๐Ÿš— car seat for newborns. Rating models for nominations

If there will be a significant impact, the car cradle will save the baby from dangerous injuries, most likely, the child will remain alive


  • 1 Ranking of the best models of car seats for children up to a year: for the price differences
  • 2 Rating the best car seat for infants according to the results of crash tests
  • 3 The best options of car seats for infants in four categories

Ranking of the best models of car seats for children up to a year: for the price differences

By purchasing a car seat, an adult needs to understand that there has to be equally comfortable and long distance trips and short. For such purposes is guided to devices that have technical characteristics of the component of the maximum mass that does not exceed 16-18 kg.

Be sure to pay attention to the type of car seat plastic. It is desirable to match the quality and was performed without cracks and burrs

Most low-end models: reasonable economy

Claims for child transportation safety law in the car oblige choose quality restraints. Undoubtedly, there are models in the budget price segment. Our editorial staff has prepared for you a list of cheap, but meeting quality accessories for children.

3rd place. Seat of Nania Cosmo SP First (Group 0/1 to 18 kg)

Lateral protection allows you to save the life of the baby in numerous shake-ups, because they do not give the child to move the head in arbitrary side

Comfortable cradle for newborns and children up to a year. The model consists of several provisions of the back, so the child will be able to place as necessary on age. There is also a major addition restraint should include the headrest and soft liner fixing between the legs.

type of mountingAnchoringMass chair kgbackrest ModeSide impact protection
Car beltsBack and face5,7level 3there is


Breathable soft fabric on the seat will not be formed and will not cause diaper rash prickly heat on long journeys

Model provided with the tilt of the head, seat acts as a carry, therefore easily detachable, if necessary, remove the device from the machine. It comes with an anatomic pillow type, as well as the belts are attached soft pads that do not rub shoulders baby if it is too active.

type of mountingdesign rockingAdjust the head restraintType of Internal beltsMass chair kg
Car beltsthere isYesthree-point3,8

1st place. Seat Siger Aegis (Group 0+ to 13 kg)

Handling backrest tilting device must within 30-43 ยฐ. On this depends the correct spine development

Domestic manufacturer of car seats for infants, special design provides a sun awning. For the youngest passengers have a miniature pillow under his head. Straps holding the child, can be easily adjusted in three positions, which is useful when changing the growth of the baby, and does not require re-purchase the car seat with the growth of the child.

Mass, kgDimensions, cmrockerSupport headAdjustment of internal belt
3,736ร—60ร—37there isthere isthere is

Often, all have a traditional mount low-cost model of car child restraints: by seat belts. All means are equally good for carrying a child, without taking it out of the chair.

GOOD TO KNOW! (Click to see)


By purchasing a car seat for infants, they should be guided by the rules of transportation. For example, for babies born prematurely, this remedy should not use it.

Top model premium: Advantages and Characteristics

Costly restraints for cars equipped with the latest technology capabilities. They maximally tailored to the anatomical features of the child, excellent protection against shock and prevent slippage of the baby during emergency braking.

Additional sturdy clasp will not allow the baby to unbutton their own car is in motion

3rd place. Seat Recaro Zero.1 Isofix (Group 0/1 to 18 kg)

Cradles age group 0 or 0+ meet safety requirements and norms of development of the baby

Seat for newborns and babies up to a year. There is a possibility of fixing devices face or backwards. There is a system against the floor, which complements the already existing degree of security, it helps prevent tipping. The design provides for adjustment of the backrest positions and lifting height of six-month baby will allow to observe the situation of the car window.

Mass, kgDimensions, cmSupport headSide impact protectionType of Internal belts
3,736ร—60ร—37there isthere isthree-point

2nd place. Seat Maxi-Cosi CabrioFix (Group 0+ to 13 kg)

Baby, are already well keep his head still should choose the model of car seats with headrest lockable

Car seat, which is at the same time plays the role of carrying the child. Fixture design is quite stable, is attached to the vehicle seat at any angle. Fixed integrated automobile belts. internal anatomical straps are provided to hold the child.

Support headrockerSide impact protectiontype of equipmentCompatibility with strollers
providedthere isthere isHood, Awning, anatomic pillowYes

1st place. Seat Cybex Cloud Q Plus (group 0+, up to 13 kg)

If you plan to use a chair and after the child is one year old, it is better to purchase the device transformers

Comfortable chair-carrying with a knob height. Included with the device there is a soft pillow headrest for the newborn, holding straps with straps. At the bottom of the cradle is provided a lever to tighten the fasteners. The backrest and headrest are regulated in a big way. Accordingly, using this model, even for the smallest passengers.

rockertype of beltsSupport the child's headSide impact protectionkit
providedinternal three-pointthere isthere isAwning, carrying handles

children's health and safety experts urge every parent who has a car, acquire the appropriate cradle. This will help not only to save the life of a child in case of an accident, but also to establish his discipline in the vehicle. It is well known that children who originally used to being in the chair, at an older age will be safer to treat such conditions.

Rating the best car seat for infants according to the results of crash tests

To today's parents do not worry about the child's safety in a vehicle, special crash test was conducted. According to the results we can safely judge a holding device for the actual cars. Let us examine these models in detail.

3rd place. Britax Rรถmer Swingfix i-Size

The wider the retaining straps on the car seat, the safer they are fixed shoulders of the child, thus, do not rub

Sustainable car seat for infants. In the event of a direct collision, the cradle remains in place, so the risk of injury is minimal. However, there is a slight chance that a baby is injured during a side collision. However, such a strike would not be life-threatening. It is worth noting a few key features of this car seat:

  • quality broaching straps;
  • soft touch to the fabric;
  • easy installation in the car;
  • otstogivanie convenient to carry;
  • a system of support for baby feet.

Seat upholstery is not glued, so amenable to dismantle and wash. Permitted cleaning by hand or in a washing machine.

Rank 2 Kiddy Evo-Luna i-Size (Isofix)

It is not necessary to purchase car seats are too wide, they can not perform a holding function

Comfortable holding device, which can be used for 15 months or until the child's life until its weight reaches 13 kg. This model car seat purchased rated "Excellent" in crash tests. Motorists are able to evaluate the type of construction and its ability to protect. Features adaptations:

  • Low risk of injury during frontal and lateral collision;
  • Wearing easy, reliable fixation straps;
  • comfortable footrest;
  • orthopedic inserts.

GOOD TO KNOW! (Click to see)


The road is not recommended to feed a child who is in the car seat. This can cause swallowing large pieces of food, resulting in a baby poperhnotsya.

Rank 1 Kiddy Phoenixfix 3 (Isofix)

Plastic lining in places of fastening belts fixed length of their car

Model car seat intended for children weighing between 9 kg. She has a regular orthopedic backrest structure and high-quality fasteners. This complex promotes correct formation of posture at an early age. The child will not overwork even during long journeys. This design is fixed in two ways. Advantages of the device:

  • good protection in frontal collisions;
  • solid frame, absorbing impact energy;
  • It provides high stability;
  • comfortable footrest;
  • breathable upholstery material.

Kids who are already interested in the study of the world, this model is ideal chair, because it has high landing.

The best options of car seats for infants in four categories

Tehno.guru editorial experts chose one qualitative model of the existing nominations. As it turns out, these car seats have gained immense popularity and reliably served not one ten motorists. Consider these options in more detail.

Car Seat Capella S12312i Isofix - the best in the category with isofix attachment

Lateral protection on car seats performed in a cast arc of solid plastic

This model vehicle seat group (ยฝ / 3, from 9 to 36 kg) has not only a elegant appearance, but also is equipped with two types of designs for reliable fastening to the car. This is the traditional method by automobile seat belts and Isofix system.

Mass, kgAge / child WeightEquipmentType of Internal beltsAdjusting head restraint height
10,51-3 / 9-36Anatomical cushion pads on the strapsFive-pointthere is

Review of model Capella S12312i Isofix

More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product--avtokreslo-gruppa-1-2-3-9-36-kg-capella-s12312i-isofix-sps/10466542/reviews? track = tabs

Car Seat Baby Care Upiter Plus - best with Latch mount

In addition to the car seat is allowed to acquire a holding device for the baby's head to keep it from hanging during sleep

This is a standard child seat that is suitable for installation in any vehicle, since it allows the inner assembly to the seat. This allows you to mount the device on either side of the door or in the middle if the vehicle provides such an opportunity.

Mass, kgDimensions, cmtype of instalationType of Internal beltsEquipment
4,547ร—41ร—68face forwardFive-pointAnatomical cushion pads on the straps

Seat Liko Baby LB-510 - the best of the group from 0+ to 25 kg

When buying appliances, make sure that the upholstery The material is hypoallergenic, it does not have the smell of chemicals

Quality car seat with the possibility of fixing the regular belt. The possibility of mounting the holding device is provided in two ways: the person or backwards. Accordingly, it may be mounted both on the front and on the rear seat.

Adjusting the backrestMass, kginternal strapsSupport head for newbornskit
4 modes6Five-pointthere isAnatomic pillow, belt clip

Review model Liko Baby LB-510

More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product--avtokreslo-gruppa-0-1-2-do-25-kg-liko-baby-lb-510/1932889187/reviews? track = tabs

Car Seat Zlatek Colibri - the best in the category 0+ up to 13 kg

Before planting the baby in the car seat, loosen the retaining straps inside

Compact design that securely attached to the vehicle. The child seat is made of durable plastic, which has a low weight, so it is very convenient for manual carrying the child. The cradle is designed for sitting and half upright position of the baby.

Parameters, seeMass, kgEquipmentAdjust the backrest / headrestrocker
45ร—65ร—542,5Hood, anatomic pillow, lining on the strapsYes / Yesthere is

Review model Zlatek Colibri

More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product--avtokreslo-gruppa-0-do-13-kg-zlatek-colibri/10564429/reviews? track = tabs

Dear users, in this article we have provided the most detailed information about which of the car seats really comfortable and safe. If you have any questions on the topic, or you are already using baby holding device, write it in the comments model, will conduct a joint analysis.