- The apparatus and characteristics webcams
- functions
- Pros and cons of webcams with a headset
- How to use the webcam with headset
- Precautionary measures
- malfunctions
The apparatus and characteristics webcams
Web-chamber is a compact electronic device that is connected via the digital channel to a computer or network. Image conversion into a digital signal is realized based on CMOS or CCD. Optical filters installed in the lens of the infrared radiation spectrum and thereby provide correct color reproduction of the image.
Optical lens and aperture functions perform projection image on a digital matrix and adjust the aperture.
For right choice of web-cameras are important design features. Otherwise, it may not meet the user's needs or be unsuitable for use. The first thing you need to evaluate - are characteristics of the supplied headset. It developed two types of solutions, which differ location of the microphone:
- a built-in web-camera body;
- built-in headphone headset.
When choosing, it is necessary to understand how it will be used. If the sound source is close to the web-camera, the built-in microphone sensitivity enough to hear the sound clearly.
If the speaker is deleted from the camera to 1.5 meters or more, it is better to use the built in headphone headset microphone.
The following characteristics and design features affect image quality:
- resolution and frame rate;
- color depth;
- focusing;
- viewing angle.
Important basic principles of the video stream, determining the required receiving quality and resolution images. This will help to orient in the information provided by the manufacturer in the instructions to the machine.
Resolution and frame rate
Webcams support the following resolution and refresh rate of the image:
- 352 × 288 hours (15-60 Hz) - Analog PAL video standard format;
- 640 × 480 (15-34 Hz) - video format VGA;
- 1280 × 720 (8-90 Hz) - high definition HD format;
- 1280 × 1024 (7-30 Hz) - SuperXGA format digital video standard;
- 1600 × 1200 (5-30 Hz) - UGA format digital video standard;
- 1920 × 1080 (5-30 Hz) - High Definition format FullHD.
It takes into account that different resolutions are generated and transmitted a picture with different ratios of width and height, 4x3 or 16x9. If clarity is important frame, preferably camcorder to standards not lower than HD.
The frame rate affects the perception of the changing image. When the frame rate of 15 Hz or less smooth image change disappears. Changing the position of moving objects at these frequencies appear choppy.
color depth
The reliability and the quality of the video depends on the color depth, transmitted from web-camera by means of a digital signal. Color depth is determined by the number of bits used to describe the color of each pixel. The maximum depth, implemented in the apparatus is 32 bits. The depth of color, sufficient for the formation of quality - 24 bits.
When the maximum resolution and color depth frequencies generated a large amount of video traffic. Bandwidth interfaces to connect to the computer equipment and an Internet network may be lower than the generated video stream and not physically cope with data transmission.
It should be understood that the amount of data depends on the resolution, color depth and number of frames per second. No sense to consider web-camera with high characteristics having a low-speed connection to the Internet.
For example, for the transmission of video in FullHD format required band Internet channel with a capacity of at least 4 Mbit / s. If the speed is less than 10 Mbit / s, it is recommended to buy a video camera with HD resolution and below.
The camcorder with a headset in the kit supports two lens focus adjustment technology:
- manual;
- automatic.
Both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages. Manual focus is user configurable. The drawback is the need to each time when the distance from the object to the camera focus manually reconfigure.
Auto focus is devoid of such a drawback: when the distance autofocus make essential adjustments. But as electronics video camera determines the subject, which tunes focus, are erroneous tuning. Instead, a person's face is focused on machine standing next to a table lamp.
viewing angle
videoobektiva parameters determine the viewing angle. From this characteristic it depends on which zone gets into the frame.
The Cam implemented viewing angles of from 40 to 180 degrees. So that the image formed without distortion, with a maximum width, need a camera with a viewing angle of around 80-90 degrees.
When choosing, you should take into account the impact of its use.
If a videoconference only human image is transferred, it is sufficient with a small chamber and mean viewing angle.
After selecting the required web-camera settings video quality standpoint, defines the features to connect and use the machine.
What features are important:
- connection method;
- method of placing (mounting);
- Supported operating systems.
By the method of connection devices are of two types:
- Connected to the computer, television and video game consoles;
- Connected directly to the network.
connection types determine the nature of the use of the devices. If the camcorder is connected to a computer port, it is logical to use for video conferencing, ie for live communication between people. If the camera is connected directly to the network, optimized its use for video surveillance systems.
To a computer webcam connected by cable via USB-connector. Connected directly to the network devices have two types of connections:
- Ethernet cable;
- According to the radio Wi-Fi.
Web-camera connected to the computer equipment, installed on the desktop or attached to the monitor, special fasteners. Placing the monitor saves workspace and optimally direct the camera at a person's face, working on the computer.
Supported Operating Systems
Connect web-camera to a computer via USB-interface is only possible if you have the drivers for your operating system. Manufacturers supply complete drives or post on their websites the driver and the control software. Issued driver for the main families of operating systems:
- Windows;
- MacOS;
- Linux.
Common driver supports connection to on Windows. Not all cameras support MacOS. When you select this feature sure to be taken into account. Connect the camera can be used only if the OS driver.
Manufacturers web-cameras embed additional features for comfortable use. These include:
- zoom;
- lighting;
- face tracking;
- motion sensors.
Buy the camera should be given to whether additional fukntsional needed.
Implemented two types of Zoom (zoom): optical and digital. Optical zoom is available for cameras with varifocal lens. Changing the focal length of the optically closer object (zooms pictures). For an optical zoom magnification reaches 10x.
Digital zoom is implemented on the principle of software zoom. When the high-resolution matrix possibly large increase (zoom) images without noticeable loss of quality. lens zoom control is implemented via control software.
To use the webcam in a small light or dark manufacturers complement the functional lighting devices. The function is implemented with integrated IR LEDs. Backlight equipped with webcams as specialized, designed for video surveillance and connected to the computer.
face tracking function
This feature is useful when working in a videoconference. It keeps the facial image in the center of the screen. There are two tracking modes for face:
- program;
- mechanical.
The program engine is implemented on the principle of determining the person in the image and placing it in the center of the picture.
Unlike software, mechanical tracking actuator face turns the camera after moving man. This mechanism allows you to save high-resolution images transmitted.
If a person does not move in a video conference mode, ie resides in the coverage area videoobektiva, then buy enough device with a software implementation of the face tracking function.
Pros and cons of webcams with a headset
There are two types of webcams, depending on the destination:
- video conferencing;
- to implement video surveillance functions.
For equipment used for the purpose of video surveillance is important in a large viewing angle. Unlike solutions for video conferencing, video distortion are acceptable and are not critical if you can recognize the subject.
For video conferencing systems do not install motion detectors: they are totally unnecessary and are only required for CCTV security type.
Lenses that work for video surveillance, using maximum zoom of 10x. For solutions, focused on videoconferencing, 10x zoom is redundant: there is no need to increase the magnification of the object with a telescope.
How to use the webcam with headset
If you are using a web-camera is necessary to observe the rules of operation. Basic rules for the use of the household appliance, which is connected to a computer or network in a room, the following:
- use is possible only in a predetermined temperature range from +10 C to +40 C?;
- humidity in the room must not exceed 90%;
- at elevated heating apparatus is turned off for the time required to cool to ambient temperature;
- for maintenance (cleaning) of the objective lens use means only care optics.
Web- camera, designed for indoor use, and must not be installed outdoors or in industrial applications with extreme operating conditions.
Precautionary measures

Use of equipment, including video cameras, requires precautions.
- drop devices;
- contact lens lens with hard objects;
- liquid has been spilled on the camcorder body.
Ability to independently fix minor faults is important for the user, as they may arise in the course of work. A number of commonly occurring faults web-cameras, the user is able to identify and correct.
- The problem: a device image is not displayed on the monitor. Solution: Check whether the video device is correctly defined by the operating system and the driver is installed. Make sure that the video device is connected to the USB-interface and that the latter is active.
- Problem: The image noise appears. Solution: Change the settings (setting) of the power supply (antimertsanie) according to the local regulations (50Hz or 60Hz).
- Problem: The image moves in jerks. Solution: check the frequency ratio settings updates and video resolution. Perhaps set too high parameters and the computer can not cope with the reception and processing of the video stream. Perhaps set low update frequency image (15 Hz and below).
When choosing a webcam with headset in the kit are taken into account its parameters, structural features, purpose of use. Depending on the purpose of additional features are selected.