The choice of the monitor is not nothing important. In matters related to the purchase of expensive devices, we can not lose sight of anything. Otherwise, avoid wasting the contents of the purse and endangering their own health will not work.
- Monitor performance 144Gts
- How the monitor 144 Hz
- Computer Tricks
- "Sweep" and what it is
Monitor performance 144Gts
In today's screens have a lot of characteristics that seem minor, but it is not. Screens - this is the part of the computer, which directly interact with the human eye. Some eye diseases can not be effectively treated, and then - they need to be protected.
But what to do if the work or study involves constant interaction with the computer screen? Constantly remember about mandatory regulation conducted by time? All this is difficult and unrealistic for some users.
Therefore, the best option - the purchase of high-quality screen. It is necessary to pay special attention to the selection screen with a frequency of 144 Hz. This feature is inherent in a game model monitors.
The frequency sweep

On the Internet there are threads with disputes on values of the frequency sweep ( "pictures" update). Some users consider the concept of scanning a marketing ploy, which allows producers to earn even more money on indiscriminate and illiterate clients. People often give in to the tricks of marketers and sellers who are able to find the approach to any client.
The second part of the users said the sweep frequency magnitude is really an important part of the list of the monitor. The parameter update of the display is called from different manufacturers in different ways.
The number of frames on the computer per unit time is called by different terms: the number of frames, the value of the sweep, the number of personnel and so on. Technically correct to speak of a frequency sweep frames the nth number of cycles per second, but the sound is not very clear.
While older TVs number of frames equal 50-60Hz indicators. This means the following: for the second time, the screen displays a frame 50-60.
There are also dependent on the standard used, where the situation becomes more complicated. Elektroluch produces an image on the surface of the picture tube in rows - technology use interlaced scanning type. Here, "picture" is transmitted incomplete personnel - present and the even and odd lines. This approach - the right way to the periodic flickering image.
Everything becomes even more noticeable when the screen size larger than the standard. This is due to the work of human peripheral vision.
In TVs meets 100Hz mode, and it solves this problem by displaying the frame to re-operation. With this method, the number of frames is doubled and the problem with image flicker becomes invisible to the human eye.
How the monitor 144 Hz

Displays with a liquid crystal matrix type, operate according to other principles. Here, there is no flicker: this is the technology of the device displays. the number of frames they needed and used for other tasks.
Older LCD screens were not observed such problems. The reason is simple: in the content at the time it was not a high level of dynamism.
It is possible to play in modern digital LCD monitors video: Film with HD-resolution games with a high level of graphics and special effects, and other media.
When showing "pictures", the constant change of different image with the index of frequency of 50 Hz, what is happening on the screen seem vague, and the movement of people, vehicles will pull is enough.
For this reason, companies that manufacture computer screens, tend to increase the frame rate. And today is easy to create 100 Hz screen. With the application software algorithms, the unit analyzes the two frames in order.
Thereafter, one frame is created intermediate type. It is a part between the original frames. For increasing frequencies used increase the number of frames of the intermediate species. This process requires a lot of power.
There is another urgent issue. It is related to the design view of the matrix. For example VA matrix does not have much time for the response of each pixel. The reason lies in crystals: they are obliged to change their position depending on the speed.
It is worth remembering about the impossibility of achieving a high rate due to the matrix specifications - pixels "do not have time" for new objects on the display. Then begins the "rassinhron". Consequence: image defects, "pictures" artifacts and other problems.
This is evident when watching action movies, football or hockey games, electronic games, or when on the three-dimensional image mode.
Computer Tricks

Another way - to increase visual refresh of the display by the high illumination twinkle. In this way it reaches values in 144Gts scanning using the intermediate image. But the picture quality in this case is worse than "natural" 144Gts.
Increase the number of staff at the same time in several ways - it is a realistic scenario, but remember of liquid crystal displays with high frequency response - often a competent course marketers. The reason is the frame rate inability to influence the overall quality of the "picture".
"Sweep" and what it is

The displays important line scanning. It is used for playback on a TV or display screen. It is part of a television scan. Scope - the expansion of "the TV picture" on the components.
Lowercase is divided into several types:
- mechanical - works by rotating Nipkow disk;
- E - determines the order of reading data from the elements, characterized by an increased sensitivity to light.
Mechanical - in the transmission chamber or telereceiver with EL-tube. This type of scanning is required to create a one-dimensional sequence of two-dimensional (flat type), i.e. video. In the TV or PC screen - to return the signal to the "picture".
Sweep the line type EL-tubes is due to the system of magnetic deflecting type. This is accomplished by supplying a sawtooth current to the horizontal coil form. The current generates a magnetic field of variable type which deflects the beam.
The current ramp type is used to increase the time the forward stroke of the beam and not idle. During the return beam "extinguished", not to "crosses out" screen.
Components of a good sweep and "pictures":
- Important to have synchronization of the line type of both devices - the receiving and transmitting. This synchronization is due to the timing. The clock signal contains pulses of the line type. These pulses - part of line blanking.
- Good amplitude from clock pulse - with gentle television signal, the result is displayed on the synchronization. So in the "image" appear distortion artifacts interference. Image "falls apart" on the part of the - line.
The game is constantly changing image, and low quality of the monitor or non technical characteristics even an expensive monitor, the user does not hold the time for a computer game comfort.

This amount of exchangeable frames per unit time, which plays an important role in video games and movies, as there is a constant and quick change of image.
Prevent the development of the tragic scenario of events designed to monitor high FPS values. Another case where the FPS rate is critical - it's 3D-displays. They sweep the value exceeds the parameter 144Gts.
There are movies and even games that support 3D. This is an interesting technology to provide maximum immersion in what is happening on the screen. This is another area of application monitors with high Hz and FPS.
However, if the monitor is used only for work or surfing the Internet, the urgent need for the purchase of such high-frequency monitor not.
Savings in our time - an important issue, so think about the correctness of the choice. Why buy a device with high FPS value if the buyer will not use half the features of the new devices? It's no good.
However, this characteristic is very important for gaming displays. The popularity of computer games surpasses today, and this gives rise to the demand for advanced techniques for today's high-tech video games.
Quality displays - that a trend of purchases for wealthy gamers, not regretting funds for their own entertainment. For devices intended for the shooter or action genres of games, there should be a low number of frames displayed per second, i.e., FPS.
FPS depends on:
- display;
- computer processor;
- video card;
- volume of memory;
- motherboard;
- other components of the PC.
However, in the absence of device able to display the required number of FPS, or no advanced graphics processors will not be able to compensate for this.
In recent years, devices with high FPS values has another scope: play movies in three-dimensional format. This also applies to computer games adapted for this format.
Modern 3D technology has made the leap in technology and came to every house, becoming available category for wealthy buyers. The main component of the three-dimensional viewing of the film and the game - the screen.
Necessary and powerful filling system unit (CPU and GPU), but it is impossible to watch movies in 3D without the appropriate screen. Designers working with three-dimensional images, it is necessary to purchase screen with a high scan frequency value, if necessary.
Technology improved and the likelihood of obsolescence of advanced technical innovations preserved extremely high, and shields - not the exception. The latest models manufacturers are becoming cheaper with time and a chance to find an instance of standing, but out of fashion - a feasible task for everyone. For this study the internet in search of old models, but have in the arsenal of technology to provide a reasonable number of FPS.
The buyer, who was able to do this, save and join the world of new technologies. This is the best option in current difficult financial conditions in many markets. And the intern stores remain unsold models of popular monitors of past years - note thrifty users.