Horse Children's bicycles develops in a small love for the sport, it becomes active in the physical and intellectual development. Not necessarily to buy expensive baby vehicle on the market a lot of designs available, equipped with convenient functionality.
- Device
- Pros and cons of budget tricycles
- Exploitation
- Precautionary measures
- How to choose a budget tricycle

Distinguish two-wheeled and three-wheeled model of economy class, designed for children. The operating principle of the adult and children's bicycles is virtually the same, there is a difference in design features.
Design (from one to two years) consists of:
- Seats in the form of a stoolUsed for hedging against slipping and falling on the baby's back. For the smallest provided removable seat-limiter. The same function is performed by seat belts.
- Belay safety rim, further protect against falling. Soft tips to secure against accidental collision. Headband fixed or hinged.
- demountable rimRequired for landing the kid on the bike. He revealed to the sides and front snaps. If necessary, it can be easily dismantled.
- Footrest - pallets or pedals. First promote the safe, proper and convenient location, the child's feet, preventing them from slipping. functioning Less - grazing pedals pallets.
The stops in the form of pedals, let go, pushing his feet, and can be removed for independent driving.
- Handle for parents is used to control the vehicle, most often it has an adjustable height.
- Removable roof awning It creates a shadow, protecting the structure from sunlight or light rain.
- The trunk is used as a container of toys. There are different forms of it: a container with a lid, basket, built in the glove compartment, even the body of the truck, which overturned with a lever.
- Frame It may be a plastic or metal, single or double, which makes the structure more solid and rigid.
Classic three-wheeled bicycle (from two to four years) consists of:
- Average seat or bike saddle that is adjustable in height.
- Additional call and handbrake located on the rear wheels.
- Sliding frame to increase the size of the bike, depending on the child's growth.
- Steering, height adjustable necessarily.
- Limiter - special inserts on the steering wheel, which will reduce pain in the case of impact in the stomach.
- Not too small, easily rotate the pedals.
Even an inexpensive bike an entertaining feature, so the game is equipped with a music panel with light effects and bright decorations. With these little accessories can listen to music, to study developmental panel.
Thus, children will not only play, but also to obtain additional knowledge from different areas. The more of these elements, the more fun.
Many models have extra low railings. This is to ensure that the baby could he ride favorite doll or teddy bear.
Some are transformed into a rocking chair.
Wheels necessarily wide (about 12 inches) with rubber tires that ride was smooth, soft, noiseless. This is an important indicator of quality, pay attention to which you want even if you select the model of economy class.
Pros and cons of budget tricycles

Velokolyaska is designed for children from one year to two years.
1) vivid design with a variety of light elements, the musical panel that develops the child;
2) is transformed into the carriage, if necessary;
3) are equipped with additional functionality for safety: foot rests, handle for parents.
Cons: inability to be active and a small capacity, technical limitations, a lot of details that distract from the driving process.
Classic tricycle designed for children two to four years.
Its advantages are:
1) wide wheels, rudder limiter;
2) sliding frame, which allows the use of a bicycle at different ages;
3) is equipped with additional accessories: up and hand brake;
4) The height adjustable steering wheel;
5) functional simplicity;
6) easy and smooth ride.
Cons: the impossibility of complete control over the parents drive the process, less bright accessories.
Bicycles, which combine the functions of the previous two types.
Provide long-term use. The peculiarity is that the foot rests, limiters, safety rim is removed and used to transport the baby self drive. If you want to save, just buy this option.

- Do not try to teach the young to ride on it. Roll the baby yourself, using a special pen.
- Before you put the kid on the bike, explain on what basis it works. Only after he realized it in words, start learning his action.
- Engage the ride home. The best time for this - the morning. For the first lesson, you will need a place with a sufficient level of safety, away from cars, better protections (stadium).
- Keep the baby back until he learns. Learn how to ride, do not pick up speed once, watch for so that the ride was smooth and easy. This will help low-cost model, riding on such a bicycle safely.
- Be aware of additional accessories that will help you avoid injury to the babyLimiter, steering, call. If you purchased a model of economy class, and such functions it does not, please be special protective shields on the elbows and knees, protective helmet.
- Keep the pedal to easily and smoothly scrolled, Properly working brakes. If you notice damage, be sure to check the bike again before you put it on the baby. Constructions economy class guarantee smooth and easy riding without sudden gain speed.
- When the kid get up and running, do not cease to follow him. You should always be close at the dog or the appearance of the machine.
Frequent faults and their solutions
- In case of breakage of a cable management should be replaced by a new piece. Before you buy make measurements and take it with you to the store.
- Damage to the rotary knob to control is achieved by replacing a spare part. Quite often breakage in an inexpensive bicycle. Avoid such problems, you can gently using the workpiece.
- If you mount the control knob broke off, fix it using fastening for pipes or bolts.
- If you have a broken front wheel mount to the pivot axis, you'll need a drill, screws and a metal plate.
- If sinks down button that includes music, spin the design, cut a little plastic on the edges, then it will be as good as new.
Most faults can be repaired at home alone and save on children's bicycle maintenance. But if there is a serious failure and you do not know how to cope with it, it is better to consult a specialist company. small health is much more important.
Precautionary measures

- Pick up the vehicle corresponds to the age a little, his skills and abilities. If the baby has already learned to pedal, do not hamper his movements, let him try a ride on a classic bike.
If the child is not yet ready for independent driving, do not neglect the construction of additional accessories: footrests, a safety rim, seat belts, the parent handle.
- Three-wheeled bicycle necessarily correspond to the growth of the child. If sitting in the saddle, baby foot touches the ground, then - this is the right choice. Self-drive on the classic bicycle it is necessary that the baby can reach the foot pedals, lowered down.
- Required condition spinning the pedals easily, and the child is making the least effort for scrolling.
- The design necessarily stable to test plant a baby in the seat and see if the bike does not waver, does not give whether it aside while driving.
- On the vehicle are not permitted dents, scratches, chips, because they can easily get hurt. Pay special attention to this, if you buy b / a bicycle.
- If the battery is provided in the kit, see if it is in place.
- When driving do not type too much speed, run smoothly and is easy to transport. If a kid goes itself, be sure to keep him back, take care that he rode to a safe area.
How to choose a budget tricycle

- Learn the main design features of the type of bicycle that you need.
- Do not rush to the appearance of design, look at the functionality, ask for a passport for you are interested in children's vehicle. Make sure the price matches the quality of the design.
- Look at the height of the bicycle wheel, The norm is, if it is slightly above the child's growth. If the leg is straight and freely reaches to the pedal in the lower position, and the back is not bent, it is a suitable option. See if the construction height is adjustable. The distance from the steering portion to the near edge of the seat is equal to the length from the elbow to the fingertips of the child.
- Pay attention to the weight of the structure, the older a little, the harder and transport (5-12 kg).
Do not take too small bicycle or for growth, such a choice will block the child's desire to ride.
- To determine which wheel diameter is required, divide the child's growth by 2.5, and then another 2.54. If the growth of the baby 125 cm.: 125: 2, 5: 2.54 = 19. Consequently, stop on a bicycle with the wheels 20 inches. This was not worth saving.
- Normal frame has a standing supply of at least 10 cm. A good material for it - aluminum. For girls, choose a model with a lowered frame.
- Children's bicycles must be equipped with an excellent foot brakeThat allows you to stop turning the pedals in the opposite direction. Handbrakes are not recommended, since a small weak hands, so tighten them with the necessary force will not work.
- Do I need a trunk up to you, because the baby will hardly carry loads. Remember that it will increase the weight of the structure.
- Better to choose a model from the proven, low-cost companies.
- Try to put a little on the bike, ask how his feelings, whether it is convenient. Ask rotate the pedals and see how the design works.