With age, physical activity increases the crumbs, and sit in a wheelchair becomes uninteresting. Security is threatened, because moving the baby and tries to slip.
The task of parents at this stage of child development - to create a safe environment for learning about the world. Foot pipsqueak is not yet able to go far, and in the carriage he was already uncomfortable. Help comes tricycle with footrests.
- Design
- Pros and cons of bicycle with footrests
- How to choose a bike with footrests
- Exploitation

At the initial stage of a tricycle with footrests is a vehicle, which controls an adult and a child is a passive passenger. To him it was convenient, provided footrests, because pipsqueak still can not pedaling alone.
execution of additional parts of different embodiments. This can be a pedal or second trays. Form the second pedal is inconvenient for small children. The feet may come off and hit the key pedals.
Safe is considered a form of pallets. It is better if they are with borders. The wider the trays, the more comfortable the child. You need to feet, leaning on pallets, are relaxed.
Tricycles must be chosen in accordance with the age of the child.
Categories by age:
- 1-2 years. Tricycle with footrests. Must have: a high back and seat belts themselves footrest, handle with height adjustment, tilt, trunk. Accessories: basket, container or box for toys.
The sturdy frame guarantees durability acquisition. Wide tires made of rubber or plastic, provide stability and safety.
- 2-4 years. Traditional tricycle. Footrest in such models are not provided.
- Combined model. This three-transformers. Over time you remove become unnecessary parts, including supports for the legs. Thus, the model with foot turns into a classic tricycle.
Pros and cons of bicycle with footrests

Advantages bicycle with footrests:
- It allows the child to be active, to develop physically, and at the same time, the baby can always rest your feet on a special stand and remain passive passenger.
- It trains the vestibular system and develops the ability to navigate in space.
- The range of vision is very different from that receives the child sitting in a wheelchair. The kid knows the world in its entirety.
Disadvantages bicycle with footrests:
- If the road on which you walk with your child - are uneven, the mounting supports for the legs become loose and may fall.
- Batteries in the game panel not last long.
- The noise of the wheels when driving on rough roads irritate parents and distract children.
- Replace the parts in the event of a breakdown is impossible, because they do not find suitable replacement parts.
- Plastic parts during operation become loose and rattle.
- The presence of the handle does not guarantee that the control provided for adults. To be operated with the handle, a children's transport to be rear-wheel drive.
- Before buying, check Do not leads in the direction of the machine.
Bring a child. Put on a bicycle to the shopping center. Many of the flaws show up.
How to choose a bike with footrests

Son and daughter sitting on the bike, turn back to the parent. This increases the risk of loss or injury. Therefore, carefully examine before purchasing security model.
- Seat belts. 5-point harness securely hold the passengers. The material from which the belts must be hypoallergenic and easily cleaned. Check in-store fixtures strength.
- Stability. For the stability of the first transport wheel meet. They can be plastic, metal or rubber. Rubber is more practical, as it provides cushioning. Noise created by riding minimal, and ride this bike more comfortable.
Plastic wheels are erased. Inflatable wheels suitable for older, as they allow to develop a high speed.
- Seat with backrest. The recorded spin less prone to deformation. Ergonomic seat.
- Lock the steering wheel. The scion is eager to drive a vehicle from the moment I saw it. However, managing trust him yet. In this situation, rescue the steering lock. As a result of this function, the unit goes just right.
- Soft rim. Most children a year are held in the "saddle" not confident. The presence of soft rim would make possible strikes imperceptible crumb. The item is removed when it is no longer necessary.
- Lock pedals. Pedal, if necessary, their use is not worth lock to prevent attacks on the legs. It must be done so that the feet do not slip off while driving. At the lowest point of the child's pedal leg almost straight. Straps for the feet need when teaching independent driving.
- Brake. The parking brake is reliable help. The principle of operation is similar to the brake carriage.
- Steering limiter. The steering wheel is free to rotate in all directions, creating a risk to injure the child. Therefore, the stopper is provided. It allows you to turn the steering wheel only in a limited amplitude.
- Parent handle. Up to two years, the main driver is a parent. Child – passive passenger. Handle firmly attached to the body and is adjustable in height. The height should be comfortable for the parent.
After the baby to master the skills of self drive, remove the handle. Do not use the handle at the races on the borders, she break off. Better pick up the device and move beyond the curb. Most strong handles - metal.
It is more convenient to roll the bike, holding the handle with both hands. Experiment with it at the store. One hand can not always cope with the management. In this situation, rescues wide handle.
Removable handles allow you to use the device for a long time, but in hospitalized less risk of break off.
- "Trousers". Sewn "trousers" of dense matter to prevent tipping of the child from the vehicle. This accessory is reminiscent of the lower part of the walker, but combined with a seat. The fabric is dense, but flexible.
- Roof. In the scorching heat or a rainy day to protect against overheating and moisture. Practical - awnings with a window to my mother could see what does her baby. Checking required attachments, as some of the roof blows off a breeze.
- Height adjustable pedals. First you need to reach to the foot supports. Then, remove the stand and begin to use the pedals.
Try the force with which the child will have to pedal, whether it is commensurate with his physical abilities.
- Ability folded transport device. Not all models have this property. When folded, the unit must be placed in the car trunk.
- The game panel. There are a variety of sets on the panel for fun games. Musical and development activities do not give strolls bored.
- Klaxon. Instill the mandatory rules of the road. Baby, using a horn, warning pedestrians of their approach. Listen to the sound of the call - signal is too loud to scare the kid.
- Recliner. Sleep in a bicycle is not recommended, but the backrest reclines for comfort at a small angle. Tricycles do not recommend to buy children under one and a half years. When the kid stopped to sleep for a walk, it's time to change to a tricycle with footrests.
- Capacity for toys. This may be a body, a box or basket. Conveniently, when there are several: to carry things mom and baby things separately.
- Holder for water bottles. When thirsty, my child cope with the problem itself. Gradually accustom the child to self-sufficiency.
- Exercise bike. The pedals are locked, the vehicle put on the brakes, on a special stand, and turns into an exercise bike. Not all children are interested in such a variation, but a contingent of this group is the goods.
Standing in front of a choice, give aware of the fact that you do not need all the functions at once. Stay most liked kid models. Save on buying a bike is also possible - do not overpay for the extra function. Compliance with the price and quality - a fundamental criterion when making a major purchase.

- Checking fixtures. They should be securely fastened parts together.
- Washed and cleaned of adhering dirt. After each outing remove contamination appeared. Do not wait for the right moment, it should be done immediately after the return from the street. Encourage your kids to order from a very early age. Crumbs like to follow the "tinny knight."
- slush. The vehicle is in need of care. As required to lubricate parts and mounting machine oil.
- Proven brands provide warranty service. In the event of a breakdown, contact by phone or address specified in the documents. Assistance is provided on a mandatory basis, regardless of the degree of damage.
- No chipping. Carefully inspect all the parts before you buy and inspect periodically during use. All faces shall be smooth - no chipping and spalling. Otherwise the baby might accidentally catch hold of the tip and cause personal injury.
- Check for quality certificate. Sales must immediately provide all the documentation on the proposed product.
For biking need special clothing. It should be well-fitting body. Avoid long dresses and flared sleeves. Give preference to natural materials.
Before you buy be sure to check reviews of parents about the models. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of matching the price range of devices.
The manufacturer may be domestic or foreign. Local options are cheaper, although in practice it is no worse than imports. First of all check that the price of quality. Vendors in malls will immediately come to the rescue. Hold for you a tour and a comparative analysis of the samples.
The main thing that came out of the store, two satisfied person - children and adults. purchase joy will last 2-3 years, if you make a deliberate choice. And if you decide to make a baby, and the company will get a bike for yourself the pleasure is double.