Kitchen knives - accessory intended for processing products. With the help of them perform cleaning, cutting and slicing meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and a variety of gastronomic products.
- Types of kitchen knives
- Characteristics
- Benefits
- disadvantages
- How to choose a kitchen knife?
- What kitchen knives better
- How to use
- Manufacturers of kitchen knives
Types of kitchen knives

Classification of knives for the kitchen is based on the destination and type of an accessory product to be treated. There are the following types:
- universal;
- boning;
- chef;
- carving;
- loin;
- cutting;
- for the cleaning;
- hatchet;
- steak;
- bread;
- cheese;
- for tomatoes;
- oil;
- Santoku (Japanese);
- Nakeer (Japanese vegetable).

Universal knife is used for cleaning, shredding and cutting fruit and vegetables, cold meats, vegetables, cheese, meat products.
Characteristic features is different: the average width of the tool blade, blade width tapers to an end, the end is pointed. Blade thickness is about 2 mm, the geometric shape of the blade straight or wavy.

Equipped with a wide blade and comfortable handle heavy. Standard blade width for the chef varies from 2 to 4 mm.
The tool can be used to:
- cutting vegetables;
- chopping greens;
- cutting a meat product;
- beating meat (butt).
Instead of one chef knife consumer has the opportunity to purchase a classical trio, which consists of three cooks knives with different blade lengths.
main unit length is about 45 cm, mid-size chef's knife has a length of 35-40 cm, the smallest - from 25 to 30 cm.

With the help of the device is performed boning raw and cooked meat. Characteristic features boning knife are:
- the average width of the blade, sharply tapering;
- curved cutting edge,
- narrow, tightened up the tip;
- direct butt.

The accessory is designed for fine cutting and thinning of fish or meat. The product is equipped with a thin, flexible, long blade. appliance blade may have a recess or small grooves that prevent buildup on the knife blade.

Device for cutting meat is mainly used in professional kitchens. Knife Blade curved shape. With it you can effortlessly to cut stringy or tough meat.
Paring Knife

Designed to clean peel with fruit and vegetables. The knife blade is equipped with short elastic with a sharp tip, a smooth cutting edge and an ergonomic handle.
Another kind of accessory for cleaning fruits and vegetables is a knife-peeler. A characteristic feature of the tool - the two turned toward each other blade.
Some models are equipped with a knife-peeler turns or floating blades. Knife-Piller is ideal for cleaning of fruits and vegetables of regular geometric shape - apples, cucumbers, squash and zucchini.
Thus a device can slaw and cut thin slices of vegetables or fruit.
Knife for cutting

Thinly sliced ready meat products, ham, smoked and salted fish. The characteristic features of the accessory:
- long blade is narrow;
- smooth edge without teeth.
Bread knife

Bread knife equipped with a sawtooth cutting edge, the blade has the same width throughout its length. The form allows you to cut the baked goods, without bending them. The knife is also suitable for slicing watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple.
Knife for steak

Dining kitchen appliance, by means of which during the meal are cut into small pieces ready to fish, meat or vegetable products. knife edge may be smooth, serrated or a combination. The device is equipped with a thin and narrow blade.
Knife for tomatoes

A characteristic feature of the tool for slicing tomatoes protrudes a narrow blade, equipped with small teeth and a forked tip. Kitchen accessory and carefully narezhet oranges, lemons and other vegetables or fruits with hard skin and soft middle.
Cheese knife

A knife for slicing cheese is thin and narrow, slightly upwardly curved blade, serrated edge, and a forked tip. Blades separate models equipped with slits, which function as air pockets and to prevent sticking of cheese cloth.
For cutting soft cheeses rational use of knife-string. It is a small plaque on which is fixed a thin and very sharp blade.

Knife oil characterized by a wide short blade edge which is shaped as a rounded spatula. Cutlery is used for spreading on bread products butter, jam, pate and caviar, honey.

Used for cutting large pieces of meat and poultry meat cutting bone of medium thickness, cartilage and tendons.
Characteristic features chopper-blade protrude a short wide blade and a beveled edge. The cutting edge is very sharp and smooth.
Japanese Santoku

Santoku is a multi-functional well-balanced knife for the kitchen. The shape of the Japanese Santoku can cope with three major tasks of the cook:
- shredder;
- cutting;
- cutting.
Design features of the device:
- narrow grip;
- wide blade;
- thin cutting edge;
- double-sided sharpening.
Nakeer for vegetables

Nakeer for cutting vegetables. The blade unit of rectangular shape, the cutting edge is thin, tapering from the base to the tip, the trailing edge thickness of 2-2.5 mm.
The length of the knife blade

The shortest blade equipped with a kitchen knife devices for cleaning of fruits and vegetables - from 5 to 10 cm. The blade length of 13 cm are knives for cheese, tomato and steak. Reserve universal kitchen knife length is 15 cm, the device for deboning meat - 16 cm.
Longer blades are equipped with:
- Cooking knives - from 15 to 30 cm;
- knife-ax - 18 cm;
- loins - 20 cm;
- knives for bread - up to 23 cm;
- Slicing - from 20 to 30 cm;
- Japanese Santoku - 15 to 20 cm;
- Japanese Nakeer - 16.5 to 24 cm.
blade material

The materials used for the manufacture of blades of kitchen knives:
- steel;
- forged steel;
- Damascus steel;
- three-layer steel;
- ceramics;
- titanium.

For the manufacture of kitchen appliances used carbon and stainless steel. The best performance characteristics have blades made of stainless steel with the addition of chromium, manganese, molybdenum, silicon, vanadium.
Auxiliary components give additional quality material:
- chrome - imparts hardness, corrosion resistant stainless steel enhances the quality;
- manganese - improves wear resistance;
- molybdenum - protects against brittleness;
- vanadium - makes the blade very sharp.
forged knives

technology for manufacturing of forged knives is complex and consists of several stages:
1) blank material;
2) quenching;
3) rough forging;
4) Finishing;
5) hardening.
Multi-stage technology provides a strong, beautiful and durable product.

Damascus steel - patterned laminate. The layers become interconnected by multiple forging. Each steel layer contains a different amount of carbon, which affects the degree of softness of the material.
Three-layered steel
Knife blade consists of three layers: outer are made of soft steels, the central - a hard metal.
titanium blades
Kitchen knives with titanium coating characterized by a particular strength. They are not susceptible to corrosion, have antibacterial properties.
Ceramic knives

Devices made of zirconia by dry pressing. Next, the product is baked at a high temperature for two days.
In the market of household goods presents ceramic kitchen knives with a blade of white and black. Blade Black color is obtained by adding special dyes. Such devices are characterized by high wear resistance.
The material for the handle

The following materials are used for the manufacture of handles:
- wood;
- plastic;
- steel;
- steel insert.
wooden handles

Wood for knife handle - solid hardwood:
- cherries;
- walnut;
- beech;
- birch.
The expensive professional knives used for the manufacture of the handle precious wood.
Wooden handles are pleasant to the touch, aesthetic and ergonomic, resistant to temperature extremes. However, during operation gives wood cracks razmokaet by moisture, loses an original form.
Knives with wooden handle require careful maintenance.
Handles made of plastic

For manufacturing plastic handles are used:
- bakelite;
- ABS;
- polypropylene.
Polypropylene is used in models of kitchen appliances of the budget price range.
Plastic knife handle for kitchen appliances may contain inserts of metal or rubber. The rubberized handle prevents the blade from sliding out of the hand.
Synthetic materials are characterized by their practicality, they do not require special care, resistant to moisture and aggressive chemicals. The advantages of plastic holders include light weight and affordable cost.
steel handle

steel handles are durable and reliable, they are characterized by a long service life. Steel handle resistant to acids and salts thereof, are able to withstand temperature changes, do not crack or become loose, hygienic.
Steel with insert
Handles kitchen utensils made of steel with inserts made of wood or plastic, have an attractive appearance. Inlays facilitate weight of the product.
In addition to these materials, ceramic devices can be equipped with handles made from silicone.
Additional features and accessories
Blade with teeth
Some models have a combined shape of the blade. They smooth cutting edge combined with the serrated blade, also known as Blade - poluserreytor.
Serreytornaya sharpening chain saw is similar in appearance, but, unlike the sawing tool, the blade's teeth are arranged in one plane.
Advantages of blade with teeth:
- serreytornaya sharpening increases cutting efficiency;
- blade stays sharp longer.

Many manufacturers equip kitchen knives optional accessories designed for storage of products. Often ceramic knife devices are sold complete with a plastic cover.
Set of kitchen knives with the stand or case for storage, made of wood, cloth, plastic, steel, and combinations of materials.
Blades made of ceramics

Tools for cutting ceramic blade has many advantages:
- not oxidized;
- do not rust;
- do not absorb odors;
- possess a sharp cutting edge, efficiently perform cutting;
- weigh little;
- have an attractive appearance;
- do not require frequent sharpening;
- heat resistant;
- easy to clean;
- eco-friendly.
steel blades

Positive quality steel blades are largely dependent on the type of steel and manufacturing techniques.
The main advantage of carbon steel - low cost. The knife blade is sharpened quickly and easily, but also quickly loses sharpness.
Stainless steel kitchen tools are resistant to corrosion, is not susceptible to oxidation. By the blade advantages include long service life.
of Damascus steel blades are characterized by positive technical and performance characteristics:
- strength;
- durability;
- durability;
- originality of the pattern;
- high cutting performance.
Disadvantages of kitchen knives with ceramic blade

- inflexibility;
- fragility;
- high price;
- are not suitable for cutting and dimensional solid products;
- knife sharpening is performed only by means of special sharpeners.
Kitchen ceramic products are sensitive to mechanical stress and stress at break, when falling or impact brittle material cracks and breaks easily.
Ceramic blades are not intended for chopping movements, dense and hard foods can lead to blade deformation.
Disadvantages steel kitchen knives

- instability to corrosion;
- oxidation;
- transfer products metallic taste;
- quickly become dull.
How to choose kitchen knives?
Before buying a chef's knife in the first place pay attention to the quality of the product. The first step is to inspect the instrument blade and handle, they should not have chips, stains and cracks.
appliance blade should be smooth and uniform in texture and color. The knife should stay up comfortably in the hand, do not be too heavy.
Quality knife balanced arm weight should correspond to the weight of the blade. To check compliance with the balance, take the knife to the place where the handle is connected to the blade, the acute part of the instrument should face down.
If a kitchen knife at the same time is in a balanced state, so it is balanced. If, however, there was a preponderance of one or the other side, that the purchase of such a product should be abandoned.
Note the method of attachment of the blade: it is better to give preference to models in which the blade extends the entire length of the handle. Rivets connecting the blade of the knife with the handle of the device must fit snugly to the ground.
Molded plastic handle without rivets - not the best option.
A significant selection criterion acts as a cutting edge. It should be smooth, shiny be a solid line from the handle to the tip of the blade unit. The cutting edge should be sharp.
quality sharpening

When choosing a kitchen knife note the type of sharpening. Cutlery, kitchen appliances can have a one-sided and double-sided sharpening. One-sided grinding is characterized by two main advantages:
- increases the rigidity of the cutting edge;
- improves the wear resistance.
Indication of the quality sharpening the cutting edge are the following criteria:
- grinding angle;
- blade thickness.
Point angle - parameter depending on the hardness of steel. Cutlery cookware made of hard steel devices have a sharpening angle in the range 23-250, Y blades of a softer metal sharpening angle is 450.
important nuances

The hardness of steel is determined by laboratory and specified by the manufacturer of knife devices. The hardness of the material of construction of the cutting edge, should not be less than 45 HRC and 60 HRC.
A material with hardness up to 45 HRC at the edge sharpening is easily deformed. When the hardness exceeds 60 HRC, blunt knife quickly.
It is necessary to remember one rule: the smaller the thickness of the blade, the better it cuts. With large thickness of the blade does not cut the knife unit and splits the product. The optimum thickness of a kitchen knife is in the range 1-2 mm.
When selecting a tool it is important to pay attention to the width of the blade. The wider the blade, the greater the sharpening cycle stand unit, the service life of the blade will be more long.
The market is also presented models with laser sharpened. Despite the name, the laser is not used for sharpening the blade, and in the process of hardening of the metal.
A characteristic feature of laser sharpening protrude matte bars which are perpendicular to the cutting edge of the instrument.
The criteria for selecting a set of

When selecting a set of product quality evaluation parameters of the goods are identical.
It should be remembered that the practical blade kit should always include basic tools:
- small knife for cleaning vegetables and fruits;
- Boning knife;
- knife for cutting meat;
- knife sharpening with serratornoy;
- Universal cutter device.
What kitchen knives better

Perfect kitchen knife should have the following technical and operational characteristics:
- multifunctionality;
- strength;
- durability;
- resistance to corrosion;
- long service life;
- easily and accurately cut products;
- long were blunted during operation;
- have ergonomic handle.
If you choose a tool for the kitchen, on the basis of material production, the preference should be given forged steel.
- increased strength;
- very long service life;
- preserving sharpness of the blade for a long time.
The ideal blade device for men - chef knife stainless steel manufactured by forging. Universal length knife chef - 21 cm.
For the females, the best option would be a universal kitchen knife length from 13 to 16 cm. Such devices combine the performance characteristics of the classic knife-chef and a slicer.
How to use

To devices served for many years, while maintaining the original performance, you should stick to the main rules:
- Kitchen knives are not designed for washing in dishwasher.
- Do not use the knife for cleaning instruments made of carbon steel hot water.
- After washing, the device should be wiped dry.
- It is unacceptable to keep the kitchen cutlery in bulk with other cutlery.
- For cutting products is not necessary to use cutting boards made of glass, marble. The use of glass and stone accessories quickly becomes blunt the blade can result in deformation of the cutting edge.
- Knives are used only for the purposes for which designed.
- Do not cut with a kitchen knife frozen foods.
Manufacturers of kitchen knives

The main specialization of the company - wholesale deliveries of goods for home. Brand is the official representative of the Japanese manufacturer of knives for GLOBAL cuisine in the Russian Federation.
The range includes more than twenty series of knives for the kitchen. The range of companies represented by models of different price categories, from budget to exclusive tool devices.
Collections include kitchen accessories with blades made from stainless steel and ceramics.
In addition to individual devices for cutting meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and other products, at the Apollo company directory compiled sets of knives for the kitchen and related accessories.

One of the areas of the Finnish company Fiskars is the production of cutlery for the kitchen appliances:
- knives for tomatoes;
- bread knives;
- knives for meat;
- for cleaning;
- loins;
- small, medium and large Cook's knives.
brand products are functional, stylish design, ergonomics. Model range of kitchen utensils for cutting includes several series:

- Fiskars Solid - blade kitchen knives in this series are made of forged stainless steel made in Germany.
- Fiskars Functional Form - includes a separate kitchen knife stainless steel appliances and a versatile set consisting of 3, 5 and 7 devices.
- Fiskars Functional Form Plus - improved lot, the blades of the cutting tools are made of stainless steel with a corrosion resistant coating.
- Fiskars Edge - Japanese blades made of stainless steel and sharpened by a special technology.

The company occupies a leading position in the ranking of manufacturers of tableware and kitchen utensils. brand products are sold all over the world, offices located in 40 countries.
In the Russian market German brand Gipfel presented since 1997.
high quality ecological materials are used to manufacture products. Blades made of high-carbon steel blades processed nonstick surface, which prevents buildup on the web during the cutting.

Catalog includes:
- a series of professional kitchen appliances made of carbon steel with plastic handles,
- a series of ceramic products with plastic covers,
- sets and related accessories.
The range of the German manufacturer is represented by a plurality of individual blade units specialized focus:
- oil;
- for the cleaning;
- for bakery products;
- for meat;
- for steak.

Czech company - a division of the German diversified group. Since 2010 Nadoba opened a separate proceeding and markets products for home products under its own brand.
The brand offers consumers knives Cooking, chopping, Santoku. The company's catalog includes also universal model and kitchen knives for certain groups of products:
- for vegetables,
- bread;
- oil;
- pizza.

Russia's trade mark on the market is the cookware and accessories in China. The choice is varied, the product range includes economy class and mid-market.
Product line consists of six series, each of which represented kitchen cutlery for various purposes (grain, cutting, vegetable, universal, Cooking, knives, axes):
- PRESTO - tools with stainless steel blade, handle material - polypropylene.
- FORTE - stainless steel appliances with bakelite handle.
- MASTER knife - forged kitchen knives made of stainless steel with bakelite handle.
- RETRO knife - stainless steel cutlery with the handle of the tree Hevea species.
- RUSTICO - kitchen tools made of stainless steel with a mahogany handle.
- LUNA knife - all-metal stainless steel knives.

The company's products are well established itself among professional chefs and consumers.
This is evidenced by the recommendations of the National Guild of Chefs and a number of awards, which was awarded the German mark for the quality of the products and consumer liking.
Trading range is divided into seven collections:
- Rondell Lanze barbecue;
- Rondell Glanz Black;
- Rondell Glanz White;
- Rondell Anatomie;
- Rondell Falkata;
- Rondell Langsax.

Rulers Rondell include kitchen knives made of stainless steel and ceramics German production. Blades steel kitchen knives for two way sharpening fabricated using a unique three-step tempering technology.
Ceramic products are equipped with a plastic cover for storage.
For the manufacture of arms German manufacturer applies:
- ABS-plastic;
- ABS-plastic with rubber lining;
- combination of materials - steel and plastic.

The Company is in the Russian market, Japanese kitchen knives of high quality. The products are made using the Japanese advanced technologies with high quality materials:
- Monolayer steel;
- three-layer steel;
- Damascus steel;
- black pottery;
- white ceramics.
artificial stone, fiberglass and steel used for production of handles.
SAMURA collection includes professional kitchen knives and universal knives specialization:
- boning;
- for stakes;
- bread;
- vegetable.

Popular series of SAMURA are:
- SAMURA CERAMOTITAN - cutlery devices made from black ceramic TiN coating.
- SAMURA ECO-CERAMIC - a collection of ceramic kitchen appliances, mainly consisting of models with a knife to clean the fruit slicer.
- SAMURA HARAKIRI - kitchen utensils made of single-layer steel case with a black plastic handle.
- SAMURA DAMASCUS - knives with blades of Damascus steel with a double sharpening.
- SAMURA BAMBOO - all-steel knife devices.
- SAMURA SAKAI - cutlery, kitchen utensils from a special Japanese steel «tsuchime" and natural wood handle. Production technology of blades SAKAI series provides multi-stage grinding and fine polishing water whetstone.

The company is the global market high-quality products for home kitchen knives made in Japan.
Suncraft linear series includes:
- cooks knife collection of molybdenum and vanadium Damascus steel;
- Japanese Santoku knives;
- knives Nakeer;
- purpose of Damascus steel blades, ceramic devices complete with a plastic cover;
- tools for fine cutting;
- vegetable steel knives with wooden handle;
- boning knives.
In the lineup there are low-end models, products of medium and high price category.

The range includes products for the kitchen Kitchen Knives universal and narrow areas.
Lineup offers a range of products of Damascus and Japanese stainless steel, zirconium knives and Japanese instruments with a titanium-coated, peelers with floating blades.
Ceramic kitchen knives feature ergonomic handles made of silicone, characterized by bright colors - red, purple, in the lines there are models with handle classic black.
Collection of kitchen appliances from Damascus steel is equipped with wooden handles. As a material for the manufacture of handles models titanium coated thermoplastic used.

The company specializes in the production of items of kitchen utensils. On the home furnishings market there since 2005. The line includes single kitchen knives, cutlery sets and accessories.
The range includes:
- Knives made of stainless steel with handles of impact-resistant plastic.
- Devices made of white ceramics, equipped with bright green plastic handles and covers for storage.
- Knife sets from 4.5 and 7 pieces. With the stand made of wood and plastic. Blades devices made of stainless steel.

International trade mark foundation in 1954, the company's products are sold in more than 120 countries around the world.
Product line brings together several series of kitchen knives Chinese-made:
- Ingenio Black - tools for cutting of black pottery products are equipped with safety tips.
- Ingenio White - white ceramic accessories complete with a plastic bag for storage.
- Tefal Talent - kitchen knives made from stainless steel.

Brand offers the consumer a sufficiently wide range of knives for kitchen product line includes several series and individual instruments narrow focus.
For instruments narrow focus include:
- knives for oil;
- for tomatoes;
- bread knives;
- cheese.
Linear Series brand Tramontina:

- Century - kitchen knives in this series are characterized by a classic design. To manufacture blades manufacturer uses high-quality tempered steel.
Handles kitchen utensils made of fiberglass - glass fiber composite material.
- Carbo - is kitchen tools and knives, hatchets made of hardened steel. use of valuable tree species for the manufacture of arms.
- Century Polywood - different presentable exterior design. Blades kitchen knives made of stainless steel, the handle of fine wood.
- Tramontina Professional Master - kitchen appliances blades made of steel, held cryotreatment. production technology provides a solid and durable cutting blade.
Handles kitchen knives are made of plastic material with an antibacterial coating.

Victorinox line consists of knives for professional and consumer use.
The range includes:
- 11 models bread knife,
- 30 kinds of cutting and loins of kitchen appliances,
- 11 models of knives chef;
- 21 blade for cleaning fruits and vegetables;
- 8 kinds of knives for the steak;
- 12 types of cutlery sets.
The collection of Victorinox brand can be found kitchen knives made of steel and ceramics. For the manufacture of Swiss arms manufacturers use modern synthetic materials and natural wood.

Brand Zwilling J.A. Henckels - German company, which is present on the market since 1731. The main principles are the perfect German quality and high functionality of products, the use of innovative materials.
Knives Zwilling J.A. Henckels have been recognized worldwide, the company's products with prestigious prizes and awards has been featured multiple times.
Lineup cutlery Zwilling J.A. Henckels unites 9 series:
- Carbon Collection Show Detailpage - kitchen knives of carbon steel with wooden handles.
- Collection Show Detailpage - products for the kitchen made of Damascus steel with a handle made of synthetic materials with stainless steel rivets.

- Euroline Essential Collection Show Detailpage - kitchen cutlery from carbide steel with frosted polymer handle.
- TWIN 1731- exquisite collection of forged kitchen knife with ebony handle.
- ZWILLING Pro Show Detailpage - steel devices with high carbon content.
- FOUR STAR - universal kitchen knives made of high-carbon steel by German forging material handles - solid plastic.
- Twin Four Star II - an improved version of the line four star FOUR STAR.
- PROFESSIONAL "S" - cutlery, kitchen products for professional chefs.
- TWIN SIGNATURE - kitchen knives made of stainless steel and plastic handle with a company logo.