Safes: characteristics, types, how to choose, manufacturers


Safe from English safe - safe, durable metal cabinet for storing valuables.

As the safety criteria are taken into account protection against criminal assault, ie burglary and other factors that could cause harm to the content - fire, shock effects, the impact of water and so on.

By appointment, the degree of reliability, refractory, manufacturing technology and other criteria safes are classified by a number of properties. Requirements vary depending on the certification.

standardization system is different in different countries:

  • Euro CEN 1143 (EU)
  • VDMA 24992 (Germany)
  • APSAIRD (Switzerland)
  • L. (USA)

In this article being based on the European kreterii definition of burglary and fire resistance. Russian standards meet European.


  • Features safes
  • kinds of safes
  • The layout of the internal volume
  • Locks
  • How to choose a safe
  • manufacturers of safes

Features safes


First of all safes are divided into burglary and fire-retardant and combine both qualities. Fire protection is provided by application of refractory and insulating materials, which are laid into the space between the walls.

Common material that provides protection against fire - fire-resistant concrete. The lightweight cellular concrete type most often used as a refractory material, as it has its good insulation properties.

For small models, where the concrete application is impossible because of the small dimensions of the product, is used for thermal insulation ceramic fiber.

The division into classes of fire resistance - protection paper media, including banknotes from the effects of fire:

  • 30B - for 30 minutes;
  • 60B - for 60 minutes;
  • 90B - for 1.5 hours;
  • 120B - for 2 hours.

In the present context it is meant a temperature rise inside the protected up to 170 degrees at an external temperature of 1100 degrees. Charring of paper, depending on the type, it begins at temperatures ranging from 150 to 250 degrees.


The temperature of 170 degrees can withstand most types of paper, but the quality at the same time can greatly be reduced, which will make it impossible to continue the use of the document. It should take this into consideration when choosing a fire resistance class.

If the letter "D" is specified in the designation, then such equipment ensures protection of magnetic media in the form of tapes and disks, film and photographic film, and the internal temperature should not exceed the aforesaid period of time through 70 degrees.

The same, if you specify "DIS" - protected floppy disks.

Increasing the temperature within the above 50 degrees is unacceptable.

Storage of this type is also called DATA safe. A distinctive feature - the presence in an additional box which is sealed and provides added protection of data carriers.

Labeling information about the class of fire resistance is placed on the inside of the door and in the passport equipment.

The weakest link in a fire is the door, as in the place of a door closing the housing, and in the castle there is a gap.

To solve this problem the manufacturers apply - special thermally.

This is a complex profile of the porch door with multiple transitions, or door gaskets that foaming at higher temperatures, preventing the penetration of heat through the inner door clearances space.

European fire certification is different from the Russian standards more demanding.

Thus, the certification conditions APSAIRD (Switzerland) and VDMA (Germany) when testing simulated the following factors:

  • Self-heating, imitating a fire.
  • Shock, simulating the collapse of the building.
  • Quenching in contact with an aqueous stream in fire fighting.

According to Russian standards listed tests are carried out only for the classes:

  • 90 B,
  • 120 B,
  • 90 D,
  • 120 D
  • 90 DIS,
  • 120 DIS.

In this case, the heated sample discharge takes place from a height of 6 meters on gravel.

burglary protection


Next reliability criterion, the protection is placed inside the values ​​of a criminal assault by third parties.

A versatile and popular standard regulating resistance to cracking - European Euro CEN 1143 standard. Close to his Swiss APSAIRD.

The essence of the test of this parameter is to try to break through a variety of tools and equipment.

For tests using manual and electric tools for sawing, drilling and cutting metal.

It can be:

  • Hand tools (crowbar, pliers, sledge hammers, saws, files, etc.)
  • Power tools: drill, including drums, circular saws, drills, electric jack hammers, etc.
  • Tools with thermal action, equipment for gas welding and arc cutting of metal.
  • Other non-standard tools.

Apart from the above use auxiliary tools, equipment and material - jacks, endoscopes, clamps, acid and alkali. explosives testing standards provided and is performed only on request.

This misleading list of tools is enough to understand - equipment deposit box passes tough test, and its opening is complicated and takes a long time.


That time the main indicator of stability. According to a special formula, taking into account the time of breaking and parameters used tool, each subject sample receives a number of proof of units - the basis for assigning a particular class.

Calculation of proof difficult to understand the procedure. Each instrument by which an autopsy is performed, are assigned coefficients which depend on two factors - the effectiveness of tool used and the complexity of its delivery to the site of application and the preparation for work.

Tools in this case conventionally divided into five categories - A, B - hand tools, C, D - Power and the last category S, which includes tools thermal effects - gas and plasma cutters and etc.

Real-time hacking is different from the ideal, when tested at times. The reason for this lies in the fact that the certification tests conducted in the laboratory, based on a preliminary study of the developer drawings.

In addition to the tests accounted for the net time, without rest breaks and planning. In the wild attacker limited in time, the choice of means for breaking and the noise factor for the criminal acts.

In addition to testing of the safe at the opening to gain access to content, conducted test attachment to the floor or wall.

These checks take place by means of special devices that tear sample is fixed, at the same time measuring the force of separation, the test result - an indicator of sustainability.

To protect against thermal tools - oxygen, acetylene torches, manufacturers have resorted to a number of tricks that vastly complicates the task of criminals.

Thus, in the filling between the walls of the added aluminum, graphite, or other additives, which give when cutting a significant the amount of spatter and smoke, making it impossible for an attacker without additional means of protection from the effects of these factors.

To protect against drilling, cutting of walls and doors with the help of circular saw blades, the inner filler is added to aluminum oxide, which is 9 has a hardness of 10 units, which in interaction with carbide or even diamond drills and abrasive wheels come into disrepair.


By design, resistance to cracking are the following classes:

  • H0, 0 - the lower classes of proof, such storage is not even referred to safes and metal cabinets.
  • I-II - for offices and homes. For the purposes of storage of household savings or instruments of protection class enough. To open a store quickly and silently almost impossible.
  • Lockers class III-IV are intended for small offices and banks for storing narcotic medications (thermostatic).
  • IV-VI class. With the fourth class, the door is equipped with at least two locks - a code and a key or two key. Such equipment is used in banks, as it guarantees a high level of safety of the content.
  • VII class. This is the highest level of protection devices - not commercially produced and made to order. It used in large offices of commercial and state banks, depositories of foreign exchange reserves, etc. In addition to the exceptional the level of proof, in such stores even have additional protection in the form of alarms and the ability to accommodate employees protection.

kinds of safes


Depending on the functional purpose, type of accommodation and means of attachment, distinguish the following types:

  • furniture;
  • office (archival, accounting);
  • embedded;
  • weapons;
  • bank (cash);
  • smart;
  • deposit;
  • safe deposit boxes;
  • cash box (portable, automotive);
  • with thermostat;
  • exclusive;
  • cache.

furniture - Low burglary protection, no protection from fire exposure. In addition, it weighs a little bit, so attached or built-in furniture. Is suitable for the storage of low-value documents, or small amounts of cash.

But the point in the installation of such a model at home there. After all, criminals, wormed their way into the apartment, limited time and a small set of tools for hacking.

Therefore, even when faced with low protection value, the robbers can not overcome this barrier. Such devices with electronic combination lock used in hotels.


Office (Archive, book) - is used to protect documents, or tangible assets. Office model, equipped with electronic combination locks, allow you to set the access range of people to content and change as necessary access code. With the keys is problematic and requires additional costs. Protection Class - not higher I-II.


Embeddable - addition type door burglar and fire resistance of such a device is determined visually (study material and wall thickness, which is mounted in a safe). The advantage - simplicity masking in a home or office environment.


gun - law requires gun owners to restrict access to it by unauthorized persons. The data storage medium characterized by protection class klyuchnym lock is mounted to the floor or wall.

If the model is designed for the storage of long-barreled weapons, then it should correspond to a safe size. Ammunition is stored in a single cell (treyzer), with klyuchnym lock.


Bank (Cash) - is designed to keep money in a bank. Class of proof is not lower than the third, but usually in the bank branches used the V class.


smart safe - performs operations with banknotes - verifies the authenticity of banknotes, and sorts recalculates at par. Such banking equipment provided with means for identifying personnel. For example, plastic magnetic cards, allowing you to control the level of access for different staff categories.


deposit - a distinctive feature of the device - a special mechanism (gateway) that receives money store without unlocking, ie storage with simplified access procedure to load and extract values.


Safe deposit boxes - special equipment for the bank with cells of different sizes, each with a separate lock. The opening of the cell can only be two keys at once - one key is stored in the bank, the second at the client.

Class of proof of such cells is not high, but the protection of safe deposit boxes is carried out by other means - the premises of such cells in the vault with an alarm system and physical security.


cash box (Portable, automotive) - protective properties of safe low, as it has light weight, which allows a criminal to steal the whole thing. Automotive cash box is attached to the body of the car, but it is also the problem of theft does not solve, since it is possible to steal it, along with the car.

In addition, such products can be equipped with beacons or devices, resulting in the contents unusable when trying to unauthorized access.

Used for collection and, in this case, have a high level of proof and a large weight and compact models set for expensive and prestigious cars.


Safe with thermostat - kind of equipment combining burglary protection and observe the temperature inside. The devices find use in medicine for storing narcotic medications or grafts. Otherwise referred to as safes refrigerators.


exclusive - it is not just durable cabinets deposit box, and a luxury item. These models are made to order or in small series.

In addition to match the characteristics of strength, in their manufacture the latest innovations, and finishing using expensive, luxury materials - mahogany, gilt, velvet interior linings and others.

Constitute a separate segment exclusive weapon models that are made with bulletproof glass door. Manufacturing companies sometimes offer a lifetime warranty on exclusive products.


Cache - in this case the burglar of these devices is not above zero, but a disguise for home decoration protects the contents. A common variant cache - a container mounted in a wall outlet and disguised.

The layout of the internal volume


Important parameters are:

  • size,
  • the internal volume,
  • ability to optimize interior space.

Depending on the destination number and the height of the shelves will vary. If this office model, the height of the shelves should be sufficient to put the folder with the documents, archives, etc. Treyzer important to have, to hold money or other valuables.

For gun safe is important to match the internal dimensions of the size of weapons, in addition, they provide lockable compartment for ammunition.

Small models to store guns, sometimes equipped with lodgment under the arms. This prevents scratches, the same applies to high and narrow vaults rifles and shotguns. Lodgements are indispensable for safe use with armored glass, because such stores weapons in sight.

If storage is not provided for one unit of weapons, and several trunks, you will need a suitable broader model, with appropriate dimensions and fixing weapons in an upright position.

In the smallest vaults used as a home or as hiding places, shelves are usually not provided, as well as in outdoor models, access to which is happening at the top.

The products of medium and large volume required regiments. Manufacturers provide for transposition of shelves to the consumer rearranged the interior space to suit individual needs.

Useful addition internal illumination. It is used standalone power source and operates independently of the mains.



A key part of safe, responsible for the preservation of values ​​and to prevent unauthorized access to this castle.

castles species is not much, but the difference between them in principle.

  • Key.
  • Mechanical code.
  • Electronic code.
  • Biometric.



Key (lever) Castle - common type. The locking device is used, either alone or in combination with any type of combination locks.

High-security locks equipped with two key locks. This is justified in the case where access to content is only in the presence of two persons. Then each of them keeps its own key. Example - Deposit in the bank cell.

Elements that determine the degree of protection against opening the locking device - levers. This metal plate with slits and slots. By turning the key, he lifts the levers at each altitude, determines the shape of the key, providing a combination of slots in the levers and the free movement of the bolt.

The disadvantages include:

  • large key size thereof - considerable size of the keyhole,
  • Availability of such a mechanism to force the opening of the opening or master keys.

To protect against the latter factor use different tricks - a false grooves, locking levers, master keys recognition system.

Reprogram a castle under a different key is only possible by replacing levers or rearrange. There are mechanisms with automatic reprogramming that read the profile of the key and further open only to them.

For additional protection, apply and electronic chips that are on the way. Does not recognize the chip or its authenticity, the locking device is locked. This system protects against key duplication by casts.

Coded mechanical (Limb)


In the view of most safes are associated with limb lock. This mechanism is a rotary knob with a scale (limb) from 0 to 99. When it rotates, driven by wheels with slots.

With the proper set of combinations of three slot numbers are in one position and unlock the locking device. The principle of operation of such a mechanism is simple and, in spite of the opening of the network walking algorithms, to overcome extremely difficult to protect.

A common algorithm for opening - with a stethoscope. It is believed that during the occupation of discs you want to position a click and it is really so.

However, all modern design limb locks fitted with a device which produces false clicks, so the selection of code combinations by using the stethoscope becomes impossible.

To touch the code is meaningless, since the number of combinations is in the millions, and a set of one combination takes at least a minute or two - on a sorting take years. In addition, when unlocking is important to precise positioning of the handle next to the desired value. The reliability of the device is determined by the code of the owner the ability to keep the code secret.

Among the shortcomings of the code mechanism - the inability to change the code on most models, and in those products where this is available, it is a complicated procedure. There is also a disadvantage is the long open time, but on the other hand, the safe is usually not designed for frequent opening and closing.

Reliability limb mechanism is high because of its structure.

On the model of limb lock manufacturers offer 5-year warranty. In fact, the term service mechanism is not limited. Such devices, in contrast to the electronic code, can be operated in unheated rooms.

coded electronic


The advantage of code-electronic devices simple code change. Electronic mechanism is protected by a combination of selection, after several unsuccessful attempts, the lock is locked.

Since such locking devices are equipped with batteries, it is necessary to ensure that they do not run out. Use electronic locks can be used only indoors, they are sensitive to moisture and low temperatures.

Serious lack of code electronic lock emergency opening system. It means opening the door using the emergency key and nullifies all the degree of protection if an attacker knows in advance which model it will be opened.



biometric lock - a kind of electronic, but instead of four or six-digit numeric code is used to open a combination fingerprint. The rest of this device has all the advantages and disadvantages that the code e.

There are methods of recognition of the iris and face, but widespread, they have not received, including due to the high cost.

The principle of operation and protection from hacking


Only small and cheap safe with internal hinges deadbolts lock function as direct door lock. Number cylindrical crossbars is from three to five. The class of such products does not exceed the first protection. The major models used Multilateral lock. This device is called the "crab" or diverter.

Principle of operation - by turning the special knob on the front door beams made of durable metal nominated in all directions and securely lock the door on all sides.

With this method of locking the door, the door hinge sawing located outside will not bring any positive result for the offender. A locking device locks the knob without allowing it to rotate for movement crossbars. If the safe is small, the versatile lock activated and turning the key.

In such a structure weak spot - the castle as knock the door, which is secured in the opening by means of 6-10 or even more thick cylindrical collar beams of high strength steel, the problem is extremely consuming. Simply cut out or drill out the front door and the wall to gain access to the locking devices.

To protect against such actions by hackers, manufacturers also protect the place of the castle location.

Protection is welded, with the inner side of the metal door facade sheet, additional metal plates made of sintered carbide.

The plates are:

  • hardened manganese steel;
  • nickel-manganese alloy;
  • of nickel.

These plates make useless the use of drills. Drills is made of high strength steel or carbide metal destroy nozzles, but require more time and produce a lot of noise.

How to choose a safe


Before purchasing the safe you need to understand for what purpose it is acquired. If in the case of bank situation easier, as the requirements for the class, and burglary requirements fire set out in the law and in the internal regulations of the bank, from the office models and safes House complex.

each company or individual family requirements and offer a universal piece of advice for everyone is difficult.

There is only one universal advice - safe value should be one-third the cost of its contents.



Before we delve into the essence of the criteria of proof, it is necessary to answer simple questions - what is the amount of storage needed, there will be stored? Important, in fact not even sheer volume and size.

For a home model, which stores cash and jewelry will suffice minimum size. For office - the main demand of the internal volume, optimized for storing document folders and treyzer, which is locked to a single key.

Appointment treyzer twofold: it provides extra protection for valuables and hides the contents from prying eyes when the door is opened in the presence of unauthorized persons.

No less important property for office model - fire.

Gun model dimensions must correspond to the type of weapons stored there, and have a separate compartment for the storage of ammunition. Cartridge compartment must be equipped with a locking mechanism klyuchnym. In addition, weapons storage facilities requires minimal interior accessories, which allows to fix the weapon steady.

Embedded models is important, first of all, the depth, because it determines whether or not to install it in the home possible. After all, after mounting the wall thickness of the rear wall must be an amount providing a degree of protection is not less than the door side.

What class of protection against thieves


Housing sufficient model Class I, II, maximum storage really large amounts. Let not confuse a low degree of protection. Safe, with real, not declared by the manufacturer of first-class open burglary difficult. Therefore, the protection of family values, product class I-II will provide completely.

For 0 0H and classes for opening enough and crowbar, if the thief skills, physical fitness and quality tools. But if the home is further equipped with an alarm, such storage is quite cope with the task before the arrival of protection.

For home devices is important to the quality of attachment to the floor or the wall, because the small dimensions, it is easier to detach and carry away.

Ideal - mounting in the concrete wall. In addition to the inability to pull it out of the wall, it also greatly complicates the task of breaking the door, especially if recessed into the wall safe.

For office burglary model required class is not lower than the second, as the thieves getting into such facilities, according to equip the obstacles that stand in front of them. Therefore, in contrast to domestic thieves likely use of the tool by hackers.

Some overall and heavy models are equipped with wheels for transportation investment. If the safe is not secured to the floor or wall, wheels must have a lock device that is accessible only from the inside is possible.

manufacturers of safes



The German company AIKO has been working for a quarter century. AIKO company's portfolio of products in boxes of different purposes, including fire and burglary, weapons, furniture, built-in.

Low cost of the equipment determines the popularity of AIKO. Dear burglary models in the line are missing. The main emphasis on the AIKO makes products for home and office.

Production facilities are located in Germany, Thailand and Russia. Declared by the manufacturer product warranty of 5 years.



Russian company BioInjector on the market since 1991. Manufactures safes for various purposes, deposit modules, other banking equipment, gun cabinets. Lineup of the company provided, including products with an original design, where in the decoration expensive luxury materials are used.

The maximum level of protection of safes companies BioInjector - fifth grade burglary. In addition, the weapon models, the minimum inner casing, allowing to fix the weapon steady.

Devices are equipped with code locks US locks LA GARD and locks with keys production MAUER (Germany). The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the equipment for 5 years.



Italian brand Juwel It has a century-long history. The company is focused on the market of home and office products. On safes Juwel are mechanical combination locks Serces (Italy). locks quality is highly commendable.

In addition to mechanical, Juwel warehouse equipped with electronic combination locks. Despite the quality of the equipment, warranty from the manufacturer is 1 year.



Russian manufacturer - the company CIRCUIT produces metal cabinets and safes up to third class Burglar inclusive.

Fire protection products company - 60B, ie the ability to protect magnetic media for two hours. Models equipped with locks manufactured in the USA, Germany and Russia. Manufacturer's Warranty - 5 years.



Producer of the Russian Federation - the company METKON. The company specializes in metal cabinets and weapon, accounting, furniture, built-in, car storage. Protection, which the manufacturer lays in their products - up to 3rd class burglary inclusive.

The company's product range includes models, including weapons, with wood trim. The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the equipment for 5 years.



Russian company manufacturing of safes - OLDI. The range of company's modest, this weapon model low protection level.



European manufacturer of Slovakia with twenty-year history - Company Safetronics . It manufactures products with protection class to the 4th inclusive.

In addition the company has a wide range of metal cabinets, fireproof, office, furniture, and other embedded safes. The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the equipment for 5 years.



The company - a manufacturer of safes from St Petersburg riposte with an impressive range of products of good quality and design. Class of proof provided in the line - the fourth.

In addition to banking devices, the company produces all kinds of storage, including a thermostat for the needs of medical institutions. Perhaps the individual production according to the parameters specified by the customer. Models equipped with a lock M-LOCKS (Netherlands). Warranty - 1 year.



Solid old and well-known American brand heavyweight Safeguard. Safeguard Safes different quality and design. The company offers a 2 year warranty on electronic locks and 5 years on mechanical.

On the model of storage with a high degree of protection and fire resistance issued by a lifetime warranty. Appearance Safeguard products set the benchmark.



Brand from the United States - Sentry. Founded in 1930, the company is still on the market. The manufacturer provides the goods with high-class burglary and fire resistance high lifetime warranty.

Patented filler for safes has good thermal insulation and fire resistance with a relatively small thickness.



The German manufacturer Stahlkraft. Specialization flammable burglary device, model home and office formats, including fire-resistant filing cabinets, data-safes. Despite the good quality of the equipment, warranty from the manufacturer is only 1 year.



Valberg - Bulgarian company, with the European certificate of quality for the products. The product range includes - tempokassy, ​​smart safes, safe deposit boxes, a model with a thermostat, and other elite. Of these producers, the choice of products from the biggest Valberg. The price is low, but, Valberg products quality is different.



The Russian company productivity Bestsafe. Serious production potential of the company makes it possible to produce a wide range of safes, including products for banks with a high degree of protection. The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation of the equipment for 5 years.



Russian manufacturer - the company ONIX. The range of products is modest and is provided with ruler safes burglary class is not higher than the first and the cash box with mechanical combination locks. This model for home use and office. The company equips storage klyuchnymi and electronic combination locks.