the hardness of the water, which can cause health problems, it is possible to use a water filter under the sink "geyser" or cleaners pitchers of the same or any other brand. However, this method of treatment is technically inconvenient, as it requires frequent replacement of filter cartridges. During this treatment a chemical (use of reagents) or physical (natural forces) reaction. For the first embodiment of filtration are reagents such as soda ash, phosphates, sodium hydroxide. With these components occurs calcium and magnesium transformation into insoluble compounds which settle on the walls of the cleaner. However, this option is only valid for mitigating industrial purposes.

As a natural method using magnetic reaction. It is used for fixed piping private houses and apartment buildings. By means of such installations insoluble calcium and magnesium salts derived through a special system without entering the main conduit. This filter option allows you to prevent the formation of scale on appliances.

Technical characteristics of household water filters

Filters for water: structure in a larger view.

Any of the filters under the sink has individual characteristics that contribute to effective cleaning plumbing resource. Cleaning apparatus have a number of characteristics for which buyers pay attention. As an example, consider a membrane filter for water purification, which in turn has the following features:

  • compact size device (which can accommodate a filter which is not to press the free space in a cabinet under the sink);
  • reliable resource for purification (eventually ensures the flow of water suitable for consumption);
  • presence of an ultrathin membrane (it is capable of holding large dangerous particles or metals in tap water);
  • easy installation to the main road;
  • reliability, and long life.

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Domestic water filters have a different lifetime. Some purified about 5,000 liters of water, working for years, others need to replace the cartridge after 500 liters of water purification.

The main types of household water filters and their individual characteristics

Filters for drinking at home by installing different structural characteristics, as well as on the principle of work. Consider the popular options that are installed in a house or apartment.

Cartridge running tap filter.

  1. flow cleaner It represents a three-stage water filter (sometimes four-step), wherein sequentially has multiple cleaning modules performing primary, main and final filtration liquid. The raw material for purification of different material can act. This type of filter allows to extract from the water resource elements of heavy metals and salts, and also eliminates the unpleasant odor and produces water disinfection.

    Filter reverse osmosis system.

  2. Water filter with reverse osmosis It decided to install in an environment where water is consumed in large volume. It is a device with cartridges and a cleaning membrane. Also attached to it a tank, which collects clean water. Impurities salts, heavy liquid components, are sent to the sewer after the filtering process.

    Enhanced cleaner water.

  3. Cleaner with enhanced technical capabilities. Besides the main cleaning plumbing resource is its further decontamination using established sets of functions. However, the use of such models is appropriate in cases of critical level indicator unfavorable impurities in the water.

    Options drinking water filter.

How to choose a water filter under the sink

Agree, regular purchases of bottled water is very expensive to do, so good alternative - install water filter under the sink, the price of which will satisfy your financial opportunities. However, before the mindless acquisition device is necessary to equip some of the recommendations presented in the Table.

Exterior water filter cartridges.

Tip OnePreference should be given the familiar brands. They are in demand in the market of household appliances, and have a long service life and reliability in service.
Tip twoPay attention to packaging, which has a purification system. This may be a membrane filter for water treatment, activated carbon or any other. Also note the number of installed modules for filtering.
Tip threeBe sure to analyze, can be serviced whether you select a filter in your populated area, check the price of replacement ink cartridges.
Council fourthWhen choosing tools necessary to be guided on how many people will use the treated water, it directly affects how much of the cleaner can handle liquids.
Tip fiveBefore buying any water filter must be clarified in the water pressure. Its minimum value should be 3-3.5 atm.
Tip sixthPay attention to the space under the kitchen sink. It is important to be enough for the trouble-free installation of the cleaning equipment.
Tip seventhMake sure that the filter is not damaged. It is unacceptable the presence on it of scratches, chips and cracks. Necessarily the presence of all components. Ideally, a new product is sold in the film.
Board of eighthPrice category. This raises the question of which is better to buy a filter - "Geyser", "Barrier" or "Aquaphor"? It is important that the cost of adaptation to match the quality of its functionality.

ON A NOTE!(Click to see)


Not sure which water filter to select an apartment or private home, determine the pressure in the pipeline. If there is no special sensor, call a specialist. Definitely should focus on The given recommendations.

Advantages and disadvantages "Barrier" filter for water purification

Especially popular in the consumer electronics market are considered cleansing "Geyser" devices and "Aquaphor". Each cleaner for home use is known for its grandiose advantages and some disadvantages, which are important to know before actually using it.

Excellent performance. With proper use cleaner works without service for about 90 days.The need to install a stationary conduit.
Interchangeability of cartridges. They can add, replace, depending on the composition of the water.In some models, the work provided by the mains (reverse osmosis purifiers).
Ideally set in a niche under the sink, without spoiling the basic design of the room.Requires skill to install, respectively, an inexperienced person can not cope with the work.
A high degree of purification, which includes disinfection, removal of iron, softening, etc.In some localities there is no possibility of urgent maintenance of the filter system.

Review of popular brands of cleaners

At the present time the market is leading some basic filters models, which are installed under the sink. Consider options for the rating sought:

  1. Filters manufacturer "Barrier". Capable of processing up to 10 000 liters of contaminated water. brand often produces a multi-device, whose functions include softening and iron removal. The estimated cost for the product is 3 500 rubles.
  2. Cleaners "Aquaphor" It provides three levels of purification, which includes both ion exchange, and the traditional carbon filtration. Installation processes for 60 seconds 2 liters of water, purifying it from impurities and unfavorable particle size to 0.1 micron. Drive is capable to 6000 liters per cartridge. The cost - about 2500 rubles.
  3. Atoll A-500M STD 5 is performed purification steps, filters water from free chlorine, heavy metals and other impurities. At the same time performs iron removal and softening liquid. Buy a water filter under the sink can be 11 500 rubles.
  4. Instruments 'new water'. Differ ultrahigh purification capability (up to 0.01 micron). 5 has filter stages, the filter setting is recommended to wash water under the conditions in its increased rigidity. Price for this model is not more than 5000 rubles.
  5. Filters "Geyser" have the ability to carry out cleaning liquid to remove impurities to 0.001 micron. This brand produces predominantly membrane cleaners. The amount of salts in the liquid is reduced to 80%, due to which the risk is reduced scaling in kettles, washing machines and other appliances.
  6. Cleaners «Omoikiri» characterized by high efficiency (of the order of 3 l / min). Have 3 degrees of purification, it acts as the main iron removal and water softening. Approximate price of the device - 6000 rubles.

Filters for water under the sink. Which is better? Ranking 2019

Rating filters under the sink. Models on the recommendations of the consumers.

Consider the most popular consumer model filters under the sink in the kitchen.

VII place

OMOIKIRI Pure drop 1.0. Excellent filter for installation in the apartment, especially in a context where the old pipeline is laid. The device holds and softening water purification from heavy metals. Estimated price - no more than 7000 rubles.

VI place

New Water Expert Osmos MO530. The presence of the tank, due to which the performance of the cleaner is increased. Excellent filter liquid and added function of mineralization. Price - about 11 500 rubles.

V place

Aquaphor Crystal Eco. Performs ideal water purification from impurities. Present filter 3 for cleaning, after which water gets a pleasant taste, it becomes soft. It costs about 6000 rubles.

IV place

Geyser Prestige 2. Different enough filtration system, undemanding maintenance, and also has an elaborate design. Estimated cost - no more than 5000 rubles.

III place

Aquaphor Osmo 50. An apparatus having a compact filter system, storage tank is present. Provided clear instructions for installation, long cartridges. Price per set - no more than 7000 rubles.

II place

Atoll A-550 MAX. Device provides easier installation and adequacy of cleaning degrees. After the passage of water through the device, it becomes clear, there is no unpleasant odor. Buy filter can be for 16,300 rubles.

I place

New Water Econic Osmos Stream OD360. Known filter model, renowned for low noise during the production of clean water. Provides easier installation and reliable operation. Approximate cost - 18 000 rubles.

TIP!(Click to see)


Selection of the filter for water purification installation and under sink must be performed taking into account the product specifications, and also pay attention to the integrity of the package.

Installing a water filter under the sink: step by step instructions and installation costs

Under sink mounted conventional cartridge filter devices, and systems with a reflux device. With proper installation, they are placed well in the niche under the sink.

Steps for mounting multi-flow filters

The first thing you need to check the filter kit. It is important that all the details were available.
The next thing reimplemented crane on a stationary pipe in a place where water enters the house or apartment.
To a cold water pipe, attach the tee (it necessarily comes with the device). Do not forget about the leak. To this well wrap threaded connections FUM-tape.
Connect tubing. They often differ in color. Red fasten to a compression fitting.
Further connected to a tee valve, performing the water supply. On the surface of the sink faucet set (typically this has a special opening in modern washes). If they do not exist, you must do it yourself.
On the wall of the lock fasteners cartridge.
With replaceable cleaning, remove the plug and attach the appropriate colored hoses.
We cover the required valve which supplies water to the purifier, and a stationary valve outlet opening into the apartment.
Next, open the faucet filter, wait until the air embossed and then set the desired rate of treatment of water by crane adjustment.
Open water for 30 minutes. During this time, carefully check all threaded connections, as well as the joints. It is important that there are no leaks. If there are no stains, it means that the installation is correct.

How to install a water filter with reverse osmosis

To install the system with reverse osmosis necessary to take care of the free space under the kitchen sink. We consider in detail the sequence of installation.

First of all, carefully check the packaging osmosis. Available must be all the fittings, couplings, hoses, etc.
Cover the water supply to the stationary conduit.
It is necessary to mount a frame (comes included), make sure all the threads tight.
Disconnect the water supply from the main crane and set to a frame. Please note, all the tubes should be smooth (their bending and twisting is unacceptable).
Faucet Mount Filter the sink using mounting nuts and clamps. If cleaning is not a hole to insert, then it needs to be done independently.
To tap installed smoothly, it is necessary to hold a wrench.
In the above spout the washing siphon installed clamp. Make sure that it fits close to the drain.
We are engaged in installation of the storage drum.
Mount the storage tank. Be sure to make sure that it corresponds to the pressure in the range of 0,54-0,95 A.
You must wrap the thread barrel FUM-tape.
Proceed to install the crane on osmotic tank. It is imperative not to tighten it strongly, otherwise the system will not work properly.
Be sure to compare the wiring diagram in the instructions to the reverse osmosis with her. If everything is in order, go to the filter connection.
Return flow of water, wherein the crane near the tank should be closed and the one that will give the water open.
After 15 minutes of operation of the crane system will start to drip purified water. However, do not use it. Hold the valve open for 30 minutes. It is important to perform primary washing system.

After the performed action with reverse osmosis filter is ready for operation.

Where better to buy a water filter under the sink: the approximate prices for cleaners

The majority of consumers are interested in where you can buy filters are placed under the sink. It is better to give preference to specialty stores and shopping malls. Also you can buy a device online store by reservation. The estimated cost to the purification systems for the home environment varies from 6000 to 18 000 rubles. Basically, the price depends on the configuration treatment plant, as well as from the manufacturer.

Reviews on the use of household water purifiers

"Water filter Geiser 3 - how to select a filter for water purification.

Advantages: it cleans the water, there is a scum, mold and various flavors, just pure water.

Disadvantages: have not seen.

Today, we offer a huge variety of different filters, from simple filter-jugs and filters to complex systems for houses or catering. A common option for a family living in the apartment - a stationary filter under the sink with a separate tap by the sink. "

More on Otzovik:http://otzovik.com/review_106608.html

"Multi-stage filter New Water" Sink »Expert M300 - always very necessary.

Advantages: easy installation, easy replacement of cartridges.

Minuses: no.

Filter multi-acquired "under the sink" Expert M300 firm "new water". Water in our area is not bad, but sometimes it happens that there is a rusty tap water and for several days. Therefore, a filter for drinking water is a must. "

More on Otzovik:https://otzovik.com/review_3562983.html