air conditioning in the summer creates the conditions for a comfortable life and work of man. However, the abundance of types of air conditioners is difficult to choose the appropriate option.
- Split systems
- inverter air conditioners
- Conditioners Available
- Floor air conditioners
- Window air conditioners
- Air conditioning with heating
- Mobile air conditioners
- domestic air conditioners
Split systems

Apparatus represents 2-6 separate units interconnected copper tubes. Separate the inner and outer block. Exterior (compressor unit with the condenser) is installed outside the building or apartment, and the inner (evaporator) is located in a suitable part of the room.
Depending on the number of indoor units distinguish and split multi-split system.
The latter involves not one but several internal structures operating in individual rooms of a building. Devices are popular in office buildings, apartments and country houses.
As for the split air conditioners, they have only one indoor unit, designed for one room. The power of the entire system depends on the capacity of the compressor. Therefore, the number of internal evaporators depend performance characteristics applicable to the external unit.
According to the configuration of the device is divided into: cassette, ducted, wall and floor.
Cassette sleeping system - mounted in a false ceiling, operating in cooling mode or heating with minimal noise. Because of their ceiling installation change operating modes via the remote control.
Duct system spilite construction permit conditioned several separate rooms because of wiring channels. The system consists of two units. External supplies fresh air and the inside through the air intake duct and the dealer provides air conditioning.
At the wall The internal design of mounted onto any wall, floor and in the system it is installed directly on the floor.
The degree of air conditioning and temperature characteristics, start time and end time are regulated via a remote control.
Additional features - ionization air purification and humidification.
On the positive side are:
- quiet operation - all operations performed by the external unit and the indoor units operate with minimal noise;
- the ability to connect multiple units because of this they are popular in areas where one indoor unit is insufficient for cooling;
- functional - equipped with additional options: cleaning and disinfection of air, heating and additional moisture.
It is noted some shortcomings of split systems:
- relatively high cost - it is explained as the need to mount and more power;
- upon failure of the outer block cease to operate internal nodes.
inverter air conditioners

Inverter device - a kind of HVAC equipment, wherein the possibility of adjusting the power operation of the compression engine, which improves performance.
Inverter air conditioner supports more precise operating parameters in comparison with the air conditioning running on a conventional compressor.
The principle of operation consists in a flexible operation of the compressor, which is capable in a short time to bring air temperature to preset parameters, and then maintaining it at the required level at reduced speed engine.
This means that in the process there is no need to constantly disconnect and inclusion the compressor is thus reduced power consumption, noise and increased wear resistance and the term operation.
Due to the lack of transients in the inverter power savings of up to 20 percent compared to non-inverter unit.
Disadvantages of inverter air conditioners:
- sensitivity to changes in voltage - mains voltage surges cause malfunction of electronic components;
- inability to start work at extremely low or high temperatures;
- the complexity of the repair due neunifitsirovannosti parts, so in case of damage repair more difficult.
Advantages of inverter air conditioners:
- quickly come to the set temperature and keep it. In this case, the output speed is faster than twice than that of non-inverter models;
- energy savings, which among other things reduces the load on the power supply;
- low noise level due to low revolutions of the compressor motor. This applies to operation of the outdoor units.
Pros use of inverter air conditioners are complemented by more durable operation.
Conditioners Available

The intelligent solution for people suffering from allergies, - acquisition of air conditioner with air filtration options. Such devices perform functions purification and humidification, Freeing it from allergens - pollen, bacteria, household dust and other things.
A suitable embodiment Allergy - split system with the wall of the outdoor unit and the fine filter, catching minute stimuli.
Models for allergies are divided into types depending on the type of applied filters:
- antibacterial - used for cleaning air from a pollen allergen, to inhibit further growth and reproduction of bacteria;
- plasma - has a broader spectrum of activity compared with the previous embodiment, since destroying bacteria, viruses and fungi. The filter does not require replacement - it is washed under running water and dried. This principle of action in photocatalytic and nanofilter;
- Deodorant - suitable for people that are sensitive to smells. It eliminates the smell of tobacco smoke, harsh perfumes, cosmetics, and other animals. Thus filters require replacement at regular intervals;
- Filter multistage purification - include the advantages of all filters clean the air of allergens, harmful chemical compounds and odors.
An additional plus in models for allergy sufferers - ionization function that fills the air in a room with negative ions, which makes it fresh in the forest after a rain or at high altitudes.
Floor air conditioners

Floor air conditioners are used in cases where the installation of standard models is impossible or undesirable. They are a type of cell structures that does not require installation, or a subspecies of split systems, installed on the floor.
Air conditioners are used in rented premises or in buildings of cultural value, where any design changes are undesirable.
Advantages of outdoor air conditioners:
- no installation - this is true for svezheotremontirovannyh premises;
- conditional portability for mobile models. Lack of installation involves simple installation - you need only select the appropriate location and connect the power supply.
If necessary, the air conditioner can be easily moved indoors or transported to another location.
- ease of maintenance.
Disadvantages outdoor air conditioners:
- make noise - since these units are located in the refrigerated room, the noise characteristic of the work causes some discomfort;
- occupied space of the room - this is critical for the rooms, which account for each square meter.
It is worth emphasizing again that the floor standing models are such kind that is used when it is impossible to mount the device. Therefore, disadvantages - a direct consequence of the merits.
Window air conditioners

Such conditioners - the oldest varieties of models, installed in window openings.
Initially, the device used in kitchens where they are air cooled. Gradually, with the emergence of bi-block window construction systems are losing popularity, but due to the low cost more in demand.
The device is a box-shaped housing, through the rear part of which heat is removed. Depending on the design of the window is mounted on special brackets.
The compressor motor has a cyclical type operation, involving periodic activation and deactivation.
Regulate these processes are temperature sensors located inside the housing.
The disadvantages of window air conditioners:
- noisiness - the motor is located within the housing. The new models this question is partly solved, and they are quieter than older designs;
- decline in natural light - a device occupies part of the window opening;
- blowing in the winter due to poor insulation.
Advantages of window air conditioners:
- hood - allows you to use on kitchen appliances in areas of catering;
- lifetime - due to simplicity of design, without exaggeration, they will last for 30-40 years;
- reasonable cost of purchase and installation.
Air conditioning with heating

This type of HVAC equipment in demand by consumers, and many current models can operate in hot-cold mode. However, most devices will operate at temperatures ranging from -10 to +40 degrees Celsius.
Devices with the stated heating options are used only in small frost that is overdue for regions where the temperature is below -10 degrees.
Making a choice in favor of a split system for heating, are kindly requested to specify operating temperature range, as it is this kind of equipment is particularly sensitive to frost. If the ambient temperature is below the minimum mark claimed manufacturer, air conditioners are not subject to exploitation, since losing their performance and fail.
Some advanced models can work at 30 degrees below zero and smoothly to provide space heating.
These devices are equipped with a "winter road" and the inverter to maintain continuity engine, as in this case there is no need for constant switching on and off compressor.
According to the principle of a fan heater and window air conditioner works, but because of the simplicity it devices rather performs the function of the heater with the regime of airflow, which extreme temperatures contraindicated.
Among the disadvantages of heating patterns should be noted the high cost compared with conventional devices that operate only in the cooling mode and a limited operating temperature range.
And the obvious advantage lies in the title - this is the work in several modes selectable according to the time of the year. In addition, when choosing a split system with heating function is added to the advantages of quiet operation and durability.
In conclusion, it should be noted that with the need to warm the room to cope and mobile air conditioners. In this case, operation principle of operation essentially corresponds to the room heater, since room temperature seldom falls to minus values.
Mobile air conditioners

Design of mobile air conditioners are different - they are monoblock or bi-block.
Monoblock construction involves only one block, which is installed in a desired location. Regarding diblock devices, they represent the inner and outer blocks interconnected a flexible pipe and the outer part is driven out of the room and does not require additional installation.
The main advantages of the model - mobility, since they can be easily moved from one room to another or transported. Air conditioners are equipped with remote controls and timers, delay start and finish work.
From the standpoint of the availability of additional mobile options model does not yield a full static structures. They have ionizers embedded purification and regulation of humidity filters, etc.
In addition, the diblock mobile air conditioners are characterized by low noise level compared with monoblock models.
Disadvantages of mobile air conditioners:
- low power - perfect for cooling small areas of the premises;
- Condensate accumulation - is a conditional minus as it is because no drainage tube due to moisture condensable Fitting mobility. Therefore, the need to periodically drain accumulated in a special wicking capacity;
- relative noisiness work-piece designs because finding the compressor motor within the housing to be installed indoors.
In either case, ease of movement of such systems - the main advantage.
domestic air conditioners

All types of air conditioners, depending on the purpose of use are divided into industrial and domestic (household). Unlike household appliances industry - a relatively low power.
When choosing a HVAC unit for the house is necessary to determine the functions that he will have to perform. Current home system can cool and heat the room, humidify, dehumidify, ionize and purify the air, ventilate the room and maintain the desired temperature therein.
Choosing a home air conditioner, it is necessary to consider the most popular options, among which in the first place are split systems.
The equipment is capable of providing cooling and air circulation over a large area with the ability to connect multiple internal conditioning units.
Another significant advantage - a wide choice of options. Furthermore, there are various modifications of indoor units, which allows them to be mounted on a wall, floor or ceiling.
Less popular but relevant - mobile devices. They can be easily moved from one place to another, they can be used where this was necessary. When this work is limited to a small range of the compressor due to low power.
Losing a popular option - window models. Most often, they are mounted on the window frame and consist of a single block.
To summarize, it is important to note that even the best air conditioning did not justify the expectations of the user when it is the wrong choice. Therefore, as a priority, it is necessary to pay attention to power.
Should proceed on the basis that each 10 square meters of a standard ceiling heights 2,75m corresponds to 1 kW power conditioner.
Only if such a calculation efficient operation of these systems will be guaranteed provided.